• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 1,750 Views, 44 Comments

Choice - AnOrdinaryWriter

A choose your own adventure starring you as you wake up during a bright summer morning, ready to see what kind of adventures the day ahead takes you on!

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You leave the extra five bits in your saddlebag. The waitress looks at Vinyl expectantly, but as the wait for her payment gets longer, she sighs.

“Well… I’m afraid if you don’t have the bits to pay for your meal, you won’t be able to eat here. Sorry,” she says before addressing you. “Your food will be here in a moment.” Then, she walks off to the kitchens, leaving you and Vinyl alone.

The unicorn stares at you disappointingly. “Really? I mean, you couldn’t have just spent an extra five bits for me? I woulda paid you back at the party.”

“Here you are.” The waitress is back with one plate of food and she sets it down in front of you before heading off to a different table. You look over your meal. It looks tasty.

You start digging in while Vinyl, with no food, silently watches as you wolf down your order. She wasn’t kidding when she said this place serves great food. You take huge bites and savour it as the taste satisfies your tongue.

The food completely distracts you from the fact that the communication between you and Vinyl has completely vanished, and an awkward silence hangs between the both of you as Vinyl sits there, silent and irritated, watching you wallow in the taste of your meal.

Eventually, Vinyl speaks up. “Listen, uh, I think I’m just gonna head out. Gotta prepare for the party later and see how Octy’s doing, so… yeah, I’m just gonna leave now.” She quietly slides off her chair and starts walking toward the entrance. You pause between bites to wave her goodbye, and then resume chomping through the food on your plate. It’s great to be eating delicious food that has actual passion put into it rather than junk pumped with fat and preservatives.

You look back at the front entrance of the restaurant. Vinyl is nowhere to be seen. Focusing again on your food, you can’t help but wonder if you were a little rude… probably not. After all, it was her mistake for not bringing money somewhere where you need to pay to eat. Still, some part of you can’t help but believe that you were in the wrong.

You take another bite of the food, hoping that distracts you from those thoughts. It seems to get better and better with each bite that you take. There is no doubt in your mind that you’re coming back here again.

She even said she would pay you back. Sparing five bits would have been no big deal. You could have at least offered her some of your food. You admit to yourself that you may have acted a bit selfish. Now you’re alone with only your thoughts and your food.

You go to take another bite but realize that you’ve finished everything on your plate. All that’s left are mere crumb sized pieces of what is now in your full stomach. You decide that since you’re done eating there’s not much left to do, and look up to ask Vinyl if she wants to head to the—

Oh yeah, she left. You’re by yourself.

Since that’s the case, you think about maybe ordering something else before heading off to the party. You do still have the extra five bits in your bag.

The extra five bits that you could have lended to Vinyl…

Maybe not. They may come in handy for something more important, and besides, you need space in your stomach for food at the party.

You should probably go apologize to Vinyl, you think. Although, maybe you should wait before doing that, it might be awkward if you try to apologize now. She probably thinks you’re a jerk and doesn’t want to talk to you.

Maybe she really does think you’re a jerk. She did leave after all. She clearly didn’t want to be around you.

You notice that it's suddenly darker in the restaurant. Looking around, you notice that the once full room now has only a quarter of its previous population. They probably didn’t want to be around you either.

Only now do you realize how alone you truly are. It makes sense though. You couldn’t even do a simple favor for one of your friends. You’re not even sure if you want to go to Pinkie Pie’s party anymore. What if you just drive everypony away? The restaurant is completely empty now, that’s proof enough. The best thing you can do is just stay away from everypony.

A black mist takes route at the corners of the room and slowly closes around the table at which you sit, all by yourself. A cold loneliness stings at your heart, but you know deep down that it’s what you deserve. You’re a disease, and the best thing you can do at this point is isolate yourself to keep it from affecting anypony else.

As the darkness looms ever closer, your surroundings completely blacked out, you remain the only soul in the area.
