• Published 4th Aug 2023
  • 945 Views, 139 Comments

Black Feather - Recon777

In a nation at war, a vengeful shadow seeks to shatter a young alicorn's resolve, forcing her to confront the darkness lying within her. Both are plunged into a relentless dance between horror and heroism as the fate of the world hangs in the balance

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12 - Allies and Inquiries

Dinky’s heart quickened with anticipation of the adventure unfolding before her. The platoon moved steadily westward along the well-trodden path, the supply wagons, with their rhythmic creaking, lumbering along behind them. She couldn’t help but reminisce about her childhood exploits with her friends. It was as if she’d gone back in time, returning to the days when the four of them would venture into these very woods, fueled by boundless imagination and excitement.

In stark contrast to the perilous Everfree Forest on the opposite side of Ponyville, Whitetail was a realm of serene beauty. Birds sang joyfully as they darted through the playful shadows cast by the late-morning sun filtering through the towering tree canopy. Dinky inhaled deeply, savoring the early-summer breeze carrying hints of wildflowers and earthy richness.

The forest felt like an old friend, its sparse undergrowth an ideal backdrop for youthful escapades. Games played, secret hideouts discovered, and imaginary expeditions conjured from thin air all came flooding back to her. Sunlight performed a whimsical dance on the forest floor, and the rustling chorus of high aspen leaves, stirred by the gentle breeze, carried echoes of their childhood laughter.

The race path was well-known, host to an annual autumn event where hundreds of local ponies dashed through. While Dinky had never participated herself, she had enthusiastically cheered her friends from various vantage points along the trail, watching them zoom past and then jumping ahead to catch them as they ran by once more.

Her decision to take part in this adventure might have been spontaneous, but now, she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. As they ventured deeper into the forest, the thrill of the unknown tingled within her. Although teleportation might not play a significant role on this journey, the enchantment of the woods and the company of her dearest friends filled her heart with a sense of magic she hadn’t felt in years.

As she walked in the midst of the soldiers, she observed them closely. Two of them had taken their place in front of her, a brown stallion and a yellow mare, steadfast and resolute. Behind her, a robust dapple-grey stallion pulled a supply wagon laden with most of their weapons and gear, lightening the burden for all on their journey.

Dinky watched them with curiosity, her gaze shifting from one soldier to another. She had never been this close to combat soldiers before, her previous encounters with the military only involving higher-ranking officers who required her messaging services. These soldiers, however, were a different breed, their mannerisms and speech style both intriguing and alien.

“But then why’d they stick us with two heavy hitters?” the stallion ahead of her asked his companion. “Not only have they hooked us up with Nitemare Nyx, but our C.O. is the Lieutenant Daisycutter. Seems like there’s more to this than a routine security sweep, don’t you think?”

“Wait, is she the same one from the action figures?” the yellow mare asked in a hushed tone.

“Yeah. Now you know what I’m talkin’ about,” the stallion replied.

Occasionally, a soldier would sneak a glance in Dinky’s direction, to which she responded with a warm smile. It struck her how these were the soldiers who truly engaged in the battles of the war, often victorious but perhaps just as often meeting a terrible fate. She felt grateful that Princess Luna had given them all a low-risk task for this mission.

As the soldiers chatted, their voices blending with the forest’s natural sounds, Dinky pondered the places they would encounter on their journey. The bayou, which they were supposed to reach by sunset, held an air of mystery. What would its people be like? She tried to imagine the dense, swampy landscape and the unknown challenges awaiting them.

Eventually, the platoon came to a halt as several soldiers gathered around a massive fallen tree that blocked their path. Nyx stood near the tree with the lieutenant, contemplating the obstacle. Dinky remembered this tree from her race-watching days. The ponies would leap over it with a running start, but with the supply wagons, that wasn’t going to work today.

Sergeant A.Pone suddenly began barking orders, causing a dozen sturdy earth pony stallions to line up alongside the fallen tree.

“Come on, ladies, put your backs into it,” he yelled as the soldiers heaved.

Nyx grunted as she added her own strength alongside the stallions, coordinating her thrusts with theirs. The tree rocked in rhythm with their combined strength, only to stubbornly return to where it had been at the start.

Surveying the supply wagons for a moment, Nyx offered a suggestion, “I could probably lift them over one at a time, but we may have to empty them to lighten the load first.”

“No time for that,” the lieutenant said. “How much weight can you take off the tree itself?”

Nyx nodded, focusing her horn on the fallen giant. Within moments, the tree creaked and groaned under the strain of considerable magical energy. Nyx grit her teeth in the effort as the branches on the far end trembled from the sudden motion.

“I’ll help,” came a voice off to the side. It was the platoon’s only unicorn. She squinted her eyes, applying a crimson glow to the tree.

Dinky joined in, though her levitation strength wasn’t able to lift much more than an average pony’s weight for a few moments. Soon, her golden glow was added to the indigo and crimson already enveloping the tree.

“Back at it, ponies! Move it, move it, move it,” bellowed A.Pone as he thrust his own shoulder into the tree.

With a resounding push, the tree surrendered its position, sliding off the path as the stallions and spellcasters gave it their all, clearing the way for the wagons.

“Nice work, ponies,” the lieutenant commended before leading the way down the trail once more.

Dinky felt good from the exertion, despite what little she had actually contributed. The other unicorn nodded to her with a smile as she wiped the sweat off her brow.

The platoon had quickly fallen back in line, continuing their westward journey, though Dinky noted many of the ponies had swapped their positions in the line.

“Hi there,” a female voice greeted, giving Dinky a slight start.

She turned quickly to see the other unicorn, a pale-rose-colored mare with three thin stripes of pure white running through her otherwise brilliant red mane and tail. It was like a breeze flowing through a sea of red. She appeared quite young, lacking the hardened look of the other soldiers.

“Good day, Windy,” Dinky replied with a smile as they continued walking with the platoon. “That’s what the lieutenant called you, if I recall?”

Windy nodded. “Specialist Windy Scarlett. I didn’t catch your name.”

“Just Dinky,” Dinky replied. “No fancy titles as such. This is the first time I’ve done anything like this.”

Windy looked at her sideways, raising an eyebrow. “No kidding? Here I thought you were a pro, from that fancy barding you’re wearing.”

Dinky glanced down at her scout’s barding. “This? Oh, I received it as a gift less than an hour ago.”

The other unicorn’s eyes went wide. “A gift? Who gives Lunar Division scout’s barding as a gift?”

“Princess Luna does, apparently,” Dinky smiled. “I feel quite honored, though I do hope I don’t disappoint her.”

“Wait, you know Princess Luna personally?” Windy asked.

“Absolutely. Part of my usual business is to deliver her war correspondence. But she felt it would be good experience to come along on this mission.”

“So you got recruited, then.” Windy stated.

“I volunteered,” Dinky corrected. “I’ve had this vague longing to join my friend Nyx’s adventures for years, but life hadn’t aligned our paths until just recently. How about you? Have you been with this group for long?”

Windy’s expression darkened a bit. “I enlisted. There’s pretty high demand for unicorns lately. But you probably knew that.”

Dinky shook her head. “Embarrassingly, I know next to nothing about this side of military operations. I assume the demand you mentioned would be due to the advantage a spellcaster gives to a team such as this?”

Windy nodded. “Pretty much. I’m no expert, but I can cast just about anything I put my mind to.”

“Oh, that’s most fascinating. You must be multi-talented. My friend’s mother is like that; it’s a rare gift.”

“Yeah. That’s why I report directly to the lieutenant. She calls me her ‘bag of tricks’. I suppose it fits.”

“And at such a young age,” Dinky noted. “I’m twenty-two years old, myself. You look even younger, I’d guess?”

“Nineteen,” Windy confirmed. “I left North Vanhoover four months ago to train for the Lunar Division. It was a crash course, really. But you wouldn’t believe the stuff I learned.”

“I imagine so!” Dinky said. “Incidentally, I’m quite familiar with North Vanhoover. There’s this little shop overlooking the lighthouse on Bojack’s Point that has the best pancakes in the world. The syrup is to die for.”

The look on Windy’s face was one of wide-eyed surprise. “No kidding? My parents run a maple syrup farm, and I know the shop you’re talking about. That’s so cool, I never would have guessed you’d know my home town. Are you from there originally?”

“I’m actually from Ponyville, if you could believe it,” Dinky replied. “I spent a significant part of my childhood running through these woods with my friends.”

“Wow, that’s quite a coincidence. I lived in Ponyville about a year ago doing stage performance for a few months before going back home to help with the farm. So do you travel a lot? What ever brought you to North Vanhoover? It’s pretty far out of the way.”

“It has the finest breakfast spot in the northwest,” Dinky replied. “Having a good relaxing breakfast is part of my daily routine. But sometimes, I’ll visit the library or watch the sunset from the lighthouse before going home.”

“You’re just full of surprises,” Windy commented, shaking her head with a smile. “Were you serious about the bagel earlier? You weren’t just pulling the lieutenant’s leg about your teleporting abilities, were you?”

Dinky merely smiled, opened her saddlebags, and levitated a warm cream cheese bagel, complete with all the sprinkles, over to Windy.

The platoon had reached a glade, where the sight of a waterfall coming off a series of bluffs was a welcome relief from the heat of the day. The roaring cascade of water provided a natural symphony of sound, drowning out the woodland ambiance they had grown used to over the last hour. The cool mist that drifted from the falls was like a gift from the heavens, offering a momentary respite from the relentless mid-day heat. Some of the soldiers had already claimed their spots on the massive boulders that stood near the waterfall’s base, the perfect makeshift seats for their lunch break.

Sergeant A.Pone accepted his ration bag with a nod of gratitude from Platinum Dawn, the stallion who had previously been busy pulling one of the supply wagons. He headed toward the waterfall, his keen eyes catching sight of Windy Scarlett and the newcomer, Dinky. What stopped him in his tracks was the sight of the two of them indulging in a fancy meal that wouldn’t have been out of place in a big-city restaurant.

A.Pone did a double take, his gruff voice breaking the momentary silence as he inquired, “Specialist Windy Scarlett, would you mind telling me what in Celestia’s wide world you and your new friend are eating?” His suspicion was clear, and he expected no less than an honest answer.

Windy shrugged mid-chew. “I have no idea, sir, but it’s really good.”

Dinky took the cue to chime in. “That one is called ‘Urban Garden Delight.’ The sandwich features a freshly baked, artisanal whole-grain ciabatta roll. Inside, is a vibrant combination of flavors and textures. It features a generous helping of roasted and marinated portobello mushrooms, providing a rich and earthy umami flavor. Accompanying the mushrooms are slices of creamy, ripe avocado, which add a luxurious, buttery element.”

The sergeant just stared in silence at the unicorn’s reply before coming to his senses once more. “Dare I ask where you have been hiding that all this time?” he asked.

Dinky, her eyes wide and a mischievous grin on her face, replied, “Oh, I just popped over to one of the best sandwich delis in Baltimare a couple minutes ago.” She seemed completely at ease, as if it were an everyday occurrence.

A.Pone couldn’t help but grumble, shaking his head in mild annoyance. “Teleporters…” he muttered, almost to himself. “Just remember, nobody likes a show-off.”

As he prepared to sit down on a moss-covered log with his far more modest rations, his thoughts turned to the mission. From what he’d been told, it was supposed to be a cakewalk, an easy assignment. But A.Pone knew better than to let his guard down, especially with civilians among them. His gaze shifted to the group, and his mind settled on the changeling, called Flitter. The thought of her presence brought a touch of suspicion, and he decided it was time for a one-on-one chat, to uncover any kind of potential problem she might represent. Things might be calm now, but if the horseapples hit the fan, he needed to be sure he could trust his team.

A.Pone’s bulky figure approached Flitter, his steps heavy but not threatening. He set down his bag of rations, containing simple fruits and a couple nutrition bars. “Mind if I join you for a minute?” he asked, his tone carrying a mix of curiosity and a touch of suspicion.

Flitter looked up from her spot on one of the moss-covered logs, her eyes meeting his. She gave a faint but genuine smile. “Of course, Sergeant,” she replied calmly. She didn’t seem threatened or on edge. She was, in many ways, a picture of serenity amid the natural beauty around them. And that fact alone, combined with the knowledge of what she truly was, beneath the guise, threw him slightly off balance.

Sitting down beside her, A.Pone started the conversation, trying to get a better sense of her background. “So, Flitter, what did you do before all this war business?” He opened his bag of rations and began munching on an apple.

Flitter hesitated for a moment, her expression thoughtful. “Hmm, well I spent most of my life in Ponyville. When I was a teenager, I was on the weather team,” she began, her voice soft and melodic. “I also worked part-time at the clinic. My dad was one of their doctors.” There was a warmth in her eyes as she mentioned her father, a clear sign of her deep affection for him.

A.Pone furrowed his brow, genuinely puzzled. “Ponyville, huh? Didn’t you all live in a colony or hive or something?” His question was straightforward, reflecting the skepticism that many had about changelings.

Flitter chuckled softly at his misconception. “You’re thinking of Chrysalis and her cult. She had quite a following, but she by no means represented all the changelings. Most of us lived peacefully among ponies in plain sight, never revealing that we were any different than they were.” She paused, her gaze drifting toward the waterfall. “But when the war started, things changed. Fear and love counteract each other, you see, and changelings need love to survive. That’s why, after we revealed ourselves publicly out of desperation, Celestia initiated the national ‘Adopt a Changeling’ program to help us survive. Sadly, the effort was only of minimal help.”

A.Pone listened attentively, his earlier suspicions slowly giving way. He probed further, “Is that why you live with Nyx and Rumble?”

Flitter’s response began with a question of her own. “Not exactly. Where were you when the incident in Aria happened?”

A.Pone frowned, knowing the crystalline city of the frozen north had been through many ‘incidents’ over the years. “Which one?” he asked.

“The one three years ago where everyone vanished,” Flitter clarified.

A.Pone took a deep breath, recollecting his experiences. “I was stationed near the southern border when I heard about it. My whole unit was shocked. All we knew was that the entire population of Aria suddenly vanished. We all thought the bugs had grabbed the entire city and taken them back to a hive somewhere to be fed upon.”

Flitter grimaced. “I can assure you it wasn’t a changeling plot. Princess Cadence had come up with a risky plan, a last resort meant to take the people of Aria far into the future, in case the city faced an overwhelming zebra offensive. But when they tested the connection between the Crystal Heart and an ancient artifact, something malfunctioned and sent everyone forward in time by a month. We were lucky it wasn’t longer.”

A.Pone couldn’t help but be intrigued. “What was that like?” he asked, genuinely curious.

Flitter’s expression turned more somber as she recounted her own experience. “I was away from Aria at the time, visiting friends in Ponyville. When I tried to return, the conductor at the train station told me everyone in the city had vanished, and no one knew why. I was in a panic, thinking my entire race was gone forever.” She paused, her voice filled with emotion. “Nyx and Rumble came and got me. They offered for me to live with them, and I found their love for one another was more than enough to sustain me.”

Eyes wide, A.Pone nodded. “I can see what you mean. I heard when they reappeared, no one was the wiser, like they all just ceased to exist and then a month later, picked up right where they left off. You didn’t go back to them when they all showed up again?”

Flitter shook her head. “By then, I had found my home with my friends. I couldn’t be happier living with them, so I decided to stay.” She suddenly looked at him with a peculiar gaze that seemed to stare deep into his soul. “They’re good ponies, Sergeant. You can trust them,” she said as if she could sense what he was feeling.

A.Pone’s earlier suspicion had now largely faded, replaced by understanding and even a smidgen of uncharacteristic empathy. He nodded, beginning to grasp the depth of Flitter’s experiences. “That whole thing must’ve been quite a shock,” he admitted, his gruff exterior softening.

Flitter smiled. “It was, but I’m grateful for the friends I have. And I’m here now, ready to do my part to help.”

Though still cautious, A.Pone extended a hoof to her and said, “Well, Flitter, it’s good to know you a bit better. Let’s hope this mission goes without any surprises, and we all make it back in one piece. I’ve got one more question for you before we hit the trail again. Do you have any combat experience? What I mean is, have you fired a weapon before?”

Flitter shook her head. “Nyx and Rumble have done all the fighting whenever we’ve encountered zebras. I have my own ways of helping them.”

The sergeant looked at Flitter sideways, a smile creeping into the corner of his lips. “Let’s take a walk. I want to introduce you to a friend of mine called Midnight.”