• Published 11th May 2020
  • 1,144 Views, 7 Comments

Equellas: Legendary Tales - Bigwig6666

Twilight Sparkle finds herself transported to another world straight out of old stories she used to read. A world of monsters, myths, heroes and villains awaits her as she gets tangled up in a plot to resurrect a deadly threat...

  • ...

The Scrying Pool

"What makes this mare think she can speak among stallions?"

"Because only Dirtan mares give birth to real stallions."

- The Queen of Dirta declaring a well known truth.


Once, long ago in ages past, there was a beautiful young mare called Persephone. Her mother was Demeter, the Goddess of nature and the earth. Demeter and her daughter lived in a world where it was always summer, and the flowers and plants were always so colourful and were always blooming, and the sun was always shining high and bright in the sky.

One day, while picking daisies, Persephone felt a trembling beneath her hooves and heard a rumbling. The ground split open and Hades, God of the Underworld, appeared to her. He stole the girl and took her back into the earth with him, back to his dark realm. The ground closed up again with a huge roar and all that was left of Persephone was a bunch of trampled flowers on the ground.

Demeter searched everywhere, but she could not find her daughter. She looked high and low for Persephone, and days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Her grief was so great that the earth began to grow cold and all the green things died.

In the underworld, meanwhile, Persephone came to see that Hades wasn’t as frightening as she had first thought. He had been so lonely in the underworld, and he told her he had seen her in the world of the living, and that he longed for her company. The two began a courtship, and it is said that the filly managed to soften the stone heart of the Lord of the Underworld itself, allowing a chance for loved ones to be reunited even after death. However, Persephone knew that if she ate or drank anything in the underworld, she would have to stay there forever. Even though Hades begged her to have just a sip of a drink, or one bite of food, she refused.

Despite dearly missing her mother and the unimaginable hunger and thirst she felt, Persephone embraced her role as Queen of the Underworld alongside Hades, performing as dutiful as he did in their combined dealings. Soon however she began to grow glum and sad, and sorely missed the bright things of the earth, the wind in her mane and the warm rays of the sun on her face.

As Demeter's hope for her beloved daughter began to disappear, so too did all the greenery of the earth, and soon it was covered in a blanket of harsh winds, freezing cold snow and ice. Hades realised his terrible mistake when the souls of the innocent creatures who died from the first winter flooded the underworld. He visited Persephone, and upon seeing how unhappy his wife was, sadly agreed to take her back to her mother. But before they left, he offered her one last thing to eat--a single ripe, blood red pomegranate. Persephone starving after months of not eating, couldn't resist and ate the smallest amount of food she could: six seeds of the pomegranate..

They went back above ground, up through a crack in the earth. Demeter was surprised but delighted to see her daughter again, and they threw themselves into each other's hooves, overjoyed to be reunited. The earth again grew rich with flowers and the sun shone once more, and the cold winds vanished and the snow and ice melted.

In response for the theft of Persephone, Demeter promised retribution upon Hades. Her wrath was so great that Zeus himself had to step in, and mediate terms between the two. It was here that Persephone revealed she had eaten the seeds. Therefore, Zeus decreed that she must return to the underworld with Hades for six months of the year, one month for each pomegranate seed.

Reluctant to agree, but knowing it was the only way she would ever see her daughter again, Demeter agreed. This was the beginning of spring, and when what would be known as the first autumn came, the earth goddess would go into mourning, and the world would lose it's colour and turn cold and bleak once more...

"So you see, Twilight," Broncoles concluded with a soft smile, "that explains how the seasons work. The eternal cycle of the death and rebirth of nature." They had been walking for hours, and the sun was quite high in the sky, beating down on their necks amidst the yellow and orange forest.

Twilight looked up at the trees in a new light, thinking of home. "We don't have any stories like that in Equestria," she mumbled shyly. It was true, she thought, to an Equellene, Equestria must have seemed quiet boring in comparison.

The stallion furrowed his brow in confusion. "So this Celestia of yours controls the sun and the seasons?"

"Oh no not at all," she stated, eager to explain some of her favourite stories. "No the world rotates on it's axis, so the seasons depend on the position of the planet around the sun."

He cocked his head and further furrowed his brow. "Positions of the--by the gods what did you just say?"

Eager to explain herself, and jumping the chance to explain the wonders of science to her new friend, Twilight quickly leant down and picked up a conveniently round rock. "Well, see the world is on a tilt, like this-" She held up the rock and turned it over in her hoof, holding it at an angle to show him. "This is us."

Broncoles looked down at it and frowned. "That's a rock," he said plainly.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Pretend it's us. See how it's on a tilt? That's the axis." She held her hoof out. "My hoof is the sun, and this rock is the world. When we orbit the sun like this, that means the parts of the world that are closer to the sun are warmer than the others, and vice versa."

The stallion continued to look confused. "But... it's a rock."

"I know it's a rock. It's a metaphor," Twilight grumbled. Her ears turned down in irritation.

Broncoles shook his head. "Metaphors, rocks, 'planet', you sound just like the crazy philosophers in Haylos."

Twilight stuck her tongue out at him. "It's just science!" she grumbled to herself as he sauntered on ahead. "Are you hungry anyway?" she muttered bitterly, feeling her stomach rumble. It had been a while since they had their 'breakfast' and se longed for some real food. Not seaweed.

The stallion stopped and turned around. "I suppose." His stomach grumbled in agreement, causing him to chuckle. Twilight looked at his size and worried about the paltry amount of food they had. Four apples, and a bag of oats. She didn't resent the villagers at all for it, though, and was quite grateful to even get some help. She used her magic to levitate the bags onto the ground, and pulled out two of the apples, giving one over to her companion.

She did begrudge how greedily Broncoles tore into it, and tutted at him as she took smaller bites. "You know it's better to savour them," she told him. "They last longer."

"Mhm," mumbled Broncoles back through a mouthful of apple. He didn't care about making food last longer. He was hungry. Such was the curse of being the largest pony in Equellas.

She rolled her eyes at him and looked up at the sky. Not a single cloud in sight. Today would be a perfect day for flying, she thought.

The stallion swallowed and smacked his lips together. He burped and excused himself, and noticed her gazing upwards. He followed her gaze. "What are you looking at?"

"Oh nothing, just... up there." Her wings rustled uncomfortably. She longed to stretch them, to feel the wind on her face and in her feathers. But she lowered her gaze and smiled at him as he gave her a worried look. "I'm alright, really. How long until we get to Dirta?"

Broncoles rubbed his nose. "Should be less than a day now, I think."

She nodded in acknowledgement. "And..." She hesitated. She wanted to know more about the history of Equellas, even if they were just stories. "Do you think you could tell me another story?" she mumbled shyly.

The stallion rose to his hooves and gave a hearty laugh. "Of course. Do you like spiders?"

Twilight wrinkled her nose as they set off again. "I mean, they catch flies and keep bugs away, so yeah, I guess. Why?"

He grinned and cleared his throat and marched on, while Twilight trotted next to him and gazed up at him, pleased he enjoyed telling the stories as much as she liked listening to them.

"As the stories go, Arachne was the greatest weaver Equellas had ever seen..."


The great city of Dirta rose up to meet them as they emerged from the forest. Twilight gasped as she saw two rows of magnificently carved statues lining the cobblestone path up to the gate. "Who are they?" she asked.

"The past kings of Dirta, watching any traveller who dares approach," Broncoles grumbled. "Listen, Twilight." he turned to her and stopped moving. She gave him a concerned look. "Stay close to me. This place isn't safe for unicorns, or anypony not an earth pony for that matter." He looked down at her with worry in his eyes, and glanced at her horn. "Try not to do any magic ether."

She nodded and swallowed. "I understand."

"Good. Come on then."

They strode towards the large gatehouse. Beyond it, a huge crowd of ponies jostled amongst each other, selling and trading, and trading and selling. The hubbub of voices and hooves grew quieter when the two approached, and the crowd parted as they marched forwards.

"Broncoles?" Twilight whispered to her companion as the crowd fell deathly silent, giving them both stares of great curiosity, anger, confusion, and even murderous hate. They all wore simple white togas and tunics, with a few wearing gold or bronze bangles or collars around their hooves and necks. A gaggle of naked foals ran past them, pausing to stop and stare at Twilight. She offered them a friendly smile, and opened her mouth to greet them, but they quickly turned and fled, calling out derogatory names towards unicorns--something about flaccid horns.

"What?" Broncoles whispered back, glaring at any pony brave enough to match his gaze. He strode forward with confidence and held his head high, taking long powerful strides, pausing only to let his companion catch up. Twilight glanced around as ponies stared at her and felt her knees begin to tremble as she hurried after him. The children's calls rang out in her head. What kind of place is this?

She shivered. "Why are they all staring at us like that?"

"Because of what's on your forehead."

She reached up and gently touched her horn. "My horn? Do they hate unicorns that much?"


Before she could ask anything else, Broncoles held a hoof out as several angry looking ponies, wearing armour of bronze and blood red cloaks, strode out to meet them. Their shields were large, and had the symbol of Dirta, the same symbol that was on the flags at the entrance to the city, and Twilight thought their spears looked awfully sharp and vicious.

"Halt!" One of them called out.

His eyes darkened underneath his helmet, and his white coat underneath his chestplate gleamed in the sun, casting the illusion of a celestial being upon the crowd and the intruders upon his city. He slammed a hoof down and pointed his spear at them. His eyes traced over Twilight with a sneer as he glanced at Broncoles.

"The bounty for unicorns only stands when they are delivered in chains, stallion. Explain why this one still has her horn free."

Twilight felt dread build up inside her as the crowd gathered and began to whisper among themselves. She stepped closer to her companion for some comfort and felt the accusatory glares of the crowd on her. He puffed his chest out and addressed the soldier who had spoken.

"She is no prisoner of mine. We have come together, to treat with the King of Dirta."

Broncoles narrowed his eyes and scraped a hoof along the ground and flushed not air out of his nostrils. His muscles flexed and a gleam of sweat traced down his side. Apollo had made the sun shine as bright as possible, and beat down on them as they walked. He had no patience to deal with the hard headed fools of Dirta, least of all a colt of a stallion with a chip on his shoulder.

The pony who had spoken cleared his throat and lowered his spear, it's honed edge gleamed in the sun. "The king is away fighting the war, fighting for freedom of all earth ponies." He scowled at Twilight. "You will go no further until that unicorn lies in chains and her horn is silenced."

He gave a sharp whistle, and another soldier stepped forwards, carrying a heavy looking chest on his back. With ease, he slipped it off and it crashed onto the ground in a small display of Dirtan strength, eliciting a few coos from the middling crowd. He undid the clasps on it and thrust it open, revealing as set of chains and a large iron ring.

Broncoles raised his eyebrow, unimpressed. "What do you intend to do with those?" he growled as a pair of soldiers grabbed the shackles.

The soldiers didn't answer. Instead they merely lowered their spears at him and began to slowly approach.

The giant of an earth pony sighed and cracked his neck. He gave Twilight a dark smile as he took a step forwards and lowered his head. Gone was the usual jovial look in his face, she thought. Gone was the usual calmness and playfulness that he seemed to ooze. She watched his muscles seemed to grow and swell before her very eyes and let out a small gasp. She reached out and placed a hoof on his side before something terrible happened.

"Broncoles, please don't hurt them," Twilight whispered fearfully. "I don't mind being arrested if it means nopony gets hurt." She smiled bravely at him and rested on him for a moment.

He turned to her, flicked his mane out of his face and swished his tail in annoyance. He said nothing as he gazed into her purple eyes, full of a certain childlike innocence and wonder, and thought about what a rare and selfless thing she was in this vicious world of his. He thought Equestria must be a wonderful place to produce such a creature. With a sigh he visibly untensed and straightened up as she stepped forwards to address them.

"Please everypony," she said, smiling at the soldiers, and some members of the crowd who looked her in the eye. The soldiers all took a step back and raised their spears at her, glowering with hateful eyes. "There's no need for violence, we surrender peacefully and nopony needs to get hurt."

The crowd chuckled amongst themselves as some threw jeers and curses at them both. The white pony who had spoken first also laughed at them. "Peacefully? Who does this unicorn whore think she is?" His nostrils flared as he jutted his head towards some nearby warriors. "Arrest them."

Twilight bristled at the needless insult and felt her ears burn. She was trying to be nice, couldn't they see that? Her wings wanted to rustle with indignation underneath the robe she wore, and the heavy saddlebags that covered them thankfully prevented that. She thought if this was how they reacted to her having a horn, then she didn't want to see how they reacted to her having wings as well.

Despite the encouraging face she gave Broncoles as a pair of the warriors approached her holding out the cold iron shackles, watching her with bloodshot eyes from underneath their helmets. Both of them were the size of Big Mac, yet still dwarfed in comparison to her companion, who she was extremely grateful for.

Broncoles flared his nostrils again and glared at them as they fastened the manacles to her hooves. Satisfied she was secure, they turned to him. One of them looked at his hooves and grimaced, giving a head nod to the soldier beside him. Without words, they produced a length of rope from the chest and threw it around the stallion's neck, where it sat loosesly, ready to be tightened at a moment's notice.

Another of the soldiers picked up the small iron ring and moved towards Twilight with it. She didn't know what it was, only felt that something disturbed her greatly about it. She felt a chill run down her spine and shivered, despite the heat of the sun, and a great despair welled up inside her just by looking at the simple piece of iron. Instinctively, and perhaps subconsciously aware something terrible was coming, she backed up and reared away from the soldier as best she could. The chains around her legs clanked and rattled. In response, the guard holding the rope attached to Broncoles gave it a yank and pulled him down, away from her. "No, please!" she cried as she heard his pained gasp and hung her head. "I'm sorry, I'll wear it..."

She braced herself, and felt herself grow cold as the guard seemed to enjoy her torment, noticing his small smirk, and the slight grins on the rest of their faces, including the white pony. "Inhale, count to four..." she told herself. Her horn tingled as the iron ring unclasped.


She couldn't help herself. The cold penetrated deep within her and instinct took over again as she fired a small magical blast towards a--thankfully--empty cart. It shattered into splinters, and the guard dropped the ring and leapt backwards towards his comrades, away from the 'dangerous' unicorn.

They all lowered their spears and advanced as Twilight stammered an apology. Broncoles reared up as more rope was thrown around him. He stomped his hooves and snorted, grunting in pain as they pulled him down. His body hit the ground with a loud crash. "Enough!" he gasped, feeling the rope tighten around his neck, digging into his skin.

"Please! Stop, I didn't--I'm sorry-" she continued to cry. All their eyes were watching her, all ready to kill her. Her horn tingled again. What she would give to be in good old Canterlot again. She found herself collapsed and cowering, tucked up into a small as possible ball, tail wrapped around her and-


A loud voice boomed over the crowd. The soldiers immediately retracted their weapons and planted them in the ground at their sides, standing up straight and at attention. The ones restraining Broncoles released their hold of the ropes, and he quickly stood and shook the dirt and dust off. He marched to Twilight's side and protectively stepped over her, shielding her frame with his massive body. He knew if the soldiers struck him he would die, for he was as mortal as the rest of them, but as long as he kept Twilight safe he didn't care. He didn't know why he had to keep her safe, but something drove him. The same thing that told him to help her on the beach, and the same thing that told him to swim out to sea and catch her in the first place. The Fates are fickle mistresses in Equellas, and must have been playing some game with him today he thought.

The members of the crowd who remained quickly dispersed, trying (and failing) to make it look like they weren't paying attention to the strangers and the soldiers. One stallion simply tutted and tapped his hoof at his shattered cart, rolled his eyes, and muttered something about no good, dirty rotten, cart breaking unicorns.

Twilight removed the hooves over her eyes and peered out from underneath Broncoles, before realising she was in fact underneath him. She glanced upwards towards his face and felt herself calming down. Feeling shame burn away inside her for losing control of her magic--something which hadn't happened since she was a small foal--she patted one of his hooves to assure him she was okay. He ignored her, and watched intently at the newcomers approaching them.

A sand coloured mare and a large, bigger than Big Mac stallion strode towards them through the soldiers. Her blood red mane was tied back into a knot, held in place by a golden clip encrusted with a single ruby. Two gold hoops hung from her ears, and a gold bangle made to look like a serpent weaved itself around one of her front legs. Her simple white dress wrapped itself around her, hugging her slender form. Despite her jewellery and obvious regality, her hooves were laid bare on the ground. Twilight quickly identified her as the queen, feeling the same thing she felt when she looked at Celestia for the first time, that air of royalty that only princesses--or queens--conjured.

The soldier at the queen's side wore bronze ornamented armour and a crimson cloak that billowed out behind him. What Twilight could see of his hooves underneath the leg plates he wore, along with said armour, were scarred and scratched after countless battle no doubt, and a patch of cloth wrapped itself around one of his eyes. Part of his ear was also missing, and a deep gash across his throat rendered him mute. He still commanded respect from the rest of the soldiers, and they all shifted uncomfortably under both his and their queen's gaze.

The mare's eyes narrowed as she looked at the strangers in her midst. Twilight stared at her forehead, or more precisely, at the stump of where a unicorn horn should be, and swallowed. She looked away quickly when the queen's eyes met hers and she shivered and gazed at the small iron ring, wondering what it was about it that filled her with such dread.

"Your majesty," said the white guard pony, making everypony under his command, tense up. The soldier bowed low before his queen and averted his eyes from her as she looked at him expectantly. "These strangers were-" he began.

"Tormenting a filly, captain? A Dirtan should know better," she sneered, not caring what he had to say. She nodded to a soldier, eyes fixed on the guard captain in a disapproving scowl as he remained bowed. "Release her."

The same one who held the ring towards Twilight avoided her eyes and moved forwards, obeying the queen without question. Broncoles growled at him and stepped away from Twilight, allowing him to undo her shackles. Still averting his eyes from them both, the soldier scurried backwards, eager to be out of the giant's shadow as he stepped back over Twilight. She patted his leg comfortingly, feeling her cheeks blush. He remained like a rock over her, watching and waiting.

The queen sized him up and down before looking at Twilight. Her mouth twitched in annoyance as she saw the scared mare's eyes and whispered something to the soldier at her side. He nodded and stamped a hoof, gently growling as he signalled the soldiers to disperse. They all quickly obeyed, even the white guard captain, but not without giving Twilight one last hateful glance before disappearing.

"Are you going to let her stand, stallion?" the queen asked Broncoles. Her mouth curved upwards into a smile as he straightened up and remained silent. Twilight pulled at his leg and nodded to him, silently assuring him that it was okay, that she was okay. He reluctantly stepped away and helped her to stand. The young mare quickly dusted herself off, and gave a bow to the queen.

"Your majesty," she said and looked at the ground. Her magic pulled Broncoles's ear down into a bow beside her, and he begrudgingly obliged.

The queen's smile widened, and she nodded back to them, pleased with the respect they showed her, even the big one. "Come," she commanded, and turned away, up towards her palace.

The two needed no further encouragement to be away from the crowd's watchful eyes. Twilight felt deeply embarrassed about losing control of her magic, and Broncoles was sick of 'Dirtan hospitality' already. The queen's guard gave him a curt nod and followed after them, glancing back and growling at any who were watching them.

The crowd quickly grew rife with speculation as to who these strangers were, and what the queen wanted with them. Nopony there noticed a large shipment of wine being delivered by a pony shrouded in a dark cloak.


They walked silently through the palace. Both Twilight and Broncoles gazed up in awe at the ornate decorations and tapestries that hung on seemingly every wall. The guard pony behind them marched with them, his one good eye swivelling around the rooms they passed through. The queen strode out in front and pushed open a door which led to a large room with a long table.

She stamped a hoof and summoned some servants from the far side of the room. "Bring food and drinks for my guests," she said. The serving mares snapped to attention and dashed away at her command, but not before giving Broncoles lustful looks. "Are you hungry?" she asked her guests.

Twilight's stomach grumbled as if to answer, eliciting a small chuckle from the queen.

"You must have travelled far. Come, sit with me and tell me your names while we wait." She crossed the room and took a seat at the table, gesturing for her guests to do the same opposite her. Twilight obeyed, thankful to be off her hooves for a moment, and cleared her throat. Broncoles remained still, eyeing the scarred soldier who had followed them in.

"Thank you, Farrios," the queen called, sensing the tension rise. "That will be all." The soldier bowed and growled something in response. He retreated back out through the door they had entered from, and closed it gently behind him. The three were alone now, and Broncoles still remained standing. He moved to Twilight's side and looked at the flimsy looking chairs uncomfortably.

"Aren't you going to sit, Bronco?" Twilight asked him quietly, with a hint of panic in her voice. "Her majesty's asked us to."

He scratched his chin and moved a chair out the way. "Well... I'd like to, but, um... I'd break it."

The princess suddenly realised why he had no chairs in his home, or a real bed for that matter, and had to catch herself from bursting out in laughter. He hunkered down next to her, causing the queen to smirk at them. An odd pair they made, she mused. She cleared her throat and raised her eyebrows expectantly.

"Oh, um-" Twilight stammered. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, your majesty."

The queen nodded at her and they both looked towards the stallion.

"My name is Broncoles," he muttered, wary of the queen's intentions, despite how assuring Twilight looked. "Your majesty."

"Charmed to meet you both." The monarch across from them held her head up high and smiled as the door burst open, revealing several mares carrying trays upon trays of food. Twilight gasped. She had never seen so much food before, not even the Canterlot kitchens put on such a spread as the mares laid the trays out, and placed plates n front of each of them.

Bright yellow fruits from far off exotic lands, shiny reds from the heart of Equellas, bowls of freshly cut pasture grass, bowls of oats and a whole mixture of other foods lay before them. Twilight felt her mouth begin to salivate as she looked at it all.

"My name is Queen Goldgo of Dirta," the queen said with a smile. "Welcome to my palace." She waved a hoof at the food, sensing her guests eagerness to begin. "Please, help yourself."

Broncoles greedily began to shovel food onto a plate. His stomach grumbled loudly, and he was eager to eat more than a single apple. He chortled and thought he'd like to try and see Twilight stop him. He glanced at the alicorn beside him, and smirked as she too took greedy bites and hooffuls of food.

Twilight shot him a look and took a big bite of an apple. She closed her eyes and felt the juice dribble down her chin, and a small whinny even escaped her as she savoured each bite. Just one apple, and she felt like she had more to eat in this meal than she had in a lifetime. Such was the difference between common food and royal food, she supposed.

The queen cleared her throat and addressed her guests. "So what brings you to Dirta? Where do you both hail from?" She eyed them up, noting their sudden change in disposition.

Both Broncoles and Twilight paused eating and shared a glance. "We've come from Haylos, your majesty," the stallion murmured. "Twilight here is... lost, and I'm supposed to escort her to the unicorn kingdom."

"Lost?" Goldgo's eyebrows raised. "Haylos is on the edge of the world, as far away from the unicorn lands as possible. What were you doing there, of all places?" She rose and placed both front hooves on the table and lowered her voice to a growl. "What would Diamondae want with Haylos?"

Twilight began to stammer, and shook her head vigorously. "Oh I don't know, your majesty. I was... well, you see, your majesty, I'm... um..." She struggled to maintain her composure under the steely gaze of the monarch. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming herself. She opened her eyes and exhaled, looking the queen in the eye. "I'm not from Equellas... I'm from another world. We're hoping the unicorn queen will let me look at her library so I can find a spell to get home."

The queen remained silent and stared at them both. Broncoles and Twilight glanced at each other again, and she even placed her hoof on his for comfort. He silently held her back under the table, and felt his heart swell. Goldgo suddenly turned, knocking the chair back slightly and motioned to follow her. As Twilight rose so did Broncoles, making the queen pause and raise a hoof.

"Just her, sir."

He froze. He had never been a 'sir' in his life, and now the queen was calling him that? What could she want with Twilight alone? He scraped a hoof on the ground and flared his nostrils. Twilight gave him a reassuring pat and smiled at him. "I'll be alright, I don't think I'm in danger, you know."

They looked into each other's eyes, and he gave a heartfelt sigh and sat back down, watching quietly as Twilight followed the queen out. As they left the room, a group of serving mares carried forth large wine jugs and set them down on the table. When they offered to pour him a goblet, he accepted, thinking that the queen wouldn't mind if he had just one sip. The wine might also help clear his head from worrying about Twilight, he mused.


The princess followed with hurried steps and felt butterflies writhe in her stomach. Had she said the wrong thing? Was the queen going to interrogate her about Equestria? Each panicked though after panicked though rushed through her head.

They passed through a large marble and bronze corridor. Great intricate tapestries hung on the walls, and painted pottery depicted past events passed down for generations. Torches blazing with fire lit the way, and the queen eventually stopped in front of a bookshelf.

As Twilight watched with wide eyes, Goldgo reached up and tugged on one of the books. With a click, the bookshelf swung back, revealing a secret door. She jutted her head towards the darkness and grabbed a torch from the wall. "Follow," she commanded.

Twilight silently stepped forwards and swallowed hard. The new tunnel was pitch black, and if not for the flickering light of the torch she wouldn't be able to see anything in front of her. Their hoofsteps echoed around them in the darkness as they walked. The very walls seemed to be carved out of stone. Twilight thought it must have taken years, decades even, to build such a tunnel, and traced a hoof along the wall in awe. How she would love to study the history of this place.

"Here," Goldgo said sharply. They paused in front of a large steel door, embedded into the very rock. She held the torch aloft towards Twilight, motioning for her to take it. The princess did, and the queen placed her now free hoof on the door and pushed it open.

An unholy screech was heard as the heavy metal scraped along the ground, making Twilight wince and cringe backwards. The queen looked at her and nodded into the room. On the edge of the light, Twilight could just barely make out the edge of a small pool. She felt her horn tingle with power, sensing a great source of powerful magic nearby.

Goldgo pushed the door close behind them, ignoring the screeching sound again and extended a hoof for the torch. Twilight passed it back to her, and watched as the queen began to light torches around the room. The room itself was circular, with a large pool of crystal blue water in the middle.

Finished with lighting the last torch, Goldgo marched to the centre of the room and began to strip. She reached up behind her neck and undid the clasp in her hair, letting it spill down to the ground around her, and slipped the golden jewellery she wore off and onto the ground where it jingled against each other.

Twilight quickly averted her eyes, feeling a touch embarrassed. "Wh-whaaat are you doing?" she murmured, examining the ceiling, counting the cobwebs.

The queen simply chuckled softly. "Have no fear, Twilight Sparkle." She flourished her mane and smiled. "It is customary for oracles to perform naked before the gods."

Twilight blinked and looked down at her, trying her best to imagine she was in Equestria again, where 'being naked' was normal. "Oracles? As in, be able to tell the future kind of oracles?" Her eyes widened in wonder. The stories she had read often mentioned oracles prophesising things for kings and queens, but she never suspected she would be meeting with one, let alone one who was a queen! Equestria didn't have any oracles per say--Star Swirl could only sort of predict the future, and even then it was vague at best.

"Among other things, yes."

Twilight watched with curiosity as the queen gestured to the water. "What is that?" she wondered.

"It is a scrying pool," the queen stated. "One of a few means for oracles to perform their duties. Come, join me." Goldgo smiled. Her words seemed to ooze warmth, much like Celestia's had.

Twilight made to quickly moved closer, feeling her wings rustle. She stopped herself and stood still, trying not to show how afraid and bashful she suddenly was.

Goldgo noticed the lack of movement and raised an eyebrow, causing the princess to shy away and straighten her robe. Her hooves fidgeted on the ground.

"Your--Goldgo--I, um..." she stammered, quite flustered. What would the queen say about her wings? She remembered the story Broncoles had told her, about the dark alicorn. What if all ponies hated alicorns because of that story? She bit her lip and shuffled awkwardly, continuing to flounder for words.

The queen moved towards Twilight and carefully held her hoof out to her side. "May I?" she asked quietly.

Twilight nodded stiffly. What was she going to do? refuse a queen in her own home, in a secret chamber probably not shown to just anypony. Goldgo's eyes widened in surprise as she felt Twilight's wings. "Might I ask you to show me?" she asked. Her eyes sparkled in the light cast around the room by the torches. Behind her, the pool pulse and rippled with magic.

Twilight squirmed. "Um, I... Broncoles said to keep them hidden..." Her tail swished nervously behind her, and she felt clammy and sweaty.

The queen began to grin before catching herself and removed her hoof. "And are you the type of mare to stand idly by while stallions tell you what to do?" she cocked an eyebrow upwards.

The princess bristled with indignation, taking the bait Goldgo had set without even realising it. "Well, no, of course not but-" Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as two rosy circles appeared either side of her mouth. She wondered how the queen would react if she knew she was a princess, and ruled her own kingdom. She thought the queen might think her a 'weak ruler' perhaps, and her brow furrowed as she straightened her neck up and looked the golden pony in the eye, determined not to show herself up.

Goldgo grinned to herself as the mare's resolve seemed to strengthen.

The princess's horn began to glow, and the magenta aura of her magic grasped at her dress. She lowered her head and pulled it over herself, feeling relief as her wings unfurled behind her and cast long shadows in the light. She flourished her mane and gave them a flap, scraping a hoof over the ground and holding her head up high.

She looked divine as the queen stared at her with wide eyes. "So it is true," she whispered in awe. "An alicorn has come to Equellas..."

Twilight flittered her wings and pawed at the ground, feeling a hot flush spread across her under the queen's gaze. "Broncoles said some ponies might not-"

"Understand? I am all too aware, Twilight Sparkle." Goldgo laughed and beckoned the princess over, towards the pool once again. She gestured up to her horn, or rather, what was left of it. "Leonidhoof, my husband, was wary at first when we first met as even back then unicorns and earth ponies did not see eye to eye. So we made an attempt to hide what I was, despite my deformity."

She sighed and tapped the broken stub.

"When he proposed to me we agreed we would no longer hide who I was, and now my ponies see me as their Dirtan Queen. More than just a unicorn."

Twilight glanced up at the stub and folded her wings by her side. "What... did happen?" she asked tentatively.

The queen visibly flinched and stopped, making Twilight wince.

"If it's not too much-"

"It's quite alright, Twilight Sparkle. If one is to receive information one must give information. My sister shattered my horn and cast me out for dictating a prophecy to her, promising her failure." She tutted and gave a bitter laugh with a faraway look in her eye. "Diamondae has no forgiveness for those who displease her, not even her own kin."

Twilight blinked. "Diamondae? The unicorn queen?"


The alicorn made an 'o' shape with her mouth and felt a chill down her spine. "She's your sister? But--but-"

"I know, Twilight." The queen cleared her throat and began. "I was born on the same day as my sister in Jewelthens, capital of the unicorn country. On my fifth birthday I was sent to the city of Corundelphi, home of the oracles, as my blood had the gift whereas my sister's did not." Goldgo sighed wistfully. "As we are twins, we remained close despite our separation. She became the princess in training to be queen, and I became an oracle, destined for failure, as the Fates decreed," she muttered bitterly.

"Many moons later, her coronation took place after the death of our father." She paused to smile softly to herself, remembering happier times, and Twilight listened intently and continued to watch with intense curiosity. Questions were growing in her mind, but she dared not interrupt. Not yet anyway.

"Soon after she ascended the throne, Diamondae came to me, seeking guidance. She told me she had made some friends who could promise an end to the war. At first I was encouraging, as war is nothing but a blight on our country." The queen sighed again and turned her head. Her silhouette cast long shadows on the walls behind them as the light flickered. "Had I only known..."

Save for the crackling of fire and the quiet sparkling sounds of the scrying pool, the room was deathly quiet. Twilight clamped her jaw shut and held her breath, thinking she was breathing too loudly as she waited for the queen to continue.

"I asked the gods for a vision. One was given," she said ominously. "I told my sister of what the gods had shown me, and she was not happy." She touched her horn and looked away with a tear in her eye. "My own younger sister had my horn removed and myself cast out. I was exiled. Persecuted. If not for the sacrifice of my father's bodyguard, I would have perished that night. I fled into the country, only to stumble upon a squad of Dirtan soldiers on a scouting mission. Exhausted from running, I passed out, and their leader carried me back to his home on his own back." She waved a hoof around the room. "To these walls, this palace you are in. That pony was Leonidhoof, the bravest soul I have ever met. The rest, as they say, is history. As the Fates foresaw, no doubt"

"Who are the Fates?" Twilight asked, sensing her chance to ask a question or two. How could Diamondae do that to her own sister? She thought of Celestia and Luna, and swallowed nervously.

Goldgo chuckled, thankful for the curiosity of a young mind and secretly thankful for the change of subject. "They are the Goddesses of Destiny. They play a role in each and every one of our lives, from when we are born to when we die." She looked at the alicorn carefully. "I suspect they have their own plan even for you, Twilight Sparkle. Have you any other questions?"

"What do you mean, 'have their own plan for me'?"

The queen laughed again and shook her head. "That is impossible for me to say, Twilight. The Fates are a mystery to all except themselves, and not even great Zeus can uncover their riddles until they come true. We all must wait and see, as is our fate."

Twilight nodded in understanding, wishing she could only know more. She did indeed have more questions, but where to begin? It was like when she first awakened on that day, and thought about all she wanted Broncoles to tell her about, and one thing stuck out to her in particular. Broncoles's story about the dark alicorn flashed through her mind once again.

"Goldgo, Broncoles told me... an alicorn once visited Equellas a long time ago..."

Goldgo nodded with a saddened expression. "I suspected he would have told you of that legend when he discovered your... lineage. I know the story as well. Many Equellenes do, although far more dismiss it as mere legend." She dipped her hoof in the water and closed her eyes. What was left of her horn began to glow brilliantly, and the water began to swirl and pulse, making Twilight gasp in surprise.

She took a step forwards and looked down at the churning water, and the queen began to speak, still with her eyes shut. Her voice echoed throughout the room as ancient and powerful magic flowed through her.

"Long ago, Zeus, mightiest of the gods, sent his alicorn son to live amongst ponykind and learn their ways."

The water began to swirl with magic, and soon showed the image of an alicorn stallion, standing tall and proud, wings fully stretched and long flowing mane billowing out behind him. No colour was in the image, save for his bright yellow eyes.

"The son did so for many years, even fell in love with a mortal mare... and then... the first war began, and tragedy befell the world. In the aftermath, Zeus's son was changed. Bitter. Hateful. He believed the gods considered pony lives mere playthings, pawns in a dark and twisted game."

Twilight gasped as the image changed, and the stallion she thought once looked so handsome now stood, head hung low, wings looking ragged and battered, horn chipped and chiselled, his once finely brushed mane now messy and unkempt. His armour battered and dented, coated with a dark matter she assumed was blood, making her shiver.

"The son turned away from the father, and raised an army to combat the gods themselves. Zeus, unwilling to let such a transgression go unpunished, swore vengeance against those who dared turn against him, and fought his own son for many moons and suns, chasing him across fields, and oceans, and mountains."

The images shifted again, each time showing events darker than the last. The stallion, the son, was now wearing blackened and scorched armour, and his eyes gleamed with murderous hate. His once luxuriously long mane was now cut short, and his horn was broken off midway. The princess's tail swished behind her, and she began to feel her chest tightening as she hung on the queen's every word. A chill ran down her spine as the image shifted again, showing fields upon fields of bones, swords, shields, rusted weapons, hollow armour, ragged banners and storm clouds high above.

"Their battles were long, and bloody. The son fought with the strength of Ares, and used strategies devised by Athena herself to absolute perfection. But, even with his gathered followers and knowledge had stolen from the other gods, a stalemate was reached between father and son."

The image showed an old, grey pony walking amidst the battlefield, and despite being a still image, he seemed to look straight at the two ponies watching the vision. Fear tightened it's grip on Twilight as the old pony's eyes seemed to pierce her very soul.

"Zeus, growing restless with their conflict, formed a cunning plan, and used the love of his son's wife against him. He disguised himself as his own son, beautiful as he once had been, and bedded her, taking her in the night. Upon his discovery of such an act, stricken with anger and grief, the son threw aside reason and dove into dark and forbidden magics, demanding Zeus answer for his crime."

Twilight recoiled at the sight of an alicorn standing over a mare, grinning maliciously as her real lover discovered them. The look of rage and betrayal on his face was clear to see, and the princess felt a shar stab of fear as she gazed into his eyes.

"The son transformed himself into a hideous abomination with many heads, and marched against Olympus. His soldiers saw his transfiguration as an affront to nature itself, and threw down their arms and begged for the gods' forgiveness. Disgusted by their betrayal, the son swore vengeance on all ponies, claiming them unworthy of even living anymore, and that he would remake the world in his own image. Zeus launched a final attack in a desperate attempt to stop his son from devouring the world, and pierced his hide with a thunderbolt. From the blood that was spilt from such a great wound, great fire breathing lizards were born, each with the intense hatred their father had produced for both the gods and ponykind. Thus the first dragons came to be. Zeus threw his defeated son into a volcano and banished the dragons to the ends of the earth."

The water began to glow red, and an erupting volcano appeared, and a black cloud of thousands of figures with pointed heads being carried on blackened wings rose up around it, each spitting fire and holding cruel looking weaponry. Twilight started back out of fear, swearing she could feel the heat of the volcano on her face. As if to sense her discomfort, the queen waved her hoof and dismissed the vision. Her eyes creaked open and she gave a sad smile to the alicorn beside her.

Twilight gulped and shivered in horror. A bead of sweat dripped down her neck, and worry knotted her stomach. She as thankful Spike hadn't come with her to Equellas, for she feared what the ponies here would do to him. She had no idea this world was stepped in such barbarity--it looked so peaceful from when she flew above the clouds. "What happened to the mare?" she asked quietly after a few minutes of silence. "The one Zeus... you know..."

Goldgo smiled and closed her eyes again, and her horn began to glow again. The water rippled and shimmered, swirling with magic and revealed a mare cradling a small foal.

"She gave birth three hundred days later to baby colt. But as the foal was born prematurely, he was too small to be raised in what would become Dirta. Zeus, whether out of pity or a sense of duty to his new-born son, blessed the child with a long and healthy life, and forbade any gods from interfering any more than he already had."

The water showed a foal, a cute bouncy foal with a wide smile and Twilight felt her heart melt. "Awww," she cooed without thinking. The sinking feeling in her stomach from such a horrific tale faded quickly as she looked at the cute baby, and thought of her own niece. Goldgo simply continued on with a smile as the image shifted again and again.

"Thanks to the deific blood running through his veins, the colt grew larger than most, and was even gifted with an immense strength. He eventually grew old and died, as all mortals do, despite his demi-god status, but not before siring another child, blessed with the same size and strength as he."

The pool rippled and pulsed, showing image after image of tall, handsome stallions with golden eyes. Each one had an extraordinary set of muscles, it seemed, and each one was twice the size of a normal pony.

Twilight felt her heart leap into her throat, and she gaped as the images stopped, and the water grew still. The smiling face of one such stallion stared her in the face, and she felt faint. His golden eyes, his messy mane braided into a knot, the familiar muscles, and even the plain white tunic he wore, muddied and dirtied after a hard day's work, were all too familiar to her.

"Broncoles..." She breathed in disbelief as she gazed down at him. "It couldn't be..." She shook her head and started back. "He said his father was a great warrior of Dirta..."

Goldgo nodded and waved her hoof, making the images disappear. "No doubt he was, Twilight. Zeus has sired many children across the world, with their lives planned out by the Fates themselves. Each had a particular role for them to play, or a story to be told. And yet... no great heroes have come from this bloodline. Not great songs, no epic deeds. It is my belief the Fates have preordained something special for this young stallion. " The firelight flickered in her eyes as she narrowed them.

The alicorn tore her eyes away from the calm water and stumbled over to where the queen was. Her legs felt like jelly, her heart thundered in her chest, and she felt like she couldn't catch her breath. The elder of Haylos's words to Broncoles flashed through her mind again.

"Your destiny is intertwined with hers..."

"Destiny..." she murmured quietly. She wondered and wondered what these 'Fates' had in store for her, and if she truly was supposed to come to Equellas. She felt cold and remained silent while the queen moved away from the pool.

Goldgo approached a wall on the far side and examined it closely, tracing a hoof over the old stone. With a sharp kick of her hoof, she cracked the wall. The sound echoed throughout the chamber, making Twilight flinch and snap back to reality. She watched the queen continued to kick and chip away at the wall, until she had broken enough to reveal a small wooden box.

"If you could, Twilight, please," Goldgo panted and gave her guest a nod, gesturing towards the box.

"Oh, sure."

The princess's horn ignited and a magical aura surrounded the box. It was lighter than it looked. She lifted it up and placed it carefully on the ground. Despite her gentleness, a small cloud of dust still rose up around them, making her sneeze. "Sorry, your-" She paused as the queen's eyebrows raised. "Uh, Goldgo."

The queen chortled. "Have no fear, Twilight." She touched a hoof to her forehead and smiled bitterly. "The inherent magic that comes form being an oracle is limited, different to the properties a unicorn might use her magic for. For the most part I am an earth pony." Her lowered her hoof and her eyes sparkled as she opened the box and lifted out the object housed inside. "But enough of that. Do you know what this is?"

Twilight stole a glance towards the pool, her mind racing and reeling with questions, she desperately wanted to talk to Broncoles, but listened to the queen and looked at the object--a small silver amulet. She let out a small gasp and saw it bore a mark she recognised. "Star Swirl the Bearded!" she cried. The queen stared blankly at her, making her stammer and explain.

"Uh, Star Swirl is the greatest wizard Equestria--that's where I'm from--has ever known, he's the father of the amniomorphic spell, the most important conjurer of the pre-classical era, and he created more than 200 spells! He even has a shelf in the Canterlot library of magic named after him."

Goldgo nodded, understanding that this wizard of of great importance. "I see." She held it up and gestured for Twilight to approach. "Then I believe you should be the one to wear this."

Twilight lowered her head and felt her heart increase its palpitations as the queen fastened the necklace around her neck. She felt a surge of magic course through her for a moment, and her mane fluttered up around her head, and her wings extended and stretched out. Goldgo stepped back, sensing the amulet held a great source of hidden power.

Twilight looked down at it and cupped it in her hoof, and gave it a quick inspection. It was a small silver thing, engraved with arcane and alchemical symbols on one side, and Star Swirl's cutie mark on the other--a swirl of stars and visualised magic.

The queen tapped her hoof on the cold stone floor, getting her guest's attention. "Many, many moons ago, a pony travelled through Dirta, hooded and cloaked in shadow. This amulet came from that pony, under claims that it was bartered away in exchange for food." She looked at the amulet closely as it hummed and pulsed with energy. "Given the clear magical nature of such an artefact, it was brought to the palace and kept under lock and key, where it has remained dormant. Until now."

Twilight gazed at it as curiosity mixed with confusion in her. Star Swirl's symbol of all things was the very last thing she expected to see. "Do you know who that pony was?" she murmured, glancing between it and the queen.

"I do not. They disappeared after an... incident, and fled the city. Some sources claim that a pony fitting a similar description was spotted in the unicorn kingdom many years ago." Twilight's face visibly dropped and her wings began to droop. "If this pony still exists, they have log since been in hiding."

The princess slumped further to the ground. Her ears pricked up as she thought of something. The elder had known Celestia... was it possible the princess herself had been this mysterious pony travelling across the world? It didn't seem possible, and yet it was the only thing Twilight could think of that made a lick of sense.

"Do you suspect something, Twilight?" Goldgo asked upon seeing her face flicker with recognition.

"Well, I'm not sure, but I think my mentor may have been here before. She's.. like me." She fluttered her wing and gave a shy smile. "An alicorn."

The queen's eyebrows raised. "I see." She examined Twilight closely. "You say you were brought here from another world?"

Twilight nodded warily. "Yeahhh... thanks to a, um... magical book."

"I recall." The queen winced and gave her a small bow. "I apologise Twilight Sparkle, I must confess I had not believed you at first. But between an alicorn walking Equellas again, and the magic you seemed to have awoken in this amulet, I am all but certain the Fates intended for you to come here, to our world."

"What does that mean?" Twilight asked, slightly concerned that she didn't know if she should be concerned or not.

"It means that-" Goldgo suddenly interrupted herself, raising a hoof to her ear and listened intently. "I apologise for the interruption, Twilight," she grumbled and began to scowl. "But it would seem that my presence is required."

The princess nodded and sighed. "Oh... okay." She longed for answers. It seemed to her that every time she got close to answers, she faced only more questions, and it was annoying her.

Goldgo looked her up and down and smiled softly. "I sense you are unhappy, Twilight."

Twilight quickly looked up and forced a smile. "Oh no, no it's just-"

"I understand this must be frustrating, Twilight Sparkle." The queen held out her hoof and caressed Twilight's face, like a mother to a foal. "I assure you, all will be made clear soon enough. Come."

She strode to the heavy steel door and pressed her hoof to it, giving the princess a glance and another smile. Twilight shook her head and trotted over to her, smiling back. Her heart felt heavy, and her knees felt weak. She paused suddenly to pick up her robe.

"You won't need that, Twilight."

She realised Goldgo was also still naked and tilted her head in confusion. Before she could open her mouth to question it, they were suddenly transported back in the main corridor of the palace, where sounds of what could only be described as raucous laughter were coming from the dining room.

Goldgo strode ahead, appearing as she had before they had descended into the darkness, once again fully clothed and looking as regal as ever. Even her hair was clipped up again, and Twilight felt her wings rustle underneath her robe once again, and was startled to learn she too was also fully dressed. She hurried after the queen, left to only wonder what sort of magic Equellas had.

Star Swirl's amulet pulsed gently as it hung around her neck.


"Aha! There y'are princessh!" cried Broncoles. His face was red, and the stink of wine was heavy on his breath. Several empty jugs, each intended for several servings each, lay empty around the table, which had long since been cleared of plates. "I thought you'd never--hic--come back!"

He rose to his feet and stumbled for a moment, chuckling away to himself.

Twilight groaned and pressed a hoof to her face. Goldgo gave him a rather bemused look and glanced at Twilight. "A princess, eh?"

Said princess realised she hadn't told the queen that she was indeed a princess and grimaced. "I, uh-" she began in an attempt to explain herself, when the thundering of hooves came from across the room towards them. Broncoles marched straight up tot them, swaying and blinking at random intervals.

"Yes, yourr magister, Twilight 'ere is a princessh, from another world!" He bowed low, or tried to rather, and sunk to his knees in a rather unceremonious way. Twilight flashed a worried grin at the queen upon seeing her stone-eyed expression.

"Shut up!" she hissed at Broncoles. She caught the smell of his breath and gagged. "How much have you had?"

"Eh? Letsh shee... those cute fillies brought some wine, said it was a gift for the queen... that was..." he counted on his hooves. upon realising he had drank a lot more than two jugs, he chuckled and shrugged.

Goldgo raised an eyebrow and strode forwards towards the jugs. She traced the rim of one with a hoof and gave it a tentative sniff. "Hmm," she murmured and turned back to Twilight, who quietly yet rapidly whispered to Broncoles about how he couldn't go getting drunk, of all things, in a palace when they were guests there.

"Tell me, stallion, what did this wine taste like?" she asked him.

Broncoles gave her a grin and slurred his words. "Dellliiishhhciouussss..." And with that, he slumped over and began to snore.

Twilight held her head in her hooves, expecting the worst. Goldgo wiped her hoof on the table cloth and sighed. "That wine was poisoned, I fear."

"What?" The princess shot up and reached out to broncoles. "Poisoned? Are you-"

"Quite sure, princess." Goldgo grinned mischievously, and for a second twilight thought she could see Celestia in her. She grimaced again and looked away, towards the sleeping stallion. "I'm sure he will e quite alright. I do not think he was the intended target, you see."

Twilight looked at her worriedly. "You mean the poison was for you?"

"I do indeed." The queen sighed. "Another attempt by my sister I would imagine. How else to demloralise the king on the front lines, than by striking at his heart. Ah. No matter. I shall have to thank Broncoles." She looked down at him as he giggled in his sleep and bucked a huge leg. "When he wakes up."

"If I don't kill him first," Twilight grumbled and glared at the sleeping stallion.

Goldgo flicked her eyes between them both and began to smile. A deep, knowing smile spread across her face. She merely nodded and stamped her hoof. Out of seemingly nowhere, two large guards marched into view and stood at attention, startling poor Twilight.

"Guards, have this stallion taken to one of the guest rooms. He appears to have drunk too much wine."

"Yes your majesty," the guards replied in unison. They cracked their muscles and looked down at their charge, then glanced up at the queen with an almost imploring look.

"You may get more guards, if you so need," she told them, making Twilight feel at ease enough to chortle quietly. he guards saluted her and one dashed away to call for assistance. Soon a troop of Dirtan warriors hoisted the giant up and carried him away. Twilight made to follow them, but was stopped by Goldgo.

"No, Twilight. Come with me."

"Another scrying pool?" Twilight joked.

The queen, amused, chuckled ad shook her head. "No, no. I suspect you cannot take much more this evening."

Twilight suddenly felt the exhaustion of a long day hit her. She stifled a yawn and nodded. "You... might be right, your majesty."

"If you would follow me, I shall show you to our royal guest chambers."

"Oh that's not-" the princess began quickly.

"I insist." Goldgo cut her off and gave her a wink. The alicorn fell subdued, choosing not to argue for auguring's sake. She did long for a real bed right now. "Now come."

They talked together for a few minutes more as the queen led her towards the guest room. Twilight apologised for not revealing she was a princess sooner, much to Goldgo's amusement. The elder of them assured her there was no foul blood between them, and that she would be wise enough to do the same thing should they meet Diamondae.

Twilight gulped and shivered. Was the unicorn queen that bad? She had yet to find out. They rounded a corner after several twists and turns, and soon Goldgo escorted her to a lavish room, with gold and red rugs lining the floor, and an expertly carved bed that looked seductively comfortable.

The alicorn felt the exhaustion hit her as the queen pushed her towards the bed. "Get some rest, Twilight Sparkle. Your journey is only beginning." She smiled and made to leave.

Twilight nodded and yawned, feeling her eyelids droop uncontrollably. "Thank you, Goldgo," she mumbled. The amulet she wore tingled with magic against her.

Goldgo nodded back and closed the door behind her. She paused for a moment, and almost immediately heard the sounds of the princess's soft snoring come through the door. She chuckled and walked away, to her own chambers, thinking about the prophecy she had told her sister, all those years ago.