• Published 5th Jul 2020
  • 1,918 Views, 13 Comments

ButtonBelle: A Collection of Oneshots - Eevee-Lover

The Cutie Mark Crusaders finds themselves meeting a strange unique brown colt named Button Mash. Sweetie Belle on the other hoof starts getting feelings about the young colt. Join them as they have all kinds of adventures together!

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Story 3: Young Love

Story 3: Young Love

Universe: (Equestria Girls)

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and everything was peaceful as always. The smell of Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s delicious freshly-baked goods wafted through the air as a certain white Unicorn trotted by. On her way home from school, Sweetie Belle caught the irresistible smell of Cinnamon Rolls. When she passed by the doors to the bakery, she finally made it home to the Carousel Boutique. She opened the door and headed on in, calling out for her sister.

"Rarity, I'm home!"

Upon entering, she tilted her head in surprise at what she saw. It wasn't everyday you'd expect to see your crush's mom in your house.

"Rarity?" Sweetie called again, finally catching her sister's attention.

"Oh, sorry dear sister! I'm a bit busy fitting your friend's mom in a new dress I've designed." The designer replied.

"Hello Sweetie." Button's mother Love Tap waved a hoof at the young filly.

"Huh, guess that explains it then."

"Hi Mrs. Mash!" Sweetie finally greeted back, looking over to the living room area.

As Rarity and Love Tap were busy doing their thing, she heard familiar beeping sounds coming from the couch. Her heart skipped a beat, gett more excited as she obviously knew who it was! Once she got around, there he was gaming as ever. The brown colt that stole her heart on the first day of school.

“Button Mash, what are you doing here?” She asked, knowing this would be the last place he'd go to.

The little colt’s eyes brightened at the sound of her squeaky voice filling his ears, it was the only thing that distracted him from his Joyboy.

“Hi Sweetie Belle! I was just going with my mom to run some boring errands, she won’t let me stay home alone anymore... Especially not after I set the oven on fire last week.” He gazed at her for a second before returning to his game.

"Let me guess, you left a pizza in the oven and were too busy playing that new game?" She questioned, rubbing her chin mischievously.

Button nodded his head and sighed, sticking his tongue out at her for guessing right. That gesture alone forced a giggle out of Sweetie Belle. She happily trotted over and jumped up to sit on the couch beside him.

“What ’cha playing?” She wondered.

“It’s called Dungeon Dice Monsters! Wanna try?” He replied.

Sweetie Belle nodded eagerly, and took the device from him, frantically pushing the buttons. Button scooted closer to her and leaned his head next to hers. As soon as they made contact the two of them blushed as their hearts started beating in unison. Button realized what he was doing and lightly backed off, noticing a small frown from Sweetie.

"I-I uh..." He wanted to apologize for the sudden contact, but she cut him off.

"N-No it's okay, you can't really see right?" She smiled again, scooting even closer to him and returning the move.

She rested her head on him and looked back at the screen, both of their blushes becoming darker.

"So... Wanna teach me how to play?" She stuck her tongue out.

"I bet you won't even get past the first level!" He teased back.

"We'll see about that nerd." She laughed.

Minutes later of a tutorial...

“No, jump! Now run to the left! No, the other left! Ok... Wait for it... Wait for it... Ok, NOW! JUMP, JUMP!!!”

With all the pressure on top of her, Sweetie Belle was in full concentration mode. She desperately wanted to beat the level and proof she was just as good as him! She started sweating by the time she finally completed the level. Smiling with certain victory, she looked up at Button Mash.

"Level completed! I told your flank I could do it, but you doubted me!" She pushed him off of her gently, laughing at him.

"YEAH, THE FIRST LEVEL SWEETS! THAT LEVEL IS A TUTORIAL LEVEL!" He screamed back, sitting up and pushing her back down.

"Says level 1 doesn't it? I consider that a huge win... Anyway, that was too much for me! I think I've had enough of that game, there's too much going on. You wanna play some Minecraft?" She rolled her eyes, handing him back the device.

Button nodded his head excitedly, putting his Joyboy back into his saddlebag. That was until he started digging around in the bag trying to look for his laptop. His ears dropped in disappointment, looks like he didn't pack everything for the trip.

“Uh... I accidentally left it at home, I'm gonna have to go and get it.” He sighed in frustration, getting up from the couch so he could head home really quick.

He began to gallop off towards the front door, but he was immediately stopped when Sweetie Belle called after him.

“Wait! Can I come with you?” She asked, hopping off.

"Are you sure? It'll only be like five minutes." He answered.

"YES, Button! After almost burning the house down, I think you need a Foalsitter to make sure you don't cause any trouble." Love Tap screamed, interrupting the two younger ponies.

"Fiiiine Mooom!" He whined like a little foal, earning another soft giggle from his best friend.

"Don't worry Mrs. Mash, we'll be back before you know it!" Sweetie reassured her, patting Button on the back.

Seeing as this was the perfect opportunity for them to be alone, Rarity and Love Tap exchanged looks and chuckled.

"Well, how about you two stop at the bakery and get us some cinnamon rolls or something? You two will look soo adorable carrying the basket together." Rarity suggested, putting the pair on the spot.

"RARITY!" Sweetie Belle blushed and yelled at her sister.

He looked back and smiled, “O-Of course! C’mon Sweetie!” Button led the way out of the boutique with Sweetie following close.

As soon as both of them were outside, that same fresh scent from Sugarcube Corner caught their muzzles. The two of them passed by the building as they figured it would be best to go there on the way back. Without saying much to the other, they were thinking about how Rarity's comment made them blush.

"Every time I'm with you she always does that, it's so annoying!" Sweetie looked at the ground and let out a sigh.

"I don't mind it, everypony else does it." He added on, mentioning her friends.

"Don't remind me." She rolled her eyes, thinking of Scoots and Bloom.

When they finally got to his house, Button opened the door and held it open for her, giving her a goofy grin. She smiled happily at his manners and loved it when he was a dork for her.

"Do you remember where you put it?" She asked, expecting her guess to be correct.

"Nope!" He laughed sheepishly.

"Why am I not surprised, c'mon let's go look for it." She giggled.

The adorable pair started searching for his laptop, splitting up so that they could find it much faster.

“Check in the kitchen!” He called from the living room.

Sweetie Belle ran in there, and checked everywhere. Nothing at all. The two of them searched the entire first floor, even the basement and there was nothing to be found. When they headed upstairs, Button was way ahead of her. She heard noises coming from his parent’s room and peeked her head around the corner. She saw Button Mash checking under the bed, and in the drawers of his parent’s dresser.

"Okay why would it be in your parent's dresser?" She questioned him, facehoofing herself.

"Sometimes they hide it in there when I'm grounded." He defended himself, throwing piles of clothes on the floor.

"Hm, fair point." Now she felt like a dummy, then again she was rarely ever grounded.

Then a certain item caught Button's eye. He dove into the dresser and quickly snatched his father's fake mustache. He slapped it onto his muzzle, gazing at it in the mirror.

"You're such a dork!" She giggled, walking closer to him.

"No, I am... The Stache!" He gave her a serious look and played around.

"Stop it!" She couldn't control her giggle, laughing hard.

She looked around the rest of the room. It was then she took note of his parent's beautiful room. With the lavender-purple walls, the green bed frame with gray-purple sheets and blankets, and the closet. It really stuck out compared to the rest of the house. With an idea popping in her mind, she remembered that Rarity was fitting her for a new dress. Sweetie Belle always liked to see Mrs. Mash wear dresses that Rarity designed. She opened the closet door to look at all her beautiful dresses. As guilty as she felt going through their stuff, she couldn't help herself awe at the dresses Rarity designed. There was a whole rainbow of colors to choose from, but one certain dress caught Sweetie’s eye. A gorgeous white one with a lacy trim, and pearls lining the collar. It had a very long train of fabric in the back. Sweetie Belle recognized her sister’s handiwork, and was marveled by it for a bit longer before she turned around to ask about it.

“What dress is this? I don't remember Rarity making this one for your mom.” She asked.

Button turned around and looked at it,

“I think that was my mom’s wedding dress... I think, I'm not totally sure. I haven't actually seen her wear that one once.”

Sweetie turned around to gaze at it again. She took it off the hanger, and put it on. It was a bit big, but it looked beautiful! It really complimented her pink and purple mane. She turned around for Button Mash to see. When she showed him, his jaw dropped. She was the most beautiful pony he had ever seen. She blushed at his reaction and giggled, as she pointed at his mustache giving her another idea! He laughed nervously, and took it off. Then Sweetie looked at his father’s side of the closet. She found the tuxedo that a stallion would probably wear on a wedding day. She called Button over, and showed him the tux,

“W-Wanna play wedding?” She felt her heart skip more beats, feeling her face boil red.

"S-Sure!" Button blushed harder than she did, not sure where she was going with this.

Deep down she knew her feelings for him, but did he feel the same? She and him have been friends for the past year, and they've gotten very close. They practically see each other once or twice a week, and whenever they're together, she can't help but think about him in that way. He smiled and grabbed the tux from the closet, trying to put it on. Sweetie Belle looked at him fondly, then turned her head towards the dresser. She saw Mrs. Mash’s makeup kit. Sweetie couldn’t resist the urge to put it on. She hopped up on the stool, and put on mascara, lipstick, and perfume. When she turned around, she saw Button dressed in the tux, slathering his father’s hair-gel in his mane. She couldn’t help but giggle as he tried to spray the cologne, but ended up spraying some in his eyes! Luckily though, he had his eyes closed. Once they were all dressed up they began the ceremony!

"Am I actually going to do this?" Button started to sweat, his heart coming out of his chest.

He knelt down on one hoof and mockingly said, “Sweetie Belle, will you marry me?” She blushed redder than a rose and giggled shyly.

“Yes!” Then Button stood up, took her hoof in his, and pretended to “walk down the aisle” with her, which was just walking down the length of the bedroom. When they got to the wall, he took his mother’s wedding ring that was placed on a table next to them, and slid it delicately onto Sweetie Belle’s horn. Then they stopped and stared at each other. Button looked at her nervously, he couldn't stop himself from shaking.

“A-A-Are we going to do this?” She blushed bright red, looking directly into his orange eyes.

“I-I-I guess we have to.” He gulped, knowing this was the moment everything would change...

Both ponies knew how they felt about the other, totally unaware of what the other would think. This was the moment both of them had been waiting for, and it was finally happening. Without saying a word the two ponies leaned in, and connected their soft lips to one another. Each of their hearts were racing so fast, they felt like exploding! They were both blushing blood red once they finally broke apart for a breath of air. The newly made couple looked deep into each other's eyes. They had both enjoyed the kiss very much! Then, without anything to say about it. There was a sudden sense that neither of them have felt before. Sweetie Belle started biting her lip and took a deep breath. Without giving him a chance to speak, she kissed him again, making it last several seconds longer before she broke away for another need of air. The two ponies finally knew how the other felt, and their hearts truly were in sync. It was then that their peaceful moment, one had to break the silence. Button spoke up,

“Sweetie, I-I...” He stopped. She smiled and began to take her makeup off,

“C’mon, lets get out of these clothes and get those cinnamon rolls from Sugarcube Corner!” Her voice squeaked, he could tell she was beaming with happiness!

He nodded and ran to the bathroom so that he could put his head under the bathtub faucet to rinsed the gel from his mane. He then shook it dry, and added his propeller hat to complete the look. Sweetie Belle took off the dress and placed it back where it belonged and took her makeup off. Once the two of them were finished, they eventually found the laptop sitting right there on the kitchen table.

"Didn't I tell you to check the kitchen?" Button asked, putting the laptop away.

"Well... I sorta got distracted." Sweetie looked toward the ceiling innocently.

"BY WHAT!?" Button shouted.

"By you silly." She nudged him playfully, blushing.

"Let's just go." Button sighed, taking her hoof into his own.

Then he and Sweetie Belle walked side by side towards Sugarcube Corner together. The thing that was different was, just like before... They weren't saying much, especially after what just happened. They weren't quite sure on what to say or do now that they were a thing. They haven't experienced anything like this before and they definitely did not want to screw it up. One wanted to say something about their newly found relationship, but was too shy. After a short distance of trotting together, they got to Sugarcube Corner and entered the building to order the cinnamon rolls.

"Well if it isn't Button Mash and Sweetie Belle! What brings you two lovers in today!?" Mrs. Cake saw them and gave them that warm smile of hers!

"Hello Mrs. Cake!" The two young ponies greeted her at the same time and made her laugh with a soft blush on their faces.

"We're here to order your famous cinnamon rolls!" Sweetie Belle told her, getting to the point.

"Well I still have to bake the next batch, should only take around fifteen minutes or so, in the meantime how about you both enjoy a nice milkshake on the house?" Mrs. Cake replied, showing them to a table.

"Wow really!? Thanks!" Button gasped with a child-like voice, making Sweetie giggle.

When they got to the table, they ordered their milkshakes and just sat there.

"S-So Button?" Sweetie asked, wanting to talk about what happened earlier.

"Y-Yeah? What is it?" Button looked back.

"A-Are we like... A thing?" She wondered, rubbing her hoof in an adorable manner.

Not trusting his own voice, he led her off and wrapped her into a soft warm hug. The hug eventually turned into them cuddling each other, with Sweetie Belle’s head resting in the crook of his neck. Both of their eyes were closed and they were just savoring the moment that they shared together. Holding onto each other, refusing to let the other go. When the milkshakes were ready and placed on the table, the two ponies were once kissing again, paying no attention to their drinks. Button reached up while they were still kissing, and stroked Sweetie’s soft mane, then brought his hoof down to her face, caressing it, memorizing every detail of her delicate jaw. When they broke away, Sweetie Belle was bright red again from all that he was doing. Just then Pinkie Pie burst through the backdoors of the bakeshop, taking them both by surprise.

“Hi Sweetie Belle! Hi Button Mash!” The pink mare bounced up and down joyfully.

“Hi Pinkie!” Replied both ponies. The pink mare was running around in excitement, carrying a pallet of all kinds of sweet treats!

“I would love to stay and chat, but Rainbow Dash says that she’s been spying on Cranky, and she wants to prank him and Matilda!!!” She began to laugh, “It’ll be great!!! See ya later!” and with that, she was off.

The couple exchanged weird looks but shrugged it off. They knew that whatever Pinkie was planning, it was definitely something nopony else could top off. Mrs. Cake eventually brought out a basket and gave it over to them. The two gave her the bits that they owed, and quickly drank their milkshakes before finally leaving.

"Oh my Celestia, these rolls smell so good!" Sweetie smiled, levitating the box mid-air with her magic.

"You said it, I can't wait to try them once we get to your place!" Button agreed, smelling the freshly made rolls.

The two of them stared at each other for another moment, remembering what Rarity had told them.

"You two will look soo adorable carrying the basket together."

Smiling from cheek to cheek, Sweetie Belle stopped levitating the basket with her magic, and held it with one hoof in between them. Button joined her and put his hoof next to hers, supporting the basket.

“Sweetie Belle... Do... Do you really like me?” He asked looking deep into her big beautiful green eyes. Sweetie Belle blinked at him with confusion,

"No Button, I don't..." She spoke harshly, breaking his heart.

"W-Wha-" Button felt his heart tugging at him, everything they just went through the past hour?

"I don't like you, I love you!" She giggled, playing around with him.

"Y-You know what I'm not saying it back." He groaned with a soft sniffle, sticking his tongue out.

"B-But I, you... What!?" She raised an eyebrow, frowning.

"I love you too!" He finally said the words, earning a beaming smile!

Once the pair finally reached their destination, hoof in hoof while carrying the basket, the front door of the Boutique was opened just for them. Rarity and Love Tap smiled at the two carrying the basket, they looked adorable together!

"So, how did it go? Did you two find the laptop?" Button's mother asked, proud of her little colt.

"Yeah we did!" Button replied, not letting go of Sweetie's hoof.

"And how was your experience at Sugarcube Corner darling?" Rarity joined in, raising an eyebrow at her younger sister.

Sweetie Belle looked at Button, then looked back up to her with a blush on her face that said it all.

"It, was amazing!" She sighed in joy remembering the moment they shared, Button blushed along with her.

It was at that moment, the two ponies' faces turned bright red! How did she know what they did?

"W-Wait, how did-" Button asked, lost in thought.

"Let's just say a best friend of mine saw you two." Rarity smiled, chuckling with Love Tap.

"That Pinkie Pie, what did she say again? Oh yeah! She was going on about how close you two are!" Love Tap smiled, tapping her chin.

Both Sweetie and Button didn't know what to say, they were embarrassed.

"Give it a few more years darling and they'll already be marri-" Rarity replied to Love Tap, until she was cut off by her sister's signature scream.