• Published 4th Aug 2023
  • 938 Views, 139 Comments

Black Feather - Recon777

In a nation at war, a vengeful shadow seeks to shatter a young alicorn's resolve, forcing her to confront the darkness lying within her. Both are plunged into a relentless dance between horror and heroism as the fate of the world hangs in the balance

  • ...

10 - And Then There Were Four

The young mare savored the last bite of her warm, buttery waffle, her delicate features bathed in the soft, golden glow of the sunrise over the eastern sea. The Waffle Ranch, nestled at the heart of Horseshoe Bay on Equestria’s eastern coast, held a special place in Dinky’s heart. The century-old establishment had passed through generations, known for both its delectable breakfast food and welcoming service.

Dinky’s attire was an elegant blend of vintage charm and contemporary flair, reflecting her refined taste. Whether attending a grand opera in Manehattan or visiting the local library of a quiet North-Vanhoover suburb, she could seamlessly blend in.

Moments drifted by, each echoing the stillness of the morning. The gentle lapping of waves against the distant shore added to the serene ambiance. Dinky’s gaze wandered toward the horizon, where the sun had just emerged from its nightly slumber, painting the sky in soft hues of pink and orange.

She glanced at her pocket watch, a cherished gift from her father. She still had three minutes.

Looking over her shoulder, she sought out Doran, the waiter. He was nowhere to be seen, though she guessed he’d be back soon. She had hoped to thank him for the excellent strawberries this morning.

As she rose from her seat, she placed a few coins on the checkered tablecloth, waiting just a moment more, her golden eyes glancing at the empty booth-style seat across from her.

Outside the back door of the Waffle Ranch, a fresh, salty breeze welcomed her. Seagulls called in the distance, hunting for minnows or forgotten crumbs left by beachgoers. The weathered wooden balcony railing overlooked the beach, anchored atop the windswept dune that supported the restaurant’s foundation. Beyond, the inviting white sands of the beach stretched out.

Dinky consulted her pocket watch once more. Two minutes. She was taking her time today.

Her hooves sank into the soft sand just beyond the reach of the gentle waves. She seated herself, chin held high and eyes closed, embracing the morning air as it caressed her coat, teasing her ears and nostrils. It was a calming, almost meditative ritual—a cherished part of her morning routine. Time stretched out as she sat alone on the empty beach, yet she remained acutely aware of each passing moment. She ventured a guess as to when her time would be up—when her day would begin.

Twelve seconds, as her pocket watch confirmed. Not bad, though she had been closer yesterday.

Dinky stood, giving her backside a quick brush-off. It wouldn’t do to have sand clinging to her lady bits when she visited the Palace in Canterlot later. A pleasant fragrance caught her attention. The shrub behind her bore small yellowish-white flowers. She plucked one and brought it to her nose, savoring the scent.

“It’s called frangipani,” she explained to the dusty-rose-colored pegasus filly approaching the busy street corner where Dinky stood. Dinky was expecting the child’s arrival, as she took her usual morning walk with her dog before school. The filly gazed wide-eyed at the flower.

The warped landscape of reality had calmed down in only a fraction of a second, allowing Dinky’s senses to quickly settle into her new surroundings. Still, she was quite accustomed to the distortion effects of a longer jump. She barely noticed the rapidly dissipating stardust. The air was much cooler here, the overcast sky obscuring the sun. The sounds of suburban Fillydelphia drifted through the air as everypony’s day was well underway.

“Hi, Dinky!” the girl exclaimed as they shared a brief hug.

The filly accepted the flower, her little nostrils flaring in curiosity as she gave it a sniff.

“I’ve never smelled anything like this!” she exclaimed. “Where did you find it?”

“If you can guess by tomorrow morning, I’ll buy you an ice cream cone,” Dinky challenged with a wink. “How’s your dad today?”

“He’s getting better,” the filly replied solemnly. “At least that’s what the doctors say.”

“Stay strong, my young friend. This too shall pass.”

The filly gave the unicorn another quick hug. “Thanks, Dinky. Same time tomorrow?”

“You bet.”

She watched the child make her way down the street, her spotted dog skipping along at her side. Dinky’s surroundings shifted abruptly, settling down to reveal a cozy household interior filled with familiar and comforting scents. She stood in the kitchen, not far from a grey pegasus with a blonde mane.

“Good morning, muffin!” her mother’s warm voice greeted her.

Dinky embraced her mother tightly. “Good morning, Mother. How are things today?”

The wall-eyed pegasus beamed, her joy evident. “Brighter, as always, now that you’re here. How long can you stay?”

“Not long, unfortunately. I was told the Palace will have a full day of duties this afternoon, so I’m trying to be meticulous in checking off my prior responsibilities beforehand.”

“You’re always met… metic… busy, muffin. As long as you’re happy.”

“I’m happy, Mother. I get to see you every day! What more could a mare ask for?”

Derpy laughed, and her eyes met Dinky’s outfit. “Reminds me of your father,” she commented.”

“What was that?” Dinky asked, unsure what her mother was referring to.”

“Oh, just that you look really nice in that. Very classy. Got a date?

Dinky blushed. “No time for that kind of thing, Mother. I have so many amazing things I’m connected to.”

“I know,” Derpy replied with a resigned tone. “I just don’t want you to miss out on the good things in life for the sake of the interesting things. If that makes sense.”

“Oh, you needn’t worry about me; my life is quite fulfilling,” came Dinky’s reply. “But as always, I do thank you for the sentiment. And I also hope you are keeping well. Can I fetch you anything today?”

“I’m fine, sweetie. I’ve got work in half an hour, so I’m just getting started myself.”

Dinky gave her mother a kiss on the cheek before checking her pocket watch. “Well, I’ll be off then. I’ll see you tomorrow! Love you.”

The bustling atmosphere of the Manehattan central post office was a stark contrast from her childhood home, but Dinky knew precisely where to navigate and which urgent messages to pick up. There were a dozen waiting in the Pony Express bin this morning, slightly fewer than usual. Among them was a request for a long-distance negotiation conference, a high-pressure task that she didn’t mind charging premium rates for.

The deliveries ended up leading her to four different cities, each with additional urgent messages to pick up and a few parcels to take elsewhere. Thirty-two jumps later, she found herself back at the Manehattan post office, dropping off the final batch of messages.

Warin, a fellow courier, was there, gathering cartons for his wagon outside. He noticed Dinky and waved with a friendly smile. “Hey, Dinky,” he called out.

He was a handsome buckskin stallion, one who had taken notice of her several times in the past, though she had only once slowed down enough for more than a two-minute chat together.

Dinky waved back. “Good day, Warin. How is business today?”

“Not bad, thanks. Say, I was thinking maybe we could catch up. Want to head over to the cafe next door?”

“I’m afraid I’ll have to decline, Warin. I have a dreadfully tight schedule this morning.”

Warin’s expression fell. “That’s alright,” he responded, his tone downcast.

Dinky offered a warm smile as she added, “I appreciate the invitation, though.” She glanced briefly at her pocket watch before giving him an affectionate peck on the cheek, causing his ears to perk up in delight.

“Some other time?” he asked.

“Perhaps,” Dinky replied politely.

One of the messages in Dinky’s bin at the Canterlot post office was for the 3rd Corps of the Royal Equestrian Army, stationed at Huckleberry Junction. As she eyed the ever-growing stack of messages bound for the front lines, she couldn’t ignore how much more activity there had been lately compared to previous years. The war had been getting worse ever since the disaster at Brumby Ridge. She tried not to dwell on it, though, as part of her duty was to ensure these critical communications reached the proper military divisions in a timely manner.

“Princess Luna’s orders for you, sir,” she said, passing a scroll bearing the Palace seal to Major Broc, a well-built chestnut earth pony stationed at Huckleberry Junction. The air was hot and dusty, the scent of war on the breeze. It was a fortified position, of course, being so close to the Arkadian border. But that didn’t keep Dinky from feeling nervous being nearly within sight of enemy territory.

“Thank you, Dinky,” he replied in his deep voice. “Please send my regards to the princess.”

Dinky took the status report from his hooves, holding it aloft in her telekinetic grip as she knocked on the door of Princess Luna’s study. A glance to her side revealed that despite the frequency of her visits, the Palace guard stationed outside the Princess’s door was still slightly startled every time she showed up. He smiled at her with a nod as they waited for Luna to acknowledge her arrival.

“Come in, Dinky,” Luna called out from within her study as the door opened on its own for her.

“Good day, m’Lady. I have a status report from Major Broc at Huckleberry Junction for you,” she said, passing the scroll, still suspended in mid-air, over to Luna.

The princess placed the scroll on her desk before sitting down and inviting Dinky inside. “Thank you, my young friend. Please, sit for a moment. I hope your morning has gone well?”

Dinky gave Luna a quick hug before taking a seat on a plush floor cushion in her study. “I’ve had a splendid morning, thank you for asking,” she replied. “Although I was told to expect a busy day with work from the Palace related to military operations.”

Luna smiled. “By that, may I assume you have cleared your schedule as requested? I have something special planned for you.”

“Of course, Princess. How may I be of service?”

Luna leaned forward, her smile widening. “I would like for you to meet with Nyx at her home. She is expecting you, and I believe the four of you will have a very interesting conversation. Take as long as you need. Afterward, please return to Canterlot, as there will be a package waiting for you at the post office.”

Dinky blinked, uncertain how to process these unusual instructions. “Okay… I’m sorry, is… is that all?” It was a rare moment that she found herself at a loss for words.

The princess held her smile. “Please deliver this note as well, but yes, that is all. Good day to you, Dinky.” She then gave Dinky a scroll before standing to turn her attention to the report that had just been delivered.

“Good day to you too, Princess.”

It was an intriguing turn of events. Dinky tried not to dwell on it too much, focusing instead on the anticipation of spending time with her friends. She waved at the camera within the small clubhouse that served as the covert entrance to Nyx’s underground home, waiting for someone to answer. As she waited, her eyes wandered around the serene apple orchard. Such an unusual project, housing Nyx and her family here. Still, it was nothing if not adventurous!

“Hey, Dinky,” Nyx’s voice echoed from within the clubhouse, though her physical absence was evident. “Come on down. We’re just hanging out.”

“Good morning, Nyx!” Dinky exclaimed as she embraced her friend.

It was a peculiarity of Dinky’s teleportation that she could sense the presence of obstacles before making a jump. This sensation was akin to navigating in the dark, where she could feel whether her chosen point of arrival was already occupied by an object or person. To her, an invalid jump felt as though the intended spot in her mind resisted her arrival, a pressure of sorts, preventing her from materializing there.

In this particular instance, Dinky had initially aimed for a spot near the elevator door, only to find it occupied by Nyx herself. With an intuitive, almost subconscious adjustment, Dinky shifted her point of arrival back just a bit until the pressure was gone. Dinky’s surroundings then seamlessly transformed from the outdoor clubhouse on the ground level, distorting and reforming into the interior of Nyx’s underground home, all in one fluid motion.

As for Nyx, she let out a surprised ‘oof’ as her mane settled down from the sudden gust of air. With a smile, she reciprocated Dinky’s gesture of affection. Dinky loved giving hugs to alicorns. There was something about them that just felt… different—solid, powerful, warmer somehow.

Dinky levitated a scroll from her saddlebags and presented it to Nyx. “Princess Luna asked me to give this to you straight away.”

Nyx took the scroll with a thankful nod, unfolding it to have a look.

Further into their home, Flitter and Rumble sat at the kitchen table. Dinky approached to greet them.

“Morning, Dinky,” Flitter said warmly, pausing what she was showing Rumble to accept a quick hug. Dinky knew the mare was a changeling, sometimes appearing in a form other than the familiar pegasus. Today, she appeared as a unicorn for some reason, her wings absent and a graceful horn now upon her forehead. Her coat and general appearance were the same as usual, apart from the bleary eyes that spoke of too little sleep.

“Good morning, Flitter. Long night?” Dinky inquired.

Flitter yawned as if on cue. “You could say that, yeah.”

Nyx invited Dinky to join them at the table. Dinky hesitated, her gaze fixed on her three friends. Her first impulse was to politely decline, her thoughts racing as she considered her busy day ahead. Then, it dawned on her that Luna had cleared her entire day for unspecified ‘military operations’. She was told to take as long as she needed. Here. Now. With her friends…

The whole thing felt very awkward and unnatural. The fact that she had been standing there for the last six seconds thinking about it without moving on or saying anything was, itself, very strange.

Dinky settled into her seat, her gaze focused on Flitter as she examined Rumble’s hoof, which he held pad-side up at the center of the table. Suddenly, a large translucent image of Rumble’s hoof appeared, floating between them, captivating Dinky with its three-dimensional intricacies.

“Oh my, what’s this?” she inquired in awe.

“New toy,” Rumble responded with enthusiasm. “It’s so cool.”

Dinky noticed the elegant ring on Flitter’s horn, explaining her unicorn appearance that morning. The ring sparkled with subtle flashes, each causing the hovering image of Rumble’s hoof pad to rotate and expand. Flitter manipulated the view, revealing microscopic details that resembled tightly packed stones.

“Now, flex your gripper muscles,” Flitter instructed.

Countless minuscule bundles of filaments shot out from tiny slits on the bumps, then retracted. Rumble giggled like a colt as he made the microscopic fibers extend and retract repeatedly.

“Look at all my little grabby bits shooting in and out!” he exclaimed.

“They’re called setae,” Flitter corrected. “Each emits a weak telekinetic—”

She paused, realizing Rumble was too engrossed in the visuals. The image zoomed in further, focusing on a specific cluster of filament bundles.

“The MXT has an incision spell,” Flitter explained. “I only need to think about it. Check this out; the precision is incredible.”

With that, Flitter precisely severed a bundle of setae from its anchor point. The filaments remained suspended in the view, near the bump from which they had emerged.

“Hey, whoa!” Rumble exclaimed. “You just—”

“Oh, relax,” Flitter reassured, holding the filament stems in place. “Just have to activate the tissue binding spell, and…” she muttered to herself as everyone watched the bundle reattach to the severed section.

“Now, did that hurt?” Flitter asked, as if talking to a child.

“No?” Rumble replied, his uncertainty apparent.

“Of course not, silly. You lose thousands of these every day and grow them right back without even noticing.”

Rumble raised an eyebrow at Flitter. “It’s weird how you know more about pony anatomy than most actual ponies.”

“Changelings have these too, you know. But yes, I know all your tiny little secrets.”

Dinky couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s incredible!”

“It’s a dream instrument for any medical pony,” Flitter affirmed. “I spent half the night experimenting with it.”

Dinky briefly wondered what Flitter needed such a device for when Nyx’s voice drew her attention.

“Can I get you something, Dinky? Coffee seems to be popular this morning,” Nyx suggested with a sly grin directed at Flitter.

Dinky considered for a moment. “Thank you, but I’ll pass. A glass of water would be perfect, though.”

“So how’ve you been?” Rumble asked. “You don’t usually have time to just hang out with us.”

Dinky’s ears flicked, betraying her flustered reaction to the question. “I’m well, thank you, Rumble. And I apologize for not stopping by for more than a few moments at a time. Life has been quite... full in recent times. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my lifestyle very much, and it is rewarding. But it’s true, sitting here, just chatting with my friends with no agenda or schedule, is quite the anomaly.”

“What brought that on, if you don’t mind my asking?” Flitter inquired as Nyx placed a glass of water in front of Dinky.

“It was most peculiar,” Dinky began. “I was making a delivery to Princess Luna this morning. She had told me in advance to clear the day. I originally thought she had prepared a day full of special duties for me, but instead, she only said to come visit you all here and to take as long as I needed.”

Dinky noticed Nyx rubbing her face with her hooves, a subtle groan escaping her. “Is something wrong, Nyx?” she asked.

The alicorn’s cat-like eyes met hers as she forced a smile. “No no, it’s just something I promised Luna the other day. A reminder to me that she hasn’t forgotten.”

Nyx paused for a moment, as if grappling with something she’d rather avoid.

“You remember the adventures we used to go on when we were kids?” she asked, finally.

“Oh, yes,” Dinky responded brightly. “Those were delightful times. I particularly enjoyed tagging along when Flitter took the three of us into Whitetail Woods to pretend we were explorers.”

“That was awesome,” Rumble added with a grin. “Do you remember when we tried to get her to take us into Everfree so we could really experience what it was like to—”

Flitter gave him a flat look. “By now, Rumble, I hope you understand why I couldn’t just take three children into the Everfree Forest.” She rolled her eyes.

“But then there was the time we snuck in anyway, without Flitter,” Nyx recounted. “I put you in real danger, Dinky, and I’m sorry for that.”

“I’m confused, how’s this connected to Luna exactly?” Rumble asked.

Nyx put her head in her hooves again before looking up at Rumble. “Luna wants me to talk with Dinky about doing things together again. The four of us. She doesn’t understand that this just isn’t the kind of situation that works for Dinky.”

“Actually, I kind of miss the adventures we used to go on,” Dinky chimed in. “The thrill, the sense of danger, sometimes things taking an unexpected turn. The suspense and excitement, not knowing what we’d find out there. But most importantly, experiencing it all with close friends.”

The holographic display of Rumble’s hoof shimmered silently in the air, creating an unspoken tension in the room. Flitter seemed to notice and disengaged the ring on her horn, causing the image to vanish.

“When we were kids, you mean, like nostalgia,” Nyx clarified.

“Or now,” Dinky added with a shrug. “It sounds fascinating.”

The truth was that Dinky had long harbored a secret desire to join her friends on their adventures. The last time she had broached the subject with Nyx was two years ago, and it hadn’t gone well. Nyx had vehemently opposed the idea, convinced that Dinky wouldn’t fit and that she’d get herself hurt or worse. Perhaps time had softened her opinion? Dinky pondered.

“No,” Nyx stated flatly. “I did promise Luna I’d mention it, but it’s still a terrible idea. We get into some pretty intense situations. You wouldn’t like it.”

“I’m not a little filly anymore,” Dinky reminded her.

“I know, Dinky,” Nyx said, softening her tone. “I only say this because I care about you and I know the kind of things you gravitate toward. We go to dangerous places. We get ambushed and shot at. I don’t think it’s for you. Besides, you’re not a fighter.” The concern in Nyx’s voice was genuine, though to Dinky, she seemed to be coming across too firmly.

“Flitter’s not a fighter either,” Dinky pointed out.

“That’s true,” Flitter agreed. Nyx shot a look at her.

“We have ways of working together that we’ve all developed over the years,” Nyx countered. “Flitter understands how not to get in over her head.”

“I can learn,” Dinky said.

Nyx stared at her, perplexed. “Am I missing something? You sound like you want to come with us. Luna’s the one who suggested this, but I’ll be honest, you’re the last mare I’d expect to be actually interested in the sort of things we do. I mean, everyone knows you’re a mare of refined tastes, too cultured to get your hooves dirty. And sometimes, things get really dirty.”

Dinky put on a semi-indignant expression with a slight huff, her eyebrow raised. “Do I look like Rarity to you? I’ll have you know, I’m tougher than I let on. While much of what you said is true, I don’t generally let others know how much adventure, even potentially perilous adventure, appeals to me. I think… I think it reminds me of Father, though it was so long ago I scarcely remember.”

“I… really?” Nyx asked, her sharp fangs flashing as she spoke, though she suddenly appeared at a loss for words. “And you’ve felt like this all along?”

Dinky nodded. “Though only mildly. My life has gone down a different path, of course. It’s only been a vague fantasy of mine, I suppose. I’ve not given it much thought until quite recently.”

“Recently, as in…” Nyx prompted.

“I suppose since I’ve begun having strange dreams about it. Just a week or two.”

“Hello, Luna,” Rumble commented, bringing a hoof to his lips with a chuckle.

“Wait, did you talk with Luna about this?” Nyx asked.

“Well… yeah, after several dreams, I couldn’t just not mention them.”

Nyx frowned. “Damn it, Luna, that’s underhanded,” she muttered under her breath as her gaze fell to the table.

Rumble chimed in, “You know, I think she could handle it.”

Dinky added, “I have to admit, it all sounds very exciting.”

Nyx shook her head. “Oh, that’s how it starts. But then there’s running and screaming.”

Flitter interjected, “Having a teleporter along would be incredibly handy.”

Rumble, grinning broadly, said, “And we’ve been friends forever. It would be a blast!”

Nyx let out a heavy sigh. “Well, this certainly didn’t go how I expected. I figured I’d end up apologizing for bringing up the terrible idea, and we’d all move on. You really want to do this?”

Dinky felt her heart beating faster. She glanced around at each of her friends, all looking toward her. “I… I think I do.”

“Fine… you can come,” Nyx murmured barely above a whisper.

Rumble leaned closer, aiming a furry ear in her direction. “What was that, hon? I couldn’t make that out.”

Nyx rolled her eyes. “Fine, you can come. But you’re sleeping on the couch tonight,” she directed at Rumble.

Flitter playfully objected, “He can’t be on the couch. I’m on the couch, remember?”

Rumble teased, “Unless you want me to be on the couch with Flitter…”

Flitter glanced at Rumble. “I can look like Nyx if that would help.”

Nyx telekinetically flicked a sugar cube from the table toward each of them before the tension finally broke, and everyone burst into laughter.

“Good morning once more, Primrose,” Dinky greeted the middle-aged unicorn overseeing the bustling Canterlot central post office. “Princess Luna informed me to expect a package around this time.”

A gentle smile graced Primrose’s features. “Indeed, there is a package, and it’s addressed to you.” She directed Dinky to a shelf, where she fetched a medium-sized box and levitated it out for Dinky.

“Thank you,” Dinky replied, her curiosity piqued as she held the box. Initially, she thought it might be above her teleporting capacity, but it proved lighter than it appeared. She gingerly placed the box on the kitchen table of her cozy Baltimare apartment, wondering what was inside.

Carefully opening the box, Dinky discovered a letter, personally penned for her by Princess Luna.

Dearest Dinky,

I have long thought about you and your incredible potential, ever since the day your Focused Talents professor first told me about your extraordinary gift. First and foremost, know that I am immensely proud of you, in what you have built for yourself. It is no small achievement, and your keen business acumen has not only brought you great success but has been a tremendous service to hundreds of ponies each day.

However, I cannot not help but feel your destiny holds even greater purpose. I believe it is more than a mere coincidence that your long-time childhood friends have all found their calling together, the only missing element being you yourself. Dinky, now is a more critical time than you can imagine for our people. Profound changes are on the horizon, and I envision you playing a central role alongside your friends in a way that will ultimately help bring our people out of this long struggle, victorious.

With unwavering faith,

Beneath the velvet blanket the note had rested upon, Dinky found a beautiful set of leather scout’s barding. She levitated it out, allowing it to hover mid-air as she admired its craftsmanship.

The finely crafted barding, a true masterpiece of artistry, radiated an air of regal elegance. Each piece was selected for its impeccable quality, boasting a deep chestnut hue, reminiscent of aged oak. A testament to the artisan’s skill, the leatherwork was adorned with intricate patterns of swirling vines and delicate floral motifs embossed into the surface. These patterns seemed to come alive, dancing with a graceful subtlety as Dinky turned them over in the soft morning light.

Setting aside her clothing, she donned the leather barding, noting the velvety softness of the felt interior.

Polished brass studs and buckles adorned the barding, securing it with both functionality and opulence. These brass accents blended seamlessly into the design, forming elegant lines that accentuated the barding’s curves. Every strap was meticulously stitched, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit.

With a grateful smile, Dinky glanced into the box once more, discovering a small object nestled at the very bottom.

It was a scout’s dagger. A subtle surge of adrenaline shot through Dinky’s body, for she had never owned any kind of weapon before.

Even to her untrained eye, the lightweight dagger exuded practicality and elegance. Its wooden handle boasted a warm, earthy hue and was wrapped in supple dark-brown leather. The accompanying sheath, crafted from the same rich leather, featured intricate patterns reminiscent of forest foliage and was securely fastened with a discreet brass clasp.

Dinky sat down at the table and settled the dagger into her hooves, feeling its weight. With a smooth motion, she drew the weapon into a shaft of sunlight that streamed through her kitchen window. The blade, expertly forged to perfection, gleamed with a mirror-polished silver finish, culminating in a razor-sharp edge. Its slender form tapered to a precise point, creating a striking aesthetic.

She could only stare for what felt like an eternity. It felt alien to her. Dinky sheathed the weapon once more, only now noticing the matching clasp affixed to her barding, indicating the dagger’s intended resting place.

A deep breath and a swallow later, Dinky realized, perhaps for the first time, the magnitude of the path she had chosen to tread.