• Published 23rd Aug 2012
  • 3,661 Views, 48 Comments

The sound of her voice - Caedrus

Twilight is blinded in an accident. Without sight she learns to see what matters most.

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The best pageant ever!

Twilight stretched and groaned, the final touches having just been finished up around the large stage she was working on. This year, rather than star in the Hearth’s Warming Eve pageant, she and the other girls had put their talents to work on the backstage side of the production. Twilight had lots of ideas for magical effects that would really bring the pageant to life; Rarity was the head prop designer, and was working closely with Applejack on the stage. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all helped in their own ways, too. The entire crew working together under their direction was sure to make this the best pageant ever!

Twilight was about ready to call it a day, content that everything was as ready as she could make it. Besides, they had to get started on dress rehearsals starting tomorrow, and that was sure to bring a whole new set of issues to work on. She decided that she'd give the new magic effects system she'd put into place around the stage a quick once over to make sure it worked before heading to her suite, Princess Celestia having given the girls accommodations for their stay in Canterlot for the season.

Twilight was interrupted though when bronze coated golden maned earth pony went crashing down near by, his over full saddlebags ripping sending their contents everywhere as he hit the floor. Naturally everypony rushed over to help it wasn't long before everything was put back in order and the only injury had been to the earth pony's dignity.

Once Twilight was done helping the fallen pony she turned back to her testing of the magical effects. She wanted to make sure it could handle the worst the pageant and any future play might have to offer it so she was really gonna go all out on this test and put it thru its paces. Inputting a series of commands she conjured up a roaring fire and booming thunderstorm to roll across the stage. There was a low hum of power as fake clouds gathered and sparks dance thru the air and across the ground as the effects shaped up. Eyes focused on the visual in front of her Twilight failed to notice the warning lights on the control panel at her hooves which would have told her too much magic was feeding thru the system and quickly building up to be more than it was designed to handle, the illusion threatening to become all too real.

There was a crackle of thunder and Twilight grinned broadly at her own creation finally a loud pop from the control panel accompanied by sparks flying off it to strike her coat got her attention she looked down to see it was already far too late. “Get down everypony!” she shouted out focusing her magic before her doing what she could to shield all the others. Lighting struck out from the illusory clouds rebounding off Twilight's shield. It kept going and building till the bolt had become an ball of light too bright to look directly at. Pouring more power into her shield Twilight stood steadfast determined to keep her friends safe from this accident that she was responsible for or so she thought. The light grew brighter and it was the last thing she was to see for a very long time. There was a sound like a bell being struck so hard it broke and then she knew no more.

Twilight awoke to darkness and pain. Her whole body screamed at her informing her of a myriad of trouble spots she couldn't begin to catalog. She tried to open her eyes but they wouldn't cooperate with her and since the mere act of trying to open them seemed to take a mountain of effort Twilight decided to forgo opening her eyes for the moment and focused on what her other senses could tell her thru the blanket of aches that covered her. She was on a bed she could tell that much, though it wasn't her bed at home or in the palace as it wasn't nearly comfortable enough or familiar enough to be either of those. There was a soft beeping coming from nearby that would probably grow to be irritating beyond belief if left there. Was somepony nearby? She couldn't tell, she couldn't hear anything that sounded like somepony nearby but thru the haze of pain that didn't count for much. Twilight tried to speak but her voice cracked and came out as an incomprehensible noise. Swallowing Twilight tried again this time managing to coerce her parched vocal cords into making a comprehensible if garbled sentence. “Water...please...” she croaked out and quickly was answered.

“Twilight, darling! You're awake. Oh thank heavens!” answered the sweet dulcet sounds of Rarity's voice. Soon Twilight felt the cool lip of a cup being pressed gently to her lips, held firmly there in Rarity's mystic grasp waiting patiently for her to drink her fill.

Gratefully did Twilight drink the water, despite knowing she shouldn't she guzzled the water her throat and stomach thanking her for it. Feeling better from the simple glass of water Twilight found it easier to concentrate and now her curiosity was peaked, where was she and why did it seem like Rarity had been waiting for her? “Rarity, where am I? Why can't I open my eyes?” she asked.

There was a moments hesitation before Rarity responded to her questions. First Twilight felt two comforting hooves take her own hooves within them and hold them gently. Then Rarity spoke. “There was an.... accident yesterday at the stage.” Her cultured measured tones came forth. “The special magic effects you had designed for the stage, the control box for it very nearly exploded under your hooves! And it was all that oafish earth pony's fault!” Rarity sounded to be on the verge of tears though she continued on with her story. “Once everything calmed down a bit I... well the Princess and I more her than me really... we looked into what happened. When that colt stumbled he unmounted one of the ground couplings for the magic effects. Apparently without that link the safeties couldn't compensate for the amount of magic going into the system. That storm and fire they very nearly became real! If you hadn't been so bold and thrown yourself in front of it all to shield everypony Celestia knows what might have happened!”

Twilight felt Rarity pull her into a gentle but firm hug as best she could while Twilight lay bed ridden. “The doctors were scared too for a while, you have been out for the better part of a full day. No one really knew what happened in the blast only that you had taken the brunt of it. You were hauled straight here even before the Princess arrived. Everyone looked to me for answers since we had worked so close together. I didn't know what to do but the princess she took everything well in hoof. Oh, oh the others I need to tell the nurses and the others that you've awoken!” Rarity slowly parted from her hug. “Do you need anything before I go let them know? More water? Anything at all?” Rarity sounded eager to do something, anything to prove useful at the moment.

Twilight sucked in a deep breath. Everything Rarity had told her swirling around her still partially addled brain. She needed a moment alone to think on it all to make sense of it. “No... thank you Rarity, I'll be fine for a moment. Please go tell everypony that I'm awake and alright now.” Twilight felt Rarity pull further away from her then she paused. Was that Rarity's horn pressed against her hoof? She thought she felt Rarity's lips move, saying something silently, but she couldn't be sure, too much vied for her attention in her brain and she was in no state to concentrate on a thousand an one things as she normally did. There was the sound of hooves on the floor and the door opening then shutting softly as Rarity left leaving Twilight alone in the darkness.

Now without the comfort of another pony near her everything came rushing in to fill the gap. She remembered the painfully bright light of the spell gone haywire. How she had stood before it alone shielding it from all the other ponies without a second thought. The painful backlash as her shield spell failed knocking her unconscious. Then the newer sensations came to crowd out her memories. Twilight hadn't felt this bad since that time Derpy Hooves had dropped half the contents of a moving wagon on her head. It felt like the piano that had hit her head that time had hit her again, repeatedly, across her entire body. Magical backlash was something she hadn't had to deal with in ages, since she was a filly over extending herself in school desperate to prove to the princess that she was a worthy choice to be her star pupil. She hadn't recalled it feeling this bad before. But then she'd never had a spell that big fail on her either.

With a groan Twilight shifted her body, trying to find a slightly more comfortable position. The door clacked open and shut once again bringing the overly sanitized scent of the hospital in with it making it stronger. The clack of hooves on the floor grew and Twilight guessed that some pony was standing near her bed. “Lady Twilight of the Sparkle family, correct? I am nurse Willow Tree, How are you feeling?”

Twilight flinched to hear her name spoken so formally with her rank attached too. She'd never cared much to lay claim to what was her due as a member of the nobility of Canterlot and the as the star pupil of one of the Diarch's of Equestria. She paused for a moment and assessed herself again to give an honest answer to the nurse. “Please.... just Twilight I'm a normal pony like any other. As for how I feel.” she shifted again “I feel like I just took a ride on the friendship express while I was strapped to the bottom of the front grill.” She laughed weakly at her own joke. “Nurse... Why can't I open my eyes?” she asked trying to keep the edge of panic out of her voice.

There was a scribbling noise. Twilight guessed the nurse was making a notation on her chart. “Well I suppose that is to be expected with a case of magic backlash like yours. It could be a lot worse if I understand what happened correctly though I also understand you probably prevented the building from collapsing and saved the lives of all the ponies in it.” The nurse's speech slowed. “Well... We are still running tests but for your eyes... well... you were injured in the backlash, particularly your eyes. They were over exposed to an exceedingly bright light source. The doctors are checking now to see how permanent the damage is and what treatment is an option, magical or otherwise. Though I am sure there will be nothing but good news. From what I hear Princess Celestia herself has order the royal medical facilities to take part in your treatment. Now then, Give me a moment and I will return with something for the pain, are you hungry? Or is there anything you'd like me to return with?”

Twilight shook her head before her head informed her that such a movement was a bad idea at the moment. Clutching her head between her hooves. “No.... owwie... thank you nurse Willow Tree. Something for the pain will be all I need for now.” There was the sound of more scribbling “Very well then Miss Sparkle, I will return shortly.” Again the sound of hooves came and the soft click clack of the door before Twilight was left alone with her thoughts again.

Twilight laid back on her bed, time seemed to stretch out abnormally long before her when no one was around. With no way to measure the time besides the beating of her heart Twilight's subconscious soon began to play upon her worst fears. Maybe no pony was coming back? Maybe she would be forgotten about, left on the wayside to fend for herself since she was now useless without her eyes. Logically she knew that scarcely any time had passed since Rarity and Nurse Willow tree had left but it felt oh so much longer and she was so much more alone in her head than she actually was. Her perception was what was skewed at the moment but for all the Twilight was the cool headed logical pony of the group (certain isolated incidences not withstanding) her logic wasn't in control at the moment. She was BLIND she screamed in her head who had ever heard of a blind librarian? Worse yet how would she continue her studies or even care for herself without her vision. The tales of handicapped ponies leading full complete lives were far away from her thoughts at the moment. Twilight tossed and turned biting her pillow so her whimpers of pain might not disturb any pony else, if there was any pony else in the room with her or nearby to hear her. Idly part of her mind not otherwise occupied wondered if this is what Rainbow Dash had felt like when she broke her wing. Slowly Twilight curled in on herself wrapping into a tight ball and shaking since her eyes hurt too much to cry.

Untold time passed with Twilight in this position, balled up and rocking herself from side to side for what little comfort it had. The sound of hooves drawing near brought her out of her daze, she uncurled from her fetal position not wanting any pony to see her like that and worry them about her mental state. It was already bad enough that she was in a hospital, she didn't need some shrink poking around her magic addled mind as well. The door opened and shut and the cool collected professional tone of Nurse Willow tree came to Twilight's ears. “Here we are Miss Sparkle. This will help with the pain. Test are still being run as of yet and the doctor will come to consult with you as soon as the results are in.” Gently a pair of pills were pressed to Twilight's lips, she pulled them into her mouth and then felt a paper cup gently pressed to her lips as well, water to help wash the medicine down with. Twilight gratefully gulped down the water and leaned back slowly. “Those will kick in shortly, If you aren't feeling up to it I can make sure that you aren't bothered to till you are feeling better.”

“NO!” the word exploded from Twilight's lips almost before thought. “I mean uh, please, let my friends visit I wouldn't want to worry them.” Twilight gave a weak laugh.

Nurse Willow tree was silent a moment “As you wish Miss Sparkle” she finally said. Softly did the nurse leave the room with the door gently shutting behind here. Twilight could hear voices just outside her room familiar ones and couldn't help but smile. “Well hurry it up will ya?” came Rainbow Dash's voice impatient and loud.

The door opened and there was a thunder of hooves as Twilight's closest friends piled into the room filling it with the warmth of their presence. Though she couldn't see them she could feel them and her cheeks hurt from the broadness of her grin. Just having them there made her feel better. Voice came crashing down at the same time, impossible to individuate. There was a stamp on the ground and then Rarity's voice as the fashionista came to the purple pony's rescue. “Girls, One at a time please, remember Twilight isn't well so we'll take turns.” A comforting hoof placed itself on Twilight who could only presume it was Rarity's. She settled her other hoof on top of Rarity's and squeezed lightly to let her know she appreciated the gesture.

“Ah just wanted wanted to say that we're here for you sugarcube, not just all us girls here but Granny smith and Big Macintosh and Applebloom, shucks even all of Ponyville. Anything you need Twi you just let me know.” came Applejack's voice.

“I've already flown to Ponyville and back” said Rainbow Dash. “I let Mayor Mare and Spike and all the others know. Spike is packing up a few things and will be here on the next train in. Mayor Mare has already gotten some volunteers together to run the library while you're away she said to tell ya that you just worry about getting better ok?”

“And I'm going to make you the yummiest bestest biggest get better cake and party and everything in all of Equestria! So you just get better super duper fast okie dokie lokie?” bounced Pinkie's voice, yes some how even the voice of the hyper active pink pony seemed to bounce about like its owner did.

There was some soft almost dainty scraping and the scent of flowers filled the room “Fluttershy ah'd wondered where you got off to.”

“Oh Fluttershy dear that is just the loveliest bouquet I have ever seen.” Exclaimed Rarity.

“Oh...I just thought they'd smell lovely and make Twilight feel more at home here while she got better” came Fluttershy's timid voice.

Twilight let forth a small giggle “They smell lovely Fluttershy Thank you girls all so much. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you already got all this done for me.” Twilight felt the warm presence of her friends come closer as they pressed in for a group hug.

“Well isn't this a lovely scene.” sounded the warm tones of Princess Celestia. “Now now, stay as you are girls this is no occasion for formality as I am here to visit a sick friend just as you are.” Though slowly the group hug did dissipate one pony did stay close her hoof over Twilight's. “So my star pupil how are you feeling currently?” Asked the Princess.

“Well all things considered I feel pretty good right now. The medicine they gave me for the pain is just starting to kick in so my head doesn't hurt so bad but it is a bit disconcerting to not be able to see. I'd never realized just how much I depended on my sight till now and it hurts not to be able to see you all right now. I'm sure I'll be fine though, the doctors think its just an extreme cash of backlash or so I've been told.” Twilight informed her mentor and friends.

Rarity scoffed. “Backlash, Darling? Backlash never gave anypony worse than a bad head or stomach ache, what you have is clearly something more serious than backlash.”

“Lets not jump to conclusions now Rarity, I'm sure the doctors are treating this with all seriousness as I know my own medical team is too When they are sure what is going on they will let us know, but if they think it is backlash for now then we will trust them.” said the Princess. “Nevertheless I do tend to agree with Rarity this seems like more than simple backlash though if it is only backlash then surely its the worst case ever recorded. Anyway, I came by Twilight to see how you were doing, unfortunately duty calls and I cannot stay long though I did wish to offer you the choice. Once the doctors feel you are well enough to be moved, you are more than welcome back to your rooms at the palace while you get better any and all of your friends and family of course would be most welcome to visit during your convalescence.”