• Published 19th May 2020
  • 4,583 Views, 134 Comments

Incarnate - Revel Montaro

High school is over and the next step in life awaits, however magic is still on the loose. Sunset Shimmer struggles to find her place in the world and must find a way to contain the magic or have the portal sealed forever.

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Chapter 8

Sunset was once again awoken by Twilight giggling followed by a content sigh. Sunset had slipped in and out of sleep a few times in the night because of it. They would shift, snuggle, and fall back to sleep. Then sometime later, she giggled again.

“Can’t sleep?” Sunset asked, gliding her fingers over Twilight’s naked arm all the way up to the shoulder then back down. Twilight shuddered with delight at the sensation.

“Tried, too much going on in my head. I’m happy, and scared, and probably over-tired, but overall, I’m just riding the orgasmic high.”

“Heh, your welcome, professor. I’m still feeling the tingle too.”

Twilight didn’t have her glasses on, but she didn’t need them to snuggle into Sunset’s side. The feeling of their bodies pressed together, legs intertwined, was euphoric. “You always know just the right thing to say, don’t you?”

“Nah, but we’ve been friends long enough that I know YOU well enough to get it right.” Sunset glanced at her phone, which read just after three thirty in the morning. They really should try again to get some sleep.

“I was also thinking about your problem.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow, or it felt like she did since it was too dark to see it. “That’s not very specific.”

Twilight nuzzled close, gliding her fingers over Sunset's arm like her lover had done for her. “I mean your problem with not having a paper trail. I think I know a way to fix that.”

Sunset sat up on one elbow, letting the blanket fall away from her. “Okay, Twi, you’ve got my attention. How do we solve the biggest problem of my not existing legally in this world?”

“You said you paid a guy to make a fake birth certificate, right?”


“Which means we just need to get those documents into the records department downtown.”

Sunset smiled and laid back down. She let out a small sigh. “Okay, super spy, that sounds great, but there are a few problems with that. First, my documents are not originals, they are forged copies from someone else I would imagine. Secondly, they won’t just let us just walk in and dump off new documents. Not to mention this all sounds quite illegal, which is scary-surprising coming from you.”

“Oh, my beautiful unicorn, we don’t have to walk in and drop the documents off. There are people that do that every day as it is.” Sunset gestured for Twilight to continue. “Babies are born every day in this city and their new applications for birth certificates are written and transmitted to records division every day. I just need into the hospital records computer, which I should be able to do. I slip your information that you already have along with a new print of my feet, since when babies are born part of their proof of existence is a print of their feet, so I will have to use mine, then slip this new information into those outgoing documents and the faceless machine of government bureaucracy will take care of the rest. You will have a real birth certificate on file and a new copy to match it sent to your address as if you were born yesterday, but with your current age. No one will know the difference because they file so many records every day.”

“You want to use your own birth certificate to make a new forged copy to slip into outgoing mail to send to records? That’s… wow. I mean, that’s risky for you. If you get caught it could jeopardize your entire future. Thank you for the gesture, but it’s too much.”

Twilight took Sunset’s hand and squeezed. She held it and waited until she was sure the blurry face was looking at her. “You’re worth the risk, which by my calculations is quite minor. No one would know what to look for unless they were specifically looking for it and for you. And once you’re on file you will be just like everyone else. Nothing to fear and part of the system.”

Sunset gently shook her head. “That’s not good enough, this is your future you’re talking about. If you are not one hundred percent sure you can do this and get away with it then we are not doing it.”

“I am one hundred percent sure I can and WILL do this. I love you and you deserve a chance to use that big beautiful brain of yours too.” Nothing else was said for at least two minutes until Twilight could not take the silence any longer. “Sunset?”

Sunset sat upright and let the blanket fall completely away from her. “That’s it,” she whispered. She turned on her decorative lights and reached for her note pad, scribbling something down, muttering quietly, but with a soft melodic tune. Twilight was admittedly jealous that her lover could see and write so well even with the only light being a small string of LED lights.

Twilight put her glasses on, shifting so she could admire the naked woman sitting next to her who was now working diligently on whatever idea had just popped in her head. Twilight waited patiently until Sunset finished writing, not daring to break her melodic groove.

Sunset sighed happily, “Yes!” Her teal eyes lit up even in the faint light. “Thank you, Twi, you gave me just what I needed to finish this song I’ve been working on for more than a month!”

“And my plan?”

“It’s crazy, but if it works? I can go to college. I can have a real career. I… we can have a future together where I’m not just a freeloader with a bag always packed and ready to go on the run. How can I say no when you are willing to risk everything for me?” Sunset sighed happily, drumming her fingers across the notebook.

“Thank you for trusting me,” Twilight said with a serene smile. She then put on an over emphasized pout to her lips so that Sunset would know she was teasing. “It’s not fair, you know, you are already highly intelligent, outgoing, and absolutely gorgeous naked. How is that you have eyesight like an eagle too? You are seriously borderlining on Mary Sue territory with how perfect you are!”

Sunset blushed and pushed some of her bed ragged hair behind her ear. Twilight felt her heart speed up again at the sight. “Thank you, but I'm not perfect, however, my mother is an alicorn, which means I probably have pegasus-like super sharp eyesight. Which would also explain my reaction speed and reflexes when I’m riding Shadow.”

Twilight smiled again. “So? Can I hear it?”

“Mmmm… It’s not quite ready yet. I have the melody and rhythm and now lyrics that should go well with it, but I don’t have the bassline so it may not sound right. This one is written to be played by the whole band.” Twilights expression flattened. Sunset mentally chided herself and quickly scrambled to recover. “However! I do know a different song that I could play for you. It’s not one of mine, but it’s one of my favorites and I’ll be honest I’ve always wanted to play it for someone. I think now would be perfect.” Twilight smiled and nodded.

Twilight admired Sunset’s backside as she retrieved her acoustic guitar from the wall forks. The native Equestrian was absolutely comfortable strolling about her apartment completely nude. Twilight felt her face heat up as she imagined Sunset spending a long, hot summer day walking around and cleaning house comfortable in her nudity. When she sat back down at the foot of the bed Twilight’s brain allowed her to speak again. I really am overtired, she thought. “Won’t your neighbors get mad hearing a guitar at four in the morning?”

Sunset shrugged. “Maybe, but you’re worth it.”

Twilight smiled, shifting to get comfortable. Sunset tested a few chords then retrieved the guitar pic she had between her lips. There was no subtle build up. She just began strumming and moving her fingers as if she had practiced the song a hundred times before. Knowing Sunset, she probably had. Her eyes closed as her fingers danced.

Twilight was sure she had heard the song before and who it was by. The original artist was male, if her memory served her correctly, but in that moment none of that mattered. She was receiving a private performance at four in the morning by the most beautiful goddess of a unicorn turned young woman who would occasionally open her eyes to look into Twilight’s. It was breathtaking watching her beloved work her artistic magic. By the second verse Sunset had ponied up and just kept playing until she strummed the final notes. The lyrics were heart felt and touching, but coming from her now girlfriend, for her ears only, Twilight felt her insides absolutely melt with molten passion.

“So? What do think?”

Twilight lunged forward, pulling Sunset back on top of her, their lips locked and tongues exploring passionately. When their lips parted Twilight whispered, “I think I would like that to be, ‘our song,’ if it’s alright by you.” Before Sunset could respond, Twilight kissed her again. She rolled Sunset onto her back and proceeded to sate her burning arousal once more. Sunset never bothered to respond with words.


The sun rose and shined through the front window, but neither girl moved to get ready for the day. Instead, they snuggled closer red and gold hair blending in with purple and indigo. Twilight’s eyes eventually opened to the sight of goldenrod skin. She smiled, giggled, and sighed. Sunset pulled her in, feeling the warm breath on her collar bone and their intertwined legs and arms. She wanted to feel this absolute bliss for as long as it would last, knowing it would not last forever. They both drifted off once more.

Eventually, however, nature and responsibility could no longer be put off. They reluctantly untangled from one another and got dressed to eat breakfast. Both were more than happy to sit across from one another stealing glances as they scrolled over their social media feeds and munched on cereal.

“Thank you,” Twilight finally said after finishing her bowl. “Thank you for everything last night.”

Sunset smiled before taking both bowls to be washed and placed on the drying rack. “You’re welcome. And thank you too.”

With only the slightest protest, Sunset agreed to leave Shadow behind and ride with Twilight to the portal. After parking in the empty student lot, Twilight popped the hood and looked at the unimpressive engine compartment. Sunset gave her a friendly hip bump.

“I knew in the back of my mind that I was pushing it too hard, but I had to find you. Now it has that funny rattle you just heard. Do you think I broke something? I hope not, I mean I can probably fix it, but I didn’t budget this month for extensive auto parts, which means I might have to borrow money from my parents and I hate doing that. Dad always gives me this… look. It’s disconcerting.”

Sunset did a quick inspection and didn’t see any obvious signs of mechanical damage. “I don’t think so, but if you pushed her hard a PM and tune up would be the best place to start.”

Twilight beamed and clapped her hands. “Well, I have been wanting to widen my automotive mechanical knowledge and an engine tear down and rebuild would give me great first hand experience!”

“I don’t think we need to go that far, but everyone should know how to change the most basic components, tires, oil, filters and such.”

“I already know how to do that. We read the manual together!”

Sunset flashed a devilish grin. “You did the reading, but not the work. We can do that when I get back. I’ll sit back and advise where needed and watch you wiggle your cute butt while bent over the fender.”

Twilight closed the hood and took Sunset’s hand as they began to walk. “There will be no sitting back. As my BFLOML I hold you to a higher standard than just staring at my butt while I work.”


“Best friend, love of my life. I will need to work on the phonetics though because even for me biff-lo-mill sounds weird.”

Sunset burst out laughing, hands on her knees to keep from falling to the ground. “Oh goddess, when did you… you are such a loveable dork!”

Twilight lightly punched her on the shoulder and continued to the statue plinth muttering, “Beautiful jerk.”

“Ohhhhhh! I hear laughing! What did I miss?!” Sunset stumbled back at the sudden appearance of Pinkie Pie. Even after years of her antics and abilities that seem to warp reality itself, Sunset would have liked to have said she was used to it. She had even seen the inside of Pinkie’s mind when first testing her empath powers and lived. However, truthfully, even accepting that it would never make sense there was no getting use to Pinkie. Best case, you just rolled with it.

“But, what, how? I didn’t contact you, did you?” Twilight asked Sunset who shook her head. “How could you have possibly known we would be here now?!”

“Oh, silly Sci-Twi, it was easy,” Pinkie beamed while Twilight twitched at the nickname. “I figured after we all left you and Sunset were going to work things out and most likely end up as a couple before the night was through. So taking that into account along with, *chicka bow bow* time, which would keep you up most of the night since you both had lots of repressed feelings, and overactive hormones I figured you would sleep in a bit, but not too much since the world is kind of at stake so that would mean no time for breakfast in bed or a diner or romantic stuff like in one of those sitcoms or trashy romance novels. Taking all that into account that would put you here before twelve but not before eleven… so here I am!”

“That… makes sense.”

Twilight twitched again. “It does?!” Sunset just gestured to the pink haired girl who was skipping along avoiding the many cracks in the asphalt. “Right, it’s Pinkie, don’t question too deep or you’ll go mad.”

“Atta girl.” Sunset hugged Twilight who nuzzled into the hug. “So, Pinkie, while I’m always glad to see you, I didn’t message the girls because to be honest I don’t know how long this is going to take. It could be less than an hour or it could take all day. I’m sure you have other things you want to do.”

“Nope!” Pinkie said with a smile. “I even brought snacks!”

“Of course you did,” Sunset and Twilight said in unison.

The three stopped before the plinth that held up a rearing horse that resembled a wild mustang, but was stylize and streamlined so it honestly could have been any breed of horse. The new statue looked similar to the original, but had also included the names of the major donors and fundraisers that had contributed to make its creation possible. Among those names were “The Rainbooms,” which had held a fundraiser concert and drew quite the crowd.

Sunset pulled out the journal and scribbled a quick note before closing it and handing it over to Twilight. She also handed over her keys and her phone. Twilight gave Sunset a quizzical look. “Well, the portal has been acting up, hence why we’re doing this. It would be just my luck that my house keys or phone would get lost for all eternity in the place between dimensions.”
“Twilight giggled. “Imagine if your phone appeared in a dimension that was still in the bronze age of technology. That would be funny to observe.” Sunset found the thought of her phone being worshiped as some sort of divine relic by a primitive culture more amusing than it probably should have been. She could hear the music to 2001 A Space Odyssey in the back of her head.

There was a small flash that would have gone unnoticed if they had not been standing right in front of the portal. The laughter died and Sunset let out a long breath. She was about to speak when Twilight discarded her bag and everything she had been holding to wrap herself tightly around Sunset.

“Please, be safe. And if they ask you to do anything you don’t want to do or try to stop you from coming back just… just do what you do best.”

Sunset smirked, nuzzling Twilight. “Run away? Or tell them to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine?”


“Definitely both!” Pinkie added with an over emphasized nod.

Sunset stepped back to look into Twilight’s eyes. She cupped her chin and they kissed, uncaring if anyone was watching or gawking. “I love you.”

Twilight smiled, a tear threatening to escape so she pretended to clean her glasses. “Come back to me. I’ll wait as long as I have to.”

Pinkie exploded with glee. “Now there’s the smile that was missing the other day!” Pinkie wrapped herself around Sunset as well. “And while it’s for different reasons, come back to me too! I have sooooooo many plans for our ‘off to see the world’ party before the fall semester!”

Sunset turned so she could hug Pinkie back. “I will. Pinkie promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.” They both made the hand gestures. Sunset let out one last breath then stepped forward and passed through the portal.

Twilight sighed before picking up the dropped items and settled into the grass near the statue for the long wait. Pinkie tossed out a checkered board picnic blanket that emerged from who knows where and began to lay out some snacks. It was completely possible that Pinkie, having anticipated they were coming had prepared the picnic, but Twilight wisely did not ask.

“So, Twilight, would it be okay if I invited everyone else?”

“I don’t have a problem with it, but like Sunset said. We could be here a while.”

Pinkie nodded, her fingers dancing across the glass of her phone. “All the more reason to have friends.” Pinkie handed Twilight a cupcake with teal frosting the same color as Sunset’s eyes. It was unlikely a coincidence. She politely accepted and began to chew, it was fresh and moist.
“I hope the sex was good because you know Rarity is going to ask alllll about it.” Twilight erupted into a coughing fit and stared daggers at Pinkie who just smiled wide.


When Sunset emerged through the portal she had found that the room was different. Twilight had had the portal and accompanying devices moved to the primary library where all the tables and chairs had been removed. Sunset stumbled for a moment, dropping to all fours and shaking her head. She had a small headache and took a few breaths to steady her stomach and disorientation. When she looked up again she found Princess Twilight, Starlight Glimmer, Star Swirl, and near the back wall, Princess Celestia, who was pretending to be very interested in a book shelf.

“About time you arrived,” Star Swirl huffed and examined the mirror. Sunset was sorely tempted to get her hoof acquainted with his face. Twilight, however quickly moved to intercept her knee jerk reaction.

“*I* told her to take her time. There’s a lot of personal risk involved in what we are going to do and I wanted to make sure my friend had time to explain that to everypon- er, everyone on the other side. In addition, we had our own preparations to make.”

“The longer we dawdle the more likely there will be another emergence surge if not a complete flow collapse. You have seen the results first hoof of what a catastrophe that results in.” Sunset did not bother to get dragged into the argument, instead choosing to push pass the stallion and make her way to the alicorn in the back of the room.

“Hey, Sunset, just reeeeal quick,” Starlight wrapped a foreleg around Sunset’s shoulders and pulled her close to whisper. There was an unexpected odor accompanying Starlight’s breath. “We’re friends, right? I like to think we are, so come on, be honest with me as if you were Applejack and tell me the truth. We’re all going to die horribly, aren’t we?”

“Uhhh, Starlight, have you been drinking?”

“Not in the last hour, no. Should I get more? Cider? Or should I go for something harder. I know where Twilight hides the brandy!”

Sunset gave Starlight a confident smile and gently pulled back so that their faces were not so uncomfortably close. “We’ll be fine. We’re the most powerful spell casters in Equestria and just between you and me, I REALLY have something to live for so no way I’m going to let us fail.”

“Oh, you’re not wrong, we are powerful, but I helped research and create the spells we will be using. And I mean that precisely, plural, SPELLS. As in, more than one mixed together, which if you were unaware of is kind of my specialty. Twilight is severely downplaying this, it is crazy dangerous. That’s why they asked Luna to stay in Canterlot. If this backfires and we all get incinerated or worse they didn’t want to lose three princesses… I’m going to go get the brandy.” Starlight smiled and trotted back over by Twilight before slipping out of the room giving Sunset a clear path to Celestia, who put on a forced smile.

“So, what’s this I hear about you have something or rather somepony to live for? Are there wedding bells in the near future I should be aware of?”

Sunset frowned at Celestia’s attempt to try and lighten the mood. The goldenrod unicorn took a deep breath and let it out. She had to get it off her chest before they began because there may not be a second chance. Sunset pawed at the crystal floor, moved her eyes to the bookshelf where the title, “The Garden Hoe: The Magical Tool,” briefly caught her attention, then finally met Celestia’s magenta eyes that had that same hopeful twinkle they used to from all those many years ago. Age, wisdom, compassion, and now what Sunset knew was a hidden pain of not being able to be the mother she should have been.

“I’m still mad at you. In fact, mad is probably not strong enough a word, but I’m trying to be a better pony as far as my temper because…”

“Sunset, my dearest Little Sun, I am sorry beyond all comprehension of the word for what I have done to you in the past.”

Sunset held up a hoof. “Please, Your Highness, let me go first. I have to say it now or I will either crumble or just start setting things on fire. And this is Twilight’s castle so, you know, fire bad.” Celestia nodded, her neutral face mask slipping into place with practiced ease. “In the last so many hours I have cried more than I care for, painfully, desperately screamed to the heavens for answers that would not come, and thrown rocks, like big ass rocks, until all my muscles told me to stop. At the end of it, when I finally got my emotions under control again, I came to realize I understand why you did what you did. You are the ruler of Equestria, you have to make hard decisions that I have never had to even consider, for the good of everypony. I have no right to judge that and for that I forgive you.

“Now, your failings as a mother… That’s going to take a bit longer for me to get over. You failed that one, tremendously. Seriously, you technically own the largest library in the world and you couldn’t find a damn book on basic parenting techniques?”

Celestia shifted uncomfortably, scratching at one of her hoof guards. “I… always meant to pull a copy, but I never made the time. The second greatest curse of immortality is you always think you will have time to do that.”

Sunset knew she was going to regret asking but the line had been cast and she had to bite. “And the greatest curse?”

Celestia sighed, the ethereal wave of her hair going flat for just a moment. Her eyes were downcast and even her wings sagged a bit before recovering. “Seeing all those you love most grow old and die while you just keep going on and on.” Sunset cringed.

“Yep, knew I shouldn’t have asked that.”

Celestia stepped closer. “You have every right to ask any question of me. You are a grown mare now, no thanks to me. I will be as truthful with you as possible. I only ask that you try to be patient with me. I have had to hold so many secrets over the centuries that I struggle with the very concept of openness, but it is something that we both will have time to work through.”

“Thank you for the sentiment, but from what I could discern from the spell matrix formula the mirror will be offline for, well pretty much forever. This…” Sunset gulped, her mouth going dry. “This is goodbye.”

“Yes,” Celestia said, her voice even. “It is goodbye to Equestria. For both of us.”

Sunset’s eyes shot wide open. “Whaaaaaat?”

“Your reaction was about the same as mine,” Star Swirl said, staying a comfortable distance back. “However, her counter argument was sound.”

Sunset looked between Celestia and Star Swirl, eventually turning around to Princess Twilight who had been using her magic to draw out runes on the floor and walls around the mirror. From what Sunset could tell from a glance they looked like containment spells.

Twilight paused, her ears going flat and face crestfallen. “In order to keep the broken coalescence flow from overwhelming Earth after we sever the connection, somepony has to pass through the portal at the last possible moment to the space between. That pony will then collect the loose flow strands and bind them before slamming the proverbial door closed behind them.”

“Okay, that makes sense. It sounds hard, but I’m sure I can do it if-”

“I ran the calculations seven times,” Twilight grimaced again. “It will take tremendous magical power to be able to not only control the flow streams, but also protect yourself in the space between. Only an alicorn could survive long enough in such a place. And even that is just theoretical. None of us have ever stayed in that space for longer than a few seconds between trips. I tried to find any additional information and there was nothing. This last part, the closing the streams, is the hardest and most dangerous part.”

“It is dangerous beyond all comprehension, the corridor will be broken and a bridge between the infinite possible doors of the multiverse will be torn open,” Star Swirl added, gesturing to the ceiling. “You and I would not last an hour in such a place before our magic either failed or supercharged to the point that we exploded from the inside out. That is assuming we did not go insane from what we might see. Nothing could survive in such a place for long.”

Sunset finally snapped her hanging jaw shut, but her eyes were still as wide as physically possible. “You… you are going to follow me through to Earth?” Her eyes turned to Celestia. “But you’ll be trapped there! No magic, no kingdom, no money or ID? Who is going to rule Equestria? What are you going to do or stay? I don’t have a guest room at my apartment! And you’re immortal! That’s definitely not in my lease.”

Celestia shrugged. “Would it surprise you to learn that I am in fact not actually immortal?”

“Seriously? Ponies have always called you the Immortal Sun Goddess.”

Celestia smiled politely. “I am not actually a goddess and I do age, albeit much slower due to my connection the world and magical universe as a whole. But someday, many thousands of years from now I too, will pass on.” That did make sense, Sunset thought, it was a perversion of the natural order of things to live forever and, as mentioned, more a curse than a blessing.

“As to your other questions I thought to start with I would try relaxing, maybe even sleep in and do absolutely nothing for a day! Then, if permitted, I wanted pancakes and to get to know my daughter better. I would love to see how you live, meet your friends, and maybe this certain somepony that has set your heart a flutter? As far as the throne, Twilight was already being groomed to succeed me. It is more sudden than I had originally planned,”

“I’ll say!” Twilight shouted, her expression one of annoyed anxiety.

“However,” Celestia continued, “Luna will be here to guide her and rule by her side for as long as need be. As you said earlier, the mirror will be closed for quite some time, possibly forever. But if it can be reopened, I will still be alive to return someday. In the meantime, we will have plenty of time to catch up and I will finally be able to answer some of the things you always wanted to know. For example, you have in the past asked me about your cutie mark.”

Sunset’s eyes lit up, glancing to her red and yellow sun that twisted around in zen balance. “I was actually thinking about it the other day! It’s crazy, but I can’t remember what I did to earn it! I just always remember having it for as far back as I can remember and every time I asked you about it you would just deflect.”

“Your memory does not deceive you. You were, in fact, born with your cutie mark.”

“WHAT?!” Sunset was not sure who exclaimed louder, her, Twilight, or Starlight.

Celestia just smiled that troll-like grin she occasionally sported when she had one over somepony. “It’s true. The only pony in all of known history to be born with a cutie mark. What that means even I could not say, but I always told you, you were special, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset’s mind whirled with the possible implications of being born with a cutie mark. Did that mean that her destiny was set before she had even learned her first word? The implications were staggering, but as Sunset tried to pout, her mind conjured up images of Princess Celestia trying to stand on two legs after attempting to snack on the freshly cut grass at the front of the school. She then thought of the two Celestias meeting and how awkward that would be. Not to mention officially introducing her to Twilight. That would be monumentally awkward for both of them. The quick succession of thoughts made Sunset smirk and forget about her cutie mark questions.

“Thanks. And to answer your earlier question yes, she is pretty amazing, but fair warning, she is going to grill you for every scrap of knowledge you have.”

Celestia smiled, this time it was genuine. “I look forward to passing on any knowledge I have to the young and eager.”

Twilight politely coughed. “I’ve finished the defense spells so hopefully none of the free radical elements or energy will escape this room. I don’t want to imagine what would happen if wild cosmic magic tried to interact with the cutie map.” Twilight turned to Starlight. “Starlight, please seal the door.”

Reluctantly, the lilac unicorn closed the door and erected her own barrier that intertwined with Twilight’s defensive ruins. The double layer of defenses felt airtight and stifling. “That’s it, we’re locked in and nothing will get out… including us.”

Star Swirl nodded, finding the defenses satisfactory. “Very well. Let us begin. Princess Twilight, move the journal key into position.”

“Wait,” Sunset said as the journal levitated near the pedestal.

Star Swirl sighed. “We cannot delay any longer, Miss Shimmer. We have already jeopardized much to find this alternative that will cost Equestria one of its princesses for a generation if not more.”

Sunset arched an eyebrow and sat back so she could cross her forelegs. “Okay, so is this personal against me or do you just not like mares in general who don’t just fall in line and swoon at your every word?”

“I have explained numerous times how time is not an ally!”

“This is important! I’m sorry I didn’t remember it earlier, it’s been a bit of an emotional roller coaster the last few days, okay?!” Sunset took a breath, Celestia’s warm wing across her shoulders also helped calm her nerves. “Look, I know it has already been said, but we really need to be careful with what we are about to do. When I came in contact with the plant monster that we fought I felt its mind or whatever equivalent it had to a mind. It was not an accident or just loose magic, there was something that pulled it through or at least felt like it… Maybe it was nothing.”

“Something? What do you mean something? I don’t like something!” Starlight snuck a quick drink from a flask that disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

Star Swirl scratched his chin. The fact that he did not scoff and dismiss her concerns immediately at least said something. “While I have never discovered any proof in my previous journeys through the Multium Mirror, I did on occasion feel as if there were eyes upon me. My attempts in the past to slow down the transit through the corridor between worlds so that I may study it always failed and without proof I let such concerns fall to the wayside.”

“You said nothing could survive for long in the space between,” Twilight stated curiously. “What were you basing that claim on if you’ve never been able to safely study the environment?”

“Magic flows through us as it does all living things. It spreads beyond or bodies and our world, traversing the very cosmos and fabric of reality itself. But like all energy, it must come from somewhere. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, simple converted from one form to another. The place between is a realm of energy, possibility, and the most fundamental cosmic forces in existence. Order and chaos, life and death. It is a place of duality, dichotomy, it is no place for mortals so if there is something in that dimension it is ancient and we would be like ants on the ground to it.”

Sunset blinked. “I’m sorry, was that supposed to be reassuring, because it sounded to me like we’re about to go kick in a god’s front door and then mess with their stuff all while saying, ‘IGNORE ME’ really loudly.”

Star Swirl took hold of the journal, putting it in place, powering up the machine. “Then let us hope that it really will, ignore us.”

Author's Note:

I had originally considered putting in a single line of the song to skirt the copyright warning, but figured it was better to just link it at the bottom. I can totally hear Sunset singing this.

