• Published 23rd Aug 2012
  • 3,655 Views, 48 Comments

The sound of her voice - Caedrus

Twilight is blinded in an accident. Without sight she learns to see what matters most.

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After helping that oafish colt get up and gather his things, Rarity had gone to her props mistress to continue her discussion over a few set elements that just weren't harmonizing right. She had been on the verge of a decision when Twilight's voice rang out clear and strong above the general bustle of the backstage. “Get Down, Everypony!” she'd heard and naturally turned to see what was the matter this time.

Twilight leapt forward, heedless of the danger to her person. She quickly formed a mother of pearl shield around the malfunctioning stage show, a fuchsia- and magenta-swirled beam of arcane power gone wrong roaring thunderously skyward. It was the bravest thing Rarity had ever witnessed. The light of the deflected spell grew impossibly bright, and Rarity raised her hoof to shield her eyes even as she turned away.

“Somepony hit the power!” called out Applejack's voice from somewhere in the confusion. There was a pained cry and the sound of glass shattering; the bright light disappeared, as did all the other lights in the building. Somepony must have been successful in cutting off the power.

“All unicorns please create a simple light on your horns, low power please. I'm sure every ponies eyes are still smarting after... whatever that was,” Rarity said, amazed at the calmness of her own voice. She credited shock for letting her act like this, rather than reaching immediately for her fainting couch as she otherwise would have. She also followed her own direction, a gentle blue-white glowing ball forming at the tip of her horn. Moments later, the room was softly lit by the ephemeral glow of a dozen more such balls.

Rarity managed to look calm and collected, her years of blending in with the fashionable crowd standing her in good stead. She kept a firm grip on her panic for now and took charge of the situation, though she could not fathom why she felt the need to do so. Rarity stepped thru the debris scattered around by the accident and made her way to Twilight's side. The violet unicorn laid still on her side, and Rarity couldn't tell if she was breathing or not.

The thought hitched her panic a dozen notches higher, making it that much harder to control. Rarity felt tears flow down her cheeks. She was unable to stop them, nor could she do anything else for the moment. She didn't know what to do! Twilight was the planner of the group, the organizer who made sure everyone and everything was in its perfect place. Oh how she adored and envied that keen eye for detail that Twilight had-- she shook her head. Now was not the time for that.

Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but words failed her. Thankfully, the semi-darkness remained long enough to hide this from everypony nearby. With a swoop and the thud of hooves on the ground, light spread throughout the room with the full intensity of the Harvest Moon. In such an enclosed space, it was enough to see by at least somewhat comfortably.

Princess Luna had entered the damaged theater, having been drawn to it by the signal flare of magical energy and the hundred-foot-high column of fuchsia and magenta light. Her eyes drifted downward to Twilight’s unconscious form.

“What happened here? Oh my, Twilight Sparkle!” The princess looked distant for a moment, then shook her head. “The proper authorities are on their way, if they weren't already drawn by the light. Are there any other seriously injured ponies? If so, I will transport them all immediately to the hospital.”

There was a murmur around the room as every pony took stock of him- or herself. No, no more major injuries; Twilight had seen to that. Cradling Twilight in a gentle magical embrace, Luna disappeared in flash violet light, carrying the unicorn as she would a young foal.

Applejack apparently wasn't as fazed as Rarity felt at the moment. She made sure the magical effects box that had started the whole mess was firmly and physically disconnected from everything before calling out.

“RD, could yah hit those lights again? I got this contraption over here disconnected so it should be safe to turn the power back on.” There was a clank and a brief hum, and slowly the lights began to return to the undamaged parts of the room. Some of the wires that had been pulled out of their mountings when the ceiling over the stage collapsed sparked and popped fitfully.

A few moments later, a squadron of the city watch was on scene, as were a number of ambulances with paramedics dutifully going over each pony for injuries. Apart from Twilight, the worst injuries were a few cuts and bruises left by flying debris. Rarity herself was shocked to discover a long shallow gash across her flank. While it would heal cleanly without leaving a mark, she was nonetheless disparaged to see the ugly red line marring her beautiful white flank. The city watch painstakingly took statements from every pony there as the paramedics attended to the injured. It was a laborious job, and Rarity was glad she didn't have to do it.

Rarity had just finished her turn giving her statements when a young watch-mare approached her, bowing her head courteously.

“Miss Rarity,” the mare stated, “you’re the last one for me to find. There is a chariot outside waiting to take you to the hospital; your friends are already seated and ready to go. Princess Luna requests you join her there as soon as possible. Now that you've been treated and your statement has been taken, you're free to go.” The watch-mare bowed her head again and trotted off to other duties. Rarity thanked the officer who had been questioning her and made her way outside. It was easy to spot the large royal chariot even without Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash waving at her to hurry up.
Rarity climbed aboard the chariot, and before she was even properly settled it darted off through the streets of Canterlot.

How rude,’ she thought to herself. Her natural instincts for social grace played off any outward signs of irritation.

“I'm sorry girls,” Rarity began, addressing her friends. “The stallion questioning me was particularly diligent in his duties. You'd think he'd never seen a mare as beautiful as me. Oh what am I saying I know there is only one mare as beautiful as me and that is me--”

‘And only one more beautiful...’ She bit her tongue to keep from saying more, wondering what in the world was coming out of her mouth. The blast must have addled her wits more than she thought. Good thing she was on her way to the hospital anyway, just in case.

“Still,” Rarity continued, “I think he was hoping to ask what my 'special talent' was.” She flounced her mane to emphasize the point. A look of distaste graced her features as she noticed bits of plaster and wood embedded in her hair, and began working diligently to clean them out as best she could by hoof, even as the chariot raced towards the hospital.

Inside the hospital, an aide directed them down a hallway to a small private waiting room, where they were expected. The small waiting room contained a solemn Princess Luna.

“She's stable, that much is good,” said the princess without ceremony as the group entered. “The medical staff haven’t finished examining her yet, but they should be done shortly. I've talked with the doctors, and they have agreed to let one of you stay with her, should any of you desire. The rest of you should return to the castle and get some sleep, as there probably won't be any more information until tomorrow.”

Rarity raised her hoof instantly to volunteer. The girls stared at her momentarily.

“Oh don't be that way,” she said, cutting her friends off before they could raise any objections. “I'm fresh as a daisy since all I've done is sat on my haunches and talked.” She looked over each of the girls, addressing them in sequence.

“Pinkie Pie, you helped get the catering done while we worked, and helped Applejack in props. Applejack, I don't think I saw your tools leave your hooves for any longer than it took you to eat all day long! Surely you must be exhausted. Dash, you must have flown the distance from Canterlot to Ponyville and back twice today with all the errand flying you’ve done. And Fluttershy, while I know you're such a kind soul that you'd stay too, I know how you dislike large hospitals, especially when they are meant for ponies and not animals. Besides, who else could be depended upon to find the absolutely perfect get well gift for Twilight?” The other girls looked mostly cowed, save Rainbow Dash. She opened her mouth to speak, until Rarity shot her a death glare that would have given even Discord pause.

Princess Luna broke the silence. “Well then, that being settled it is getting on, and I am due to hold an open court in half an hour. Rarity, is there anything of yours at the castle that you might need tonight? Any of your belongings you can't do without?”

Rarity bowed her head low. “No, your highness, nothing that I can think of. If there is any important news I will be sure to send word. Otherwise, good night girls. I will see you all in the morning.” The others said their goodnights and left the waiting room with the princess, who paused to inform the nurse that Rarity would be staying.

After the others left, the nurse eyed Rarity. “Seems like you're about dead on your hooves, too. Are you sure you don't want to go get some rest too?” Rarity rubbed at her eyes, finding them surprisingly heavy now that the adrenaline was wearing off. She shook her head though. “Alright, now normally we don't let visitors stay like this, but it was a special request from the Princess so we're bending the rules. Please don't give me cause to regret this.”

The nurse motioned for Rarity to follow her down a small maze of hospital corridors. “Your friend is out of the examination room now, so she'll be staying here. She's still unconscious, so please don't be too loud. There is a call button on the bed, by the door and in the bathroom should an emergency crop up, otherwise the nurses station is the first left down that way.” Her short briefing complete, the nurse walked off to attend to her other duties.

Rarity sighed softly to herself after the nurse left. She was grateful to finally be alone after the accident. Truth be told, she wasn't sure how much longer she could have kept up the front. Gently, she shut the door behind her before looking into the room. Twilight was there, hooked up to several machines whose purposes Rarity didn't know. The sight of Twilight laying helplessly in that bed, a bandage around her eyes and tubes going into her, broke Rarity’s heart. She just couldn't take it any more.

Walking over to the edge of the bed, Rarity rested her head at Twilight's side, and cried. These were not the great sobs she used when she was being dramatic for emphasis, but rather real tears. She did her best to keep her sobs quiet, mindful that she could disturb others or perhaps wake Twilight before she was ready.
Rarity cried for a short while as the evening played out in her head. The confusion of the accident, the fear for her safety and that of of everyone else there, and most of all the fear for her dearest friend who had thrown herself into the path of danger and saved them all swirled in her mind, with the exhaustion of a long day on top of that. It had all been too much. She felt better having cried herself out, her mind clearer albeit somewhat fogged with the need for sleep.

Rarity sat in a chair next to the edge of the bed, thinking. What had come over her at the theater tonight? She was never the kind of pony to take charge like that, or at least she had never thought of herself that way. As she tried to search her own mind for answers, she kept coming back to one simple, overriding, and powerful reason.

She was concerned for Twilight.

Rarity rested her head on the side of the bed near Twilight's hoof as she kept trying to tease out her reasoning. Truth be told, she had never much indulged in self-reflection. Was there perhaps a book she could read that would help her make sense of her own mind? She'd have to ask Twilight about such a thing later; for now, she would do her best alone. As her thoughts kept circling each other in her mind, sleep crept up on Rarity, and gently claimed her.


Rarity awoke to painfully protesting knotted muscles, and the start of a killer headache. Groaning, stretching, and generally trying to get some movement back into her stiffened body, she looked around, taking stock of her situation. Her sleep-addled mind couldn’t tell where she was, or why she had slept in such an uncomfortable position. Rarity rubbed sleep from her eyes and spotted Twilight in the bed next to her, the sight bringing the events of the past day crashing down onto her.

She eyed the clock on the wall, and was shocked to see how long she'd slept. It was well past noon! Had the others come by? Had they not seen fit to wake her? Still, perhaps she could go find a place to freshen up. Her growling stomach amended finding food to the idea as well.

Rarity stepped out of the room. Shutting the door as softly as she could so as to make sure there was no possible way she disturbed Twilight or any other pony, she then set out to find a bathroom where she could at least freshen up somewhat. She vaguely remembered the nurse pointing one out last night, and set off in the direction she thought she remembered being told. Turning a corner, she spied the sign for her target, as well as Applejack further down the hall. She waved to Applejack and trotted to meet her. The bathroom wasn’t going anywhere, after all.

“Well hello there, sugarcube,” greeted Applejack. “Ah was just coming to find you. How's Twi doing?” The solid earth pony had an ugly bruise along one cheek, but seemed otherwise none the worse for wear from the events of last night.

“Oh, Applejack! How good to see you dear. Are you feeling alright?” Rarity managed to return Applejack’s cheer. “As for Twilight... Well, she's still asleep, or she still was when I woke up. I was just coming here to freshen up.” She motioned to the nearby bathroom.

Applejack reached up and pushed her hat back out of her eyes a bit. “Well ah was just coming up to see if you might like a rest. RD just left for Ponyville, but she should be back soon. Pinkie said something about a get well party before she left, and Fluttershy wandered into the gardens at the palace for something, ah don't know what. So why don't you just leave things here for me for a bit, and you go take care of yourself for a while? I don't think I've seen your mane this frazzled since that sleepover with the tree.”

Rarity smiled at the memory of that sleepover long ago. “Thank you, Applejack, I appreciate all of it. Do you need me to show you to Twilight's room?”

Applejack just shook her head. “Nah, ah got directions, ah was just surprised to see you. You just get yourself on down to the castle, ya hear? Ah got things under control here for a while.” Applejack then paused, before pulling Rarity into an unexpected hug. “You're tougher than ah gave ya credit for, Rarity,” said Applejack, maintaining the hug. “Staying up at the hospital like this when someone you care for is hurt... that's tough.”

As Applejack broke the hug, Rarity saw something in her eye: an old shadow of recurring memory. Rarity could not help but think of how Applejack and her siblings lived with their grandmother instead of their parents, an unusual arrangement in a small town like Ponyville. Applejack turned and loped down the hallway towards Twilight's room before Rarity could react further.

Rarity freshened herself up before heading off to the castle. She made her way up to the suite she was using, and was pleased to see that someone had both found her saddlebags in the wreckage of the theater and had laid them neatly down by her bed. Rarity eagerly headed into the large private bathing chamber attached to her room, and spent the next hour luxuriating in a hot bath.

After bathing and taking time to make sure she was looking her absolute best again, Rarity felt much more like herself. She decided to eat her small lunch while in the bath, her haste brought on by lingering worry in the back of her mind over Twilight. Applejack was probably getting bored about now, too, and would most likely appreciate some company. The unicorn hadn't seen or heard from the others that had left Applejack to handle their respective errands. Not that she minded; she was just as eager to know how Twilight was doing as any of the other girls.

Keeping a fruitless eye out for the others on her way, Rarity cantered back towards the hospital. She found her way back up to Twilight's room with a minimum of trouble, and let herself in. There she was surprised to see Applejack quietly reading, a pair of black rimmed glasses balanced on her nose. The sound of the door shutting brought Applejack's attention to Rarity.

The earth pony blushed and quickly whipped the glasses off her face, trying and failing to effectively hide them under her hat. “Please don't tell anypony! Ah'd never hear the end of it if RD knew ah wore glasses! Besides, its not like ah really need them! its only for things up close, like when ah read.”

Rarity smiled and nodded, giggling softly. “Don't worry, Applejack dear. Your secret is safe with me,” she assured her friend.

Applejack looked up at the clock on the wall. “Ah asked the others to meet here before dinner, so they should be by soon. Do you want to go meet them?” Applejack still fidgeted nervously, thankful for a change in subject.

Rarity continued smiling. “Oh no dear, why don't you go meet them? After all, you've been cooped up in here all afternoon. I'm sure you'd like a break to stretch your legs and get some fresh air. I'll stay here.” Applejack nodded her agreement. “Though before you go out,” she continued, gesturing to Applejack's head, “you might want to hide your glasses better if you don't want Rainbow Dash to see them.” Applejack's blush intensified as she left the room, adjusting her hat to better hide her glasses under it.

Rarity settled down into a chair. She picked up a copy of the Equestria Daily newspaper laying beside the western novel Applejack had been reading, and busied herself with the crossword. A few moments later, there was a croaking sound, drawing Rarity's attention immediately. Twilight seemed to be awake, and was attempting to speak. Twilight stirred and swallowed a couple times before trying again.

“W-water, please.” Her voice came out hoarse and thin. Rarity, spying a cup and pitcher nearby, quickly poured a glass for Twilight and held it gently to her lips. Rarity felt her lips quirk into a grin as she watched the mare gulp it down like an eager foal. The sensation was accompanied by her heart speeding up and a soft blush on her alabaster cheeks.

'Is there something wrong with me,' Rarity thought, 'maybe something that wasn't immediately apparent after the accident?

Twilight spoke again, interrupting her thoughts. “Rarity, where am I? Why can't I open my eyes?”

Rarity reached out to take the mare's hoof in her own, not knowing what to say or how to answer Twilight honestly. She explained what had happened yesterday as best she could, though her thoughts were still a bit jumbled as she answered. After giving her explanation, she considered offering to stay, completely ready to do so for as long as was necessary. She couldn't do that, though; everypony else was waiting for news, too, and she had a duty to their friends to let them know that Twilight was awake. Reluctantly, she left the room to go inform everypony of the news that Twilight was conscious and able to speak.

Rarity rushed to find her friends after leaving the room, nearly bowling over a nurse in the process. She stopped, and turned to apologize.

“I'm sorry miss, my friend is in that room,” said Rarity, motioning behind her. “She just woke up and I wanted to inform my friends, as well as the nurse. I, uh, guess that's you.” Rarity blushed a bit. She could feel the nurse's cool gaze upon her.
The nurse nodded. “I was just making my rounds, though I do appreciate being told. I understand that you're happy your friend seems to be feeling better, but remember: this is a hospital. You shouldn't go running down the hallways like that.”

“Yes,” Rarity said, “again I'm terribly sorry. I was in a rush to find my friends, too; they are all eager for news as well. I will be more careful, I promise!” Seeing the nurse turn her attention away from her after the admonishment, Rarity took her leave. Heading down to the lobby, she found Applejack just walking in the door with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. She rushed over to them, exchanging hugs and greetings.

“Wonderful news, girls,” Rarity began. “Twilight is awake, and feeling somewhat better. I already let the nurses know, and was just now on my way to find Applejack to let her know, but it's wonderful that all of us are here now!” The girls all eagerly headed back up towards the room Twilight was recovering in.

As they approached the room, Rarity spied the Nurse slipping out. She turned and addressed her friends. “Here we are, girls. Now remember, Twilight's blind and probably still not feeling very well, so be understanding--” She flicked her eyes to Rainbow Dash. “-- And not too loud please.”

Seeing the group of girls, the nurse stepped over to them. “Ah, you've returned, and with more friends I see. That's good; she'll need a lot of support right now. I was off to get the doctor, he should have word on her condition by now. I hear she has a special visitor coming soon, too.”

Rainbow Dash tapped an impatient hoof. “Well hurry it up will ya!” She immediately blushed at her own outburst as everypony shot her withering looks. Fluttershy alone spared her a look, being further down the hall carefully bringing a vase and bouquet up with her.

“I mean, uh... Heh... Please hurry. I'm sure Twilight is just as eager to know what they have to say as the rest of us are.” Rainbow Dash sheepishly rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. The nurse just shook her head and walked off. Together, the girls entered the room.