• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 2,256 Views, 23 Comments

My little pony, Shadow of war - light shadow

twilight and her friends were at sugarcube corner, but wen twilight felt a strange power it made her magic go crazy, making a portal appear and taking them to a world they never been before.

  • ...

Chapter 2: the battle of Minas Ithil

Author's Note:

A month and a half, it took me a month and a half for getting stuck on what to right next and for checking if anything is not misspelled and Im a terrible explainer.

Also if you all thought that I wasn't going to put the second chapter well, hahaha wrong! I will not stop writing until it is done.

And before reading the second chapter I needed to be creative, in case you notice something different. Now that I have told you all on what I wanted to say.

enjoy Chapter 2: the battle of Minas Ithil :twilightsmile:

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy didn't know what to say, seeing Minas Ithil being under attack. but one of them spoke up. "Is... Is this what Shelob showed you," Twilight said with shock and terror on her face.

"Yes, It looks like she showed us the truth, Gondor's last fortress in Mordor cannot fall," talion said determinedly.

"What are those creatures," Fluttershy said scared.

"Those are Orcs Celebrimbor said to the ponies. "there Sauron's army, the Palantir is are concern, we must seize it before it falls into Sauron's hands."

"what does the Palantir do anyway," Applejack said curiously.

"It grants you vision, if Sauron gets the Palantir he will be able to see any attacks and defenses we use against his army's," Talion said to Applejack.

"And with it, his armies will be unstoppable. The fate of the city does not matter, we must find it and get it out of Minas Ithil." Celebrimbor said to Talion and the ponies.

"WHAT!!" The ponies said surprised.

"We can't leave them to defend by themselves!" Twilight said angrily. "

Twilight is right, I will not let them be slaughtered like my brothers at the Black Gate," Talion said sternly.

"Fine, but if the ponies are coming with us let me give them something before were go to the city," Celebrimbor said looking at them. They were confused seeing Celebrimbor raising his hand at them, they were going to ask on what he was doing but felt a strange power go through there body's, lowering his hands Celebrimbor spoke. "I gave you ponies a small portion of my power, for now on you'll be able to see the wraith world. It will help you reveal Sauron's army through anything," Celebrimbor said to the ponies.

"Oh my gosh, this is soo exciting!" Pinkie Pie said jumping up and down.

"Why do I need it? it's cool an all but I can just fly up and see if any of those Orcs are around." Rainbow Dash said confidently.

"If you want to get shot by arrows from Orcs be my guest," Celebrimbor said making Rainbow Dash think twice in her decision.

"You ponies May want to stay out of this, leave the Orcs to me," Talion said to the ponies.

"What!" They all said surprised.

"But why?" Twilight said the rest of her friends wanting to know as well. "We can help you fight against them."

"Twilight have any of you have killed someone before?"

"I... We..." Twilight didn't answer right away. they have never killed any pony before, not even their enemies from Equestria. looking to her friends she saw them hesitating to answer as well. "No"

Talion sigh knowing that he might regret this. "you can help me fight against the Orcs, try putting them unconscious if you can. But when we get to a safe place inside Minas Ithil I'll want you all to decide, rather you fight like us or not."

At first, they were glad that Talion would let them help. But to decide rather they fight like him was something they didn't know which decision was right. Twilight looked back at her friends seeing them nodding on what Talion said, knowing that they will have time to choose. "Alright, will think about it."

"Good, also do not mention you're a princess that will bring a lot of questions that we can't answer. but For now, we need to do something against Sauron's army. Taking out the Captains should buy the Gondorians some time."

"We need to find an Orc that has intel to know who is the one that is leading the search for the Palantir," Celebrimbor said to Talion and the ponies. "But how," Rarity said to Celebrimbor. "How would we know which one has the Intel we need?"

"By seeing in the wraith world, We are near above their camp. to see in the wraith world you all must concentrate on your eyesight." Celebrimbor said disappearing.

The ponies were concentrating on their eyesight to see into the wraith world, for a while, they slowly started to see their sight change.

"Hey, I can see them. they are soo red and glowy," Pinkie Pie said.

"All except one," Rainbow Dash said looking at the Orc being left behind.

"What does the green glowing Orc means?" Twilight said To Talion.

"It means that Orc has the intel we need. Come on let's get down there but we need to do it in stealth, follow my lead."

The ponies gasped as they see Talion jump off the hi age. running to see where he fell, they see Talion uninjured from the fall.

"Come on girls let's get down there but don't make any noise," Twilight said to them. using her magic Twilight levitated Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack down were Talion is at hiding inside a bush, followed by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

"Next time tell us that you can not get hurt from falling in high places!" Twilight said whispering angrily towards Talion. "What do we do now,"

"First of all, we really need to find you ponies some cloaks you are too colorful that I can still see some of your furs from the bush, and second hide behind the tent quickly." Without questioning why they did what Talion told them to do seeing the Orc they wanted coming out of the tent.

"Why do I need to stay here, I could've been out in the front lines fighting. but no they want me to stay here and guard the camp." the Orc said passing the bush were Talion was hiding. Seeing the orc standing in front of an edge not noticing Talion and the ponies. Talion came out of the bush stealthily crouching towards the Orc, without warning the Orc was spin back being grabbed by Talion now looking as Celebrimbor. "Who is leading the search for the Palantir," Celebrimbor said to the Orc being in pain having his hand firmly in the side his head.

"Aaah. It being Leed by an Uruk called Úkbúk the Heartless, he recently left not so long ago." Now knowing everything they wanted to know Celebrimbor disappeared, Talion grabbing the Orcs neck making the Orc's head explode, The ponies saw this and they were horrified.

Talion look to them to see Fluttershy tiers falling out of her eyes, Rarity fainted, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie still having her main disinflated were shock not knowing what just happened.

Talion Seeing their expressions let out a sigh and spoke up. "You all better get used to it because as for now on you be seeing this a lot, now come on let's head towards the entrance of the city."

Twilight helped Pinkie Pie to move. Rainbow Dash helped Fluttershy trying to calm her down. And Applejack woke up Rarity helping her to stand up. after they help their friends They continue to follow Talion.

Making it to the exit from the Orcs camps they continue straight to Minas Ithil, but were stop by four Orcs. "Man Swine! wait is the Gravewalker!" The first Orc said.

"I thought he was dead!" The second Orc said.

"He is!" The third Orc said.

"But what are these strange horses with him!" The fourth Orc said.

"Who cares let's get them," the first Orc said.

Twilight was going to use her magic to take out there weapons for her friends to take them down, But stop in confusion seeing them drop to the ground dead. They all look at Talion to ask on what happen, only to see Talion having a bow on his hand.

"How did you killed them so fast?!" The ponies said shock and surprised.

"We don't have time for me to explain, right now it doesn't look good for the Gondorians, we have to help them."

"The Palantir is a powerful artifact," Celebrimbor said appearing. "If we were to possess it.

We could turn the tide," Talion finish. "But first we need to find that Captain."

"But how," Rarity said. "we don't know where to find the Captain, he could be anywhere."

Rarity had a point, Talion started looking around to see if there's anything that could lead them to there target. Talion spotted some trails in the ground he gets closer to inspect.

"This trail belongs to Úkbúk," Celebrimbor said inspecting the trail as well. Standing up Celebrimbor and Talion revealed more trail's from Úkbúk.

"Come, this trail will lead us to the Captain," Talion said Celebrimbor disappearing, the ponies following the trail. They run to see the bridge leading to the entrance to Minas Ithil but were stopped by Talion.

"What's wrong?" Twilight said confused.

"There are Orcs up ahead but that's not all, there around a Barrel of Grog, their favorite drink."

"So what?" Applejack said confused.

"Those grogs are highly explosive. And I want Twilight to shoot it," Talion said looking at Twilight.

"What why!" Twilight said surprise.

"Can you do it."

Twilight didn't know if she could. just one shot of magic and they die, could she really do it. "I.. I.. I can't do it, I just can't."

Talion sigh knowing that Twilight couldn't be able to do it. without hesitation, Talion use the bow slowing everything down shooting the Barrel of Grog. The ponies looked to see an explosion the Orcs falling to the ground, their body's covered in flames. Twilight and her friends looked back at Talion to see the bow, now knowing what happened.

"Let's go," Talion said walking forward not looking back to the ponies.

Twilight looks back to her friends giving them a sad look. "come on, let's go."

As they walk through the bridge they made it to the entrance of the town. But what the ponies saw in the entrance, it will haunt them in through there lives. dead bodies of men and Orcs, buildings destroyed some of them on fire around them. The ponies didn't know what to think seeing all of this.

As for Talion, he looked into the wraith world to find Úkbúk looking around he found the Orc they were after. "I found the Captain we need to go if we want to stop him from getting the Palantir. If we don't more lives will be lost."

Hearing on what he said they nodded.

As the ponies continued to follow Talion, Twilight stop looking back at the dead Gondorians, thinking on what Talion and Celebrimbor said. "How you all Beaten your enemies in Equestria will not work in here, your lives will be always at risk."

Giving one last glance Twilight started running to catch up with Talion and her friends.

As they were getting closer towards Úkbúk Talion spoked up. "were getting closer towards the Captain this is your last chance to back down on this."

"And let you fight alone? No way," Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow is right we can't let y'all fight
By yourself," Applejack said determined.

Talion look at the ponies. Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight were determined to help him. Talion knew deep inside they were worried about the Orcs they will be facing but was impressed on their bravery.

"Alright, but take out their weapons first if you can, I don't want any of you getting killed," Talion said continuing to walk.

As they were getting closer They started hearing voices. hiding behind a wall they see into the wraith world to see eight Orcs, plus the captain. Knowing how many Orcs they will be facing, Talion told the ponies on what he wanted them to do. "Here's the plan, I'll be climbing up this building and Drop down on top of the Captain. but if I'm not able to kill the captain, I'll want you ponies to face the rest of the Orcs, will I deal with the captain. but don't underestimate them."

"Right," they said.

As they saw Talion climbed up the building they started to hear the Orc captain commanding his troops.

"Alright, form up! Now your mission is to secure the Seeing Stone. It's blue, it's round, and it's ours. This is a powerful artifact lads, so you bring it to me, but do not, I repeat do not touch it. unless you want your brain scrambled."

As they were listening to the Captain, Talion made it on the of the building. he jumped down towards the Captain knifing him with the broken sword behind his back, but was pushed out hitting the floor. as Talion gets up he gets a good look at the Captain. he had most of his body covered with armor, a helmet on his head, And a curve sword on one of his hands.

"Ranger!" Úkbúk the heartless said. "Are you lost? Minas Ithil is no more. This, is Minas Morgul."

Talon pulled out his sword clashing against Úkbúk's own sword. "Not if I can stop it."

As Talion said that Úkbúk heard a commotion from behind seeing weird colorful horses fighting against some of his men.

/ / / / / / / / / /

As Talion continue to fight against Úkbúk, the main six-run toward the Orcs, Twilight used her magic to throw away their weapons. Pinkie Pie pops out her party canon out of nowhere throwing confetti to the Orcs confusion and blinding them, letting her friends an opening to strike. Rainbow dash flew straight to one of the orcs with full force, while Applejack bucked another Orc throwing him into one of his comrades. Rarity made a gem appear with her magic throwing it at one of them. Twilight used her magic shooting a beam to knock them down And Fluttershy closed her eyes bucking the last orc.

But to there surprise their attacks didn't take them down. They see them groaning but without hesitation, they got up like they never been hit. "oh that hurt." The Orc that Applejack buck said.

"Kill those weird horses," the Orc who was hit by one of Twilight's beams said.

But before they charge at the ponies they see Fluttershy giving them the stare. "Oh yeah Fluttershy give them the stare." Rainbow Dash said, her and her friends cheering

But to there shock Fluttershy's stare didn't even face them, seeing them running at them.

Getting out of there shock The ponies run at them, Fluttershy staying behind her friends fighting them again, this time making sure they are down for good.

But Fluttershy got pin down to the ground. Kicking the Orc on top of her with her hind legs she throws him to a wall. the Orc getting out of his daze notice his weapon. grabbing his weapon he runs straight at Fluttershy with a Curve Sword.

Twilight knocking out an Orc sees the Orc that Fluttershy was facing running with his weapon towards her. "Fluttershy!" Twilight tries to use her magic but she is stopped by another Orc.

Fluttershy looks to see the curve sword going toward her, She closed her eyes waiting for her end. But it never came. Opening her eyes Fluttershy saw the Orc curve sword was stopped by a woman with armor and short blonde hair. The woman pushed back the Orc striking him through the chest killing him.

"That's for my men's," the woman said.

/ / / / / / / / / /

10 minutes earlier.

Talion Seeing the ponies taking care of the Orcs concentrated on killing the Captain. Talion swings his sword at Úkbúk able to hit him in the chest but Úkbúk blocks the next attack striking back. Talion block three of Úkbúk strikes countering the last strike. throwing him out of balance Talion strike-through Úkbúk's chest, pulling out his sword Úkbúk fell to his knees looking at Talion.

"Killing me won't change Minas Ithil's fate."

with no hesitation Talion put his sword near Úkbúk's neck, cutting out his head, killing him instantly.


Talion look to see the ponies taking down the Orcs, but sees one of them with his weapon running towards Fluttershy. he was going to use his bow but stops to see a woman with short blonde hair, wearing a Gondorian armor blocking the strike, killing the Orc.

/ / / / / / / / / /

Present time.

"Thanks for saving me," Fluttershy said gratefully.

"Umm your welcome," the woman said surprised, killing the unconscious Orcs. Looking up she sees the Ranger walking towards her.

"Why are you here alone?" Talion said to the woman.

"My raiding party was trapped in the lower city overnight."

"How many of you were there?"

"Not enough."

"So, Minas Ithil stands.

"Are these... Talking Horses with you?" The women said killing the last Orc.

"Who are you calling horses!" Rarity said offended. We know that you save one of our friends but please avoid calling us that."

"Sigh, believe it or not, yes they are with me." Talion said annoyed. "they are actually called ponies and have their own names.

"My name is Rarity, Sorry for my rudeness."

"I'm Applejack nice to meet y'all.

"I'm Fluttershy thanks again for saving me.

"Rainbow Dash thanks for saving my friend over here."

"Pinkie Pie,"

"And I'm Twilight Sparkle,"

"My name is Idril, but As much as I want to continue this conversation, it is not the time. We're about to lose the Middle City Ranger. They'll be closing the gate if they haven't already. We need to get there as fast as we can.

"Then we'll be right behind you," Talion said.

With a nod, Idril was going to take them to the gates, but stop looking back at the Ranger. "What's your name?"


Idril nodded. "Don't fall behind everyone, we've lost enough Men today."

As they started running heading to the gates, they all heard a horn being blown. "Do you hear that everyone?!" Idril said yelling. "It means that they're closing the gate!"

"Then we need to move fast!" Rainbow Dash said.

Sargeant Tarandor's going to need our help, let's move!"

"Hope you ponies are ready," Talion said to the ponies. Because you'll be facing Uruks, there worse then the Orcs you faced. Distract the Uruk's from the Gondorian's for they can have the chance to strike them down."

They nodded, but in the inside they were scared even Rainbow Dash, but there was one pony that was determined, imagining if Idril was not there.

As they made it were Sargeant Tarandor was, they saw Gondorians and Uruks battling each other. With no hesitation, Talion, Idril, and the ponies went to help them.

Applejack tackles an Uruk before he could kill a Gondorian soldier from the ground.
Rarity uses her own levitation spell to get rid of the Uruk's weapons. Fluttershy started tackling them since that is the only thing she could do without her stare. Rainbow Dash flew towards them Giving the Gondorian's time to strike. Pinkie was popping behind Uruk after Uruk distracting them, and getting them annoyed. Twilight uses her magic to shot beams of magic to the Uruks saving Gondorians who are struggling or being knocked down.

Some of the Gondorians were confused seeing horses helping them out. but they ignore them, As long as they helped them take out the Uruks they didn't care.

"Thanks for the assist," Sargeant Tarandor said gratefully. "But Herion will need our support. We can't leave him out here!"

"Take us where he is!" Idril said killing an Uruk, Seeing the rest of them retreat.

Nodding Sargeant Tarandor took them were Sergeant Herion is.

Talion, Idril, the ponies, and some few Gondorians soldiers follow Sargeant Tarandor. But on their way, Talion and the ponies saw the chaos on the way through the city. Orcs and Gondorians battling one another, flaming projectiles falling through the city, the ponies felt fear go through there bodies. They have fazed Timberwolves, a Hydras, manticores, even the most threatened enemies of Equestria. But they never fazed death in a battle, not even from Queen Chrysalis invasion from the wedding day was like this.

"Incoming!" A Gondorian soldier said to the group seeing a flaming projectile coming there way. Twilight seeing this used her magic to move the flaming projectile hitting right beside them.

Idril really wanted to know on how she could use magic but saved it after they made it to the gates. "Keep going everyone."

"This is just like Shelob's vision," Talion said to Celebrimbor.

"If Sauron's forces get the Palantir, all of Middle-earth will share the same fate, and the ponies will not be able to return to there world."

"There he is!" Sargeant Tarandor said seeing a Gondorian soldier without a helmet, with short hair. "It's not looking good,"

"Then let's get in there and help them," Applejack said.

They Didn't need to be told twice. Charging toward the surrounded Gondorian's, the Uruks were getting slaughtered not expecting reinforcements. Without hesitation, the remaining Uruks retreated.

"Yeah, you better run!" Rainbow dash said smiling Getting a little far from the group, Seeing the Uruks run away.

"Talion on top of the building!" Celebrimbor said warning him.

Talion looks up to see an Orc with a crossbow on top of the building aiming directly at Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash get down!" Without wasting time Talion run towards Rainbow Dash, using his Elven agility Talion was able to push her out of the way making the incoming Arrow miss hitting the ground instead. Getting up of the ground Talion used his bow slowing everything down hitting the Orc in the head killing him.

"Hey what's the big idea!" Rainbow Dash said angrily.

"How about you were almost going to get killed by an Uruk's Arrow!" Talion said angrily, pointing the Arrow on the ground.

Rainbow Dash look to see the dark Arrow were Talion was pointing at, realizing on what happened. Rainbow Dash shivered in fear, imagining if Talion wasn't fast enough to push her out of the way.


Talion look to see Idril Was the one calling him. "Sargeant Herion is leading us were Sargeant Dagor is, we need to go now."

"Never leave your guard down in a battle," Talion said looking back at Rainbow Dash. "Now let's move, the gate will be closed if we don't help them retreat."

"But Rainbow didn't move she was still looking at the Dark Arrow, but was snapped out of it by her friends.

"Rainbow Dash are you ok!" Pinkie pie said worry.

"Hu, yeah thanks to Talion I'm alright," Rainbow Dash said giving them a fake smile. "Now come on we need to hurry before they leave us."

They nodded continuing to follow Talion, Idril, and the group, not wanting to be left behind. Rainbow Dash stops to see the dark Arrow one last time, Taking the advice that Talion gave her.

On their way, they continue heading were Sargeant Dagor was at. On the way, Idril told the Gondorians to fallback to head through the gate, But some of them stayed to cover there retreat.

"Uruks archers Up ahead!" Talion said to the group.

Rainbow and Twilight flew a little to see that Talion was right, Uruks archers were aiming at them ready to fire. Twilight was going to use her magic to make a shield to the group. But stops on what she was going to do seeing Gondorians archers shooting down the Uruks archers wiping them out with ease.

"Join us, the gate is closing!"

"Will be right behind you!" One of the Gondorians archers said to Idril.

"Fallback, fallback." A Gondorian soldier told his men, following Idril.

"There's Sargeant Dagor near the entrance of the Arena!" Idril said to the following group.

Applejack saw pieces of rocks near a wooden caravan given her an idea.

"Rarity bring me those rocks for I can buck them toward them Uruks! Catching up on what Applejack was planning, used her levitation spell to bring as many rocks she could carry, letting the group and the rest of her friends to go forward.
Talion not Knowing what Applejack and Rarity were doing stayed behind.

"All cover your backs, do whatever you two are planning."

"Thanks darling," Rarity said gratefully.

"Mighty kind of y'all Talion. Now come on Rarity let's show these varmints not to mess with us," Applejack said smirking.

"Sargeant Dagor, we're pulling back! The Middle City is lost," Sargeant Herion said.

"Not before we finish these filthy Trogs!" Sargeant Dagor said having an eye patch on one of his eyes, and no hair his head.

Seeing an Uruk coming his way, he lifted his sword ready to attack. But stop in confusion seeing it fall to the ground, With a rock beside his head. finishing the dazed Uruk Sargeant Dagor looked around to see who was the one who through that rock. Only to get confused seeing two horses, one of them with a horn levitating the rocks, and the other kicking the rocks with great accuracy towards the Uruks. Beside them was a Ranger protecting them from the Uruks who are trying to get them from behind. Looking around even more he sees four more horses, each of them with different colors. Only one thing came to his mind.

"If you think your going crazy? then, no, no your not," Idril said to Sargeant Dagor. "Now pay attention and let's deal with these Uruks!"

"Yes ma'am," Sargeant Dagor said coming out of his thoughts.

"Bucking the last rock given by Rarity, Seeing hitting another Uruk in the head, They both look at Talion facing three Uruks one of them charging at him. by dodging the charging Uruk's spiked club, he stands beside him striking his sword through the side of his head spinning back, throwing the Uruk's dead body to the ground. The two remaining Uruks didn't wanted to end like there companion, so instead they both run towards him, ready to attack him at the same time. But what they didn't know is that Talion has Celebrimbor covering his back in case things go tough. Talion blocks the first strike, Celebrimbor appearing blocking the second strike with a wraith sword, spinning the Uruk's Back striking him through the back of his neck. Talion tripped the remaining Uruk stunned in the ground, changing his sword to his dagger, rolling over the side of the Uruk's back landing on the other side stabbing him through the neck.

Rarity and Applejack were surprised and Disturbed seeing how they handle them with ease.

Seeing the Remaining Uruks retreat, using the wraith world making sure that no Uruk was hiding, Talion walk back were Applejack And Rarity were at. "Good work you two on how you dealt with the Uruks," Talion said impressed.

Snapping out on what they saw, they gave Talion a nervous smile. "Well Mighty kind of y'all."

"It was nothing darling."

Talion knew why they were nervous not mentioning why. "Sigh they must of scene on how Celebrimbor and I killed those Uruks."

"They're sealing the gate, Move out! Move out!"

Talion, Applejack, and Rarity look to see that it was Idril calling everyone to move towards the gate.

"they're sealing the gate we need to move," Talion said to Applejack and Rarity. They nodded and run following the ground there friends waiting for them to catch up.

As they continue to run climbing up the stairs where the gate was at, some Uruks and Gondorians were fighting near the entrance. Idril runs towards the Uruk who killed a Gondorian soldier. blocking the Uruk's attacks she struck him in the chest and killing a second Uruk that was changing at her through the stomach. But unknown to for her a third Uruk came from behind Idril ready to strike at her. But his hand was cut off where he had his weapon, followed by his head being cut off from behind, by Talion's sword.

"Thanks," Idril said appreciated, Seeing everyone, including the ponies getting through the gate.

Talion saw the ponies getting passing through the gate... All but one.

"Where's Twilight!" Talion said looking at her friends.

They look to see that Twilight wasn't with them.

"But she was behind me!" Fluttershy said.

Talion looked back, Seeing Twilight in the ground holding a sword through an Uruk's chest falling beside her to the ground dead.

"Applejack come with me the rest stay here."

/ / / / / / / / / /

10 minutes earlier

"Were close to the gate!" Idril said

Getting to the end of the stairs they all saw the entrance seeing Uruks and Gondorians fighting near it. Knowing that the gate will be closing soon, they all run, the ponies following Talion to the entrance. Unknown to her friends Twilight saw Fluttershy trip falling to the ground, Seeing this Twilight went back for her helping her getting up.

"Thank you Twilight," Fluttershy said

"No problem now let's go."

Nodding Fluttershy ran to the gate. Twilight was going to follow Fluttershy but she was suddenly pushed by an Uruk. Falling down to the ground Twilight open her eyes to see besides her a dead Gondorian, Seeing a sword beside it. Twilight looked up to see The Uruk in front of her.

"Die you worm!"

With fear and without hesitation, Twilight grabbed the sword beside her blocking the attack, Closing her eyes she pushed the sword forward. Twilight felt something fall to her face, opening her eyes she sees the Uruk with the sword in his chest.

Twilight quickly let the sword go, Seeing the Uruk fall down to the ground, the sword still in his chest. Twilight was horrified realizing on what she did, looking down to her hooves were she hold the sword seeing that they were covered with blood.

"I... I killed him."

/ / / / / / / / / /

Present time.

Talion and Applejack made it were Twilight was at seeing the condition she was.

"Is... Is that her blood," Applejack said horrified

"No, it belongs to an Uruk. Twilight. Twilight! We need to move."

"She's in a State of Shock," Celebrimbor said appearing. You'll need to carry her.

Talion was going to carry her but sees a group of Uruks coming there way.

"Applejack take Twilight out of here! I'll take care of the Orcs." Looking back Talion sees that the gate is closing. "You need to go now there closing the gate."

"I can't just leave y'all here against those varmints!"


Surprised at his tone Applejack Looking at Twilight still frozen in shock, she lifted Twilight to her back and started running towards the gate.

"Here Talion, you might want to use this." Celebrimbor said giving Talion a wraith Glaive.

"When did you have this."

"It was one of my weapons, it took time but I managed to make it."

"Can't wait to try it."

Applejack made it through the closing gate, seeing Idril and her friends coming her way. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were going to embraced Applejack into a hug seeing Twilight on her back. But stop seeing Twilight's face and hooves covered with blood.

"We're is Talion," Idril said

"Talion staid trying to give us time escape, I tried to convince him not to but he didn't listen."

"What! Darn that Ranger. Sargeant Dagor Have the archers to provide support to the Ranger."

"Right away," Sargeant Dagor said bringing Gondorians archers. "Archers Take positions and give the ranger support."

Idril seeing the archers taking positions on top of the wall, look back at the ponies Seeing Twilight shock in fear, her friends trying to snap her out of it.

"Twilight What happened to you," Idril said concern knowing too well who's blood it belongs.

"I.. Killed. Him. I never.. killed some pony before."

"Some pony? She must mean someone. Sigh. You ponies have never killed someone before.

They all shook their heads sadly.

"Twilight you are not the only one who felt this way. Believe it or not, I was in the same position as you."

"Wha... What do you mean?" Twilight said confuse looking at her slowly, her friends confused as well.

This is not the first time Orcs attacked Minas Ithil. A few years ago when I was little my mother was making dinner with me helping her, my father was on Duty. We wanted to surprise him, but one day the Orcs attacked Minas Ithil killing everyone on site. An Orc entered in to are home braking down the door, my mother tried to protect me fighting against the Orc. But he killed her, I was shocked, tears falling in my eyes. But then I felt rage building up in my body, I saw the knife near me in the ground, I grabbed it striking him where the heart would be. When I calmed down I saw on what I did, my father came in the house seeing me kneeling in the ground. He was glad that I was safe but also sad that he didn't came home fast enough.

Looking at the ponies Idril saw that they were sad, Fluttershy crying hearing Idril's story.

When the Orcs were defeated, my father came to me seeing me in the same state as Twilight. He told me something. The same thing I'm going to tell all of you.

"And what is that?" Pinkie said, the rest of her friends even Twilight wanting to know.

Idril looks straight at Twilight. "He said Idril what you did was not wrong, by killing him you might have saved hundreds maybe thousands of lives and if you haven't, I wouldn't have you here alive."

"She is right," Idril and the ponies look to see Talion alive and inside the gate.

"Talion!" They all said happy to see him alright.

"You were defending yourself If you Hadn't killed that Uruk you wouldn't be alive. and there is no doubt your friends wouldn't be able to continue without you," Talion said looking at Twilight.

Hearing what Idril and Talion said Twilight started to feel better. "Thanks for making me feel better."

Talion and Idril nodded.

"By the way how de hay did you get inside?" Applejack said curiously.

"While I was fighting against the Uruks I received support from Gondorians archers, with there help we were able to wipe out the remaining Uruks letting me enter while it was clear.

"That's good," Idril said relieved. But as for right now I must go and report to my father.

"Your father that you told us?" Twilight said.

"Yes he is the General who is commanding the entire troops, his name is Castamir."

"Idril before you go can you do me a favor," Talion said

"What kind of favor?"

"Can you make some armor and bring some weapons and cloaks for the ponies."

The ponies were surprised and confused on why Talion ask all that.

"Mmm, I might be able to ask our blacksmith to make armor for them, But It Might take some time. I'll also be able to send someone to bring cloaks, As for weapons you can take them to the training area, they can keep any weapons that are there."

"Thanks," Talion said seeing Idril leaving to report to his father, Leaving alone with the ponies suddenly started asking questions.

"Quiet," Talion said raisin his voice for him to explain. "Do all of you remember what I Said before we went to Minas Ithil? That I wanted you all to decide if you'll be able to fight like us."

The ponies started to realize on what he was talking about, nodding their heads

"That is why I ask Idril of she could make some armor and to bring cloaks and weapons. it's time for you ponies to decide."

"Most of You ponies have fought well without killing any Uruks but for how long that will last," Celebrimbor said appearing. "There was a reason why Talion wanted Twilight to kill the Orcs back in the bridge. It was because he wanted you to have the strength to do it. you ponies never have seen death in a battle against your enemies, We don't even know how long you ponies will be here. Some of you were struggling to fight the Orcs head-on, and there won't be others to kill the Orcs for you. If it wasn't for Idril saving Fluttershy and Talion saving Rainbow Dash." Celebrimbor looking straight at Twilight. "Or Twilight lifting a sword to save her own life, half of you would be already dead. What would happen if Sauron knows your all from another world and finds a way to get to your world.

"He's right you know,"

They were all surprised to see that it was Pinkie Pie who spoked Up.

"how long will be able to fight like this? we all saw what was inside the city. three of my friends almost got killed. sooner or later I'll have to see one of my best friends die!" Pinkie Pie then started crying.

Twilight thought on what Celebrimbor and Pinkie Pie said. She imagined Sauron finding a way to get to there world, Equestria being Attacked by Orcs. the towns in ruins, the Princesses and guards Getting killed trying to stop them. Twilight stop imagining it finally accepting on what they needed to do. "Your right pinkie." Twilight said looking at her friends. "if we continue to fight the way we're doing now? we won't last long enough to go back home."

"As much as I hate saying this sugar cube your right." Applejack said. I buck them, kick rocks at them faces but they just keep coming.

"Yeah not even flying towards them wasn't enough,' Rainbow Dash said. "It took me two or three times just to knock one out."

"I dreadfully agree," Rarity said. "even if I throw them gems or take away their weapons they just start to use knives or throw small axis instead.

"But I don't know if I have the strength to do it."

They all looked at Fluttershy seeing her scared and worry.

"Then I will show you. All of you how to fight without fear and without hesitation against the Uruks." Talion said confidently.

"If you ponies choose to fight like us there will be no turning back," Celebrimbor said giving one last chance for them to reconsider.

"After what we've been through on the way to the gate? Is better for us this way." Twilight said, her friends nodding in agreement.

Very well, but first, we will need to secure the Palantir, and whatever you do don't tell anyone on how you all got here or about Shelob and the ring. if any of Sauron's armies hear about the ring we created they will go after Shelob and try to take it."

They nodded. "then let's go find general Castamir," Talion said, the ponies following him from behind.

As they walk forward, civilians and some Gondorians soldiers were looking at Talion. mostly at the ponies, who are following the Ranger in confusion. Ignoring it they Continued seeing Idril speaking to someone where the View of the city can be seen. He had a unique set of armor showing the one in charge, his hair and beard were grayish-white.

Talion and the ponies thought that this person could be Idril's father General Castamir. He looked at Idril Seeing her leave but noticed Talion and the ponies. he was confused about why there were colorful horses not to mention some of them had wings, horns, or non. But there was one that had both. he will ask about the horses later.

"A Ranger from the Black Gate? I heard you were all dead."

"You heard the truth."

"What kind of horses do you bring with you?"

Rarity was going to protest but Twilight spoke instead. "Actually were are ponies."

If colorful horses weren't surprising enough talking horses would do it. He looked at the Ranger for an explanation

Talion knew he had to explain on why rainbow color talking horses were with him. "On what I can tell you is that there my friends, and help save Gondorians soldier's life's on our way here."

"It's that so?"

"He is telling the truth. my name is Twilight Sparkle and this are my friends Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. We have been with Talion when he found us recently."

"Talion? Is that your name?"

"It is."

"since all of you told me your names it would be polite to introduce my self, my name is Castamir and I'm the one in charge of Minas Ithil and the general of the Gondorians soldiers, and thank you for saving my men's lives."

"So you are Idril's father," Pinkie Pie said happily.

"How do you know?"

We met Idril on are way here saving one of my friend's lives. Twilight said.

"I'm glad that she was able to save one of your friends but I must be going. Talion if you've come to fight for Minas Ithil, report to Captain Baranor.

" I have not come to join your army, General. We have come here for the Palantir, and its safe keeping."

"Protect the city and the Palantir will be safe," Castamir said sternly. "However our rating parties are targeting enemy captains in the lower city.

"You want to spread terror in their ranks," Talion said

"Yes. It's about time they tasted fear." And with that Castamir left leaving Talion and the ponies.

"What now?" Twilight said Talion and her friends seeing the viewing of the city that is still being attacked

"We need to secure the Palantir now," Celebrimbor said appearing. "The city is weak and it will not hold for much longer.

"But we can not just take it," Fluttershy said.

"But there is another option."

They all look at talion. Castamir is right by protecting the city, we protect the Palantir.

"Talion is right if we can protect the city they won't be able to get the Palantir," Twilight said.

"All of you see into the wraith world and look at the city," Celebrimbor said.

They were confused on why but did it anyway, but once they did they were shocked by what they saw. On top of the tower, there was a flaming eye.

"What... Is that!" Fluttershy said shaking seeing the flaming eye looking at them.

"The tower bears his mark," Talion said angrily.

"What do you mean that it bears his mark?" Twilight said.

"There the eye of Sauron's. they give him sight on everything on what is happening." Talion said to the ponies.

And that was my Tower once. Now Sauron's corruption spreads beyond the borders of Mordor. He mocks me.

"Wait does that mean he can see on what were doing now?!" Rainbow Dash said.

"That is darn right creepy." Applejack said.

"No. Without the Palantir, it can not give him sight." Celebrimbor said, all of them stopping seeing into the wraith world.

If you ponies are serious about helping protect Minas Ithil, then it will be best of us to start your training." Talion said.

They nodded.

Good, then let's go to the training area.

To be continued.