• Published 11th May 2020
  • 1,142 Views, 7 Comments

Equellas: Legendary Tales - Bigwig6666

Twilight Sparkle finds herself transported to another world straight out of old stories she used to read. A world of monsters, myths, heroes and villains awaits her as she gets tangled up in a plot to resurrect a deadly threat...

  • ...

The King Of The Dark Forest

"A lion lives in the woods, near Gemea. If you go there, for the love of Zeus don't anger it. It's not been known to be kind to strangers trespassing where it lives."

- A wary traveller regarding tales of the mythical Gemean Lion.


Dirta was a simple city in design. That is, not to say, that earth ponies were simple creatures, but more practical would perhaps be a more fitting description. Although sadly long since it's glory days, Dirta still shone like a beacon to any earth pony wishing to travel there against the dark rock of the surrounding countryside.

The walls of the city to the north, east and south were vast and defensible, true, yet in times like now had too few soldiers to properly patrol them, and rumours abounded from many an outsider that Dirta would fall if attacked. This of course, was dismissed as pure nonsense by any Dirtan citizen, warrior or not, and told as a joke amongst the populace. To the west lay the Aresian mountains, named after the War God, and the site of a statue carved out of the mountain itself depicting the god in a moment of battle for all eternity.

It was in Dirta where the legendary King Leonidhoof resided in times of peace. He was a warrior through and through, and if the old stories were to be believed, descended from Ares himself. He was both a guardian and a general, fighting on behalf of all earth ponies for the freedoms that only Dirta afforded, and though he was strict and dogmatic in his regime, he was no less beloved by his subjects and revered as a hero by them all. His queen--the Lady Goldgo--while born a unicorn, was also given the respect a position of hers required. She had earned her subjects' trust through years of hard work, proving herself to be a shrewd diplomat and a capable warrior in her own right, even without the use of unicorn magic thanks to her broken horn.

The main entrance to the city was a towering gatehouse, of which statues of the ancient kings of Dirta guarded in front. They were magnificent, and incredibly lifelike, right down to the folds in their cloaks and carved out of solid marble, kept in a pristine condition out of respect and honour for the deceased. Two huge banners of crimson red hung either side of the gatehouse flying the traditional Dirtan symbol: the mark of the king, a solid pointed arch of gold. The same symbol was forged into the very shields the Dirtans carried as a sign of respect and admiration.

However, an eerie silence clung to the landscape around the city, its soldiers casting suspicious glares on what few travellers came to visit. Most unsettling to any new arrival is how none could hear the bustle and vigour of a city the size of Dirta beyond its walls. Since his ascension to the throne, Leonidhoof allowed a policy of giving the city guard the right to demand the business of anypony and everypony, noble or commoner, desiring entry. Such demands required the guards to be ever vigilant, and under the Captain of the Retainer Guard Dieneighekes--the same guard captain who had detained Twilight Sparkle and Broncoles the previous day--the gates were sealed shut come nightfall. When a new arrival appeared, announced or otherwise, spears were raised, and archers from high up on the walls readied themselves, taking aim if the need arose, and watched with hawk-like intensity. If the Princess of Friendship had looked up and behind her, she would have seen at least a hundred arrows trained on her, simply waiting for the signal of their commander. Had the order been given, she would not have noticed the arrow already soaring through the sky, and her journey would have been over before it truly began.

Once granted passage, a traveller would notice how the streets came alive with movement. Dirta itself was a rather plain city compared to Jewelthens, but no less in size or spectacle. Once, many years ago, Dirta was considered the jewel of the western shores. Today and in recent years, sadly, the city lay in an all but dilapidated state. The buildings were a faded yellow in colour, mostly, with simple white houses--apartments stacked on top of each other that stretched up like a deliberate mockery of the fabulous unicorn spires. Indeed in ages past there used to be as many great spires and towers as in Jewelthens, and a few ruined towers could be spotted along the mountains nearby, now long since abandoned save for a few scouts keeping vigilant for any signs of incursion. In the heart of the city lay the Dirtan agora, and while nowhere near the spectacle of the Jewelthens agora, it remained no less busy.

Ponies of all three tribes congregated there, although they were kept under the close and careful scrutiny of the guards, and even a few donkey blacksmiths and several griffons from Griffsia visited Dirta, selling and peddling their fineries and bringing some sorely needed coin into the city.

Earth ponies belonging to some of the Dirtan nobility, that would not look out of place amongst the unicorns of Jewelthens--although to say such a thing was madness--could be found wandering the streets at an given time, giving newcomers wary glances and disapproving looks. Indeed, the earth ponies of Dirta were noted for being stubborn, tall, rugged and wary of strangers, and each one carried a weapon at all times, whether it was hidden or not. For these ponies not currently following their king into battle, life remained as it always had, yet each longed for battle, for the chance at a glorious death in the name of their king, and each would gladly give their life for his.

The largest structure of Dirta was the Palace of the King, where the monarchy had always resided. The palace itself was taller than any other building in the capital, even rivalling the temples of the various gods the ponies worshipped. Embedded into the mountain and intended as a last defence should the city fall, the palace was an impenetrable fortress. One of the most important locations in Equellas, the palace contained one of the few known scrying pools, thought lost to the recesses of time from when titans ruled the earth. Before Queen Goldgo arrived, such a room was considered mere rumour and speculation, and such it remains to most, save for those closest to the royal family. At the base of the palace was a single, large wooden door, simple and unadorned. Few windows dotted the outside walls of the palace as well, and a lonely balcony here and there jutted out over the city.

From the highest point of the palace it was possible to view the entire city, and even beyond where countless past wars had decimated the city's immediate surroundings. Despite many a sculptor and architect come to visit, the capital still bears the marks of war. On the outskirts of the city lay several blackened and burned out buildings, as well as cracked statues and what was once a park, now overgrown as nature began to retake control some years ago.

The interior of the palace was very different to the outside. While the outside remained bleak and plain yet imposing, the indoors were filled with magnificent paintings and ornaments depicting ancient events passed down for generations. The grand centrepiece, of course, was a statue of solid gold of Ares, clad in chains. Such a thing would normally be considered blasphemy, but to the Dirtans it was a sign that the War God's martial prowess, desire for victory and skill in battle was to be kept in Dirta at all times. Some rumours even stated that Hephaestus himself forged the statue, and placed it there as a gift to the first Dirtan warriors.

If expecting honoured guests, the Dirtan monarchs would hold lavish feasts, never ones to hold back on wine, or entertainment. If expecting dishonoured guests, however, the lights would be dimmed, and the king would appear in battle regalia. A firepit would blaze in the centre of the room to make his eyes appear with the fury of a god, flanked by his hardiest of warriors and sturdiest of shields.

Aside from the main hall, where such feasts or intimidating displays were held, there were the royal chambers, where the king or queen, sometimes both, would deliberate with their generals and captains, and the strategy room. In this particular vaulted chamber, framed maps of the known world lined the walls, and the grim trophy of a dragon skull hung as a testament to the skill of Dirtan warriors, having brought back by Farrios the Grim after waging war in the dragon lands far cross the sea, he who now resided as the queen's loyal bodyguard.

Dirtans had not always been such grim folk, however, and a select few made light of current events, writing plays and putting on shows of entertainment for any who would watch or listen. Once, the amphitheatres of Dirta would play host to a great many characters, including the famed Masques of Pegasopolis, a trio of pegasus sisters known for their daring acrobatics and air dances. Now, though, those amphitheatres lay overgrown and unused, as many Dirtans saw no need for merry making, unless it was in times of victory. When the king left, so did the joy of the earth ponies, or so they say.

Queen Goldgo currently strode through her palace, thinking of the previous night's events. Her ear twitched as she heard sounds of grunting and pain. Alarmed but curious, she detected the sounds came from a room used for training any children in combat. Amused and curious still, she pushed the door open confidently and cleared her throat.


Twilight Sparkle panted heavily. Sweat dripped down her head, and her legs ached. her wings were outstretched, and her teeth chattered as she fought for breath. In her hoof was a wooden sword, used primarily for teaching children. When the door swung open, the poor princess nearly died of fright, being completely taken by surprise, and dropped her weapon.

"Ahh!" she cried out. Upon seeing her host's bemused look, she straightened herself up and cleared her throat, trying to alleviate some of the anxiety she felt. "Goldgo! I thought it was... you know what? Nev-never mind." She looked at her opponent awkwardly, and felt her cheeks begin to burn as the wooden dummy stared back at her, it's crudely drawn on face mocking her almost. She found it in this room, and prepared it to act as a faux sparring partner, but she hadn't expected fighting to be so exhaustive.

Goldgo raised her eyebrows as she observed the sight. She felt a smile twitch at the corners of her mouth but restrained herself. "What in Equellas were you doing, Twilight?"

The princess flinched and pawed at the ground, still trying to catch her breath. "Well, uh... If there's going to be danger where I'm going I thought I should... I don't know... learn how to fight?" She winced, feeling like she sounded pathetic. She felt pathetic, being unable to beat a stationary target with even just a simple wooden sword. "Uh... I've never... fought using a weapon before, I've just used my magic..."

The queen bit her lip and kept from laughing, instead smiling sweetly like a mother to her foal. "Oh, my dear. Well, training alone will only give you a false confidence." She crossed the room and pushed the dummy aside, picking up a wooden stick in her hooves and turning to face the princess, whose eyes widened in wonder and horror both. "This is why Dirtans train in pairs."

"What are you-" Twilight began, suspecting she had done something wrong, although what she couldn't say.

Goldgo rushed forwards and swung the stick. The princess yelped and quickly jumped backwards, wincing as the stick made a loud clatter on the ground. The queen grinned and nodded as she retracted her weapon. "Good, your reflexes are sharper than most. Pick up your sword, Twilight."

The princess shakily stepped forwards and reached out for the wooden sword, only to yelp as Goldgo slapped her with the stick and danced around her.

"Ow!" she snapped and licked her hoof as she turned red and stung like heck. "You said-"

"If you disarm your opponent, Twilight, do not give them a chance to regain composure."

Goldgo grinned and nodded at her opponent. She set down the stick for a moment and pulled off her dress, once again a simple white tunic. She took off the hoops in her ears and set them down carefully, and slipped off the bangle she wore once again. Her mane remained clipped up, and her tail dragged along the ground slightly.

Twilight realised she had forgotten to get dressed, and further realised in absolute horror that she had actually been walking around the palace naked all morning, although nopony had seen her, thankfully. if they had, they had chosen to remain silent and save her from further embarrassment.

"What makes you wish to use a weapon, Twilight?" Goldgo asked her. It was a fair question, thought the princess. It deserved a fair answer. The only thing was, she felt like she had no choice, and the current subject was a difficult one.

"I, uh..." she murmured, and pawed at the wooden sword. She thought it would have been easy, and remembered watching old movies of ponies having dashing sword fights atop castle walls and swishing rapiers around. In reality, fighting with a weapon as more exhausting than using her magic.

Goldgo sensed her apprehension and smiled in an attempt to calm the young princess's nerves. "Why wouldn't you use your magic, my dear?"

Twilight tensed up. "Well... what happened yesterday, with the guards, I don't..." She inhaled sharply and looked her host in the eye. "That ring, your majesty, it-" She felt her voice quaver and felt the same cold dread of fear she had felt build up inside her when simply looking at the thing. "I haven't tried to cast magic since that... I'm not sure I have control over it..."

The queen's face grew dark. "I understand, Twilight," she said, cutting her off. "A silencing ring is no laughing matter, and it is kind of you to worry for others' safety." She sighed and looked down at the ground. "I wore one, once, before I was exiled. oracles must go through a training process, you see, to determine whether we are just using our magic to foresee the future, or if it is in our blood."

She tutted and looked up with a haggard smile. "It was a truly... unpleasant experience, to say the least."

Twilight felt herself begin to relax. "I didn't even... it only got close to me and it felt like all the happiness had been sucked out of the world..." She shivered and felt the hairs on her neck stand up on end.

Goldgo nodded. "You must be powerful with magic, for it to have such an effect on you so."

The princess felt a proud smile spread across her face, despite her apprehenson. "Well, I, uh... am the Element of Magic, after all."

The queen tilted her head and gave her a questioning look. "The Element of Magic? I've never heard of such a thing." her nose scrunched up as she spoke the foreign words. "I take it this is some of your... Equestrian magic?"

Twilight nodded. "That's right. My friends and I were the Elements of Harmony, until the Tree of Harmony was shattered , and then we realised the elements were inside each of us anyway and-" Se paused, and felt her ears burn as the queen gave her a bewildered look. "Um... yeah. So..."

Goldgo shook her head and chuckled quietly. "You are a strange princess, Twilight Sparkle. One day you must tell me more of your story, it sounds very interesting to say the least." She narrowed her eyes. "Perform some magic, Twilight, for me, please."

The princess felt her smile vanish. "Really? But-"

"I insist." Goldgo spoke with the same authority she had shown the previous day when addressing the soldiers, but winked and flashed her a grin all the same, showing that warmth that once again reminded Twilight of Celestia. "If you incinerate anything I won't have you arrested. Queen's word."

Twilight smiled back, unsure if that was intended as a joke or a threat. "O-okay... well here goes..." She lowered her head and focused her thoughts into projecting a beam of light at the wooden dummy. She felt it bubble up inside her, and felt the power flow through her head and channel into her horn, and then something passed trough her mind. A flash of something dark and foreboding, and once again she felt cold like all the happiness of the world was suddenly removed. Her grip on the power loosened. She gasped and tried to cancel the spell, only for magic to burst forth from her horn, and a beam of dark purple energy blasted forth, promptly shattering the training dummy into a thousand splinters. She hung her head in shame and mumbled an apology.

The queen simply nodded. "I see. It seems the effect the silencing ring had on you runs deeper than I originally thought, even coming into close proximity to it appears to have disabled your magic for now. I fear had it touched you, you would have lost the ability to do magic entirely." She crossed the room and placed a hoof on the alicorn's shoulder in a comforting way. Upon seeing the fear and worried look in her eyes, Goldgo took her hoof and guided her towards the door. "Come. I suspect a hearty breakfast will help."

Twilight gave her a glum look and silently obeyed. She was nervous about seeing Broncoles again as well, and hoped he was feeling better and not too hungover from consuming all that poisoned wine. Her belly grumbled, and she folded her wings at her sides, remembering she had forgotten to bring clothes to the training room.

"Um, Goldgo?" she murmured quietly as the queen picked up her things.

The queen looked at her, then at the clothes in her hooves. She chuckled and shook her head. "Have no fear, Twilight. The servants aren't in this part of the palace at this hour, and nopony will see you." She saw how rattled her guest was already, and lied to alleviate some of her fears. She suspected some of the serving mares had already seen the alicorn walking about, and grinned to herself. "Are clothes optional in Equestria?" she asked, hoping to make the princess feel more at home as best as can be.

The question caught Twilight off guard. "Well, sort of. My friend makes dresses for parties and events like the Grand Galloping Gala. Some ponies in Canterlot wear-" She paused again, feeling the curious gaze of the queen on her once again. "Sorry," she mumbled shyly.

"Do not apologise, Twilight," said Goldgo with a smile. "You are a guest here--both to me and to Equellas itself." She mused on her words. "Hmm. This Grand Galloping Gala... what would such an event be?"

Sensing her nerves begin to settle, Twilight began to gush about one of her favourite events, much to the queen's amusement and delight. She rarely had a chance to speak with such interesting guests, and relished in new learning opportunities, very much alike to the pony she conversed with now.


Exactly one hour later, Twilight was fidgeting in her seat. The food laid out before her remained half eaten, and although she was hungry, she couldn't possibly force herself to at any more. she was anxious to leave, to begin whatever quest these 'Fates' had in store for her, and whatever it entailed. The elder of Haylos's words came to her again, and she swallowed nervously. She had retrieved her clothes, and once again her wings lay hidden underneath her robe, where they rustled uncomfortably and longed for the wind.

She cast a glance to her right, where the hulking figure of Broncoles--looking rather sorry for himself and worse for wear--clutched at his head and groaned softly again. His food was also untouched, although she suspected his reasoning was far simpler.

Goldgo sipped at her drink and regarded them both carefully. She thought they made an odd pairing indeed, and wondered exactly what the gods had planned for them. "If I may, Twilight," she spoke after a while.

Twilight looked up at her and smiled weakly. Broncoles remained unmoving, and the princess wondered if he had fallen asleep at all.

"I would suggest you avoid the main roads as much as possible on your way to Jewelthens." Goldgo narrowed her eyes and set down her cup, a shining bronze goblet embedded with small rubies. "I can arrange transportation for you up to a point, and then you will have to continue by yourselves."

The princess felt a quiet dread creep up inside her, despite her desire to leave. She nodded in understanding, grateful for any assistance they could receive, however limited.

Broncoles shifted next to her, startling her a bit. "That's all?" he rasped. His eyes, bloodshot and strained, gazed across the table at the queen. His voice bore the strain of the poison's effect, and had he been any other pony--blood of Zeus or not--he would be long dead. "That's all you can do?"

Goldgo looked at him, both nonplussed amused. "I have you to thank for my life, Broncoles. I am in your debt. And while I am grateful, I will not tolerate uncalled for aggression." Her voice was lined with menace, and Twilight was reminded--like a sharp stab to the abdomen or kick to the chest--that she was in fact queen of a warrior kingdom.

The stallion appeared to also be reminded of this, and bowed his head, wincing as the movement caused him a small pain. "I apologise, your majesty. This wine, it-" He swallowed nervously. "It has dulled my sensed and inhibitions. I meant no offence." He spoke to her differently to how he spoke to Twilight. Perhaps it was out of respect, with a touch of fear.

"I am aware, stallion." Goldgo smiled sweetly at him. The room suddenly felt colder, and poor Twilight fidgeted in her seat. She wondered if she could disappear quietly, where nopony could find her or see her. Not with her magic in the state it currently was. With a grimace she wondered how her friend would react upon learning she had been affected so by the silencing ring.

Broncoles noticed the look on her face and gave her a worried glance. She began to blush as he looked at her, and felt her cheeks flush with blood. Now she knew his heritage, she was slightly more intimidated by him, but still somewhat excited. She cursed her girlish thoughts and looked back at him. "I'm fine, really," she said, putting on a brave face and trying to calm herself.

He raised an eyebrow and said nothing, but turned to look at his half eaten food. He shrugged and grabbed an apple, taking a large bite out of it. His crunching filled the hall with sound, and the princess began to feel herself relax as she listened to him.

Goldgo mused to herself that they would make a fine couple, and would no doubt produce many a powerful offspring. As she knew the princess was struggling in her surroundings enough as it was, she refrained from saying such things. Instead, she cleared her throat again and rose from the table. "If you would excuse me, I would go now and arrange for your transportation. Please, eat something before you leave. Your journey is only just beginning."

Twilight rose form the table and gave her host a bow as a sign of respect. "Thank you, your... Goldgo, for all your help."

The queen smiled and waved goodbye, striding through a large doorway and disappearing from sight. Silence fell upon the hall where Twilight and Broncoles remained, and a tension began to rise.

"So..." the stallion murmured. Twilight felt the heckles on her neck stand up again, and slowly turned to look at him. He looked back at her, and scratched his head. "How are you?"

Twilight gave him a baffled look. "That's all you have to say? How am I?" She felt a fire build up inside her as the stress of what she felt came to a head. "Well, I'm just great, stuck in a strange world where everypony either hates me or fears me, no way home, scared out of my mind about what I'm supposed to do, worried about Equestria, unable to use my magic and-"

"What?" Broncoles stood and moved closer to her. She felt tiny in his shadow, and looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "What do you mean you can't use your magic?"

She silently looked down and thudded her forehead against his chest as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm... I'm not sure. When that pony tried to put that silencing ring on me, it... triggered something in me. Whenever I try and use magic I get cold, and feel... afraid..." Her body heaved with silent sobs as she rested against him, listening to his heartbeat. Sometimes, rarely, she wished she wasn't born a unicorn, and could enjoy the simple life of a pegasus or an earth pony without having to rely on her magic too often. This was one of those times. "I feel useless, I can't even-" She began to choke up on her words. Broncoles put a hoof around her and gave her a comforting cuddle.

"It's alright, Twilight. I can protect you." As he spoke those words, he wondered if this was the reason he felt so inclined to keep her safe. If so, it was a cruel ploy by the gods indeed to keep them together. A unicorn unable to do magic was a sorry thing, and if Twilight was affected so by this then he felt like he had no choice but to stay with her as her guardian, although he would welcome that position, and happily serve in her royal guard in Equestria if he could.

The princess pushed way from him, but kept one hoof on his chest. She looked up into his golden eyes and felt her heart perform somersaults. She felt a wave of relief pass over her, and any thoughts she had about him thinking she was useless were washed away. She did have a tendency to over think things after all, and of course he was a true gentlecolt.

The sound of a door opening made them both turn and look, and saw the same white guard captain from yesterday approach them swiftly. Twilight felt the muscles in her friend's chest tense up, and his ears flattened down. He pawed at the ground and stepped in front of the princess in a protective manner. She hovered next to him, hoping that whatever this pony wanted now was something good.

Dieneighekes removed his helmet and gave them a stiff nod each, seemingly not caring about the tenseness or interruption he brought. His eyes coldly glanced over them, before settling on the wall behind them. He cleared his throat and spoke aloud. "The queen has requested I escort you to the edge of the city. From there, a caravan is waiting to carry you onward." His voice rang out with military authority. Dieneighekes was never one for small talk, and notoriously of very little patience, especially for unicorns he deemed dangerous. "Follow me."

Twilight thought it was strange the queen would send them on their way without saying a goodbye, but supposed she had her own duties to attend to, and didn't begrudge her for it.

Dieneighekes turned on his hooves and strode back the way he had came from, not even waiting to see if they responded to him. Broncoles glanced at Twilight and straightened his ears, feeling himself untense. She nodded and made to follow after the guardspony, seemingly reluctant to take her hoof off of his chest. Bronco took one last glance around the hall they had sat in for the best part of the morning, and realised his headache was long since gone. He also realised that the Queen of Dirta herself owed him a life debt, as she had said, and wondered what possibilities that could entail.


Four days later the caravan finally stopped.

Broncoles stirred himself awake and stretched his legs as a large, hairy beast that resembled an old grandmother looked at him with sweet, ancient eyes. Twilight had called them yaks, and while he had heard of them before he had never seen one. What they were doing in the heart of Dirta who could say, but Goldgo had enough knowledge of the world to broker a deal between them. In exchange for carrying these two strange ponies as close to the unicorn kingdom as possible, great riches would await them when they next returned to the earth pony capital. Broncoles hopped down off the cart a large pair of them pulled and looked around, thinking they were indeed strange looking. Most were dark shades of brown or black, and a few calfs--what they called their young--were light brown or cream coloured. They were big too, and their carts were huge, big enough to carry him for which he was grateful.

The yaks themselves seemed amicable enough as well, and Twilight had some basic understanding of their language to converse with a few of them. Broncoles however, remained dumbfounded that such creatures could be found in civilised places. What information he could gather from Twilight was that these yaks were a race of travellers, never staying in one place for too long. Nomadic she called them. As such, they had no concept of cities, towns or settlements of any sort, so everywhere they went was was simply 'home'.

He approached Twilight as she was speaking to the caravan master, and overheard the tail end of their conversation.

"Where are you going to go now?" the princess asked. She waved Broncoles over as he approached, and smiled as he stood next to her. To Broncoles, she appeared to have regained some of her usual self, despite still being magically muted.

"Yak home," the caravan leader said bluntly. The stallion looked at him curiously. He was a large brute of a creature, with thick woolly hair hanging down around his face, and a long beard that scraped along the ground. His voice was gruff and hoarse, and his horns were decorated with bangles of bronze and copper, signifying his status above the rest of his kind, whose horns were plain and unadorned. All of them wore similar strange hats made of their own hair fibres which rested in between their horns, and each wore cloaks with intricately designed patterns of many colours that draped over their large backs. "Great khan summons all yaks home. Pony no follow." He looked down at her with wizened old eyes and appeared to smile. He had that much hair it was hard to say, but his eyes shone with a certain kindness. "We return to pony queen later."

Giving Broncoles a look up and down, the yak snorted and made to leave.

Twilight thanked him and the rest of the caravan as they began walking. A calf with wide brown eyes looked up at her and mumbled something in yakish, eliciting a small giggle from the princess and waved a fond goodbye, trotting off after it's parents.

Soon all that was left of the yak caravan was a dusty trail and muddy hoofprints, and the occasional squeaky wheel of one of the carts as it faded into the distance.

"You speak yak?" Broncoles asked, breaking the silence.

Twilight nodded and turned to face him. "Sort of. I understand enough of their language to know what they're saying, but I can't pronounce anything in yakish." She was glad the yaks in Equestria and the yaks in Equellas spoke the same language, as it made things easier for her. She wondered if the other races of Equestria were present here, and she wondered if she would find Equellenistic counterparts of herself and her friends. An interesting thought to say the least.

"Huh." Broncoles murmured, continuing to be impressed by the alicorn's abilities. "So now where? Onto Jewelthens?"

"I think so, yeah."

He scratched his head and looked around. The dirt path behind them turned, and unless they risked following the yaks into Yakolia--wherever that was--they were lost. "You wouldn't happen to know which direction that was would you?"

Twilight felt anxiety creep up on her again. "I'm sure there's... something we can do to find out where we're going." She touched the amulet that hung from her neck and felt it pulse slightly when she looked in a certain direction. She frowned, and tested it a few times. "Hmm..."

"What?" Broncoles snorted and scraped the ground. "It was nice of the queen to give us a way out of Dirta and to get us halfway to where we needed to go, but she couldn't have given us a map or something?"

Ignoring him for a moment, Twilight continued to test the amulet. When she looked left the amulet remained still, and when she looked right, towards the sun, it pulsed ever so slightly. "I think she did give us a map, sort of."

She turned to look at him, and fished the amulet out of her robe. "See this? It's pulsing wherever I face that direction. I... I think it's telling us we need to go that way." She pointed over the hills to their right, in the direction of the sun.

Broncoles remained sceptical. He examined the amulet closely, not recognising any of the symbols engraved onto it. "What is that?"

"Goldgo gave it to me after it responded to my touch," Twilight explained, turning it over to show him the other side. "She said..." She trailed off, getting caught in the stallion's golden eyes for a moment. She coughed and snapped herself back to the present before he could notice or comment. "She said it belonged to a pony that came through Dirta a few years ago. See this symbol?" She pointed to Star Swirl's cutie mark.


"This is from Equestria. The pony who's symbol this was is a great and powerful wizard." She hated using the term 'great and powerful' thanks to her one-time-rival-turned-sort-of-friend Trixie.

Broncoles's eyes widened. "Oh. So it's important then?"

"I believe so." She held it aloft, towards the horizon, where it pulsed steadily. "I say we follow it. It can't do us any harm can it?"

The stallion nodded his massive head in agreeance with her. "Onwards then. Princesses first." He swung a hoof out and bowed low. Twilight snorted and gave him a playful shove, feeling a grin spread across her face.

He grinned back and together they trotted towards their destination.


After hours of walking, Broncoles glanced back to see the young mare struggling. He sighed and stopped for her to catch up. "Just a bit further, Twilight, then we can rest," he told her, and pointed forwards. "Once we reach those trees, we should be safe."

She panted and nodded, feeling winded from marching for so long. On both of their backs were a pair of saddlebags, filled with fresh supplies and an assortment of items they might have need of. Twilight was used to walking long miles, but this was something else. She usually had her magic to help with carrying heavy things, or wasn't carrying a much as she was right now. Her hooves were cracked and dry, and her mane clung to her neck with sweat.

How Broncoles kept such a steady pace she could only assume had something to do with his strength, and demigod blood. She bit her lip and still fought to keep from asking him about it, trying to thin of a good opportunity to do so.

His words suddenly hit her like a brick. "Safe? What do you mean, safe?" She scanned their surroundings and paused, cocking an ear out to listen.

"Wolves live in these hills, or so I've heard. I'm sure there are boars and lynx here too, and maybe even a lion or two somewhere. I'd rather not sleep out in the open where anything could drop in on us unannounced, you see?" he smiled at her, choosing to ignore her horrified expression for the time being.

"Boars? Wolves? Lions?"

Equestria's wild animals were of the magical nature usually--bugbears and parasprites and a manticore or chimera here and there. When it came to real animals she had her faith in Fluttershy being able to keep them under control. Alas, she was without Fluttershy right now, and began to feel fearful that she was in a foreign wilderness, with no way to deal with them without her magic.

"I've heard-" Broncoles continued as they walked on, approaching a set of trees ahead of them as the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the world. "That there is a lion living in the hills near Gemea--the borderlands between earth pony and unicorn kingdoms--and has skin as strong as iron, and teeth sharper than any sword or spear, able to eat some ponies whole-" He rubbed the back of his head and quickly shut up as Twilight's pupils shrank to pinpricks, and grimaced awkwardly. "Sorry."

The princess felt her hooves tremble as they walked. "Where did it come from?" she asked, morbidly curious about such a dangerous sounding creature. Despite her fear and worry that they might run into such a thing, she was eager to know more about it.

He shrugged. "Depending on who you asked, you'd get a different answer. Some would say it's one of the offspring of one of the gods, Artemis I think usually. Others would say it's a living relic left over from when titans ruled the world."

"Titans?" Twilight interjected. "What are they?" Every answer she got from him seemed to raise more questions. She longed for a notebook or something to write down all the thoughts and questions she had bout this world.

Broncoles looked up at the sky with a smile. He thought her curiosity of the world was cute, and he enjoyed telling her stories, both good and bad ones. He looked down at her and began to explain. "The Titanomachy, as some call it, was the war between the Olympians and the titans for control of the world. Some of the titans are still alive today, like Atlas, who holds up the skies." He smiled sadly. "Or Prometheus, who gave ponies fire in the first place. Although, to call his situation 'living' would be an overstatement."

"Prometheus? Who's he? How do you mean?"

There was a hill in front of them, and the final hurdle before they could start to relax. Broncoles prepared himself for the climb, and shook some of his muscles loose.

"Well, as he stole the fire from the gods, Zeus saw his punishment would be to be chained to a rock for the rest of time."

"That doesn't sound so bad," Twilight murmured as she too looked up the hill. She gave her legs a shake, careful not to stumble as she was weak from exhaustion already.

"Ah but Zeus sent a pair of his eagles to accompany him, however. They eat his liver daily--it grows back you see--as he is a titan and immortal."

Twilight stopped and gaped in horror. "Wait, really?"

Broncoles nodded silently and had a grim look on his face. "That's his punishment, just for giving ponies the first flame. The gods punish those who wrong them, even if it was in jest or an act of good. If you disobeyed the gods they would punish you in cruel and unimaginable ways. remind me to tell you about Sulphysos some time. Come on," he told her, casually dismissing his own stories. "Up this hill, and then we can get a camp set up and get some rest."

The princess roused herself after a moments pause and began the climb alongside her companion. It wasn't even that steep, just a gentle incline really, but coupled with her exhaustion and the heavy things she carried, she feared she would pass out before reaching the top. As she struggled she thought about the Equellenistic gods, and what Goldgo showed her in the scrying pool. Zeus was certainly deceitful, she concluded, but were the rest of them so bad? She dreaded to think what might happen if one of them took a disliking to her. She hoped being in the presence of Broncoles helped her in some way, and looked over at him. His muscles bulged and popped as he carried himself, showing no signs of slowing down, and she felt a touch jealous that he was moving with such ease while she struggled.

They eventually came to a stop before the dark trees, and just as the sun set behind the hills. Twilight looked over as the moon slowly began to rise, and thought about how strange it felt to not be the one raising and lowering the celestial bodies for a change. She winced and thought of Equestria once again, and sincerely hoped they were coping as well as can be. If she went back and her home was a decimated land of ice and snow, or a scorched wasteland she wouldn't know what she would do.

She gasped and panted for air, eager to be done for the day. "Do we have a tent?" she asked as Broncoles rummaged in his pack.

"Aha! There it is!" he cried joyfully, and extracted some cloth and pegs. He looked over the exhausted princess, noticed how her robe had risen a bit above her flank and coughed politely. "I'll, uh, get this set up. You just rest, Twilight. You've done enough today."

"I'm not a child you know," she grumbled at him, forcing her wobbling legs to stand. "I can help." Despite how she felt, se was determined to prove tat she wasn't as useless as she felt.

"Have you ever set up a tent before?" he bluntly asked, trying to hide a smirk.

"Yes of course, lots of times when my friends and I would go camping."

"Without magic?"

"Oh. W-well, no, but-"

"Then let me handle it."

She stamped her hoof and huffed, turning away from him. "Braylas was right about you," she muttered. "You are thick headed. At least let me get some firewood or something. I'm freezing."

At this Broncoles paused in his work and grinned from ear to ear. "I'm sure you're more than capable of doing that, Princess Sparkle," he replied with an overly dramatic bow.

She stuck her tongue out at him and undid the straps on her packs. They slid off and landed in a heap on the floor, where some fresh apples poked out temptingly.

"Try and get some rocks too for the base," he told her.

Twilight rolled her eyes at him and turned away. "I know how to make a campfire, like I said I've done this before." She muttered as she marched off, into the trees, leaving the silhouette of her companion behind. "Really the nerve of some ponies." It wasn't like she was a dainty princess like in a fairy tale, she was Twilight Sparkle! The successor to Celestia, the First and Last star, yadda, yadda, etcetera, etcetera. She realised how silly some of her titles were, and if she ever got back would remind Chancellor Neighsay to have some of them changed, or flat out removed. She giggled and imagined calling herself the Queen of Equestria.

Twigs snapped under her hooves as she walked through the trees. It was dark, but the light of the moon above provided enough light for her to see where she was going, and soon a large bundle of sticks and stones sat in her now full pack, prompting her to smile with satisfaction and turn around to head back. She paused and looked around, and felt a palpable dread begin to rise in her as she realised she hadn't been paying attention to where she had gone, or was going. "Uh oh," she murmured quietly. "Oh no. Oh no..." A cloud passed over the helpful light of the moon, enshrouding her in darkness.

She frantically began to double back, taking to just flat out walking backwards as a panic began to build up inside her. her flank touched a rock she didn't recognise, so she stopped and caught her breath and fought to stay calm. "Inhale, count to f-"

She froze and fell deathly silent as a low growl was heard from above her.

Hot breath traced the back of her neck, and deep, short, hot and heavy breaths made her mane blow around her. A glob of drool dripped down and landed on her shoulder, eliciting a shiver of horror from the princess. She slowly looked up into the gaping jaw of a vast creature the size of a small house. She let out a small shriek and jumped backwards, staring up at it with wide, terror filled eyes.

A lion, a huge monster as big as Broncoles, twice, maybe three times the size of a normal lion. The same lion he had told her about? She felt her knees tremble, and she continued to stumble backwards as it hopped down from its rock and began to prowl around her.

What a delightful little supper.

Twilight shook her head and swore she heard it speak. Can animals in Equellas do that? Was that something she had picked up from Fluttershy somehow? The second she thought about casting a quick teleportation spell away, that dark presence passed over her, and she began to feel her knees grow weak. She remembered Broncoles's words, about a lion of huge size. This must have been it, as it was truly a giant beast, towering well above her. Its fur was difficult to determine in the half light of the moon, but she spotted a dark patch around its chest and its muzzle, and assumed it was blood, and swallowed nervously.

What comes walking to my kingdom? Is it scared? Is it delicious?

"N-now now, Mr, lion, sir," the princess stammered as the beast shook it's mighty mane and crouched low to the ground. "I don't know if you can hear me or understand me, but I'm, j-just trying to find some f-firewood to make c-camp with. I didn't m-mean to disturb you and I'm s-sorry." She felt sweat dot her brow. Her heart beat louder and faster than it had ever had before, and she felt her teeth begin to shatter as she grew cold, and truly believed that she was staring death in the eyes.

I wonder, little supper. Can it run?

It flexed its massively long claws which were stained with a red substance. Twilight noticed, even in the dim of the night, that it's chest was stained with the same red, and it's fangs gleamed in the night as it licked it's lips. "I can run, sir, if-if you'll allow m-me to sh-show you-" She tried speaking at it, still being far from sure it could even understand her, or if she could understand it or if that was her own fear playing tricks on her mind.

I think not...

The lion lunged forwards, its claws fully extended and its jaw opened wide, caring nothing about what she had to say. Twilight screamed and covered her face up, falling to the ground as the monster's jaw latched around her, narrowly avoiding it, and thankfully it pierced only her robe instead of her skin. It hoisted her up and threw her away. She landed with a thud and skidded in the mud amongst the twigs and grass. It prowled around her, pushing her around with its massive paw as she remained curled up and unmoving. Twilight felt true, unabashed fear for the first time in her life at that moment, even after everything she had faced on her way to becoming princess as it slid her across the mud for the fourth or fifth time. Time seemed to slow down as she waited for the final blow.

The princess swore she could hear it laughing as the beast laid its paw on her and pushed her into the mud, pressing down on her ribs and expunging the air from her lungs. Its head moved closer to her, and she could smell the blood on its breath now, and the rotting smell of decaying meat in its teeth. "Broncoles..." she breathed, just barely above a whisper as the world began to turn dark. "Help me..."


A loud shout roared out through the dark forest. The lion removed its paw and allowed Twilight to take a deep breath. She saw spots and blinked a few times, squinting into the darkness. The moon shifted through the trees and revealed the speaker, a pony, standing eye to eye with the beast. Its golden eyes lit up the dark like two shining spotlights, and she felt her heart flutter as she recognised it as Broncoles. A thought passed through her mind at that moment, and she wondered if she had actually summoned him by quietly calling for him.

The lion licked its lips, setting its unnaturally yellow eyes on a larger meal, and began to stalk towards it, crouching low to the ground and ignoring its smaller prey for a moment.

Another supper? I am spoiled.

Broncoles reared up and let out a mighty cry, and slammed his hooves down into the ground. The trees around them shook as they had when the beast first roared, and hot air flushed out of his nostrils. He looked past the monster and saw Twilight staring at him with wide eyes, clearly terrified out of her mind and possibly injured, but alive, and felt a godlike rage inside him build up.

"Get away from her you filth!" he growled, and rushed forwards, head lowered and ears splayed down.

The lion roared back and swung at him with its massive claws. He nimbly dodged one, then another, and connected his hoof with its face, sending it back a step in the mud. "Twilight!" he raged, "Run!"

She needed no further encouragement, and quickly scrambled to her hooves. Adrenaline from her fear pumped through her, and she darted behind a tree just as the lion roared again and lunged forwards. She heard their bodies thunder against each other, and heard the pained cries of her saviour mixed with the sound of ripping fabric. "Come on Twilight," she told herself. "Just one spell, anything, for him, please..."

She tried with all her might to cast a spell, a source of light, a beam of energy, anything to give her friend an edge in his fight, but all that came was that same dark flash and sense of cold dread. She sank to the ground and peered out from behind her cover, to see Broncoles and the lion encircling each other.

He was clearly hurt, as blood poured from some deep claw marks on his side. His muscles pulsed and rippled though as he braced himself for another strike. The lion swung its paw at him and found its mark, knocking him down and leapt forwards, aiming to pounce on him and end their fight.

Twilight gasped as Broncoles rolled over and aimed a kick at its head. She found herself cheer for a split second as he connected with it, stunning it from the sheer force of his blow, and clamped a hoof over her mouth. What good would it be if the lion turned on her now, when he was so far away? She watched in a mix of both wonder and horror as the stallion leapt onto the back of the beast and grappled with it.

They crashed into the ground, and Twilight spotted him wincing in pain as he landed on his side. He remained clinging to it, however, and latched his mouth onto it, biting down hard into its mane. The lion reared up on its hind legs and thrust itself downwards, trying to shake him free. Blood dripped out of its mouth, indicating it had been hurt, perhaps internally, Twilight thought, as she saw no bruises form on its body.

With another roar, it charged forwards towards the rock it had originally climbed down from, and turned at the last second, slamming its side--and half of the pony on its back--into the solid stone. Broncoles grunted in pain but remained chomped down on it, like he was holding the bit for an exceptionally heavy cart.

The princess gaped in horror as the lion began to thud itself into the rock time and time again, and noticed Broncoles began to lose his grip. He gritted his teeth and let out a primal sound, something Twilight had only heard in movies about ancient Equestria. The lion eventually shook him free, but he nimble dodged another blow and landed where the rock wasn't, where he then spun around and aimed another powerful kick at it.

The lion swiped at him, just barely missing him by mere inches, and its eyes widened as the pony's hooves struck its side, knocking the wind out of it, where it then slunk to the ground and panted heavily.

Broncoles saw his opportunity now, and stepped closer to its head, careful to avoid its mighty paws as they feebly clawed at the dirt and mud. Twilight watched silently and stepped out from behind her tree as he wrapped his hooves around its neck and seemed to give it a large hug. She soon realised, even with her naïve mind, that he was in fact strangling the beast as its back legs kicked and scraped at the ground, trying to free itself. One of its paws found their mark as it raked across his back, drawing even more blood. He didn't care, thinking only that if he didn't win, they would both die. She would die.

Soon the lion's movements grew weaker and weaker, and as the last ounces of life left its eyes, it knew fear for the first time as death embraced it. Twilight stepped closer to the stallion as he released it, and reached out to touch him tentatively. "Bronco?" she whispered.

He turned to face her. His breath came ragged and dogged, and the wounds on his side and back spat blood out. She stopped reaching out to him and froze. "Bronco... you're bleeding," she said quietly, looking at him with utmost dread, and was quite frankly amazed how he was still standing. He looked at her with bleary eyes and felt himself begin to wobble.

She rushed forwards and caught him as he fell and gently lowered him to the ground. "Bronco? Don't die on me, please. Oh that's a lot of blood--oh Celestia that's a lot of blood..." she gasped, feeling sick with worry. "What do I do?"

He raised a shaking hoof and pointed through the trees. She turned and saw a small light glowing, apparently he had started a fire without her. She felt relief pulse through her as the familiar glow of safety made itself known, despite the growing feeling that she was useless in her stomach. It wasn't even that far away either, thank Celestia. Or Zeus.

"Okay... okay, Bronco, come on-" She felt tears well up in her eyes as she struggled to lift him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and shakily rose to his hooves. "Come on, you can make it," she told him with a sniff. "You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. Stay with me, big guy."

Together, they hobbled towards the light through the dark trees. The stink of blood was all over him, and he stumbled a few times over the roots of the trees. Twilight struggled to hold him, throwing one of his hooves onto her back and putting a wing underneath him in an effort to keep him up. Her robe was also tattered and ragged, and she hoped they had a change of clothes in the supplies Goldgo had provided for them.

She lowered him down in front of the fire and scrambled over to the saddlebags, grabbing them and pulling them over to him, where she then began to rummage around in them for some bandages and any medical supplies. She wasn't expecting to find any modern Equestrian stuff, but there had to be something. Anything. For her saviour, the big, stupid stallion who nearly killed himself trying to save her flank.

"Come on... come on..." She began to grow desperate as she saw no sign of the things she needed. "Bronco, I'm sorry, I can't-" She spotted a vial of red liquid and fell silent. "Is that?" she murmured, and plucked it out of the bag. She spotted a whole case of them further in the bag behind the one she currently held, and a small note made of a scratchy sort of paper, later to be known as papyrus, attached to the front of it. Picking it up, she scanned over it with big, frightened eyes.

Twilight Sparkle,

These vials contain a potion of unicorn make, brewed with an enchantment and able to heal any non-lethal wound. Use them wisely.


Twilight felt a laugh escape her and looked up at the night sky, mouthing a thank you to any god who was watching them. "Broncoles, here, drink this." She turned to him and felt cold upon seeing him lying still. "Broncoles? Bronco!" she called out and shuffled towards him, nearly dropping the vial.

His eyelids fluttered, and his mouth lulled open. Twilight quickly undid the stopper and shoved the vial into his mouth. He coughed and some of it sputtered out, so she clamped her hooves over him and begged him to swallow.

He did, and the princess wiped a trail of spittle from his chin. She watched with bated breath as he coughed and sputtered for a moment, before thrusting his eyes wide open and crying out in pain.

The wounds along his back and sides began to slowly close up, and the blood trails that streamed from them began to slow. "Twiliiiight?" he groaned. The princess grasped his hoof and felt tears spill out from her eyes.

"I'm here, Bronco," she cried, and clutched him close to her chest. "I'm here. You're gonna be okay-"

He lunged forwards, wrenching himself free and doubled over in pain. The wounds continued to seal up, and he writhed as his biology was being rewritten. His jaw swung open in a silent scream, and his eyes bulged. Twilight began to suspect something was wrong, and started back. Almost as quickly as he had started, he was suddenly placid once again. She held her breath and waited for him to move.

After seconds which felt like all of eternity trickled by, Broncoles finally took a deep breath and moved his head.

Twilight released the breath she was holding, and placed a hoof on his back, now completely healed. "Bronco?" she whispered. She was amazed how well the potion had worked, even if it looked like it had hurt him so much, he was as healthy as a horse after all.

He turned to look at her. His beautiful golden eyes stared at her, and he shakily cupped her face in one of his massive hooves. "Twilight?" he croaked. "What happened?" The stallion's voice came out just barely audibly, gravelly and changed. A side effect of the potion no doubt. It made him sound more rugged.

The princess pushed her face into his hoof and beamed at him, placing her hoof on top of it. "You're okay! You're really okay... aren't you?" she asked, hesitantly.

He nodded and gestured for her to help him stand. "I... I think so. What happened?" he repeated as she obeyed. "What was that you gave me?" He wobbled a few times as he stood upright. His head throbbed, and his back pulsed, like it should be bleeding. Craning his head to get a look at himself, he saw the blood stains and his ripped clothes, and his eyes widened in wonder. "Is that... my blood?"

Twilight reached into the bag and pulled out one of the vials, and showed him the note from the queen.

His eyes traced over it, his mouth moving as he read the words written there carefully. "Heal any non-lethal wound..." He looked at Twilight, who still stood half crying, half smiling at him. "You gave me... I drank one of these?"

She nodded, wanting to just throw her hooves around him and give him a kiss. She made the excuse to herself that would be somewhat inappropriate though, despite the circumstances, and refrained from doing so.

After a moments pause he knelt down in front of her, much to her shock. "You saved my life," he said. "I am forever in your debt, Twilight Sparkle. I will make it my life's mission to protect you wherever you may go, and keep you safe from all harm to the best of my abilities." He swore the sacred blood oath to her and kissed her hoof tenderly.

She felt herself begin to blush and hoisted him up. "You saved mine first, you big lug. If you hadn't shown up when you did, that lion would have..." She gave an involuntary shiver, and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. She felt his presence move closer, and when she opened her eyes she saw he was very close to her.

Her heartbeat quickened, and her eyelids fluttered. "Bronco?" she whispered.

"Yes, Twilight?" he whispered back. Time seemed to slow for her as the first droplets of rain fell from the heavens above.

"I'm afraid..."

"What of?"

"What we have to do. I can't use my magic, I can't... I'm useless-"

"Shhh." He placed a hoof around her and pulled her close. She let herself go willingly into him, and pressed her head into his neck. The rain began to fall heavier now, and soon they were both completely soaked.

"I thought you were going to die. I was so scared."

"I'm fine. Thanks to you, Twilight. We saved each other."

She sniffed, and began to cry.

"Hey..." He pulled away and lifted her head up, smiling as he gazed into her eyes. She rubbed her nose and smiled back. "We're a team. No matter what happens, I'll keep you safe. As long as you keep bringing me back to life.." He grinned and winked. "Deal?"

Twilight giggled and nodded, placing her hoof over his. "Deal."

They touched heads tenderly, and their breaths intertwined in the space between them in the cold rain.

Broncoles pulled away, much to the disappointment of Twilight, who didn't let on how she felt. "Come on. Let's get some rest. I'll take first watch, in case any more lions show up." He smiled and guided her towards the tent. "I saw some clothes in the pack earlier, too. You should get changed, you'll catch your death in this rain." He traced his eyes over her, noting how her wings appeared ragged when they were wet, and how her mane clung to her slender neck. She glanced back at him before disappearing underneath the sheet of the tent, noticing how he looked at her. She thought he looked similar, how his tunic lay in tatters around him, how the water traced down his muscles...

"Goodnight, Bronco..." she murmured. "Wake me if anything else happens, okay?"


He turned around and sat down, staring into the darkness. The fire had long since gone out now, and the sizzling embers grew wetter and wetter as rain continued to fall. They had, thankfully, set up the tent underneath a large oak tree, and the leaves above saved it from getting wet, save for only a few drops.

Twilight lay her head down on the bag of straw they used for pillows, and sighed. She hoped, soon, that her magic would be useable. She grew determined to practice, every day if need be, just to be able to help Broncoles if he needed it. She was still amazed at the magical potion the queen had given them, and wondered how it was made. such a thing would be a great help to Equestria, if she could only replicate it somehow.

As sleep and exhaustion took its hold of her, the princess yawned and closed her eyes, offering a prayer of thanks to any and all gods who were listening.

Author's Note:

For my own amusement if nothing else at the current point in writing:


Comments ( 2 )

What happened to the story

I just didn't feel like writing it anymore unfortunately. I think the scope I had for it was too big, but I've still got all my notes there ready in case I ever go back to it. Sorry if you enjoyed it but thanks if you did :twilightsmile:

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