• Published 19th May 2020
  • 4,584 Views, 134 Comments

Incarnate - Revel Montaro

High school is over and the next step in life awaits, however magic is still on the loose. Sunset Shimmer struggles to find her place in the world and must find a way to contain the magic or have the portal sealed forever.

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Chapter 7

True to her word, Sunset Shimmer had pushed her motorcycle hard to make up time. Twilight had no doubt the only reason she had not lost sight of the fire haired woman was because Sunset had occasionally slowed down to allow them to catch up. How they had not been stopped by a random police patrol was providence in of itself. Princess Twilight had tried to make small talk at first about how happy she was that their relationship had overcome adversity and that their bonds of friendship will only make them stronger, but had stopped trying to talk after the third tire squealing turn. Electing instead to hold onto the handle that was riveted into the upholstery and say a prayer under her breath to the Princess of the Sun.

Twilight had never really had a chance to talk to her Equestria counterpart about how or why the ruler of their country was also a popular expletive or replacement colorful deity metaphor. Considering she was currently focused on her aggressive driving, grinning at the memory of her and the girls’ practice behind the wheel of Fluttershy’s sedan at an empty store parking lot, the conversation would have to wait.

“Are you trying to get us killed?!” Princess Twilight shouted when they had reached a straight road, the tiny eco engine whining in protest.

“Relax, princess, Sunset and Rainbow Dash taught me how to drive.”

“What part of that sentence was meant to be reassuring?!”

Old Maple Park was the second recreational park founded in the city, if one counted the tiny grass space in the city’s center square as an actual park. Old Maple Park, on the other hand was sixty-six acres of jogging trails, playground equipment, open fields with provided picnic pavilions, and built-in barbeque pits. It also sported a small pond that the migrating ducks and geese loved and an outdoor stage for small concerts at certain times of the year. Normally, the park would have been full of citizens enjoying a nice breezy summer afternoon. Instead, most had run away screaming from the massive plant monster with thrashing and writhing tentacles.

Sunset left a small skid mark as she stopped Shadow and ran for the monster that was trying to swat a blue skinned teenager with wings out of the sky. Real subtle, Dash, flying around where everyone can see you. The plant monster looked somewhat familiar with the giant dripping maw and dozen or so green vine tentacles that were trying to grab any bystanders that were foolish enough not to stay back. The police had begun to set up a barricade and shouted at people to stay back. Sunset, still with her helmet on, dodged around the waving arm of an officer and vaulted over the wooden barricade.

“’bout time you showed up,” said Applejack, her pony ears lying flat as she fought to keep the vines from leaving the immediate area. “I hope ya gotta plan.”

Sunset ripped her helmet off and chunked it at a vine that was about wrap around Rainbow Dash’s leg. The monster screamed and turned its attention to the newest target of its anger. “Noooooot my best plan.” Sunset leaped away and signaled Applejack to follow.

“YAY! Sunny’s back!” Pinkie Pie cartwheeled and collided with Sunset, but managed to keep both of them on their feet. After dodging more thrashing vines, the girls found cover behind a diamond wall that Rarity had erected.

“Like I said, I hope ya gotta plan.”

Rainbow nodded in agreement. “And where’s Twilight? We totally need to rainbow laser this thing back into whatever hentai dimension it crawled out of. What is it with freaky magic pony land and tentacle monsters anyhow?!”

“The Twilights should be here soon. As far as the rest of us, I suggest we wear it down and prepare to laser this thing ash.”

“Twilights? As in plural?”

Sunset nodded to Rainbow. “It’s complicated. I’ll explain later, heck I’ll even buy dinner, but right now we need to get this under control before someone thinks the best way to deal with this situation is by drone airstrike.”

“Well, I can get ahold of them vines and rip’em out, but they got more wiggles than a bag of fishin’ worms. If Rarity can hold’em down with some diamonds I’ll try rippin’ some out,” Applejack said with one fist smacking into her palm.

“Good. Dash,” Sunset said, getting her friend’s attention, “try and confuse the head, maybe fly around it in circles a few times. Then, when Twi gets her we can use her telekinesis to-“

“I’m here!” Twilight ran over and ducked under the diamond shield Rarity had erected. She was proceeded by Princess Twilight who waved sheepishly at her human friends. The rest of the group smiled and waved back.

“We’re here,” Princess Twilight corrected then rubbed the bottom of her chin. “Although I’m not sure how much help I can be without my own magic.”

“If we have to shout out to the Twilights we’re going to need some nicknames or else this is going to get weird, fast,” said Rainbow.

“P-Twi and Sci-Twi?” Both Twilights cringed at Pinkie’s suggestion. “What? I thought it was friendlier than Taller Twilight and Shorter Twilight.”

Sunset groan then pointed at Princess Twilight. “For the immediate future you are simply Princess,” Sunset pointed at human Twilight, “and you are Twi. Will that work?” Both girls nodded, which was good, because the plant monster had grown tired of their hiding behind the diamond shield and began to smash its vines into it.

“Twi, hold the closest vines for Rarity to clamp down,” Sunset ordered, taking a step back to reevaluate the situation as a whole. The plant was really starting to look familiar, she just couldn’t quite place it. It was also odd that the plant appeared to be either stuck in a portal or had not fully emerged from the accretion disc considering the aura around its base.

Twilight’s hands took on a magenta glow as she grabbed ahold of several of the vines that threatened to escape the immediate vicinity. Rarity was doing her best to try and restrain the vines with diamond clamps, but both girls struggled against the green plant limbs that began to thrash harder after somehow becoming aware it was in trouble.

Applejack wrapped her arms around one limb that was almost too wide for her hands to meet. The farmer squeezed and water and light green ooze erupted from the vine fibers. Despite the mess and the roar like sound from the plant’s maw Applejack squeezed harder.

Sunset looked at her own hands, wishing there was more she could do. “What kind of lousy ultimate weapon am I? Can’t even fight an angry plant monster, how the hell was I supposed to fight a nightmare alicorn?” Princess Twilight, also feeling a bit useless, moved to offer comforting words, but paused when her counterpart began to grunt and strain.

Twilight struggled, sweat beading on her forehead. “I… can’t hold it back much longer.”

Sunset’s eyes lit with recognition. She had heard those words before. “It’s… it’s the plant from the island with the other portal! That’s where I’ve seen this before!”

Rainbow, who had been trying to circle the head, getting in the occasional kick, flew back. “Holy crap on a stick, you’re right! I should have recognized big, slimy, and ugly before!”

“But what is doing here? How? I mean why? I… this is all very confusing!” Princess Twilight was busy trying to understand how a trans-dimensional portal on an island could have opened up in a park and failed to see the vine that knocked her off her feet. Sunset jumped on the writhing appendage, which tried to shake her, then instead began to wrap around her body like a boa constrictor.

“Not good.” The vine had already wrapped her legs together and was quickly moving pass her hips. Sunset struggled to break free, but could barely slow its accent. Both hands slid along the tentacle vine and suddenly Sunset’s eyes lit up.

Sunset’s mind dove into the consciousness of the creature. It wasn’t quite sentient, but it was alive, it could feel and had instincts. It could remember. She felt the plant contently minding its business, occasionally grabbing a bird or other creature, bringing them to its waiting maw.

Feed. Food good.

Sunset felt more than saw, probably because the creature had no eyes to speak of. There was energy coming from the sandpit, the portal that should not have been there to begin with. Had the loose magic from the mirror created the second portal? How long ago, she wondered. Most days the creature never noticed the pit, but still actively avoided it. It was similar to how one predator would rather avoid than seek out an enemy.

Odd… not food.

The creature’s thoughts were simple, basic, but still more than your average house plant. It could feel something coming from the portal even if it did not know what it was. Suddenly, its most basic fight or flight instincts kicked in. It thrashed its vines at the portal, at what had disturbed it, frightened it.

Not food! Bad! Fear!

Sunset could feel a chill run through her, there was a pulling sensation like a whirlpool. The plant creature was being pulled down and forward, into the portal. It became more and more afraid as the strength of the pull became stronger.

Fear! Pain! PAIN!

The portal was pulling the creature and nothing else, not the other trees or the birds that escaped in fear. The pull was intentional. Sunset thought she felt malice behind the sensation like angry eyes in a dark corner of a dirty alley. The plant tried to fight back and the harder it fought the harder it was pulled, roots barely holding to the soil as the rest of it was pulled through.


Through blackness, like jagged, rusty nails down her back, Sunset felt the creature’s fear as it was pulled through. Then the world tasted different. There was no sea breeze, no old rotting palms, strange smells. It was still afraid and still in pain, but now it was hungry again too.

Sunset’s eyes returned to normal, she blinked and had to readjust to her situation. The vines were now approaching her shoulders and she could feel the air being squeezed out of her. Sunset cried out in pain. “Grrrrahhh!”

“Sunset!” Twilight shook her head and released the vines she had been holding. She focused all her magical strength on the vine that was crushing her girlfriend. Twilight felt her pony ears snap to existence, her hair lengthened, and a small set of purple wings snap out from her shoulders. In addition, she felt her magic surge with additional power, finally able to halt the vine from crushing Sunset’s neck. Twilight pulled at the vine harder until the fibers began to snap, water and green ooze bleeding from the broken limb. The vine broke and Sunset slipped free from the severed limb, falling to the dirt. She took a large gasp of air then scrambled to stand next to Twilight.

“It’s…” Sunset took another gulp of air, “it’s scared and it’s in pain.”

“You connected with it?” Twilight said with awe.

Sunset nodded. “It didn’t come through the portal by choice. Something forced it through and now it’s scared and in pain. It’s lashing out because it doesn’t know how to do much else.”

Fluttershy, who had remained behind Rarity for nearly the entire exchange stepped forward, her eyes glassy and wide as saucers. “That’s horrible! We can’t kill it with a rainbow just because it’s scared! We have to try and help it.”

“Seriously!? It just tried to eat Sunset!” Rainbow Dash protested.

“Hey, we all get hungry,” Pinkie chipped in.

“No,” Sunset stood, determination on her face, “Fluttershy is right. We have to get it back through that portal then slam it shut.”

“Whatever you’re gonna do, ya better damn well do it fast!” Applejack gestured over to the police barricade where a growing number of armed officers were beginning to assemble.

Sunset felt the determination in her blossom, her own pony features manifesting. Sunset tuned to her assembled friends, her eyes strong, but compassionate. “Fluttershy, it has a mind. It’s not complex, but it will understand if you speak to it. Try to calm it down and stop thrashing.”

Fluttershy gulped but nodded. “I’ve never talked to plants, well, a plant that could understand me before. I’ll try.”

“Twilight, you have to try and force it back through the portal as gently as you can. Rarity, erect a shield wall behind us, keep the police from spooking or Celestia forbid, attacking it. Pinkie, run interference if they try to go around the shield. AJ, Dash, stand ready to smash and cut those vines if this doesn’t work.” Everyone nodded to Sunset.

Twilight’s confidence waned as the creature snarled and wailed again. “I… don’t know if I can do this. I’ve never tried to push something that big before. Especially that big and angry.”

Sunset was about to give her more reassuring words when Princess Twilight, who had been standing quietly with her eyes closed, also suddenly ponied up. The seven other girls gapped in awe as Princess Twilight’s pony ears returned, and her ponytail extended, but her transformation didn’t end there. Two massive wings, twice as large as Twilight’s extended from her back and seemed to have an iridescent glow about them. Twilight’s glasses nearly slid off her face as her pony counterpart also grew a glowing horn from her forehead.

Princess Twilight’s eyes opened and she smiled at her friends’ expressions. She turned to Twilight and extended her hand. “If we work together, we can save this creature.”

Sunset’s pony ears flattened and she gawked. “How?!”

Princess Twilight pointed at the portal disc. “Magic is pouring from the portal, I could feel it emanating all around us. I just reached out and tapped into it.”

“Show off.” Sunset stuck out her tongue, playfully. “Alright, let’s do this.” Everyone nodded, taking up their positions.

Sunset moved to the nearest vine with Fluttershy and helped hold it steady while Fluttershy gently stroked the appendage. “Shhhh, it’s okay.” A soft pink glow surrounded Fluttershy’s hands and the surrounding area she touched. “We were scared too, but we’re not going to hurt you again. Please calm down so we can help you.”

Sunset’s eyes lit again for a moment then returned to their normal teal. “I felt it understand you.” The writhing slowed and the dripping maw closed. She looked back at the Twilights who stepped as close as they dared to the portal at the base.

“Reach out with your magic,” Princess Twilight said with a gentle, scholarly tone. “See the threads of the magic in your mind that are powering the portal. Grab those threads with your telekinesis as if you were pulling delicate fabric thread.” Twilight closed her eyes for a moment, letting out a breath to calm her nerves. When she looked again, she could see what the princess was talking about, glowing strings that surrounded the disc, glowing hot like the heart of a forge. She gently reached out with magenta fingers. Twilight and Princess Twilight pulled different directions and the glowing disc under the plant began to expand.

Fluttershy risked moving closer, keeping a hand on one vine the entire time. Slowly, the plant began to wiggle down and pull itself back, more of the stem and vines disappearing through the portal. Sunset noted that whatever had forced the creature through was not trying to fight back anymore. A problem to address later. After five minutes of gentle nudges and reassuring voices the maw let out a calm, mewling sound before it too passed through the portal.

Sunset sighed, letting out a breath. She squared her shoulders and focused on the portal that was still swirling and glowing. “Together.” The girls nodded. They each raised a hand and focused their magic towards the portal, their bodies taking on a magical glow, raising them slightly off the ground. One by one a beam of colored light shot forth, merging to a ball of energy just before Sunset’s extended fingers and firing forth as a seven colored rainbow. The rainbow struck the portal and the disc wobbled and shrank until the last speck of light fell in on itself and disappeared.

The girls returned to their feet, pony features disappearing, including Princess Twilight’s wings, ears, and horn. They hugged and cheered for a moment, basking in another victory over errant magic. Someone yelling and tapping on Rarity’s diamond shield brought them back to the reality at hand.

“Ugh,” Sunset groaned. “I’d pay good money for one of Trixie’s smoke bombs about now.”

“So, how exactly are we gonna get outta of this one? There’s a whole SWAT team between us and our cars,” Applejack said, pulling at her shirt that had drying plant juice on it. The thought of having to call Granny Smith to come pick her up from the police station was causing the farm girl to sweat like a summer harvest.

“Think we could just ask them nicely to let us go? I mean, we didn’t do anything illegal.” They all smiled at Fluttershy’s comment.

“Well,” Rarity tapped a finger to her chin, “I could probably turn the shield wall around and trap them in… temporarily of course!”

“Ohhhhh! I can flashbang them! I always wanted to try that!” Pinkie pulled a bottle of sprinkles out from her hair, grinning like a comic book villain.

“Just don’t hurt anyone, Pinkie, I’ve seen you blow holes in walls with those things.”

“Relaaaaaax, Sunny. I’ve been practicing!” Pinkie’s extra wide grin did the exact opposite of cause relaxation. However, they had no other better options for escape.

Sunset retrieved her helmet and put it on to save the precious seconds they would need for the plan to work. “Head different directions then circle back to my place. I’ll order pizza and drinks.” Sunset gave Twilight a wink before closing the helmet’s face shield and nodded to Rarity to turn the shields into domes.

The gathered police officers never had a chance to react as the diamond wall turned and reformed into three domes of perfectly faceted traps. Pinkie bounced from one to the next shouting, “SURPRISE!” as she dropped a handful of glowing sprinkles through the openings at the top. They heard each group gasp and shout as they were temporarily blinded and deafened. In less than sixty seconds all the girls were piled into cars, trucks, and one motorcycle making for the three different exits of the park.


Two hours later Rarity was the last to arrive at Sunset’s apartment. Applejack poked lightly at her for taking so long and her desire to change and be fashionably late. The farmgirl proudly pointed at the dried stains on her shirt from the battle, which prompted Rarity into action. The purple haired fashionista commandeered the bathroom with Applejack as her prisoner.

The food had arrived soon after with two liter bottles of soda. It was a generous spread of pizzas, cheese bread, and salad. A little something for everyone. When Applejack and Rarity had emerged Applejack’s shirt was significantly more clean.

“I’m so glad you have a generous supply of household cleaning products, Sunset. A little club soda and peroxide does wonders!”

Sunset gave them a thumbs up and put on some background music while everyone helped themselves to an early dinner. After a few minutes of eating and asking about what Princess Twilight had been up to since her last visit, the conversation shifted back to a more serious tone about the event in the park.

“I’m jus’ gonna come out and say what most of us are thinkin’,” Applejack said, setting her plate down.

“Cake?” Pinkie interjected. “I’m aaaaaalready on it.”

“Uhhh, no. I mean about magic plants and more so about havin’ to run from the cops. Any way you slice that pie we got lucky this time. A few more minutes and you jus’ know the news chopper would’ve showed up next. They got them new fancy digital cameras that may work through all that magical hoodoo that makes the videos blurry like.”

“Um, Pinkie? I don’t think I have ingredients for cake,” Sunset said. The wide, toothy smile on Pinkie’s face said enough. “Right, I’ll just leave you to it. Anyhow, Applejack’s right. The mirror magic is completely out of control. It was bad enough worrying about ruining your lives with random magic, but the police got too close this time. The Feds will probably be back because of this incident. It has to end. Now.”

“When I left to come find you, Princess Celestia and the others were working on that,” Princess Twilight said before letting out a belch from the soda that even she was not expecting. Her face turned red. “Excuse me.” It helped lighten the mood, even if only for a moment.

“I honestly can’t believe you came through to find me. We didn’t get a chance to talk about it because of, you know, small mental breakdown and secret confessions, but when I left, Star Swirl was poised to destroy the mirror.”

Rainbow Dash arched an eyebrow. “Mental breakdown?”

Rarity’s grin was almost feral. “Secret confessions?”

Twilight and Sunset looked at one another and blush profusely. A silent conversation passed between them that did not go unnoticed by anyone present.

“Ohhhhhhh!” It was too late to run. Rarity had sunk her proverbial teeth in and there was no escape. “I need details!”

“I don’t need details,” Rainbow Dash made a gagging sound.

“It would be nice to all be on the same page,” Fluttershy let out a small giggle. “I made a book pun.”

Sunset sighed, arms sprawled across the top of the futon sofa while her head looked towards the ceiling. The decision had already been made, but she was stalling. She felt someone cuddle next to her and was unsurprised to find Twilight had placed her head on Sunset’s shoulder, an arm slipping behind her back. Sunset smiled warmly.

Rarity squealed, “I NEED DETAILS!”

Sunset began retelling what had transpired over the last two days. Princess Twilight rang in when she felt a detail was needed. Fluttershy nearly started to cry when she heard about the revelation of Celestia being Sunset’s secret mother and her origin of being a weapon against Nightmare Moon. Pinkie practically flew over the counter and blubbered, hugging Sunset’s waist and snuggling up to her other shoulder.

“That’s so horrible! I’m so, soooooo, sorry, Sunny!” Pinkie rebounded. “Cake will help!” Pinkie retreated back to the kitchen as quickly as she had left.

Twilight took over the story when they reached the part of finding Sunset in the woods and finally, her confession of what happened with Timber Spruce, her confused emotions, and feelings for Sunset. Surprisingly, Rarity held most her reactions to a content sigh and sympathetic smile.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of, Twilight. First relationships are scary enough on their own, so many unknowns! Thankfully, in this day in age we are allowed to question our discomfort when it comes to sexuality. If your aunt has an issue with it, I suggest you address it first with your immediate family and know that you can always come to anyone of us, obviously especially Sunset, if you have a question or problem.”

Applejack nodded. “We all got your back. Anytime anyplace, we’re your friends.”

Twilight nodded, drying a tear that tried to run down her cheek. “Thank you, all of you, for understanding and supporting me. I didn’t think any of you would have a problem with it, but just hearing it makes it all the better. I could not have asked for a better group of friends.”

“And if it’s any consolation I’m sure Timber will bounce back in no time. He struck me as very understanding and supportive of your other decisions. Time will heal his pride,” Rarity said, the smile never leaving her face as she moved to squeeze Twilight’s free hand.

Pinkie presented the cake, a basic yellow cake with white frosting that Sunset did not know she had in her home. Regardless, the cake was eaten to happy hums of approval. Pinkie skipped around the small living room, amazingly not knocking anything over or into anyone.

“So, back to the task at hand,” Sunset began, setting her empty plate down. “Even if the others find something to help us, Star Swirl was right, unfortunately. The best course of action is to close the portal and leave it offline until the connection between the worlds returns to normal. That plant didn’t come through by choice. Something forced it through, which may mean something has been causing loose magic to slip through since the beginning.”

“While a malevolent presence could potentially complicate matters, it may already be too late to simply shut the portal off, Sunset,” Princess Twilight said with a sadness in her tone. “I read some of Star Swirl’s notes on what he called, ‘paradoxical coalescence flow,’ a magical merging of the cosmic magical flow through intersecting, multiverse ley lines and space-time bindings. If the threads have become too strong through the connection source then closing it may not be enough. Even if it’s not too late it could take years, decades for the flows to stabilize. There are too many unknown variables.”

Twilight crossed her arms, her expression an almost exact copy of her pony counterpart, “I hate having too many unknown variables.”

Sunset stood, took a few steps to stare at blank patch of wall while her mind toiled. She then turned back to her friends, eyes downcast. Sunset did not want to suggest it, but it had to be said, “What if… what if we removed all the known sources of magic from this world and sent them all back to Equestria? Our artifacts, our geodes… and native Equestrians, we remove the sources of the magic. Do you think that would stabilize the flow quicker?”

Twilight stood, the fear and heartache written all over her face as she fought down her instinctive reaction to such a statement. “You… you can’t be serious.”

Sunset looked to a corner of the room. “If it means protecting you, all of you, then yes.”

“You want us to give up our powers AND our friend? How can you suggest that?!” Rainbow Dash clutched her geode as if someone had asked her to cut off a limb.

“I’m just trying to be pragmatic. Magic is out of control and like we all said earlier, we can’t always be there to stop it. I won’t let you be chained to this burden. You need to be allowed to live your lives. If it means I have to go and slam the door behind me, then that’s just how it is.”

“And what about me?” Twilight said, hand over her heart as if to keep it from beating out of her chest. “Do I not get a say in this? After all, this may all be my fault.”

Sunset met Twilight’s eyes. “What?”

“Did you forget? I stole your magic, all of your magic and started ripping holes in reality to get more. You are trying to put this all on you, but you’re not the only one who has unleashed uncontrolled power on the world.” Twilight could feel tears welling up, but she did not care to stop them. “If you try putting this all on you then you need to blame me too. You don’t have to be the martyr, you… you… we…”

Sunset pulled Twilight into a hug and Twilight wrapped her arms tightly around her, forcing down the tears that threatened to fall again. No one dared to speak. Twilight finally looked up, her nose almost touching Sunset’s. “Stay.”

Sunset adjusted Twilight’s glasses, gliding a finger down her smooth cheek. “But what about your future, all your plans?”

“You are jumping to conclusions without sufficient evidence to support your hypothesis. And if you’re wrong and you leave, what kind of future will we have? At least with you here we have a fighting chance. So please, stay.”

Sunset looked around the room at the different expressions her friends were giving her, hopeful, anxious, nervous, saddened, vibrating? That one was Pinkie. Above it all however was love. These girls, all of different backgrounds, different likes and dislikes and hopes and dreams and yet they could band together to create something as beautiful as the heart of the cosmos itself. They had one thing in common and it was the love of their friendship and of one Sunset Shimmer.

“I’ll be the first to admit I’m a little nervous about all of this, but if I have to choose, I would rather stay here with you, all of you. For better or worse, this is my home now. I may not have much of a career future, but with all of you, at least I know I can help. I know I can be happy.” Sunset smiled at each of her friends. She finally turned to Twilight, kissing her lightly on the lips. The girls smiled and cheered with some light clapping.

“Hehehehe, now Sunset is gonna have play a balance game between her two girlfriends, otherwise someone’s gonna get jeeeealous.”

Princess Twilight gawked at the accusation by Rainbow Dash. “Wha? But we’re not together! We’re just friends!”

Twilight scowled at Rainbow. Sunset made a face of mock deep contemplation. “Hmmm. I don’t know, might be fun to have them both… at the same time.”

Twilight gently slapped Sunset’s shoulder. “You’re the worst.”

“This calls for a celebration!” Pinkie shouted.

“But we already ate the cake,” Applejack pointed at the empty plates.

“Then how about a song! We could sing to congratulate Sunny on her staying and of course her and Twilight!” Pinkie pulled a pair of drum sticks from her hair. “Gimme something to bang on!”

Sunset untangled herself from Twilight to put a friendly hand on Pinkie’s shoulder. “I don’t think the neighbors would appreciate the drums and amps, however,” Sunset went to the wall by the stairs to her loft and lifted her acoustic guitar off its holding forks. “they don’t seem to mind the occasional guitar solo.” Sunset tested the strings and everything sounded in tune.

It had been a while since she had played the song, it was not one that they played as a group for the Rainbooms, but the words came to her lips as easily as her fingers dance over the strings. Much like the song she had been working on that was upstairs in her notebook, the words had come to her in the middle of the night. Now, as she looked out upon her beloved friends and the greatest joy of her life, the lyrics had more meaning than ever.

“It’s alright now, yeah I’m walking right beside you I feel the way, feel the way that you do too. Oh, I can’t lie, sometimes…

Everything feels like it’s just too much, but you gotta let it in, even if it’s tough know it gets better, know it gets better push through the weather, weather

Let it raaaaaain! Let it raaaaaain!

Don’t be afraid of walls coming down sometimes it hurts, you’ll figure it out, let it raaaaaain!

Let it rain.”

Sunset finished the song and the small apartment erupted in jubilation and clapping. Twilight wrapped herself tightly around the woman of her affections the moment she set the guitar down. This led to more clapping and whistling. Rarity and Fluttershy quickly snapped a few photos with their phones.

The celebration ended when Sunset’s journal began to glow and chime with a new message. Princess Twilight moved to the table and opened the book to the last page. “It’s from Spike.”

Sunset felt Twilight’s hands wrap just a little tighter around her. Sunset bit the bullet and asked, “Good news?”

The princess smiled and cleared her throat. “Twilight, I hope everything is okay over there without me and that Sunset is safe too. Anyhow, Princess Celestia and Star Swirl just returned from Canterlot with Starlight. According to what they’ve found, Star Swirl is confident they can contain the loose magic without having to destroy the mirror. Sorry, it got very technical and over my head, but he sounded sure of himself. They said it will take time to prepare and will require both you and Sunset to power the spell.”

“They need both of us?”

“That’s what it says,” Princess Twilight paused, retrieving a pen from a cup full of pens and pencils. She tried to hold it and kept fumbling with the writing tool. Eventually, Rarity took the book and pen and looked at Princess Twilight expectantly. “Thanks. Please tell Spike that I will head to the portal soon and to have it ready for me.” Sunset sighed, reluctantly pulling away from Twilight.

“No,” Princess Twilight said placing a hand gently on Sunset’s shoulder, “you should stay. You two have a lot to talk about. I’ll find out what the spell entails and message you through the journal the details. If it appears we still need your help to cast the final spell I’ll have the portal open again tomorrow morning.”

Rarity finished writing and closed the book. She quickly stood, brushing non-existent crumbs away. “Oh my, it is getting late. If you like, Your Highness, we would be happy to give you a lift back to the portal.”

Princess Twilight nodded. “I would appreciate that, thank you.”

Rarity looked at Fluttershy and gestured to the door with her eyes. Fluttershy in turn tapped Pinkie Pie on the shoulder, pointing to the door with a nod. Pinkie quirked an eyebrow before finally going, “Ohhhhhhh! Yeah, I guess, *yaaaaaaawn* I should go too.”

Applejack stretched and gathered a few of the empty paper plates. “’Bout time I headed out too. Gotta get up early for chores and to start on the south forty for harvest.” Applejack nudged Rainbow Dash who had been playing a game on her phone.

“What?” Rainbow said indignantly.

“The princess is leavin’, come with up to say goodbye.”

“We all have to go for that?” Applejack sighed, nudging Rainbow towards the door. “Fine, fine! I get it, kicking us all out so they can, ‘talk about it,’ or some crap. Whatever.” Rainbow gave a two finger salute and followed the others out.

“Oh, Twilight, darling, do call or text if you need anything, or want to talk… about anything,” Rarity said with a huge grin on her face, giving one last wink before closing the door behind her.

Sunset watched the last of their friends file out of the apartment leaving only herself and Twilight. Sunset moved to the door to lock it, pausing to turn back to Twilight who was typing something on her phone. “I should probably get this cleaned up, got a big day tomorrow and don’t want to leave old food out to attract bugs. I’ll understand if you wanted to head out too.”

“I just texted my parents to tell them I’m staying with you tonight,” Twilight said, sliding her phone into the pocket of her jeans. “Some might think it’s silly because legality I may be an adult, but they get worried if I don’t check in from time to time. Unless… you don’t want me to stay. I probably should have asked first instead of just jumping to conclusions, that was wrong of me. Am I imposing? I sound like I’m imposing. I… I mean yes, we have a lot we could talk about, SHOULD talk about, about us that is, but I understand it’s been a crazy day and I’m still processing it all as well. Afterall, we’re best friends and know each other so well, so we could talk tomorrow, but I’d rather stay… if it’s okay with you that is. Please say yes.”

Sunset smiled as Twilight fidgeted with her hair, she always started to talk faster than normal when she got anxious. It was one of her most adorable qualities. Sunset turned the deadbolt lock. It was not a bad neighborhood, but best not to leave such to chance.

“The sun is already going down and yes, I would like you to stay.” Sunset moved to the coffee table and picked up some of the leftover trash. “C’mon, help me get this cleaned up then we can pop in a movie for background noise… then figure out what we want to talk about.” Twilight smiled and nodded.

Twilight pulled a movie she knew they had both seen and put it on the TV before moving to the kitchen to consolidate the remaining pizzas into one box. The silence lingered as they both went about picking up and cleaning, stealing the occasional glance at one another. They each smiled in the comfortable quiet as Star Wars: A New Hope played in the background. After everything was clean up, Sunset retrieved Ray, her pet gecko, to spoil him with a little affection. Twilight gladly held him for a bit too. Sunset took the opportunity cleaned his enclosure and set out fresh food for him to eat as well.

“He’s so sweet,” said Twilight, handing him back and taking a seat on the futon couch.

“I love Ray. He helps remind me to find joy in the little things in life.”

Hesitating for only a moment, Twilight snuggled close once Sunset sat down on the futon next to her. “I understand completely. I would have been lost without Spike. My parents had hoped he would help keep me grounded and not get so engrossed in my studies that I would forget to eat or sleep. Because, as you know, I did that more than once. My little guy means the world to me too. Don’t be offended, but Spike will always be my first best friend.”

Sunset draped an arm over Twilight’s shoulder. “Nah, can’t be jealous of a face like that. He is one cute pooch. Plus, he helped me save you from yourself.” Twilight giggled and set her right hand on Sunset’s thigh. Sunset obliged and slipped the fingers of her left hand into Twilight’s right. Once again, they fell into a comfortable silence, just enjoying the feeling of having someone close at hand.

The Death Star exploded and a familiar glow and buzzing sound caught Sunset’s attention. Her journal was signaling a new message had arrive. Twilight squeezed her hand, feeling Sunset’s hesitation to leave their comfortable position. “You should probably get that.”

Sunset nuzzled Twilight’s cheek, which brought color and a serene smile to her face. Sunset sat in her desk chair and flipped to the last pages of the journal. She skimmed over the three new pages that had appeared, one had been a note and two more had been filled with spell logic, caster technique, and other mathematical arcane formulas.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I have reviewed the information the others have theorized and I have concluded that they are correct. This is some of the most complex magic on trans-dimensional theory I have ever seen! It will take at least five powerful unicorns to be able to complete the matrix and even then it may not be enough. I won’t lie to you, this may not work, but it is the best that the most brilliant minds and magic users in Equestria could come up with.

I’ve informed the others you are safe and sound and have your own affairs to put in order. Please take some time to study the formula and equations I have sent along and enjoy the rest of your evening. I will have the portal open tomorrow after you message me that you are ready.

Your dear friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle

Sunset felt Twilight’s face next to hers as she looked over her shoulder at the message and the magical spell theorem. “Wow,” Twilight said, her fingers gliding over the page.

“Yeah, the princess said it’s going to require five high level casters just to MAYBE make this work.”

“But what is it supposed to do?”

Sunset shrugged. “I don’t know yet. I need to study this, especially if they are expecting me to help. I guess I should be flattered that even after all this time I’m still considered one of the most powerful unicorns of Equestria. That's probably mostly hereditary, but still, flattering.”

“There… there was no one else? I mean, yes, you are amazing and probably very powerful, but… this isn’t a trick to trap you on the other side, you think? You said Star Swirl already tried to destroy the mirror once.”

“I… hope it’s not a trap. I did run away again, under terrible circumstances… again.” Sunset sighed, her mind immediately flashing to an image of Celestia’s eyes full of tears. “I need to go back regardless. Magic like this means M- Celestia will likely be involved. I… need to apologize to her, again. Now that I’ve had time to cool off and think I understand it all a little better. Most importantly, I need to say goodbye.”

Twilight nodded and stepped back. “Well, I’m not one to ever discourage studying before a big test, so you should definitely go over the information. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a shower. It has been one heck of a day and I feel the need to be clean.”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah, I think I’ll go after you. Just take whatever clean clothes you need from my drawers, we’re about the same size.”

“Thanks, although I feel I should point out that you’re… um,” Twilight fumbled, her cheeks turning red again. “That is, you are more endowed than me… Which is fine! And…”

Sunset turned and smiled at Twilight. “Twi, you are cute when you try to flirt. Now, go find something comfortable.”

Twilight nodded and moved to the wardrobe closet. Sunset returned to the journal and muttered to herself as she read what the princess and others had proposed. After Twilight had retreated to the bathroom to shower, Sunset stretched out her limbs and retrieved a soda from the fridge. The theory was sound. The problem was that magic portals over time would build a connection between the points they were connected to. Star Swirl had called it Coalescence Flow. The more magic that flowed between these two points the stronger the connection. Since Earth had such a weak magical flow to the point of non-existence the loose magic was flowing entirely their direction.

It still did not explain much about why the paradox connection occurs at all or what will happen when they try to correct the established flow. In theory, from what Sunset could discern from what was written, they were going to sever the flows by removing them from the source. It sounded dangerous or explosive. Like ripping high voltage live wires out with almost no protection. They would need to lay some serious diffusion wards just to keep from blowing everything up in their faces and having tons of crystal castle come tumbling down upon them. Sunset let out a long breath, pondering if she should leave a note for the girls and especially for Twilight incase things did not go as planned.

Sunset grabbed a pen and a blank sheet of paper from the drawer, but before she began to write two arms slipped over her shoulders and she felt warm breath on her right ear. The sensation sent a delightful tingle down her spine. Her nostrils were inundated with the scent of pomegranate body soap and strawberry shampoo, they were relaxing and enticing at the same time. Especially when mixed with Twilight’s natural scent.

“Whatcha dooooing?” Twilight said playfully. Sunset was unaccustomed to such forward, sultry playfulness, especially from the usually reserved nerd girl. It was probably something she could thank Timber for if the chance ever arose. Sunset was caught off guard, but tried to recover by playing it casual, fighting the burning desire to turn and look back at the other girl.

“I was thinking I should write some things down. I’m sure Fluttershy already knows how to take care of Ray if need be, probably better than me. But he also likes chin scritches and she would need to know that. Also, felt like I should designate some of my items to the girls, you know, just in case.”

“Are you scared that… that you won’t come back?” Twilight’s breath was still right next to her ear. The quiver and hesitation in her voice was not concealed at all.

Sunset sighed, bringing one of Twilight’s hands to her face to kiss and nuzzle it. She smiled when she heard Twilight suck in her breath. “I won’t lie to you, Twi, I don’t want to ever lie to you. If what Princess Twilight is describing is possible, we will be ripping a hole into space-time itself, the place between dimensions in order to sever the connections. I’ve never heard of this being successfully performed, or performed at all really. It sounds dangerous so it most likely is.”

“All scientific experimentation comes with some level of danger. I can only imagine magic experiments are no different. As long as you trust those you are working with and… if this is the only way to help them help us then I’ll be brave too.”

Sunset squeezed the fingers she had not let go of. “I would do anything to keep you and our friends safe. I want all of you to be able to live your lives without the fear of what magical monster might pop up next. After all you have done, all of you have done for me it’s the least I can do.”

Sunset felt Twilight nuzzle into her hair, finding the ear she had been speaking softly into. Twilight’s breath felt ticklish and pleasing as Sunset continued to fight to suppress her carnal desires to seize control. That fight was completely lost when Twilight began to lick and nibble on her earlobe, a gasp and pleasure shuddering sigh escaped her lips. Sunset turned around in her swivel chair and her brain locked up for few seconds, the pen dropping from her hand to the floor.

Twilight had not brought any extra clothes to sleep over in, instead, taking Sunset up on the offer to just dig something out of her dresser drawers. While Sunset and Twilight were very close in overall height, Sunset did sport a few more curves, toned musculature, and slightly more pronounced bust.

That said, Twilight had a few hidden curves of her own that Sunset had never fully appreciated until that moment. Twilight had dug out one of Sunset’s old t-shirts from a few years ago that she no longer wore due to a few wear holes and was a bit too tight across the chest. The tan shirt with a stylized kawaii cat with triangular eyes showed off an impressive amount of Twilight’s mid-rift and the fact that she was not wearing a bra. The panties were a pair of black sheer material with cute ruffles at the hips. She always liked them, but they too were a little too tight. However, on Twilight, they fit perfect.

“I…” Sunset blushed and knew she was staring and did not care. “Just… wow. I don’t know if you hear this enough, but you are smoking hot.” Twilight blushed profusely.

“I was surprised to find these stuffed in the back of the drawer,” Twilight said, her fingers sliding under the panty waistband, “they’re cute.”

“Please keep them. They fit you perfectly.” Twilight sashayed a bit, carefully slipping onto Sunset’s lap. They shared a light kiss, then a second, more passionate one. “Twi… are you sure?” Sunset swallowed, her voice cracking with a quaver. “I know you said you were in love with me, but… I’m not perfect. I make mistakes, lots of them. I’ve screwed up so many things in my life. I just… I just need you to be sure.”

Twilight wiped away the tear that ran down Sunset’s cheek. “The only perfection is nothing, because nothing or no one is perfect. And no more self-depreciation. You hold me up, I hold you up, and together we are stronger.” They kissed again, longer, tongues finding one another. “I love you, just the way you are.”

Sunset could no longer resist the beautiful young woman before her, she did not want to. “I love you too.” Sunset grabbed Twilight’s rear and lifted her out of the chair, their lips once again locked. Twilight let out a squeak and giggled and moaned into Sunset mouth. She knew Sunset was strong, but to lift and carry her across the room so easily? It was impressive and only served to arouse Twilight even more.

Slowly, Sunset carried her lover over to the stairs that led to loft bed above. One by one she took each step, not rushing, not stumbling, being as careful as she was gentle. She set Twilight down on the bed, drinking in every inch of passion and warmth that radiated off the purple skinned teen. Twilight’s glasses were slightly askew, hair loose and spread across the bed with her arms above her head in an inviting posture. Sunset’s smile, but her eagerness faltered for a moment. Twilight quirked her head, reaching out to touch Sunset’s face while remaining on her back, beneath her fire-haired goddess.

“I…” Sunset shuddered and smiled thinly, “I’ve never done this with another human female before. I… I mean, I have with a mare, long ago…”

“Shhhh,” Twilight ran her fingers through Sunset’s hair, pulling her closer, the redness never leaving either of their faces, “It’s okay. This is new for me too. However, I did watch some videos recently to help. I also read some articles from experts on useful techniques and common female erogenous zones.”

Sunset smiled. Of course, she did the research. It IS Twilight after all. “Well, teacher, looks like you are going to have to take me to school because I forgot to study for the exam.”

Without even knowing it, Sunset had stumbled upon one of Twilight’s deepest and most well-kept fantasies. Playing teacher. Twilight reached out with her telekinetic magic and turned off all the lights save for the decorative LEDs that lined the safety rail of the loft.

“Pay attention then, Miss Shimmer. You will be graded at the end of the lesson.”