• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

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This story is a sequel to What Follows Hugs

The tsuki have emerged from darkness to greet the crystal ponies with open arms. Culture and knowledge flowed freely between the rabbits and ponies and life was growing better, and more complicated. Things change when a trade caravan is attacked.

The tale of the tsuki continues at the request of the patron that started this whole thing. Let us see how our adorable bunny-folk deal with the situation. Will there be hugs? Not assured, but one can hope.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 77 )

how won 'won' - how one 'won'

A solid, if tragic, start. :fluttercry:

Looks like Sombra is about to order take out on Kerplucky Fried Chicken?:twilightoops:

Heh, we're not even going to pretend to roll those punches.
Let's see how Sombra decides to retaliate; the time of innocence, it seems, has now ended.
Keep going! ;)

Its nice to see this series continue even if it is on such a tragic note

Great to see more Tsuki. Solid start with good rabbit-pony interaction.

Will there be hugs? Not assured,

Time to riot!

Those McNuggets better have a Very good reason for what theyre doing, because thats the Only thing thats going to prevent Mind Rip and TWEP on sight.

That level of damage and they laugh it off cos theyre so tough?

Hope they run into The Blender.:moustache:


Basically, what the bunny did.

Terminate With Extreme Prejudice.💣

how likely the was - how likely that was

Fixed, and found two more hiding on a re-read, also fixed!

Fired? They must be more than simple bandits then.
Traveling alone is perilous, here's to hoping Toby can catch up in good time.
Keep going! ;)

Enough Scouts to cause problems? thats not a small raiding force, and lead by someone with experience and intelligence as well.

They must have some hostages etc already, othewise thered be nothing stopping the use of a high energy area attack dealing with them?

Close combat is good to learn, but the Tsuki's strength is in reflecting magic. Perhaps they can be paired with Unicorns? It's not fun to be used as a weapon, but hard times call for tough adaptation...
Keep going! ;)

Not just Griffin bandits, but squads being used and guided by a Big Bad?

Not someone that can be dealt with by a hundred meter diameter rock of sub orbital or hyperkinetic impactor then? :twilightoops:

What are embassies but veiled inverted hostage situations?
Interesting how far she overshot all the way to Ponyville.
Hey, isn't Sombra supposed to be the conniving one?
They're not mobilizing the entirety of the armed forces and directing them to one place. If so, shame on the princesses for making mountains from molehills!
Keep going! ;)

Hmms.. I do like me some Christmas Rose with my Kenturky Fried Chicken Katzenburger.

Then again, melting that much ice and snow too quickly would really lead to problems.:twilightoops:

Colored red and blue, burns... Hmmm...
Once the Tsuki develop martial arts they will be very formidable, even moreso than present. Wonder if they can adapt the Gryphon Magitech?
Keep going! ;)

They are close contact wrestling type Fighters.

Heavy weapon use directly against the country leaders and they think its a bit of spell casting?.. haevnt the arcade cabinets either in Ponyville of Equestria Girls Canterlot got projectile weapons beyond bows?.. Even Power Ponies non magical weapons of anyone?

Then again, Dropping a Trxie class dome over Ponyville and pulling it in so that Everyone get Glimmer Mind scanned?

Especially weapons strong enough to actually hurt Dragons. Smoulder and definitely Ember are going to have to know about that.

What's a tsuki, and where is it from? Also, you don't need to worry about me asking you about writing about my OCs again, I've found someone else. ...I hope.


TWhat Follows Hugs
Tsuki the moon rabbit has led his people, and King Sombra, towards better places, not that he understands what he's doing. He just wants rabbits and ponies to be happy. A little hug between friends goes a long way to put bad feelings to rest, right?
David Silver · 67k words  ·  103  6 · 2k views

Edit: That's the sequel, here's the first story.

TA Big Hug
Daring Do finds an interesting creature. She isn't going to take care of it, so she brings it to the Royal Sisters to deal with. Surely they can handle it, right?
David Silver · 8.4k words  ·  206  10 · 3.6k views

I feel like a cave in is in order

Detain mission is a go!
Let's see how the xenophobic ponies in Ponyville react. Hopefully the kids have learned a thing or two...
Not mobilizing the whole guard like the wackos planned is a good thing, alerting that it's more than just the Tsuki under fire is even moreso.
Keep going! ;)

Random fun note, this should have been written last week, but the site was down.

Yes indeed. Speaking of, satisfcation forgot an a, and whens he saw got a little space delay.

Those griffins are just far too well equipped and with a dragon as well? I wonder how good Shinings shields are in complex compression. If the dragons are maggic immune, resistant, how about a shield compressing the air to skin tight, and then rotating each appendage seperatly?

Then again, a dragon shaped shield filled with dense matter of compressed dragon wouldve thought to be decent club against lighter griffins and rock walls etc?

Another reason for the dragon is to block direct mass thermal attacks just melting the cave complex around them?

With all the soldiers distracted, that train is going to go through the grinder. :pinkiesad2:

"Nope! That's why I have snacks." Pinkie dumped a heavy-looking back on the table. "So we can eat on the train," she explained. "Let's go!"

I think that is supposed to be bag other than that it is great to see an update

That rases the question what happened to the second one in June

Was that during the time FimFic was on fire?

I think so not 100% shore tho

That was the only thing that would make me miss an update. I take my schedule seriously! Expect an update next week!

Rarity might be on to something, hold that thought! It's not always a Big Bad you're fighting after all...
Silly Luna, we can't just up and leave! Equestrian military has no such deployment preparations!
The Gryphons are pretty darn serious. Hopefully everyone's underestimations will result in beneficial delays...
Toby commissions armor! But will it let magic pass while blocking blades? He's not the best reflector though...
Quick sees the truth and is helping manipulate Sombra stay focused. This nefariousness might be beneficial in the long run.

"We're being calling."

Twilight suddenly a Tsuki!
Keep going! ;)

Good to see a callback to the first Tsuki story, with Toby paying a blacksmith in hugs.

Good thing the Crystal Empire cant use the after effects of Sombras time slip spell and record every creature entering it. Would make for intresting interrogation if you could step through the embedded memories of the recently deceased as well as the living recaltrient.

I really hope that maid is a proper trained maid of at least Grey level. One of my favourite things I heard of was palace staff being retired militery spec op veterans, the palace being the optimum cross between regimented life, and social peace interaction?

Hmmm, is that maid an intelligence officer? Her words hint at a smooth cunning...
Then again, how much of the hen's display is genuine?
Shining is right to be concerned about their apparent coordination and organization. Now to derive intent do they can counteract the plans...
Keep going! ;)

One line of research should realy be like how the origional IBM PC BIOS was copied legally. Take teh prisoner, make a copy of their thoughts and memories by a straight duplication, then interrogate the copy. Dont need torture or associated trauma thereafter. Evil hates the idea of no revenge, and so it makes it easier to discern a diffference? :eeyup:

The scribe is as crafty as the pony interrogators. No hard feelings if his cuteness extracts better intelligence than the mares?
Celine is wonderfully one-tracked. Perhaps it's a good experience she can reflect on later as she heads back.
The hen is blind-sided on all sides, maybe she'll squawk a lighter tune once the doubt washes away.
Quick thinks he's teaching a lesson, but it's Toby that's sniping at his convictions behind the wall.
Sombra is proving insightful, actually. Master planner is deftly nudging more pieces in unexpected ways...
Keep going! ;)

He came from a different angle, complimenting her and offering sincere adoration, rather than a hoof of blind friendship.

She left them then, the gothic mare seemingly pleased to have run into Luna. "Call me when you get back," she badeon her way off the platform.

Those words should be separate

Ooops, that snuck in like a gothic mare onto a train.

Love the little ambassador.

The trouble with having a get out of jail permanently card, is that certain unicorns might be analyzing the mechanism and be working on various methods to try triggering it before combat even occurs. Maybe something acoustic.:trixieshiftright:

Sombra is reading more of the Evil Overlords List, and learning in his own right.

Will teh little one tell his dreams to Sombra, or his lies, or both, to give the whole truth, and hopefully save a freind?

Being able to inspire others isn't a small talent. Sombra sees it, Quick is starting to see it. The loyal fight all the more fiercely.
Simultaneous suicide? Disappointing. A sad amount of wasted ruthlessness for sure.
Arnavon is given more substance to add to his morals. Let's see what he does with it...
Keep going! ;)

I don't think 'make them all kill themselves' would live long in the pony playbook. :fluttershysad:

Piees moving visibly on the allies side, but what pieces are moving an killing where on the enemy side?

Good chapter,already looking forward to the next.

Not all piece movements are visible. The clock continues running!
Interesting how Sombra considers Arnavon a hostage. Perhaps he misjudged the influence his little infiltrator is gaining.
Wonder if they'll realize how useful "based on a true story" can be.
Keep going! ;)

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