• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 2,249 Views, 23 Comments

My little pony, Shadow of war - light shadow

twilight and her friends were at sugarcube corner, but wen twilight felt a strange power it made her magic go crazy, making a portal appear and taking them to a world they never been before.

  • ...

chapter 1: Welcome to Middle-earth

The world of men is ending.

In the fires of mount doom, a Ranger and a wraith bound together in death crafted the one thing that could challenge the Dark Lord.

A Ring of Power.

But by creating the new ring, it brought six unusual creatures into the land of middle-earth, and inside Shelob's domain, not even her visions couldn't predict it.

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

1 hour earlier in sugarcube corner.

"Thanks for inviting us Pinkie," Twilight said, coming inside sugarcube corner with Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike behind her.

"So what did y'all invite us again," Applejack said curious.

"Oh that's easy," pinkie said. "I invited all of you to try my new super duper desserts I got cake, I got drinks, cookies, aaannnd, cupcakes!" Pinkie pie put a cupcake into Twilight's mouth enjoying the flavor. "And why not having a party for all of us to enjoy,"

"All right!" Rainbow dash said with eagerness and excitement on her, "dibs on the cake."

"Dibs on the cookies!" Spike said.

"I'm rather thirsty," Rarity said. "I'll be heading were the drinks are at."

"Me two," Fluttershy said following rarity.

"Well I'll be getting my self one of those mighty delicious looking cupcakes," Applejack said.

Right when they were going to move they were suddenly stop by a loud voice. "WAAAIIITTT!!!!" Pinkie said out loud. "there's something I need you all girls to do first," as they stop to hear what Pinkie wanted to tell them. "What I want all of you to do is to close your eyes." they were all confuse on why Pinkie wanted them to do that, but knowing Pinkie on there times of adventure and all the things that Pinkie do they all stop making sense on her behavior, So without hesitation they all close there eyes. Three seconds have past. "ok now you can open your eyes," Pinkie Pie said. As they open there eyes they see that every thing was cover with party decoration they wanted to say how but went against it. "alright now it's a party now let's get crazy!"

One hour later.

"That was a great party Pinkie," Twilight said, her friends nodding in agreement.

"Awww thanks you guise," Pinkie said In barest, "I'm glad you all in joy it."

"No kidding" spike said. "this was one of your be-," Spike wasn't able to finish. A letter came out of Spikes mouth dropping it to the ground, Twilight picks up the letter to see from who it's from.

"It's a letter from Princess Celestia," Twilight said to her friends.

"What does it's say," Fluttershy ask curiously.

"It's saids here that we need to come to canterlot immediately, that's all," Twilight said getting worry.

"What do y'all think the Princess wants us for," Applejack said.

"I don't know," Twilight said starting to panic. "the Princess never sends letters like this, it could be that she needs help with something important, or it could be another evil creature trying to take over equestria!" Twilight said Panicking, "I don't know why the princess needs us, but we'll need to go to canterlot right now, I'm going to teleport us there."

As Twilight starts to use her magic, Twilight felt an unknown source of power go threw her horn, suddenly Twilight felt a massive pain go through her body. "AAAAHHH!!!" Twilight screams, her friends and Spike see this with horror on what is happening to there friend, they all see her body is being covered with magic, her horn still active.

"Twilight!!" they all scream in panic.

"What's happening to you!!" Pinkie said panicking.

"I... Don't.... Know!!!" Right as she said that a portal appear on top of them shooting beams of magic right towards all of them hitting her, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Rainbow was able to dodge it, but sees a beam of magic going towards Spike, With no hesitation Rainbow pushes Spike out of the way making him fall, making the beam hit her instead. Spike gets on his feet looking behind him, but when he did he sees on what is happening. Twilight and her friends are being drag to the portal. He tries to stop it but it was futile. They were gone, he stood there with shock, not knowing what happen or if he will see them again, he didn't know what to do, Seeing the letter on the floor, he knew some pony that could help.

/ / / / / / / / / / / / /


That's all Twilight could feel.

Opening her eyes, she looks to see her friends laying down unconscious, seeing these she tries to wake them up,"Girls wake up!" she shouts at her friends making them groan.

"Uhhh what the hay happened," Applejack said with pain in her head, the rest having the same question, standing up.

"I don't know what happened," Twilight said confuse, "the only thing I remember is using my teleportation spell but.. Something went wrong. I felt a strange power making my horn go crazy, it looks like we were teleported to a cave but why."

"Can you teleport us back?" Fluttershy ask getting scared by the cave.

Twilight tries to use her horn but making only little sparks of magic. "I can't It's going to take time for me to recover my magic."

"awww, don't worry Twilight," pinkie said happily. "We just need to walk around the cave, find the exit, find a train to take us back, and avoid any dangerous creature roaming around easy."

Ignoring the mention of dangerous creature's Rarity spoke on what were on there mines. "But which way do we go?" There's three way's we could choose from." they were two entrances in front and one behind them.

"Oh that's easy, is this way." Pinkie said happily pointing her hoof right behind them.

"How do you know," Twilight asks.

"Huh I don't know I just know that's the way." knowing Pinkie they all went to the way were Pinkie Pie pointed.

As they all walk through the cave lead by Rarity using her horn to light up the place, letting Twilight recover her magic. for a wile they started to see pieces of web around the stone rocks. "uhhh Pinkie are you shore this is the right way," Rarity said staying away from the webs.

"Yep, look!" There's light up ahead." As Pinkie said that they see light in front of them, with no hesitation they all gallop thinking to be a way out, only to see a wide open space of the cave, holes of light coming out on top of it, Surrounded with webs and some spiders moving around it.

"Pinkie I'm not shore this is the right place," Rarity said shivering seeing spiders almost have her sides.

"Don't worry Rarity," Fluttershy said confident, If they get near us I can explain on what happened, I don't want to bother them on what they are doing."

"Fluttershy is right if we don't bother them we'll be fine," Twilight said with a nervous tone, "besides I don't even want Fluttershy to ask for there help, This spiders are much more different then the ones we have seen, if these are a new species of spiders I would like to study them, But now is not the time, Pinkie are you shore this is the right place?"

"Yepiruny," Pinkie Pie said hoping up and down, "were getting close I can feel it in my pinkie sense."

As they continue to walk ahead avoiding the spiders, they turn to the left of a corner of the cave to see lit torches, meaning a way out.

"there it is!" Twilight said happily. "Pinkie Pie was going the right way after all." They all started cheering finally getting out of this place, "come on girls lets-." Twilight stop in mid sentence looking back, seeing with shock on what was behind them. Her friends seeing this look back having the same expression as Twilight. What they saw behind them was a strange bright looking creature with two feet's and two weird looking claws, floating near a stone wall covered with dark clouds.

They stay there for a full minute finally one of them breaking the silence. "What is that thing!" Rainbow Dash said ready to fight it if it comes close, but of all of them they didn't expect an answer.

"It's a human," Twilight said, not believing that a human is here.

"Wait that thing is a human?!" Rainbow Dash said stoping her fighting stans every pony looking at Twilight. She nodded,

"yes but they don't look like that, it looks like he is unconscious, I don't even know why his here," Twilight said confused.

"So what do y'all want us to do?" Applejack said, "I don't know about you guys but I have the feeling were being watch, so you better choose quick."

"Alright girl's let's get him out of here," Twilight said, with her friends walking towards the human. But they were stop by an unknown voice coming from behind him.

"I rather you not doing that," a spider bigger than the one's they have ever seen climb down the stone wall. They were all walking backwards seeing the sides of it, not knowing were the voice came from, Rainbow Dash was going to fly towards it, but sees Fluttershy walking forward .

"Oh hello misses spider sorry to bother you but can we free that human please, it looks like he is in pain," Fluttershy said politely, But to all of there shock the voice they herd came from the spider.

"I will not allow you creature's to release him." Futtershy having the same expression, focus on what to say.

"Um why can't you release him," Fluttershy asks.

"I would tell you, only if you answer questions of my own," the spider said. They all nodded with the spider, "splendid but my name is not misses spider," as she said that they see dark smoke coming out of her turning her body to a human covered with a dark looking dress, "my name is Shelob."

They all gasp on what happen, "now that I introduced my self, it would be polite to tell me your names, if you all have one," Shelob said curiously.

As she saids that they get out of there shock they all walk were Fluttershy is at, Fluttershy introducing her self first. "Um my name is Fluttershy."

"I'm Pinkie Pie best party planner."

"Rarity charmed."

"Applejack nice to meet y'all."

"Rainbow Dash best flyer in all of equestria."

"And i'm Twilight Sparkle Princess of Friendship."

As they introduced them selfs Shelob was intrigued, but confused by there names not to mention equestria and princess of friendship. "Now that were introduced I want you all to answer my questions, and wen I'm done i'll tell you why I can't release him," Shelob said. Looking at each other they all want to know why, nodding they looking back to Shelob and accepting her terms. "Good, now what I want to know is what kind of creature's are you, i've never seen creature's like you in my life," Shelob said curious. They were all confused that Shelob never heard about ponies. Twilight wanting to know why but ignores it and speaks up.

"Were ponies, we live in a place called ponyville."

Shelob Having more questions than answers not to mention a terrible name from were they live couldn't ask all of them, the ranger would be getting here soon. So she ask them one more question something she wanted to know.

"Why did you all came to my domain, I heard your conversation you'd didn't come here to rescue him so tell me why are you here." Twilight then tells her what happen,

"I was using my magic to teleport us to Canterlot but something went wrong, I felt a strange power go through my horn."

"yeah!" Pinkie Pie said smiling, "there was a big portal that came out of nowhere dragging us right towards it landing us here, it must of take us wayyy far out here just a teleportation spell."

Shelob didn't know that Twilight could use magic, hearing all of there explanation on how they got here with out her knowing not even with her vision. The part that a strange power made a portal taking them here now started to make sense to her. The strange creature's, the weird names, not to mention equestria.

"It appears this is not the lands you all know of," Shelob said with an unknown expression, the ponies hearing this they were all confused on what she was talking about.

"What to y'all mean were not in the lands we all know of," Applejack said with a stern tone. "You all told me that her magic went wrong wen she felt an unknown power, making a portal appear taking you all here right?" They all nodded,

"it appears that you were all transported to another world and I know who is responsible."

"WHAT!!!" They all said stunned, "how is it possible!" Twilight said starting to panic. "That would of take a lot of magic to make a dimensional portal, not to mention Discord is the only one that could do that with ease."

"And Who is the ruffian that did this!" rarity said angrily.

Shelob looking back to his captive gave them there answer, "he did." Looking at the glowing human they were surprised that he was responsible.

"how is he responsible?" Fluttershy said trembling on all she was hearing.

"You all wanted to know why I can't release him then let me tell you," Shelob said, "In the fires of Mount Doom a Ranger and a Wraith crafted something that should of never been maid, a ring of power, By creating the ring it must of brought you all six here."

"Wait, wait, wait, your telling us that we were brought here by a ring!" Rainbow Dash said thinking to be a joke, not believing what she said, the rest not believing it as well.

"Do you all doubt me," Shelob said unsurprised, "you could all ask the Wraith that it's trap or better yet... The Ranger." Hearing someone had drop down they all look to see a man with brown hair in armor with two swords one of it being broken behind his back, and in his hand wearing a ring.

/ / / / / / / / / / /

10 minutes earlier inside the caves.

As Talion killed the last remaining Orc, he continues in his search of Celebrimbor knowing he is here. On his way he sees a small entrance of the cave covered with webs and spiders roaming around knowing that Celebrimbor is in there. Squeezing thru he maids It to the other side. As Talion continues to walk forward stoping in front of a small edge, he sees a wide open space with lit torches right in the end seeing Celebrimbor. But that was not the only thing he saw, not far in front of him from the edge he sees the one who took Celebrimbor and six weird colorful looking horses speaking to her. He didn't knew what to think of this. Talion seeing that the women was looking at him knew he has been seen, jumped down starting to walk forward having his gard up, not knowing if this weird creature's work with her.

/ / / / / / / / / /

The ponies didn't know what to say, seeing another human in armor. They got on edge seeing him pulling out a sword from his back, not only that, they all see the ring that Shelob told them feeling a powerful source of power coming out of it.

"You've kept us waiting," Shelob said with a smirk on her face.

"Release Celebrimbor now!" Talion said pointing the sword at her with a menacing tone.

Talion and the ponies were confused seeing Shelob raising her hand, but wen they see her turning it in to a fist they started to here some one in pain. To there horror they see Celebrimbor getting hurt by the dark clouds.

"What are you doing!" Fluttershy said with horror the other's ready to stop this.

"Do not interfere or all end his life," Shelob said with a stern face. "Remember they were the ones who brought you all here."

Talion seeing the weird talking horses wanted to stop her from hurting Celebrimbor now knowing that they weren't working with her, lowered his sword speaking up on what she mention. "What do you mean we are responsible on bringing them here."

"I called you here for a reason ranger," shelob said. "You are brave. For a Man. But it is not your sword that will save him, how much are you willing to sacrifice?" Saying this last words to his head. "To suffer."

The ponies did not know what she meant about sacrifice, just what did he sacrificed they all thought. "I have given up everything," talion said.

"Not everything, Not yet," Shelob said.

"What to y'all mean not everything!" Applejack said in rage, thinking on all the things he must of done.

Talion Looking down to his hand he soon realized what she wanted, "She wants the ring," Talion said to the ponies.

"WHAT!" the ponies said, "But you said that the ring should of never been maid!" Rarity said surprised.

"Why would you even want the ring," Twilight said suspicious.

"That is not your concern," Shelob said, If you give me the ring i'll give you the wraith back."

"And find myself beside him," talion said not trusting her.

"I am Shelob and I deal only in truth."

"Don't give her the ring." Hearing a new voice for the ponies, but familiar to Talion and Shelob.

They all saw that it came from Celebrimbor now conscious but weak.

"Give her the ring." Talion look to see That it was the yellow horse with wings and pink main stepping towards him. "If you don't give her the ring he is going to die," Fluttershy said desperate. Talion did not know if he should trusts them, but it was right if he doesn't give Shelob the ring Celebrimbor would die.

"Your right," Talion finally spoke up, Turning toward Shelob he takes out the ring out of his finger giving it to her, "take the ring." As Shelob takes the ring from talion heading we're Celebrimbor is at, the ponies started to see blood coming out of his neck seeing him dropping to the ground.

"What's happening to him!" Pinkie Pie said with horror her main this inflating.

"What did you due!" Twilight said angrily to Shelob.

"Didn't you know," Shelob said looking back at the ponies, He was already dead, the only thing that kept him alive was the wraith and the ring," Shelob looks back to Celebrimbor, Go back to your puppet before he dies."

As Shelob release Celebrimbor he immediately goes to Talion slowly stoping the bleeding from his neck. "You have doomed us Talion," Celebrimbor said.

"he just save your life!" Rainbow Dash said angrily.

"Her power was immense before now he has given her mine, I poured my life force into that ring," Celebrimbor said to the rainbow main horse.

"Then we must take it back," Talion said standing up determined, Celebrimbor agreeing.

The ponies were amazed seeing the man known as Talion and the one known as Celebrimbor joining together seeing the wound from his neck healing like it was never there. "Shelob!" Both Talion and Celebrimbor said at the same time. The ponies were afraid seeing them pull out the sword charging towards her, They were going to stop it but were shock on what happen next. Shelob turn around and use the power of the ring stoping them, making them unable to move. Twilight was shock as her friends seeing how powerful the ring really is.

"why did they created it in the first place, why did they needed it," Twilight's thoughts were interrupted on what she heard.

"The war you came to fight is not here," Shelob said to talion, "Look to Minas Ithil and the Dark Lord's armies that surround it, look for the palantir, Sauron will not stop until all is dominated." Shelob gave talion a vision of Minas Ithil, seeing the palantir and the orcs attacking the city, fighting against the gondorian soldiers and the Nazguls capturing Minas Ithil.

As Shelob let's go off Talion Twilight spoke up. "What did you do," Twilight said seeing talion holding his head.

"and what did you mean about a war," Rarity said nervous, her friends wanting for an answer." Shelob was going to tell them but Talion bit her to it.

"She showed me a vision of Minas Ithil," Talion said to Celebrimbor appearing the ponies hearing what he said. "I must know if her vision is true." Talion was on his way to Minas Ithil but was stop by Shelob.

"Stop right there Ranger, you will not go there, Not without the ponies."

"What," Talion and the ponies said surprise.

"We will not take this so called ponies with us," Celebrimbor said angrily.

"You two are responsible for bringing them here," shelob said sternly.

"Hey we don't want to go with those two anyway," rainbow dash said angrily.

"Rainbow Dash is right we need to find a way back home," Twilight said the rest of her friends agreeing.

"And how would you do that," Shelob said curiously. "You ponies don't know these lands and your princess doesn't have enough power to take you all back." Shelob was right they didn't know about this world, and she does not have enough magic to take her friends back, twilight didn't know what to do, the ponies lower there head's sadly. "But I may have a way to take you all back were you one's came," Shelob said. the ponies look up at her even Talion and Celebrimbor. "If you help the Ranger retrieve the Palantir, bring it here and with your magic and the new ring I'll be able to open a way to your world."

"Is it possible?" twilight said hoping.

"Yes" Shelob said with a smirk on her face.

"Very well," Talion said everyone now looking at him.

"They are not are concern," Celebrimbor said to Talion.

"We brought them here by creating the new ring this is are fault," Talion said to Celebrimbor looking now to the ponies nodding to them.

"Very well," Celebrimbor said giving up.

"Don't worry We know how to take care of ourselves," Twilight said her friends nodding.

"Let us hope," Talion said, heading toward Minas Ithil.

/ / / / / / / / / /

As they all head towards Minas Ithil inside the cave they started having a conversation now knowing the ponies names and knowing that Celebrimbor is not a man but en elf. "So you all come from a land called Equestria?" Talion said curiously.

"yepiruny," Pinkie said happily now having her main back to normal.

"It is a peaceful land ruled by Princess Celestia who controls the sun and her sister Princess Luna who controls the moon," Rarity said.

"Wait what do you mean they control the sun and moon," Talion said curiously Celebrimbor curious as well.

"They are in charge of moving the sun and moon, turning day and night," Fluttershy said happily.

"They are the most powerful ponies in all of Equestria," Rainbow Dash said.

"Was Equestria ever attack?" Celebrimbor said curiously. The ponies were all confused, including Talion on why he asked that.

"Uh yeah we defeated many bad guys Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Tirek, Starlight Glimmer, the pony of shadows, Cozy Glow, and The Storm King," Rainbow said bragging.

Talion and Celebrimbor were surprised on how many enemies they have defeated. "maybe they have a chance to survive."

"Uhhh not all of them we all had to be save by Chrysalis and Cozy Glow, and we were sometimes Trap or captured remember especially the Storm King," Twilight said laughing nervously.

Or not,"Talion and Celebrimbor thought. But Celebrimbor was confused on two things, what about there Princesses and how did this six ponies defeated most of there enemies.

"Twilight what about the Princesses, what did they did wen you were all captured, and how did you defeated them Celebrimbor ask.

"The Princesses were in the same position like us against the second invasion from Queen Chrysalis, if it weren't for Starlight, Trixie, Thorax and Discord we wouldn't be here. against Cozy Glow she was draining are magic making it useless if it wasn't for are Students we could've of all lost are magic, so the Princesses couldn't help. and against the Storm King he wanted the power of the Princesses including me and my sister in law Princess Cadance," Twilight said sadly. "I was the only princess including my friends who escaped, if it wasn't for are new Friends we would of been in the Storm King rule.

"And on how we beat the Baddies we use the elements of harmony and the power of friendship," Pinkie Pie said happily.

Talion and Celebrimbor were holding on there laughter but was noticed bye Pinkie Pie. "What are you'll laughing?" Pinkie pie said curiously.

"Nothing," they both said calming down on there laughter. "Bye the way Didn't you said that Starlight Glimmer and Discord were your enemies," Talion said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh they were, but now they are reform and our friends," Fluttershy said happily.

"Sign on what you told us about your Princesses able to move the sun and moon never faced there enemies, got themselves captured and couldn't help you even with out there magic, I could understand the part of loosing there magic, but for the rest?" Celebrimbor said disappointed, "You're Princesses being the most powerful are nothing but near Pretenders."

"Hey Princess Celestia did fight in the first invasion against Queen Chrysalis!" Rainbow Dash said angerly not letting him insult the Princess.

"But did she win," Celebrimbor ask, "or did she needed to be save by someone else?" Rainbow Dash didn't respond. "That's what I thought you ponies have battle many enemies on Equestria, but you never fought an enemy as strong as Sauron and his armies," Celebrimbor said. They were going to ask on this so called Sauron, hearing that name from Shelob but were interrupted bye Talion.

"Enough Celebrimbor," Talion said sternly. "We're getting close to the exit, I hope you ponies are ready because the way you beaten your enemies in equestria will not work here." As they made it out of the cave they stood in front of a large Edge seeing the view of the land, but not the view the ponies were expecting. They all saw that the place called Minas Ithil, was being attacked bye scary looking creature's and big monsters throwing flaming projectiles to the towns. They were all shocked fear racing in there bodies.

"Like we said," Celebrimbor said to the ponies. "How you all Beaten your enemies in equestria will not work in here, your lives will be always at risk. Welcome ponies... To Middle-Earth.

Author's Note:

This is my first fanatiction story and I hope I did a good job with it. I research on the thing I didn't know so I hope I got it right. Im terrible at righting it took me nine whole days to right this, so I'm not Shore when the next one will be out, so for now I hope you all enjoyed it.

Also this happened in mlp season 9 ep 1.
I wasn't sure what rating to put so for now I put it in Teen but I mite need to change it to M.