• Published 5th Jul 2020
  • 1,892 Views, 13 Comments

ButtonBelle: A Collection of Oneshots - Eevee-Lover

The Cutie Mark Crusaders finds themselves meeting a strange unique brown colt named Button Mash. Sweetie Belle on the other hoof starts getting feelings about the young colt. Join them as they have all kinds of adventures together!

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Story 2: Hearts and Hooves Day!

Story 2: Hearts and Hooves Day!

Universe: (Equestria)

It was a beautiful sunny day in Ponyville! There were no clouds in sight, the temperature was just right with a mixture of wind, making the trees and bushes shake peacefully. Not a sound was heard, and everything was at peace... That was until a certain brown colt decided to ruin the peaceful moment...

“RUMBLE! RUMBLE! WAKE UP!” Button shrieked as he instantly woke up his best friend Rumble, who was taking a nap outside of the school underneath a tree.

"Wha-What!? WHO WHERE?!" Rumble screamed, catching the attention of all the other ponies at the playground.

Upon hearing his voice, Rumble jumped up to his hooves eyes widened in shock! He saw how close Button was to his face and screamed, backing up against the tree. Once his flank was against the tree, he lowered his head and growled back at him.

“I need help!” Button called in worry, watching as Rumble used his wings, as well as his hooves to lift himself up.

“What’s wrong with you! You didn’t have to wake me up from my nap! I was having the BEST dream ever!” Rumble sighed, rolling his eyes at his best friend.

“Whoops... Sorry, it’s just that I need help from you to ask a certain pony out for Hearts and Hooves Day!” Button was talking just as fast as the propeller spinning on his hat, in which Rumble could barely understand him.

The two have been close friends since the beginning of the school year, occasionally hanging out at Button's house and playing video games together. Rumble had his fair share of experiences with Button going on and on whenever he freaked out, so he had to process what he just heard. Once he knew what Button was saying, he gave him a killer look making Button's eyes shrink in suspense.

“YOU WOKE ME UP FOR THAT!?” Rumble screamed in anger, causing other fillies and colts nearby to notice the two.

“Yeah, make a scene! That’s cool!” Button crossed his hooves, annoyed at his grey colored Pegasi friend.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and even Scootaloo noticed the three from afar distance. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were caught staring at them, while Apple Bloom tried waving at them to get their attention off of the two colts. Rumble and Button glanced at the two fillies for several seconds. Only for Rumble to snap out of his trance and get Button to stop staring at Sweetie Belle. The other colts and fillies in their class returned to what they were doing previously, seeing as everything was alright between the two.

“Alright alright alright, just next time... Don’t wake me up when I'm peacefully asleep... PLEASE!” Rumble sighed, letting him off the hook.

Rumble sat on his flank and rested his head on his two front hooves, there was a leaf on the grassy ground just inches away from him. As the leaf laid there without moving, Rumble gently blew it away with his mouth. All the while, Button Mash was staring at him blankly, rubbing his chin and giving him a sly smirk. Rumble looked up and noticed his goofy grin, immediately knowing Button was onto something. As much as he tried to ignore his grin, Button kept staring him down just to make him uncomfortable.

"ALL RIGHT WHAT!?" Rumble sat up and raised his hooves, feeling stressed.

He wanted to just walk around the tree and go back to sleep, so he stood up to do just that!

“What were you dreaming about?” Button quickly stopped him from getting up, expecting an answer.

"Nothing, just leave it be." Rumble crossed his hooves, looking at the playground once again.

"You told me it was the BEST dream ever!" Button mimicked the way Rumble shouted at him earlier, only earning a loud grunt from the Pegasus.

"I said drop it Button!" Rumble said once again, raising his voice to intimidate Button.

After thinking for a little while, there wasn't much Rumble could dream about. Sure, maybe the Wonderbolts every once in a while but that was an average dream for him. It had to be something better... Something that meant a lot more to him than his obsession with the Wonderbolts. When Button caught Rumble staring at the playground, he turned and saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders doing their own thing. They were just sitting at the swings minding their own business, probably brainstorming ideas about what they should do next on their crusading adventures. That's when Button confidently knew what the dream was about. After chuckling in an evil manner, Rumble eye's shrank when Button took a few closer steps to him.

"You were dreaming about Scoots weren't you?" He finally spoke out, tilting his head and raising one of his eyebrows playfully.

“Huh!? N-No! Heck no! Pfshh Me!? Dreaming about her!? Nah Button, you got me all wrong.” Rumble shook his head, backing away from him and denying the question.

Button stepped even closer, giving him the stare! If only he had his father's trademarked mustache, then it would really give him some bonus points for intimidation! Without even saying a word, he noticed a sweat drop cruising it's way down the side of Rumble's face, eventually hitting the grass.

“Nononono! It’s not what it seems like! Button, you've LOST IT!” Rumble felt his cheeks blush, and he couldn’t hide it easily no matter how much he wanted do.

“If that's the case, why're you blushing then?” Button wondered, making the blush on Rumble's face expand, the color becoming darker the more he pushed it on.

“This is a big misunderstanding you've got to believe me, I... YOU'VE BEEN PLAYING TOO MANY VIDEO GAMES!” Rumble couldn’t take it anymore, he spread his wings and yelled at him angrily, flapping them as fast as he could.

As much as he wanted Button to shut up and drop the topic, he knew for certain he wasn't getting out of this mess. With his cheeks red and noticeable to Button's eye, it was already too late... Now Button knew he was hiding something, and knowing his best friend had it's perks. He was definitely not going to drop it, probably not until Rumble would admit it. As the quiet time passed on by the second, more sweat started dripping from Rumble's reddened face. Another reason for Button to continue pushing the subject onto the poor grey Pegasi.

“Listen I am telling you! You better believe me Button Mash!” He let it out, staring Button straight in the eye.

He kept flapping his wings and jumped up and down, trying to get Button to stop.

“You dreamed about Scootaloo didn’t ya Rumble? You know you can admit it!” Button grinned like a nerd, seeing Rumble look to the floor in shame.

It was about time he gave up! Rumble just stared at the ground and kicked a little pebble off to the side, he wanted to get Button back for what he did, and he knew just the thing!

“Dreaming about a crush, isn’t the same as constantly telling your best friend about them is it???” Rumble raised his eyebrow, feeling the blush fade away from his own face, he wanted some revenge!

The blush transferred onto Button’s face, giving Rumble the chance to get him back! Button started getting nervous as his propeller hat stopped spinning magically on its own.

“Yeah that’s right, you talk WAY too much about Sweetie Belle, just walk up to her... And ask her to be your Special Somepony! Tomorrow’s Hearts and Hooves Day!” Rumble walked up to the brown colt, patting his back gently.

“What if she says no? Or rejects me! We’re only friends with each other, she probably doesn’t notice me as I notice her!” Button sighed, giving him a worried excuse.

“Bro... I’m gonna be real honest here, she’ll never reject you! I don’t know if she likes you in that way or not, but still! Just go for it! After all, do you notice any other colt she talks to?” Rumble stated facts to reassure him.

Button thought for a moment before turning to stare at Sweetie again. Everything about her was so mesmerizing to him.

“Yeah she talks to other colts other than me, you and Pipsqueak, several others too.” Button replied, still keeping his head hung low.

“You’re right, but she hangs out with you and talks to you the most, so you should consider asking her!” Rumble nodded, lying back down beside the tree.

“B-But...” Button continued being himself... Worried as ever for the outcome.

“You see that’s it! Stop wondering if she’ll say yes or no! Jeez, you’re just like her!” Rumble sighed, facehoofing himself.

“Heya guys! What’s up!?!” Pipsqueak came along, standing behind Rumble.

Much to his surprise Rumble turned around and gave a friendly nod at him, then he looked back at Button. Pipsqueak was usually known to pop up out of nowhere, often scaring some ponies if he screamed out enough. But both of them had gotten used to it, it became a norm.

“This colt here, is too afraid to ask Sweetie Belle to be his Special Somepony!” Rumble told him the problem making Pipsqueak chuckle back.

“Hehe! Yer worried bout that? She’d wanna go with yah anyday!” He smiled confidently, as both he and Rumble stared Button down.

“You know, even if she did say yes, what’s the point of having a fillyfriend anyway! They’ll just distract me from playing video games! Or break my heart if it didn’t work out or worse!” Button crossed his fore hooves, blushing lightly with the thought of Sweetie being his fillyfriend.

“That blush doesn’t help with your case, it’s obvious you have a thing for her and you can’t hide it from us.” Rumble mumbled, shaking his head with an annoyed sigh.

“Okay? Her sister is one of the Elements of Harmony, Equestria’s frontline defense! That makes her way out of my league!” Button kept on going, making himself feel a whole lot worse than before. He was so nervous that he started trotting in place, in which Rumble and Pipsqueak were both in disbelief.

“Don’t be such a downer Button! She isn’t Rarity!” Pipsqueak sighed.

“I mean sometimes she can be.” Rumble nudged Pipsqueak chuckling.

Both him and Pipsqueak laughed by the joke, which annoyed Button.

“Pip’s right though, I’ll give you some brotherly talk, right here! Right now!” Rumble moved over and sat next to Button, patting him on the back jokingly.

“We’re not brothers though.” Button raised his eyebrow, giving Rumble a confused look.

He didn’t quite understand the meaning at all... Then again, it was Button Mash after all!

“Shut up... That’s not... Gah! Just let me speak! I’ll give you a few reasons why it’s pretty obvious she likes you back! One, she stares at you from time to time even in class, second, she talks to you way more than the other colts in our class, and three, Pipsqueak and I both believe she has a crush on you. Just make your move, ask her out on a date! Problem solved! All is done! Get it? Got it? Good! You better get that in your head! Cause I’m not explaining it again.” Rumble spoke calmly, but Button was at a lost for words.

When he was about to open his mouth to say something that’ll oppose Rumble’s statement, Rumble already cut him off from speaking,

“Don’t you dare say anything!”

“If it’s so easy as you say it is, then why haven’t you’ve asked out Scootaloo then?!? HUH!?!” Button yelled back, making Pip laugh.

“Haha! Good one Button! It’s true!” Pip agreed, laughing it up!

“O-Okay and? Girls are... Icky!” Rumble came up with an excuse, hoping it’d fool them.

“You’re hilarious... Making up excuses just to avoid admitting your mushy feelings. Plus, you two are both Pegasi! There’s already something between you two!” Button nudged him with his right hoof, making Rumble blush once again.

“Well, good luck asking them both, because tomorrow’s the big day! Ahm gonna go talk to Apple Bloom, maybe ask her to be my Special Somepony and all that. See ya both later!” Pip waved them off, trotting happily towards the CMC at the playground.

While he left his two close friends behind, they were exchanging looks with one another. That’s when an idea suddenly came to mind! Rumble had the perfect idea!

“How about, we both help each other out! Help a brother out! I’ll help you with Sweetie Belle first, because I know for a fact that you can’t talk to fillies! And after that’s over, you help me with Scootaloo! I gotta be cool to impress her! Not just some romantic geeky colt!” Rumble offered his hoof out for him to shake, thinking it was a pretty good deal to accept.

Button thought it over carefully, scratching his chin in the process.

“Just shake my hoof...” Rumble frowned at him, facehoofing himself again.

“Okay! Thanks Rumble!” Button laughed, shaking his hoof and accepting the offer.

“Cool, now let’s get back to class!” Rumble smiled, already starting the walk back.

“Okay!” Button agreed, joining him.

As the two of them approached the schoolhouse. Button gave a quick glance towards Sweetie, and caught her staring at him! She quickly turned her head, and looked somewhere else, but Button still caught her off guard. They eventually caught up to Pipsqueak and saw him holding an orange tulip in his mouth.

"You're already making a move?" Rumble asked, examining the flower in his mouth.

"wh- els- woo ah hav dis" Pipsqueak glanced at him and tried to speak with his mouth, but failed at doing so.

Rumble somewhat understood though, giving him a wink in return! The three colts started getting closer and closer to the three fillies. Rumble and Pipsqueak were actually feeling great, Button on the other hoof was getting more and more nervous. The three fillies noticed them walking closer and they all smiled.

“Oh Celestia... This is it isn't it?” Button sighed to himself.

He felt himself working up a nervous sweat, ready to have a breakdown at any moment. He looked over to his left and saw Pipsqueak walking up to Apple Bloom, as well as Rumble standing in front of Scootaloo. Button stood back for a moment wanting to get out of the situation, but it was already too late when Sweetie Belle greeted him,

"Hey Button!" She shuffled her front hoof shyly, feeling a light blush pinch her cheeks.

Finally working up the courage to do so, Button tried to force a smile feeling his own blush forming.

"HiSweetie!" He spoke so fast she almost didn't understand him, but luckily it was only two words.

"So what's up?" She tried to make conversation with him, both of them refusing to look at the other in the eye.

Finally taking a breath of relief, Button looked up and eventually made eye contact. The two of them saw each other's blush, which only made their own blushes significantly darker.

"Nothing much, just been trying to beat Dark Souls 3... What else is new?" He replied, smiling proudly about his game.

"Did you bring your Joyboy to school again? Or did you stay up all night playing the game?" She smirked, already knowing the answer to both her questions.

"You know me!" Button laughed, pulling his Joyboy out from his saddlebag.

Seeing it made Sweetie Belle giggle, she casually rolled her eyes. After a brief moment of silence between the two, both of them realized that they were standing alone. Pipsqueak and Apple Bloom went their own way, while Scootaloo and Rumble went the other way. Seeing as this was the perfect opportunity to get it out of the way, Sweetie Belle brought up the topic while she had the chance.

"So um... Tomorrow's Hearts and Hooves Day." Her voice was quiet, giving the impression of her shyness which Button caught onto.

"Of all the topics she had to bring up... SHE CHOSE THAT ONE!?" Button thought to himself, feeling sweat drop down the side of his face.

"Y-Yeah! Are you doing anything for the day?" He asked, wondering what she would say to the question.

"Not really, I don't have much going on." She answered, her emerald green eyes shimmered in hope.

After taking deep breaths mentally, he had to work up the courage and get the question out of the way. Finally letting out a big sigh, he decided this would be his big moment!

"W-Well I was wondering..." He started the question feeling hot in his face.

"Y-Yes?" Sweetie Belle shook her head gently, letting her mane sweep around to the side of her face.

"Please be the question, please be the question!" She mentally spoke to herself, her heart pounding excitedly.

"If you..." Button started shaking slightly, ready to ask the final part!

"RIIIIING!!" All of a sudden without warning, the school bell rang and interrupted the two foals!

"Alright everypony, recess is over!" Their teacher Miss Cheerilee called out to the class, signaling everypony to come inside.

The two foals frowned in disappointment, each hoping to finish their little moment. Sweetie Belle brushed her mane back and turned back to Button for a quick second.

"Guess we better get back huh?" She tried forcing a smile to cheer herself up, but it ended up being half of one.

"Y-Yeah..." Button replied with an upset sigh.

The two foals walked beside each other, heading back to the classroom. Button looked around to see where Pipsqueak and Rumble were at, he even saw Apple Bloom and Pipsqueak holding each other's hoofs, walking very close together.

"Well at least somepony got the chance to ask." Button thought to himself, dropping his ears and frowning.

Later on...

As the day progressed, Miss Cheerilee was going through the daily subjects... Boring the class, and having them participate in activities to keep the day going.

“Okay Ponies! I think we’ve learned quite enough of history today! You all did well working hard on those essays, so take a five minute brain break, then we’ll get to the next subject, math!” Miss Cheerilee happily announced, opening up a book and began reading it.

Meanwhile some students groaned at the mention of the next subject, led by Button of course. As the entire class began talking to their own friends beside them, he sat between Pipsqueak and Rumble. Luckily he had his Joyboy with him to cure the boredom. Sometimes he would sneak it out of his bag and play it while Miss Cheerilee had her back turned to the class.

"What game you playing?" Rumble asked, catching Button's attention of the screen.

"Dark Souls 3, also I can't talk right now! I'm busy trying to beat Lothric and Lorian!" Button replied, sticking his tongue out as he mashed away at the Joyboy's buttons.

"Right, well you've been playing that game for the past week... Figured you'd be playing Minecraft or something." Rumble eyed the Joyboy, turning and looking over at Scootaloo.

"Nah, I only play that game with Sweetie Belle whenever she comes over." Button responded, concentrating on the game.

"Yeah, your little playdate." Rumble teased.

Button chose to ignore that comment, putting all his focus onto the screen. That was when something came flying by his way! Rumble saw the object flying and it eventually landed on Button's desk. It turned out to be a paper airplane with some words written on it!

“Huh?” Button saw the paper airplane sitting there next to his Joyboy.

He paused the game and set the device down, then he took the paper airplane and opened it up. Next, he flattened it so that it would be easier to read. However the words on it were written in very small print, not to mention they were also cursive.

Huh?” Button couldn’t figure out what the words read.

He tried flipping it several ways, but didn't understand cursive writing at all. Either way, Rumble saw him messing with the piece of paper and gave him a dumbstruck look.

“What? I can’t even read this!” Button continued struggling.

"Give it to me, let me see." Rumble demanded, as Button gave him the piece of paper.

"Yeah good luck!" The brown colt gave him a sarcastic attitude, crossing his hooves.

"I don't need luck, I can read it!" Rumble chuckled, looking at what was written.

Even then, he too couldn't understand the words... They were so small and compact that the writing just looked like scribbles. He eventually gave up on it and gave it back to Button. Button sighed, thinking maybe it was just a prank from somepony else in the class. He crumbled up the piece of paper, and aimed for the blue colored recycle bin in the corner of the classroom. He threw it with ease, landing the shot perfectly, earning a smile from Rumble.

“Nice! That’s a three pointer for sure!” Rumble congratulated his throw, making Button grin.

“Thank you! Now what do you wanna do later?” Button asked.

“Well, we’re helping each other out remember? I’ve been thinking more about that since we agreed to it, maybe you should get Sweetie Belle flowers, or chocolate even! Most fillies like her would love that stuff! You’ll win her heart for sure!” He suggested, giving him some ideas to store in his memory vault.

“That sounds perfect! I might just do that!” Button smiled happily, giving him a hoofbump!

As the two were discussing their plans with each other, on the other half of the classroom... There was a certain white unicorn, looking quite saddened at what she just witnessed. One sitting between a yellow Earthpony with a pink bow, and an orange Pegasus pony.

“Uhm, Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom asked if her friend was alright, and was she wrong about that!

“H-He threw out the note I gave him!” She sounded devastated feeling ready to cry.

Her heart was partially broken, both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo felt bad for their friend. Scootaloo gave Button a killer look, but he didn't see her face since his back was turned to her.

“Alright that does it, I told you that clueless colt doesn’t deserve you! Let’s see if there’s any other colts in this class that you may like.” Scootaloo suggested, trying to cheer her up.

"Ah thought he would've understood the question at least... Ahm sorry Sweets." Apple Bloom patted Sweetie on the back for comfort.

Within moments Sweetie Belle nodded slightly at both of her friends, then started sniffling... She wasn’t very happy that he threw it out. It only gave her the impression that he simply ignored the question that she wrote to him.

“R-Right, but I don’t think we should just focus on me... Let’s focus on you with Rumble instead!” Sweetie Belle forced a fake smile, in order to cover up her depression.

“Forget about me, Apple Bloom was asked to be someone’s Special Somepony during Recess!” Scootaloo’s blush was faint but she played it off and put the attention on Bloom.

“Awh! You were?? Pipsqueak finally asked you!” Sweetie cheered, missing Scootaloo’s blush.

Now the spotlight was on Apple Bloom, whose cheeks started warming up.

“Y-Yeah, he gave me a nice tulip and asked me under a tree! It’s too bad Scoots and Rumble didn’t get their moment, right Scootaloo?” Apple Bloom squinted her eyes and leaned forward out of her desk.

“Shut up... You both know I’m not the romantic type! Bleh! Rumble and I are just friends! Acquaintances, classmates, that stuff!” Scootaloo looked away, hiding her blush from the other two.

“You say that yet you can’t even say it without looking away to hide yer face from us.” Apple Bloom continued.

“Wha-“ Scootaloo went to speak but Sweetie Belle joined Apple Bloom in teasing her.

“You can’t hide it Scoots we already saw your blush.” Sweetie grinned happily, making Scootaloo’s face redden.

“Enough about that! Tell me what you and Button were talking about.” Scootaloo asked, avoiding their teasing.

“Not much, just the usual stuff... He did almost ask me if I wanted to b-be his Special Somepony” Sweetie Belle’s voice cracked when she stuttered, while Bloom and Scoots laughed at her.

“He did!?” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both asked at the same time.

“Yeah, I mean I think he was asking me that. The bell interrupted him from finishing!” Sweetie growled.

“That colt is clueless during math when he gets called on to solve a problem on the board. What do you see in him Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked.

“Ah can agree, no offense Sweets. He could also be silently planning something, and maybe he’ll give ya a romantic present tomorrow! Yah never know!” Apple Bloom shrugged her shoulders, wanting to give Sweetie some hope.

“None taken...” Sweetie Belle’s ears dropped.

She was hoping him throwing out her note was a mistake, so she had something to hang onto. Maybe Apple Bloom was right about what she said. Maybe he was planning something for tomorrow. As the free time flew by, Miss Cheerilee announced the brain break’s conclusion.

“Okay my little ponies, let’s get started on some math!” She shouted out, putting her book down and standing up with a piece of chalk in her mouth.

Once everypony in class ended their conversations, they all turned forward and faced the board. For the most part everypony knew this was going to be very boring, all except one brown colt who had a solution for his boredom!

One hour later...

"All right everypony, I think that's it for our algebra lesson! How about we do our lunch period now hm?" Miss Cheerilee offered the class, earning cheers from everyone.

"It's about time!" One student shouted out in annoyance.

Luckily for him though, Miss Cheerilee didn't hear him, otherwise would've been upset. As everypony grabbed their lunches, everyone ran outside to sit at the lunch tables. A lot of ponies were grouped at tables with their friends, while others decided to sit by themselves. The CMC all sat at one table against the schoolhouse's wall, while Rumble, Pipsqueak, and Button sat at a table across from them. Button and Rumble had their backs turned against them, leaving Pipsqueak at the other side.

“Alright let’s figure this out! I don’t know what to get Scootaloo!” Rumble rested his head onto the table, not really feeling his appetite.

“Hm, that’s an easy one! She’s into scooter tricks and cool stuff right?” Pips asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

Rumble nodded happily, making the answer as clear as the skies above. The day was nice out, and the sun was shining without a cloud in sight. Those weather ponies sure knew what they were doing! If only...

“What if I fly up there, and shape some clouds? If I can do that, well...” Rumble felt unsure about it right after he finished talking, thinking it’d be too cheesy to do.

“There’s no clouds in sight, so how can you possibly get a huge cloud! You’ll easily get spotted too! It’s just like a sneaking type of video game! Why don't you do it overnight!?” Button exclaimed, playing with his Joyboy while sipping from a juicebox.

“Meh if I did it overnight, then I'd have to babysit the cloud so that it doesn't blow away. Look, I’ll try to find something for her. In the meantime... Button and I are going to hangout right after school and we’re going to visit Daisy's flower shop in town, aren’t we Button?” Rumble patted him again like he did earlier, making him blush.

“Y-Yeah! Let’s do it!” Button chuckled nervously, afraid of his own outcome with Sweetie.

The pair of friends hoofbumped each other, until Button noticed Sweetie Belle staring at him from across. His head was facing Rumble’s, so he saw her through the corner of his left eye. He gazed at her for a second but when she caught him, she quickly looked somewhere else and started playing with her mane, trying to look as attractive as possible.

“Pink and purple huh?” Button continued daydreaming about her, lost out of thought with her mane.

"Lookin' at Sweets again?" Pipsqueak chuckled, forcing a death glare on Button’s face.

"N-No!" Button refused, turning his attention back to his game.

“Mhm... Suuure! What else would ya be thinking about.” Pip continued.

“His video games obviously!” Rumble joined in, picking up a shiny juicy apple from his food tray.

“Riiing!” The school bell rang, signifying that lunch was over.

Button rolled his eyes, desperately wanting the time to go faster... But he knew this was going to be a very long day ahead.

Later on... In class of course!

“Okay everypony! I have a special announcement to make!” Miss Cheerilee sat up from her desk chair, gathering all of the foal’s undivided attention.

Meanwhile, everyone else was whispering to each other silently, wondering what she was going to announce. Was it big? Small? The announcement of the next subject...? Or something else? These were the questions that everypony wondered, each hoping it wasn’t subject related.

“Since tomorrow is Hearts and Hooves Day, I was just going to let you all go home early! Seeing as most of you seem to have something planned with others in the class! So enjoy the rest of your evening and tomorrow when we get back to class, I’ll let you all have the time to give presents, and other stuff too, class dismissed!” She finished her announcement sitting back down.

The school bell rang as everypony immediately sprinted out the door. Some ponies pushed others out of the way just to make it out first.

“Bye Miss Cheerilee!” Button waved, leaving the school house.

“See you tomorrow!” Rumble said goodbye, joining Button.

“Wait! Before you two go...” Miss Cheerilee gave them a concerned look.

The two young colts turned back around, with open ears.

“You two stay out of trouble! You hear? You two can be... Destructive sometimes... But since tomorrow’s a big day, I’m sure you both won’t have trouble keeping yourselves from destroying something.” Miss Cheerilee warned them, opening a book on the desk.

“We’re not destructive!” Rumble asked in shock trying to look innocent.

“Yeah!” Button argued, backing up his buddy’s statement.

“You two get the idea, if you decide to hang out with the Crusaders don’t let them do anything destructive got it?” Their teacher showed a positive smile, waving the two young colts goodbye.

“Goodbye Miss Cheerilee!” The two friends spoke at the same moment carrying on with their own business.

The pair happily trotted their way down to Ponyville, hoping to find the perfect presents to give to their significant others!


The CMC were helping each other out as they were walking through the town. Apple Bloom wasn’t worried at all about Pipsqueak. Scootaloo just didn’t seem to mind about Rumble unless it was brought up by her two friends, meanwhile a certain Unicorn was still worried about not being asked yet to be someone’s Special Somepony! She easily showed it too with some nervous sweat coming off her forehead. Bloom stopped for a moment and examined Sweetie, forcing the other two to slow down for her.

“Why are yah getting so worked up over him? Don’t even sweat it!” Apple Bloom tried calming her emotions down, giving Scootaloo a turn to at least try.

“She has the right to be anxious, considering Button hasn’t talked to her yet this week.” Scootaloo answered.

“No that’s not true he spoke to me today. We’ve both just been busy with homework and everything.” Sweetie denied Scoots with a low sigh.

“And you’re not scared about Rumble now?” Apple Bloom raised a brow acting like her bigger sister whenever it came to asking questions.

“I don’t know what I should get him for Hearts and Hooves day okay!? Everypony knows I’m not the romantic type, that stuff is groooss!” Scootaloo raised her forearms up and spat her tongue.

“Wonder why... You’re too “cool” for it?” Apple Bloom quoted the word with her hooves.

“Never said I was, oh hey! Look! There’s Sweetie’s future stallion!” Scootaloo pointed her hoof, and her two friends looked.

Upon sight, they saw Button and Rumble talking it up at the center of town. Sweetie Belle blushed once she laid eyes on Button, looking to the sky above so that they wouldn’t notice her staring.

“So Sweetie, yah need any help finding a gift for Button?” Apple Bloom asked, comforting her some more.

“Shouldn’t be too much of a problem, they spend a lot of time together anyway. It’s enough for them to be married.” Scootaloo nudged Sweetie with her hoof, making the white unicorn blush hard.

“You’re NOT helping!” Sweetie spoke back, raising her tone in voice.

“Yeah wait until you two officially get married then you’ll have a foal, maybe two-“ Scootaloo kept teasing and nudging her, earning a death glare from the Unicorn.

“SCOOTALOO!” Sweetie screamed.

Once she saw the look on Sweetie’s face, it was enough for her to get the message and shut up.

“Fine I’ll shut up now.” Scootaloo nodded, hearing a giggle from Apple Bloom.

“I should get him something related to video games, there has to be something at the game store.” Sweetie Belle thought to herself, sitting down and brainstorming ideas.

And now back to the duo colts!

After school, Rumble and Button finally reached the flower shop in town. Ran by Daisy of course, she was an older mare who was obsessed with flowers. The kind of pony you'd always go to and ask for opinions on arrangements. The two saw her fixing up a bundle of beautiful pink roses along with tying together a pink ribbon.

“Hey Daisy!” Rumble greeted the older mare happily, meanwhile Button stood beside him silent.

The magenta colored Earth pony turned around and looked down at the younger colts. She grinned at the sight of them, eager to help them both! Why else would they go to her shop?

“Awh if it isn't Rumble and Button Mash! So good to see both of you especially you Button! What brings you here?” Daisy wondered, attaching the pink ribbon to the bouquet of roses.

When she made that comment Button rolled his eyes, but she did have a point. It wasn't often he showed his face around town, he was either inside playing video games or hanging out with Rumble at his place.

"Hehe, she does have a point. You barely go outside everypony gets shocked whenever they see you doing something other than playing video games." Rumble whispered to Button giving him a smirk.

"Shut it." Button mumbled back.

“We came to see if you had any pink or purple flowers in stock, roses in particular!” Rumble went ahead and got straight to the point, catching Daisy's attention immediately.

She set the bouquet down on a nearby table and walked around the shop to see what she had. There were dozens of red rose bouquets ready to be sold, until she finally found the color they were looking for.

“Pink and purple roses hm? Of course I do! I have every single type of flower in all of Equestria! Even the rarest ones! Are you only looking for roses though?” Daisy showed them around the store, turning to face Rumble.

After getting a nod from him, he replied,

"If you could make an arrangement for us, that'd be great!"

"I think I know who this is for!" Daisy pondered on, then she started grinning down at Button.

“You better believe it! It’s for his future Special Somepony!” Rumble smiled, making his best friend blush as red as a tomato!

"Rumble, I swear to Celestia if you keep saying that!" Button threatened, but Rumble knew he wasn't being serious.

However, there was a certain trio spying on the two, and they were just staring at them from afar distance.

"Is that Rumble and Button at Daisy's flower shop?" Apple Bloom asked, pointing her hoof at the two colts.

"Yeah, and it looks like they're buying flowers! Sweetie Beeeelle!" Scootaloo smiled, nudging Sweetie Belle like she did earlier.

She gained a menacing growl from Sweetie, who was desperately wanting her to stop teasing.

"Jeez ya'll are children." Apple Bloom facehoofed herself while shaking her head.

They watched as Daisy kept talking to them, showing them all kinds of different pink and purple flowers. Once they saw the two colts nodding their heads to one of the flowers she picked out, she began working on an arrangement for them.

“Pink and purple roses! See, that right there gives it away Sweetie! Daisy must be making an arrangement for you! The colors match your mane, isn’t that enough evidence for you?” Scootaloo flapped her wings, hopping up and down excitedly.

“O-Okay okay fine! You’re probably right... But you know who else has purple hair? Diamond Tiara!” Sweetie Belle sighed, losing her hope just a bit.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stood without saying a word, they exchanged disgusted glances at one another before facing Sweets.

"Are you telling me you think Button is buying those for Diamond?" Scootaloo shouted.

"W-Well, it's just... What if he is?! Or if he's buying them for some other pony! I'm gonna be all alone on Hearts and Hooves day while you two have your own colts!" Sweetie panicked, her voice cracking with every other word.

“Aw shucks, it looks like she’s doing it again...” Apple Bloom sighed.

“Pulling off a Sweetie Belle?” Scootaloo asked back.

“Pulling off a Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom chuckled silently.

“WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?!” Sweetie raised her eyebrows and squinted her eyes.

"IT MEANS YOU'RE TURNING INTO RARITY!!!" Her two friends yelled together.


“Pink and purple roses?! Don’t worry, I got you covered for that pretty filly! I’ll have the arrangement done by tomorrow morning, so remember to pick them up before you head off to school okay Button?” Daisy giggled, walking back to another set of flowers to water.

“Okay, thanks Daisy!” Button’s voice squeaked in joy, as he galloped away from her flower shop.

“Button where’re you going?? Bye Daisy!” Rumble quickly shouted, flapping his wings and flying towards the brown colt.

When he finally caught up to his friend, both of them made it back to town square. Rumble got his attention again as he landed on the ground gently.

“Why did you just run off?” Rumble asked, breathing heavily.

“Are you tired?” Button asked, looking perfectly fine from the quick jog.

“My wings aren’t exactly fully grown yet dude, of course I’m tired.” Rumble sighed, showing his wings off.

“Then what’s next on the checklist?” Button asked eagerly.

“Well flowers are checked off the list! Now what should we get?” Rumble closed his eyes, acting cool.

“Chocolate!” Button grinned, feeling his heart doing a triple flip!

“Hm wow, you actually remembered! I’m proud of you!” Rumble spoke the question out, giving Button a hoofbump.

“Of course I did! Now where should we go for the best chocolate in town?” Button wondered, staring at him in concern.

Rumble had to think for several seconds until one pony’s name came to mind.

“We could visit Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner! She can help us pick the best chocolate for Sweets!” Rumble finally spat it out, flying fast towards the restaurant.

Without a moment to react, Button didn’t expect his friend to leave him so fast all of a sudden! He started galloping as fast as his legs could carry him, shouting at Rumble to slow down.

“Hey! I’m not a Pegasus pony like you! Slow down!” He ran straight for him trying to catch up.

And back to the fillies...

“We’ve got a whole selection here so choose already Sweetie! We don’t got all day, so choose choose and CHOOSE!” Scootaloo wrapped a hoof around Sweetie’s neck, being sister-like to her.

“Ooo! They all look so awesome though!” Sweetie Belle gasped, looking at the many different consoles.

The three fillies spent their time in the tech store. It was filled with all kinds of things you could possibly imagine! Mainly video games and consoles, even the newest Oculus Rift VR set. While Bloom and Scoots stood right beside Sweetie, they weren’t familiar with any games.

“Ya’ll know for a fact that we can’t afford any of this fancy tech stuff right?” Apple Bloom killed the moment, not that it was already killed in the first place.

“Why do all of these games cost sixty bits! That’s absurd!” Sweetie Belle complained, face hoofing herself.
“Well, now we know how rich he is with all those games he has. Hey! Maybe when you get married, you don’t have to worry about paying bills for a while when you move in with him HAHA!” Scootaloo joked around, making Apple Bloom chuckle.

“Ya’ll won’t even have to worry about how expensive it’ll be to take care of your foal!” Bloom took advantage of the teasing and joined Scootaloo’s side.

“I WISH TWILIGHT COULD TEACH ME A SPELL THAT COULD MAKE BOTH OF YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!!!” Sweetie Belle screamed at the top of her lungs, her face reddening in rage!

That was enough to send the message once and for all, Scoots and Bloom’s eyes widened and their ears dropped. The two of them backed away in fear, and decided to keep quiet for their own sakes. Every pony else in the store overheard Sweetie’s loud voice, so they stared her down wondering what she was so mad about.

“I-I’m sorry...” Sweetie Belle looked at everyone else and blushed in embarrassment.

“Gee... Okay now we know how she’ll be with Button, she’ll be the more dominant one in the relationship.” Scootaloo whispered into Apple Bloom’s ear. covering her own mouth to avoid being heard from Sweets.

“Come to think of it, yer totally right!” Apple Bloom snickered.

Sweetie Belle on the other hoof, didn’t find it funny at all... She stared at both of them, giving them grim looks.

“Just help me find a gift for him! What should I even get?” Sweetie Belle spoke out loud, walking between the aisles.

“Hm... First of all, do you have any money on you? Second, get him a um.... Get him a new controller or whatever.” Scootaloo walked beside her.

There wasn’t much of a selection to choose from. Sure there were games and consoles, but Sweetie couldn’t afford them! Her only choice would have to be something that’s merchandise or an accessory.

“Ahm no help here so you two do whatever.” Apple Bloom sighed, walking over to one of the Xbox models.

“There has to be something...” Sweetie Belle stopped in her tracks for just a moment, beginning to think out loud.

“Ah right! You and Button spend a lot of time together, so... Why don’t you just get him something related to his favorite game!” Apple Bloom suggested, earning a large grin from Sweetie.

“Great idea Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle quickly ran between the aisles, making sure to slow down every once in a while for her two friends to catch up with her.

When she finally reached the section, she saw it! The game they always played together whenever she came over to his house. It wasn’t the game he played the most, but it definitely wasn’t his least played game either. This specific game was one of her favorites since they met, there were all kinds of different items being sold. Plushies, shirts, hats, pins and badges, even special designed controllers!

“Minecraft!” Sweetie Belle cheered, galloping up to the large display.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom just gave each other odd looks, following closely behind.

“You know Sweetie, ever since you’ve started hanging out with that colt, you’ve become a nerd at video games just as much as him!” Scootaloo stuck her tongue out.

“Shut up...” Sweetie felt her cheeks being lit up with a pink blush.

“Ah gotta agree, anyhow! It looks like you can handle the rest by yourself can’t you Sweets?Scootaloo and I will be waiting for yah outside, won’t we Scoots?” Apple Bloom winked at Scootaloo, making the Pegasus tilt her head in confusion.

“Um, okay?” Sweetie Belle nodded at them both, continuing to look around the display.

While the two of them left Sweetie to doing her own thing, Apple Bloom dragged Scootaloo outside by the wings.

“O-Ow! Hey! Watch the feathers! They don’t grow back very quickly you know!” Scootaloo whined, trying to tug her wing out of Apple Bloom’s grip. The two finally made it outside and that’s when Bloom decided to ease up on her grip.

“Sorry about that, we just gotta take care of your problem!” Apple Bloom apologized, winking at her.

Scootaloo looked around then back to Bloom’s gaze, not understanding what she was referring to.

“What problem?!” Scoots wondered.

“We’re gonna help yah find a gift for Rumble, whether you like it or not!” Apple Bloom smiled, as Scootaloo let out a slight gasp and started blushing lightly.

“If I get a gift for him, you know how much that would affect my awesomeness? To the other ponies in our class, I wouldn’t be as cool if they found out I was doing something romantic with a colt!” Scootaloo stood her ground, hiding her blush from Apple Bloom.

“Ohh! Ah get where this is going! You’re blushing! Ah would pay all of my bits to see you two making out in the middle of recess tomorrow!

“APPLE BLOOM!” Scootaloo screamed, turning her head away.

Her blush turned into a dark shade of red. Seeing her blush only made Apple Bloom wanting to tease her more.

"Come on, let's go find Rumble a present." Apple Bloom suggested, walking along with Scootaloo.

"Fine..." Scootaloo huffed trying to play it off.

And now...

“Hi Pinkie!” Rumble and Button greeted the pink party mare, they noticed she was working on cupcake orders.

Immediately recognizing their voice, Pinkie Pie greeted them while putting frosting on some of the cupcakes.

“Hi Button Mash and Rumble!”

The two colts walked closer to the counter where she was working, there were tons of sweet treats on display. Things like cakes, muffins, cupcakes, lollipops, even all kinds of candy. It was definitely the perfect place to get a sweet tooth!

"What can I do for you?" Pinkie stopped what she was doing and walked around the counter.

Both Button and Rumble looked around the room and noticed a display of chocolates.

"We'd like to buy a box of chocolates, what kind of chocolate do you recommend?" Rumble asked, pointing over to the chocolates.

Pinkie started hopping up and down to the section, without replying to them. After looking between which box of chocolate to grab and offer them, she quickly found the perfect box. Lifting the box up with her mouth, she hopped all the way back to the counter and placed it down.

"Soo...?" Rumble asked again, expecting a reply from her.

"Sweetie Belle's going to love these chocolates Button! They're mostly filled with caramel!" She smiled, giving a shocked face to the two colts.

"H-How'd you know it was for her??" Button wondered, eyes shrunken.

"Eh, just a hunch!" Pinkie shrugged, tossing the box of chocolates over to Button.

Without having to react, his saddlebag was already open for the box to land in perfectly!

"Wow... She's good!" Rumble whispered, smiling at his friend.

"No cost needed! Just enjoy the day tomorrow!" Pinkie Pie laughed, hopping back over to her cupcakes.

"Oh sweet, thank you Pinkie!" Button thanked her, noticing Rumble already taking his leave.

"Aren't you going to get chocolates for Scootaloo?" Button continued.

"Nah, I'm not that type of pony, neither is she." Rumble opened the door, holding it open for his friend.

Button walked through the door and came to a halt, the two of them looked at the tech store in front and saw Sweetie Belle coming outside.

"Oop, look who it is!" Rumble nudged Button, making the brown colt nervous.

Once Sweetie Belle saw the two colts, she laid her eyes on Button and felt her cheeks redden. She was carrying a plastic bag that was peeking out of her saddlebags. It must've been her gift for Button!

“Go hangout with her.” Rumble suggested, making Button confused.

“What about you and your gift for Scootaloo?” Button asked back with a blush.

“Don’t worry about me, this is about you two! Spend some time with her and maybe ask her to be your Special Somepony.” Rumble reassured him.

He wanted to stay and help Rumble find a gift for Scootaloo, but to ditch him and hangout with Sweetie? He didn’t know who to pick, but without knowing... He looked down and saw himself being pushed towards her.

“Wait what!?” Button shouted out loud, looking behind and seeing Rumble pushing him closer and closer to her.

“Go to her!” Rumble shouted back.

“Hi Button! Rumble what’re you doing?” Sweetie Belle tilted her head and saw Rumble behind Button.

“Oh nothing, I gotta go though. Gotta find something for Scoots! Catch you two later! Rumble waved his hoof and started flapping his wings.

He took off at the speed of light and left the two to themselves. A few minutes later the duo stood motionless and just looked to the ground. Both shyly shuffling back and fourth but also trying not to embarrass themselves.

“Hi Sweetie.” Button finally broke the long silence, looking at her face directly.

Sweetie Belle looked up and smiled, she giggled at him and returned the gesture,

“Hello Button, what’re you doing here?” She asked.

“Oh I just came from Pinkie Pie’s, I had to buy chocolates for-“ Button replied to her question without even realizing he almost gave it away...

“Oh Celestia! You keep your mouth shut!” Button heard his subconscious speak in his own mind covering his mouth.

“Huh? Oh really!? For who?” Sweetie Belle continued smiling.

“Uh... Uhm, it’s for somepony special...” Button rubbed his front hoof against the gravel path, trying to cover his blush.

“Awh, that’s sweet!” Sweetie awed, oblivious to the fact.

“What about you? Did you just go to the tech store?” Button wondered, noticing the plastic bag.

“Wha- how’d you know?!” Sweetie Belle gasped, trying to hide the bag.

“Because I recognize the look of that bag anywhere! What’d you buy from there?” Button wanted to take a look, curious whether or not she bought herself a game or something.

“Oh, I didn’t really buy much. Rarity wanted me to buy some accessories for an order she’s making.“ Sweetie lied, desperately wanting to keep it a secret from him.

“Ah.” Button nodded, his ears dropping.

As curious as he was, both of them were too focused on hiding their own gifts for each other, despite not realizing that they bought gifts for the other. Sweetie Belle then remembered that she had something to do, so she walked closer to Button and stood by his side asking him a question.

“I’m gonna go home and start helping her with the order. Do you want to w-walk me there?” She offered, blushing lightly.

“S-Sure!” He responded happily, blushing harder than her.

Together the two looked forward without taking a glance at the other. As awkward as it already was, both of them stared down at the gravel road. They were walking at a very fast pace, and since the Boutique was so close to town square, they would make it there in no time.

“What do I even say?” Button thought to himself, trying to get the butterflies out of his stomach.

He felt very awkward about not saying a single word, it was almost as if they were walking by themselves.

“Soo, what’re you doing for Hearts and Hooves Day tomorrow?” Button blurted out, hoping she would say she’s free.

“I’m not doing anything, just going to school then going back home. I don’t usually spend the holiday with anyone.” Sweetie sighed, frowning at the ground.

“Shoot she’s upset! Quick Button, think of something... OH!” Button thought to himself, looking at Sweetie’s facial expression.

“W-Well um, I’m sure somepony will ask you sooner or later! I mean, you’re really pretty and stuff so...” Button complimented her hoping he’d cheer her up.

She looked at him from the ground and blushed heavily, but she forced a smile at him and couldn’t help but giggle.

“H-He thinks I’m cute!” She thought.

“T-Thanks Button!” She continued on, walking ahead of him.

Within seconds, they found themselves already in front of the Boutique. It wasn’t a long walk, but the two stayed silent most of the way there. Button frowned slightly, knowing the walk was quickly over, but Sweetie Belle had other plans.

“Thanks for walking me home Button.” She spoke with a sweet voice, trotting closer to him.

He was starting to get nervous by how close she moved up to him, their faces were practically mere meters apart.

“N-No problem!” Button nodded, feeling a shiver go down his spine.

With both of them staying silent yet again, their hearts were starting to beat at a rapid pace. Each knowing their own feelings about each other, both were afraid to make the first move... But at some point, somepony had to break it at some point. Thinking the time was right and the mood was set, Button gulped hard and began to stutter when he asked her,

“S-S-So uh, would you like to w-walk to school together tomorrow?”

It was his stutter and his dorkish behavior that always struck her heart. Whenever she heard him laugh, smile, play games, or just being himself. It was just enough to make her feel happy inside!

“O-Of course!” Sweetie Belle leaned her head forward, then placed a small peck on his cheek.

It wasn’t a passionate kiss, but a small gesture to thank him for the walk. Both of their faces were as red as hot tomatoes, but the two didn’t avert their gazes to somewhere else. Their eyes locked in on each other, and Button felt like he was about to pass out.

“I-I-I” He tried to get the words out, but Sweetie Belle hushed him with her hoof.

“See you tomorrow before school!” She spoke confidently, turning around and opening the door to her home.

She left Button standing there, giggling as she closed the door and left him by himself.

“S-See you there.” Button mumbled, eyes still shocked by what he just witnessed.

He held his hoof up and placed it on his cheek, rubbing on it gently. His cheeks felt warm from the blush, and he couldn’t help but grin dorkishly. He started trotting his way back to his own house, nearly forgetting about Rumble! He figured that his friend would be able to find a gift for Scootaloo perfectly on his own. Once he finally made it to his house, he knocked on the front door and awaited his mother. As if on queue, Cream Heart came to the door and let her son in, looking down upon him and smiling wide.

“Sweetie! You’re back!” She wrapped a hoof around him and pulled him into a hug.

“Hi mom.” Button greeted back, returning the hug.

“You’re home a little later than usual, were you and Rumble hanging out?” She asked, closing the door.

“Yeah him and I went to do some shopping! M-Mom I’m thinking about asking Sweetie Belle to be my S-Special Somepony.” Button stuttered, blushing hard at the mention of her name.

His mother continued smiling and noticed how nervous he was, she spoke to him in a calmly voice only a mother could have,

“Honey I think that’s a great idea! She’ll definitely want to be your Special Somepony!” She reassured, making his worries disappear instantly!

“You think I’m going to be okay? I got her pink and purple colored roses, and also a box of chocolates! Pinkie Pie said that caramel chocolates are her favorite!” Button answered, showing his saddlebag to her.

His mother opened his saddlebag and took the box of chocolates out with her mouth, placing them on the dining room table beside them.

“If Pinkie said that these are her favorite, then trust her.” She laughed, recalling memories from the past.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Button tilted his head.

“Let’s just say, if Pinkie says something about somepony such as stuff they like, or hobbies, then she’s telling the truth. After all, nopony in town knows everyone by heart besides her!” Cream Heart replied.

"Good point." Button nodded in agreement, chuckling.

A little while later...

After a long night of careful thinking, Button was playing on his Joyboy while talking to Rumble. The Joyboy had a feature on it that allowed other Joyboys to connect to a chat if they were in range. Luckily Rumble's house wasn't that far away from Button's so the two could communicate on their Joyboys while playing their game! The two of them were playing Mario Kart, and the races usually went back and fourth! Even though Button won most of the races, Rumble would always end up either 1st or 2nd.

"So did you find something for Scootaloo?" Button asked.

"I actually did! My brother helped me come up with some ideas, and I think she's going to love it!" Rumble replied, mashing the buttons away.

"What is it?" Button was curious.

"Well you know how she's been wearing her scooter helmet for Celestia knows how long now." Rumble said.

"Don't tell me." Button responded, already knowing what his gift was.

"Yup! I got her a brand new helmet, it looks really nice and I think she'll like it. It's colored black and orange but the orange part looks like flames, so it'll match her color!" Rumble announced happily, earning a sly giggle from Button.

"Gee, didn't think you'd be the romantic type of pony to give Scootaloo a gift, but neither is she." Button chuckled at his friend.

“Shut up Button!” Rumble immediately shouted in an angry defensive voice.

Even though Button couldn’t see his face directly, he knew Rumble was blushing over Scootaloo by how defensive he sounded. After the two finished talking about tomorrow, Button decided to ask him one last thing before going.

“So tomorrow Sweetie wanted to walk to school together but I’m going to be a nervous wreck!“ Button talked with a nervous voice.

“Listen dude, you got this! You don’t need anymore help.” Rumble tried reassuring him, only to prevent him from freaking out.

“If you say so.” Button let out a sigh.

“Now then, do you wanna play Minecraft?” Rumble offered.

“Sure!” Button answered back happily, his nervousness fading away.

The two friends continued gaming all night, a little bit too much though... Button’s mom had already gone to sleep, leaving him awake by himself. The two ended up playing and playing, losing track of time! This continued on until one of them knocked out from being too tired, that being Rumble first!

The following morning...

Today was finally the day! Hearts and Hooves Day! A romantic day like no other, a day dedicated to those who spend time with their Special Somepony, and buy them wonderful gifts to celebrate! Most ponies had someone else, while the unlucky few were forced to spend it alone. Regardless, it wasn’t a day like no other! There was a lot of love in the air, but one little brown colt made quite a mistake... One he’d regret for the rest of his life.

“BUTTON!” A feminine voice shouted at him.

“Mm...” Button groaned like a zombie, burrowing his head underneath his pillow.

The same voice played again but this time it sounded muffled from the pillow, he wanted to enjoy his sleep. He heard trotting sounds coming towards him, until they suddenly stopped.

“BUTTON MASH!” Cream Heart screamed, biting the pillow and throwing it to the side.

Button’s eyes opened immediately, and he had a zombie look on his face. His mother already knew the reason as to why he had one.

“Sweetie have you’ve been playing games all night again?” His mother raised an eyebrow, tapping her hoof against the floor.

“M-Mom I was just playing with Rumble.” Button yawned and sat up.

“Well I’ve been trying to get you out of bed for the past hour, you’re late for school!” Cream Heart told him, making his eyes wide.

“Oh no! I was supposed to walk to school with Sweetie Belle!” Button panicked, jumping out of bed and looking at the clock on the wall.

“Get ready for school and I’ll tell Miss Cheerilee you’re running late.” Cream Heart reassured him, walking out of his room.

Button sighed, all he could think about was Sweetie Belle. What her reaction would be since he completely overslept past their walk to school. He started panicking and sweating as he thought she would be really angry with him.

“She’s gonna be so mad at me... Especially on a day like today!” Button started panicking even more, raising his hoofs.

She’d be so mad at him she would say no to his question, she wouldn’t spend the day with him, and he’d be all alone!

“Donk!” His glass window made a sound, a light tap from a small object being thrown.

Button’s ears went up when he heard the tap, he turned around and looked at his bedroom window above his bed.

“Huh?” He tilted his head, jumping on his bed and heading closer to the window.

Before he could look outside another object was thrown at the window, a small pebble. It bounced off as Button finally looked to see who it was. Much to his surprise, it was Sweetie Belle using her magic to throw the rocks.

“Button Mash!” Sweetie called out, looking up at him with glee.

“S-Sweetie Belle? What’re you doing here?” Button asked, forcing a smile.

“You said we’d walk to school together, so I’m here!” Sweetie shouted.

“But we’re already late! We’re late by an hour!” Button panicked, disbelieved by her.

“Well too bad, we’re walking to school together.” Sweetie grinned with a blush, making the little colt smile even more.

He couldn’t keep his own blush from showing, so he waved at her and went back into his room. Grabbing all of his things, and even the chocolates to give her. He fixed himself up and made sure he was wearing his propeller hat. Sprinting downstairs carefully, he finally made it to the door only to be greeted by his mother standing beside it.

“Honey.” Cream Heart started, making him stop in his tracks.

“Yeah mom?” Button wondered, looking up to her.

He noticed she was holding something in her mouth, it was the bouquet of flowers he ordered at Daisy’s shop! It had pink and purple roses attached together by a pink ribbon. It looked really beautiful and well done, he gasped at it.

“It’s so perfect! She did a great job!” Button trotted in place, spinning around happily.

“I went to pick up the arrangement earlier since I knew you were going to oversleep, but Miss Cheerilee will be fine.” His mother replied, walking closer to him.

She placed the bouquet of flowers into his saddlebag next to the box of chocolates, then opened the door for him.

“Sweet! Thanks mom!” Button nodded with a wide grin, heading outside.

“Good luck sweetie!” His mother waved at him, closing the door behind.

After heading out Button turned the corner to the side of his house, seeing Sweetie Belle standing there patiently. Her mane was different this time around, instead of the usual curly look, this time her mane was tied together in a ponytail!

“W-Wow your mane looks... B-Beautuful!” Button gasped, taking mental pictures of her.

“T-Thanks, now are you ready?” Sweetie blushed at his comment, holding her hoof out.

“W-What’re you doing?” Button asked, blushing harder.

“N-Nothing I...” Sweetie wanted to grab his hoof but sighed, bringing it back to the ground.

She frowned slightly, feeling her heart beat out of her chest. Button had an idea of what she was trying to do, then he blushed hot red.

“O-Oh uhh...” He stuttered nervously, seeing the frown on her face.

Both of them were put on the spot now! Just mere inches away from one another.

“It’s now or never...” Button thought, pulling out the roses and the box of chocolates with his mouth.

Sweetie Belle looked at him and saw what he was holding, just the sight of the objects alone made her face look like a tomato!

“I-I-I” She tried to get the words out but her nervous heart took control.

She held a hoof up to her mouth and felt tears welling up in her eyes.

“S-Sweetie Belle, will you be my S-Special Somepony?” Button asked with hopeful eyes.

Sweetie Belle on the other hoof was struggling to speak, the roses looked really beautiful and the box of chocolates was shaped like a heart. After processing everything together, she remembered the note she gave him yesterday.

“Maybe he threw it out on accident. I could’ve sworn I wrote...” She was caught up in her own thoughts that she didn’t notice him.

His look of hope immediately transformed into a sly frown, thinking she was going to say no. After realizing, she shuffled around scared of her own emotions.

“Please say yes! Say yes! Why can’t you say YES!” Sweetie continued in her mind, sweating even more.

“I-It’s alright! I uh... Oh I didn’t think you’d want to be-“ Button started off assuming her answer was going to be a no, but he was cutoff from her charting at him!

“YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!” Sweetie screamed at the top of her lungs, tackling him with an affectionate hug.

She nuzzled her face onto his cheek, making him gasp in shock! The two of them fell to the ground, holding each other in a romantic hug. Not a word was said, just actions! Sweetie eventually let go of him and stood up on her own, holding her hoof out to help him. He fixed himself up and grabbed her hoof, making sure the flower and the box were safe and sound.

“*Phew* I thought you were going to say no.” Button sighed in relief, handing the items over to her.

“I-I... NO! Of course not!” Sweetie smiled, giggling happily.

No longer did she have to spend the holiday alone, she had somepony to be with, somepony she knew better than most other ponies in their town. She looked into her own saddlebag and pulled something out with her magic. Levitating the object, it was wrapped up in a small little gift box. Button gasped and saw the little box hovering closer to him. Sweetie levitated the flowers and the chocolate with her magic, and released the gift box into his hoofs.

“Ohh Button these look really pretty!” Sweetie grinned, examining the roses.

While she was looking at the flowers and getting ready to open the box of chocolates, Button set the gift box down and started untying the ribbon. After getting the ribbon off, he took the lid off and tossed it to the side. Pulling out something that caught his attention rather quick! Inside was a case that looked like it could fit on his Joyboy! It was Minecraft themed with all kinds of design printed on it. It showcased most of the biomes, the mobs, the logo, and also had holes for the buttons to fit through!

“Wow!” Button looked at it for a while longer, just before taking out his Joyboy. He took it out and put the case over the Joyboy, a perfect fit! It made the Joyboy look a lot better, and it felt indestructible!

He put the Joyboy away and looked at Sweetie Belle once again. Walking closer to her to thank her for the gift.

“Are these caramel filled turtles?” Sweetie asked with a raised eyebrow, setting the roses into place in her bag.

He responded with a nod, but tried something different this time around. Normally the two would hoofbump each other or hug on rare occasions. Remembering the kiss she placed on his cheek yesterday evening, he leaned forward and returned the gesture. Upon contact Sweetie’s eyes opened wide and her mouth hung open. Button laughed at the look, helpless to contain his own embarrassment.

“B-Button!” Sweetie held a hoof up to her cheek, starting to show a dorkish smile.

“We’re gonna be late for school, let’s go!” Button wanted to shrug the kiss off to save themselves from embarrassing each other.

Without hesitating, he grabbed her hoof into his own and started dragging her along. She stumbled a little but caught back up to him. The blush on their cheeks were indescribable, both complimenting each other. Even though the two didn’t say a word, they walked hoof in hoof to school together. Not a word was shared, but the two of them could tell in their hearts that they had both found what they were looking for. A special day to spend with a Special Somepony.

Author's Note:

Another story in the books :) Hope you enjoyed that one! This one took a lot longer than the first one! I can’t wait to start writing on the third one really soon! :raritywink: