• Published 9th Apr 2020
  • 1,140 Views, 3 Comments

Fluttershy Does ASMR - TheEveryDaySparkle

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Filling Your Ears with Flutter

"Come on, Fluttershy, please?" Rainbow Dash begged as she looked up at her friend from a bowing position on the floor. "You'd be perfect for it."

The shy girl looked from her friend to the microphone and back. "Um....I don't know..." She said in a worried tone. "I don't know if i'll be any good..."

"Any good? You were made for this, Fluttershy! You've got it in the bag!"

The yellow girl still seemed apprehensive, however. "Well...I don't have much confidence in my voice..."

"Seriously? Fluttershy, you have the voice of an angel, for crying out lo-" Then Rainbow realized what she just said and covered her mouth, looking away.

But Fluttershy had heard her, and it was too late. "Do you...do you really think so?"

Rainbow Dash blushed heavily. she had put herself on the spot, and now she was super embarrassed. She couldn't believe she had said that. It didn't make it any less true, but she wasn't supposed to say it out loud!

She must have taken a long time to answer because Fluttershy spoke up. "Um...Rainbow? Are you okay?"

She snapped out of her trance and looked up to her friend. It was true. Fluttershy had the best voice out of all of them. She couldn't count the number of times she had caught her singing in the shower, or even inside the house when she thought no one was around. She sounded like a choir of angels all by herself.

"Y-Yes...I do..." Rainbow blushed even harder and scratched her cheek nervously.

It was Fluttershy's turn to blush now, and so she did. the color in her cheeks getting brighter as she processed what her best friend had just said to her.

"I...I...I don't...Eep!" She covered her face with her hands and tried desperately to not be in the room at that moment. But then she realized...

"Wait...why do you know so much about it, Rainbow?"

Rainbow's face went beet red again. "Um...well...I, uh..."

Fluttershy got a little worried for her friend. "What's wrong, Rainbow? You look nervous? Did I say something odd?"

Rainbow Quickly tried to salvage the situation before she made Fluttershy go all 'Mother mode'. "No, I-It's not that. I'm fine. It's just..." The she sighed, her blush deepening even as she turned away to avoid meeting her friend's eyes. "I listen to it after practice, alright?"

"You do?" Fluttershy didn't seem embarrassed at all. In fact, she was curious.

In response to this question, Rainbow simply nodded.

"Well, what kind of ASMR do you listen to, Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked, curiosity striking her again.

"Um...P...Personal Attention..." she said as she hung her head in shame.

"Oh..." Fluttershy said as she took in Rainbow's words. Then, she gave her friend a warm, kind smile, even though she knew she couldn't see her. "Well, that's nothing to be ashamed of Rainbow. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with stress. When I'm stressed out, I usually go play with the animals at the shelter. Their cute faces always make me feel better!"

Fluttershy stood waiting for a response, but after a while, she never got one. Then she heard Rainbow crying.

"Rainbow? Are you okay? Rainbow? Oh no, I didn't mean to make you feel bad, I-"

Then Rainbow Dash looked up, and Fluttershy saw a big smile on her face as she began to laugh out loud, saying,

"See? I told you you'd be perfect for this, Fluttershy! You're a natural at it!" Rainbow Dash smiled, a big wide grin that spoke volumes about just how much better she felt after that little giggle-fit.

Fluttershy, though a tad confused at what had just happened, considered this for a moment. "Yeah...Yeah, you're right! i can do it!"

"That's the spirit, Fluttershy, now get in there and get started!" Rainbow said as she stood up, giving her friend a determined look

A look Fluttershy returned as she clenched her fist for courage. "Right!"

And so she sat, cross-legged in front of a microphone on the floor of their shared home. She gulped as she stared at it. The thing that, once she started, would turn her into an ASMR sensation the likes of which no one has ever seen. But she didn't know that yet. She took a deep breath, steeled herself, and began, in a hushed tone:

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Fluttershy, and today, I thought I'd try my hand at ASMR. My friend Rainbow convinced me just a little while ago to give it a shot, so, here I am. Anyway, I have some things here that she gave me that she says would help me start things off."

She picked up a small wooden cutting board and took a look at it before returning her gaze to the camera behind the mic.

"So here we have a...um, a wooden cutting board. This is normally used for cooking, but it makes the most wonderful sound when I tap it. Here, listen."

She begins to tap on the board with her nails, nails that had been perfectly manicured-thanks to Rarity-and polished to have the cutest little yellow butterflies on them. With each tap the board made a quick, solid thudding sound that was made louder by the microphone.

"As you can see this little guy makes a lot of noise. Normally I don't like noise, but this time it feels...special." She smiled and began running her nails across the board gently, producing a soft, constant, hollow noise that sounded a bit like an instrument.

"This is my favorite way to do it. I just love the sound it makes when I run my fingers across it. And it feels good on my fingers too. Do you like it? Does it make you feel relaxed?"

She giggled and set the board down, picking up a ceramic mug. "This here is a mug that Rainbow gave me. It looks really nice and even has her tattoo on it! I better return it once I'm done though. Rainbow Dash really likes it and I don't want to get in trouble..." She smiles nervously into the camera and looks back to the mug. "It makes a nice sound too. Wanna hear it?"

She begins tapping it slowly, finger by finger, piece by piece until she is making rhythmic "tink tink" sound with her nails. She then keeps doing it for a while, forgetting to look at the camera as she gets lost in the sound of the mug. When she finally remembers, she comes up from her trance with an apologetic smile.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, everyone. Looks like I got lost in the sound. I really like it... I hope you like it too. It would mean a lot to me if you told me how it made you feel."

She looks to the mug and then back to the camera with an embarrassed smile. "Let's...put that away before I get distracted again, hehe..."

She quickly looks around for something else to use."Okay, so! Next up we have...oh! A pillow. How cozy...I love pillows. They're just so soft and comfortable. Just like my sweater. in fact, that's why I wear sweaters. I like how warm they are. Especially in the winter when I can curl up next to the fire and sleep the cold away..."

"A-Anyway!" She quickly said "Distracted again..." She turned back to the camera "Pillows are just wonderful. So big and fluffy and huggable. They feel wonderful and make the most amazing sounds. Here, try this."

She puts the pillow in front of her and starts rubbing it, causing it to make a sound similar to a zipper being pulled up, or an ocean wave crashing the shore. "Do you like the way it sounds? Good, right? It always makes me feel so good to sleep on a nice, cold, fluffy pillow."

Suddenly, she yawns. A quiet, cute sounding yawn that ends with her rubbing her eyes in a rather adorable manner.

"Oh! It seems i'm a little tired. I'm sorry everyone, but I think I'll be heading for a nap soon. This was all Rainbow gave me for today anyway. She says I need to start small and work my way up to longer sessions and more stuff. So anyway, I hope you enjoyed my first ever ASMR video. I know I did. Maybe a little too much, hehe... I hope it relaxed you and helped you get comfortable, just like it did for me! I'm going to go take a nap now. Maybe you should too. If you liked me, I might try it again someday! See you later!"

Comments ( 3 )

I think this is a perfect idea. Asmr by fluttershy? Perfect.

Very good story fluttershy would be fantastic at ASMR

There are several on YouTube, including the classic, Fluttershy's Cottage ASMR.

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