• Published 18th Jul 2020
  • 2,285 Views, 42 Comments

Horsemen and Ponies - Dark Krystal

Death, War, Pestilence, and Famine. After a mission goes accidentally wrong the four of them find themselves separated and in a strange land filled with gross harmony.

  • ...

(D) Knowledge

Miles away from Dragon’s Lair was the coast of Equestria’s jungle. The “Forbidden jungle” ponies called it, due to it being filled with so many violent creatures that it made the jungle too dangerous to even live in or travel through. Left to its violent denizens the jungle prospered and grew ever more dangerous to outsiders. On the jungles shore two jungle denizens face off, a tiger larger than normal earthen size glaring at its rival; the panther. The two snarl at each other and both move their bodies down ready to pounce on each other, claws out and their glares intensifying. Just as their muscles were about release and let them at each other… A sudden wave of fear runs through the two, instincts warning them of a more dangerous creature nearby.

The two immediately flee from the shore and back into the forest, minutes later Death emerges from the ocean. Shaking his head to get the water out of his hair and ears before removing his trench coat. A frown dons his face as he looks at the jungle before him, spending an entire night travelling along the bottom of the sea to arrive at a jungle really was… annoying.

`I highly doubt these “Princesses” are here in a jungle. Hopefully I can find something or someone around here to point or tell me their location.`

Glancing around the area he sighs.

`If anyone is around here…`

Scouring through the jungle Death constantly shifted between his physical form and his ethereal form to avoid getting leaves, sticks or other little things stuck on him. Despite the annoyances of the jungle it was far better than that dragon island in both character and environment…

Small Hoofprints dug into dried mud, checking on their condition they were old but they could lead him to a spot where he can ask about the princesses location or more information. Following the trail through thickets and bushes he eventually comes across an ancient stone structure. It looked like a temple but with stone walls as an outer defense. Nature slowly took over the fort's walls with growing vines and moss, even from afar he could see large cracks in the stone as if it was once broken but has been restored.

Death approaches the fortress slowly. ‘Going by the dragons' statements they’ve never seen a humanoid before… Chances of them taking hostility is annoyingly high….’

Walking through the large archway and finds the area clear of any sentient life until the sounds of snoring reach his ears, in going around corner of his eye he sees a stone throne with four felines sleeping around it, a panther, tiger, lynx and… domestic white cat? He didn’t bother questioning why a domestic cat was all the way out here in the jungle or how it was able to get along with three different big cats. Walking past them he finds a dirt trail with the hoofprints imbedded in the dirt leading to a large pair of opened stone doors covered with vines.

Death scowls, being in a closeted space with these... "ponies" that will mostly like be hostile towards you wasn’t his favorite conditions for a upcoming battle. It felt like walking into an obvious ambush. He sighs and takes a moment to relax and redirect most of his energy into his senses as he walks into the building.

Entering the building he finds himself in a hallway. Old looking and just all stone though some torches hung onto the walls light up the hallway. Death frowns a bit, his hearing not picking up any sounds other than his own footsteps. Heading deeper into the temple he encounters traps ranging from pitfalls, to blow darts and swinging spiked balls… however they were all defective. The pitfall trap took a long time to slide open while making a slow grinding noise as if it really was struggling just to open up just reveal the blunt pikes at the bottom, the blow darts didn’t have the power to shoot the darts so they just flopped to the ground, the spiked ball on a chain broke at the start of the swing and just rolled across the ground to Death’s feet. Every single defective trap just made Death stare with a raised brow.

`This temple is… unique…`

Were these "ponies" incompetent with traps? He decides let go of the pitiful traps and Inspect the inside of the temple instead, looking around made it clear that the temple was in process of being rebuilt as wooden platforms held together by rope were around and some logs up against unstable stone walls and some pillars for support, some large stone carving tools, a hammer, and a bucket full of... something were left out in the open next to a pillar broken in half.

`Strange... Signs of construction but no construction workers...`

With all these signs he expected the sound of stone being broken or “normal” talk about hot chicks or whatever topics normal people talk about but there was just only sounds of his footsteps, it was unsettling to say the least.

Heading deeper into the temple he ends up in a sanctum. Large circular room with six doorways along the walls, plant-life hanging from down from the ceiling and some growing from between the cracks in the ground. In the center of the room was a hole with a lava within, a small altar in the center magically held up a golden necklace donned with two rubies and one emerald in a light green field. It honestly looked pretty cheap and shitty compared to modern versions… but it does seem to be a magical artifact.

`Magic from this world. If I take it I can analyze to see how the magic in this world functions.`

Death cups his chin and stares at it. It looked like it wasn't much but still... in world where he was magicless any hint to this words magic would be of assistance if he was going to face more creatures that could use magic similar to that staff. Coming to his decision he prepares to go into his ethereal form.

Pap. Pap. Pap~

Death turns his head at the source of the sound, it sounded like a wet sponge smacking against stone. A large hybrid of… something? walked into the room. It was bigger than him but only by two feet, it walked on all fours, with digitigrade hind limbs and ape-like forelimbs, and a long monkey-like tail with a hand on its end. It was covered in dark blue fur all over except it’s stomach which was covered in light blue fur giving it a tuxedo like look. It’s head was… unsettling to say, being elongated and eyes being very close to its nose, sharp teeth and a wide mouth that could rival an alligator. It had some taste for fashion as it decorated itself with golden bracelets on it's neck and forearms and a single earring to it’s left ear.

Death Couldn't help it; his face scrunched up in disgust at the sight of this thing. He had seen plenty of ugly creatures and people in hell but this was just something akin to a child's drawing, if the child was injected with heroin after eating their parents special mushrooms.

The creature groans with its eyes closed. “If I lose to Daring Do one more time... ugggggh... “ The creature groans as it rubs it’s ugly face.

“I need to fix the eastside of the temple quickly and think of some more new traps to-”

As the creature removes its hand off its face and looks ahead it sees Death.



The two stare at each other for a bit in silence. The creature slowly blinks looking at Death then rubbing its eyes to make sure it wasn't just a hallucination, realizing this is real it looks at the necklace, then at Death again, then the necklace.

“INTRUDER!!” The creature points at Death with its tail-hand, anger growing on it’s face.

“You dare enter and try to steal Tonatiuh's Talisman?!” The creature yells

“Not originally but now I’m curious so... yes.” Death shrugs.

“Thief!” This infuriates the abomination even more.

“This is a good opportunity to test my new security!" It stands up on it's hind legs and raises it's arms up in the air. "Guardian-goyles, attack!”

Following along the creatures arms he notices the ugly pony/bat statues that stood above the doors glow and come to life. A total of three of them fly now and surrounding Death, all growling as the dog-monkey? Abomination stepped closer.


“Surrender and I will let you live!" It taps its chin for a moment and thinks.

"As my slave of course to work off for trespassing!” It gives a smug grin.

“......” Death glares at the statues and the creature.

“I, Ahuizotl! Am willing to let you go unharmed in exchange that you pay off your trespassing with work.”

“Hell No.”

“Then fall!”

One of the guardian-goyles rushes forward and opens its mouth to bite down onto Death's shoulder. As its sharp jagged stone teeth clamp down onto his shoulder the sound of breaking stone echoes throughout the room as the creature flies backwards to the pack and looks at it's broken stone teeth. The other guardian-goyles look at their comrade and then back to Death who was wiping the bits of stone off his shoulder. Realizing they cannot hurt him without destroying themselves they look to Ahuizotl for guidance. Ahuizotl looks at them then back to Death then at them again, sweat starts to form on it’s long face.

“Don’t look at me you fools! Continue!” he angrily yells at the statues making them look at each other before glaring again once at death, uncertainty clear on their faces. Death slowly exhales before going into boxing orthodox stance. Guardian-goyles fly a bit back seeing the creature change his pose, unsure what the being was doing, even Ahuizotl raises a confused brow at the strange stance. He tenses his muscle and focuses ahead, he gives a sigh throws a jab. Faster than Ahuizotl could even blink Death's jab sends a shot of pressed air forth breaking the left side of a guardian-goyles head and taking the upper half of Ahuizotl’s left ear along with it.

The two guardian-goyles slowly turn their heads to see their third frozen in shock before reaching up to feel where half of its head once was. Ahuizotl clenches his teeth as a pain flows through him and something wet drips onto his shoulder. He reaches his arm up to touch the source of this pain only to feel the upper half of his left ear was gone, some blood flowing down and dripping onto his shoulder and hand. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out, his heart was beating out of his chest and adrenaline starting kicking in but the shock of what just happened overruling his instinct to flee. He holds onto his ear and slowly turns his head to look behind him and widens his eyes, where a newly repaired wall once stood proud was replaced with a fist-sized crater deep into the wall.

“Ah.” slips out from Ahuizotl mouth. Looking back to Death he sees the creature in the same stance and eyes focus on both him and the guardian-goyles, ready to strike once more. Ahuizotl came to realize that escape was impossible, attacking was impossible if the experimental guardian-goyles that could crush the strongest stone with their jaws broke on trying to bite this… Devil… then what hope did he have against it? It was clearly far stronger than anypony or creature he met, the despair of the situation fell down on him. He would either have to watch the last artifact be taken in front of his eyes and be exiled by the other guardians for being a failure, or defend the artifact and die. It was a lose-lose situation.

"That was a warm up..."

Death stares at the creature and raises his left fist once more, ready to throw another jab but through the skull this time. Ahuizotl’s eyes shrink, the creature was just warming up? As he stared at Death in front of him, he came to the only option he had left.

“WAIT! SPARE ME, PLEASE!” Ahuizotl yells out and bows down before Death. He winces at the sudden yell but seeing the ugly creature kneeling before him and the guardian-goyles following along. Seeing them surrender he relaxes and goes back to his normal stance and looking down at them.


“Huh?” Ahuizotl and the guardian-goyles look up at him with wide eyes.

“I wasn't hoping on killing anyone today anyway. It could make my mission more difficult.” Death looks at them uncaringly before walking over to the edge of the lava and looking at the talisman. He reaches down and grabs a rock and throws it at the Talisman, knocking it out of the magic field and to the other side of the hole. With the talisman out of the field pillars of lava pop up but only rise two feet, revealing even the artifacts anti-getaway trap was also broken.

“What’s this?” Death asks as he walks over to the other side and picks the artifact."

“It’s Tonatiuh's Talisman. It makes anyone who wears it only tell the truth!”


His eyes wander over to Ahuizotl.

`Or is it?`

He walks over to Ahuizotl and throws the necklace over the terrified creature. Ahuizotl looks at him with surprise at this decision.

“What's your purpose?” Death sends a glare down at Ahuizotl, non-vocally threatening him to speak.

As Ahuizotl speaks, the emerald of the talisman glows green along with Ahuizotl’s eyes. “I’m in charge of protecting this jungle and the temples artifacts, to be honest if I lose another one then I will be exiled by the other guardian creatures…”

“So you’re bad at your job?”

“N-Yes…” He looks down in shame.

“Hm…” Death frowns, making Ahuizotl sweat in worry that he had displeased him.

“Is there at least any… knowledge about this place or continent…?"

For a moment Ahuizotl thinks for an answer suitable for him.

“Ah! Quetzalcoatl’s library could aid you!”


“Quetzalcoatl’s library contains knowledge of numerous subjects!”

“About Equestria?”

“Yes! And more!” Ahuizotl gets up from the ground the guardian-goyles to follow along.

“Take me there.”

“Of course!” Ahuizotl orders the guardian-goyles back to their positions and that he’ll repair them once he comes back. Leading Death through one of the tunnels to a hidden wall, going through a spiral staircase into another tunnel, to a dead end which reveals to be a hidden door that slides open. Behind it was not a library but instead an archive room, large circular room with stone shelves holding hundreds of ancient written scrolls.

“This isn’t a library, this is an archive room.”

Ahuizotl looks at him and starts to sweat. “Oh.. i.. Well.. uh.. It’s called Quetzalcoatl’s library...F-fo-”

“It’s still useful.”

“Oh.. great! I thought you were gonna kill me.” Ahuizotl wipes the sweat of his brow and gives a sigh of relief.

“I thought about it.”


Death walks down the stairs into the room, going to the closest shelf he runs his hand along the shelf to wipe off some dust to reveal a scroll. The papyrus stayed strong and perfectly intact, picking it up and unrolling the scroll. His eyes move as he reads the contents of the scroll.

"Axkan ⌛︎ kenih oniyaua kuauakpa ❍︎ nokpiliua akameh ⌘︎ tlaneluayomeh □︎●︎●︎ oninamiki se mistontli, okatka tlauel kukualtsin ❄︎□︎■︎."

`What the am I reading.`

Death squints and scowls as he tries to figure out what "Axkan ⌛︎" could even possibly mean.

After a few minutes he speaks up. “Ahuizotl, come here.”

Ahuizotl sweats even more on hearing Death’s displeased tone and slowly walks over.


“I can’t read this.”

“Ah! You’re not fluent in their writing?”

“Yes… and if I can’t read this… then.”

Death starts to slowly turn around to face Ahuizotl. He could feel the congress in Death's mind voting whether they should kill him or not, he quickly started thinking of a way to avoid this fate.

“W-wait! There is an artifact that can help you! P-pilimtec’s Eyes!”


“It’s an artifact that can translate any language! I Think...

“...Then go get it.”

“U-understood!” Ahuizotl runs out of the archive room as Death watches him go. He honestly didn’t expect sparing that ugly thing to be this beneficial... or at least beneficial when he gets that artifact. Still as he looked over the scroll, he knew this information would most likely be outdated but could still hold foundations to this world and the magic, species, or culture to prepare him for the journey ahead. As far as he knew, he was on the continent called Equestria populated by “ponies” of three different types, flying ones, horn ones, and boring ones. They were ruled by two pony princesses. He couldn't help but feel as if some information was either missing or misinformed, how could only two individuals rule an entire continent that aren't queens or higher royalty than princess?

He frowns, maybe he should’ve beaten the dragon some more to cough out more information or the truth, then again the dragons clearly weren’t very smart.

“I return with Ppilimtec’s Eyes!” Ahuizotl rushes in and yells, making Death wince and turn to face Ahuizotl.

“Don’t yell.” He couldn’t help but let his irritation slip out.

“S-sorry!” Ahuizotl says as he offers his arms forward with the artifact in his hands.

Death walks over and examines the artifact; a pair of glasses with a golden frame with small gems decorating the sides and thin red lenses. It honestly looked like a pair of circular sunglasses, he cringed inside as they would not look good at him at all but…

“For Knowledge…” He groans and puts on the glasses, going back to the scroll and reading it.


It was useless information but the glasses did in fact work.

“They work.”

Whew... I mean yes of course they do!”

“Good, I should find something useful among these documents. Ahuizotl you’re dismissed for now, but keep an ear out for if I call for something.”

“Uh… are you going to stay h-here…?”

“Yes.” Death turns around and glares though the sunglasses.

“Do you have a Problem with that?”

“Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! No problems whatsoever!” Ahuizotl moves his hands around in panic.


Death puts the scroll back on the shelf and heads deeper in the archive to begin reading as Ahuizotl watches before slowly exiting the room and going back to the hallway.

“Close the door on your way out.”

Ahuizotl quickly pressed the hidden pressure plate on the floor and the doorway became hidden once more. Ahuizotl takes off the talisman from his neck and falls to the ground and sighs.

“Oh... oh my Tlaloc... this is more terrifying than being exiled…”

Ahuizotl never thought he would be in the position of being under the foot of another creature and under the threat of death. Still somehow… it didn’t feel bad, all he had to do was follow the creatures' simple orders and he wouldn’t die and…
Ahuizotls eyes widened as a realization as a cruel plan came to mind. The cursed creature that had originally put him in this position… Daring Do. She never once came down to this temple yet but if possible… he could bait her here… and lure her to this room. Trap her with this Creature! The creature breaks Daring do or… kill her…

He shivered thinking that, it felt wrong even for him but... She has caused nothing but hell in his life and a permanent solution to finally stop would be amazing. The being would be here for a long time… Plenty of time for Daring Do to come around to steal another artifact and when she breaks into the room… He can just tell the creature that she slipped past him and apologize! Ahuizotl gets up and rubs his hands together as he decides to commit to this decision.

“Daring Do… Your time of stealing has ended!” He snickers to himself.

It took half the day but finally Twilight and her friends had finally arrived at Dragon's Lair and... Twilight looked at the scenario in front of her with jaw dropped and wide eyes. Dragons all around were glowing from the Dragon lord call but instead of waiting for the challenge or meeting with their dragon lord it was… chaos. Dragons fighting each other, arguing amongst each other and claiming territory, some dragons proudly declaring what they should do from now on.

“I say we start ravaging the pony towns!” A thin dragon standing on top of a rock shouts out and dragons off all shapes and sizes yell out in agreement.

“Oh… No…” Spike says quietly to himself as he watches the scene before them. Behind Spike was Crackle, the dragon disguise with all the mane six within, making it thicker than normal. Twilight couldn't hide the nervous and panic from her face as she tried to connect the dots of scene before her.

“I’d like to see them try!” Rainbow whisper shouts to herself.

“I-i-i don’t!” Fluttershy shivers as she hears the dragons speech.

“Twilight ah’ don’t mean to fuss at ya but.. THIS SEEMS TO BE THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YA TOLD US ABOUT THE DRAGONS LAST TIME YOU WENT HERE!” Applejack whisper shouts.

“I-i know... But Ember promised she’d better the relations between ponies and dragons… Did she lie to us…?"

Spike turns around. “No! There’s no way! Ember was sincere about that!”

“I want to believe too, Spike but…”

"We just need to find and ask Ember!" Twilight looks at spike with doubt before shaking her head.

"You're right, Spike. Let's ask Ember first what's going on." Twilight gives a small smile, she shouldn't doubt Spikes friend so early.

“D-d-does that mean have to go deeper…?”

“I’m sorry Fluttershy.. But yes…”

Fluttershy whimpers and shakes, as the others give concerned looks to each other before moving forward. Going deeper in the Dragon lands they see the situation only getting worse, more dragons trying to get others to start raiding and ravaging towns or rule over them, some declaring to become the new dragon lord and fighting other dragons for it. Spike looks around the area, freaking out on the inside. How did this happen? What did Ember do or… what happened to Ember? Just as he starts to think of the darker possibilities he spots a familiar red dragon standing on top of a rock searching for something.

“Garble!?” Spike yells before rushing to the red dragon.

“Sparkle-warkle?” Garble looks down and cringes seeing Spike.

“Its Spike…”

“Your name is whatever I want it to be! Ugh! I don’t have time to mess around with you! I’m looking for somedragon!”

“Oh uh… sorry but i need to ask you something!”

“Spit it out then!”

“What happened!?” Spike couldn’t help but shout, making Garble frown and cringe.

“I know I said spit it out but not literally! How don- Oh yeah that's right you hang out with your little friendship and flower loving puny ponies…” Garble moves his hands as if to make a rainbow with them in mockery.

“Just answer the question, Garble…” Spike sighs as the dragon disguise “Crackle” walks up beside Spike.

“ I don’t really know much myself but i did hear the rumors and… flying around i’m preeeeeeeeeeetty sure it's true.” Garble crosses his arms and looks to the side.


“Yeah Ember apparently fought an outsider and lost, the outsider also destroyed the dragon scepter.” Garble frowns, worry showing on his face.

Spike gasps and the girls muffle their own gasps. “W-what!? Ember defeated and the Scepter destroyed!?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty much everydragon for themselves now... Anyway! I gotta get going Warkle Sparkle!” Garble flies up into the air.

“Wait, I have more questions!”

“And I don't have time to deal with some pony-loving outsider!! I need to find my little sister!” Garble hisses out before flying away from the area.

“Wait, you have a sister!?” Spike shouted out as Garble flys away off, he sighs and slumps down to the ground, taking a moment to fully process the information.

“Ember…” Spike looked down until he felt the touch of a paper-mache gem decorated claw on his shoulder. He looks up to the face of Crackle.


“Don’t worry Spike… We’ll get through this.” Twilight said those words but she didn't believe them, Garble's “rumor” felt correct. Without the bloodstone scepter the dragons had no leader to prevent them from doing reckless or destructive things. Spike was the only dragon that could convince the other dragons but even then he's basically seen as a outsider to them.“Outsider” Twilight paused, it was the one thing about Garbles rumor that caught her off was that word. Somecreature caused this entire mess... but for what goal?

Twilight frowned. A new villain? Maybe... It could’ve been Queen Chrysalis in disguise… but even then she doubts Queen Chrysalis could take on a dragon but then again....

“Twilight dear?” The voice of Rarity shakes her out of her thoughts.

“Sorry, what is it Rarity?”

“Um darling, what do we do now?”

Twilight thinks for a but before looking back at the girls with determination on her face.

“We find Ember. We can ask her about the situation and report it to Princess Celestia and see if there is anything we can do to help.”

Spike and the girls nod, Twilight looks back and smiles before looking forward with a frown. A knot in her gut forming. What if this isn’t Queen Chrysalis…? What if they can’t fix the situation? What if it only gets worse from here…? Twilight starts to scowl but shakes her head.

`No, no! I've had moments like these before but I always prevailed in the end! I just needed to believe in friendship.`

With that determination Twilight and her friends move deeper into the Dragon lands in search of Ember.

Going around the volcanic land and asking around, listening to rumors and eavesdropping gave them enough clues needed to find Ember's location. South of the island, in a cave filled with dragon loyalists to Ember and her father who returned due to the dragon lords call. Twilight and the group hid in large nearby bush as they looked at large cave entrance with two dragons standing guard, one large and muscular with grey scales and a rocky back the other thin and tall with yellow scales, long claws that look as if they could easily tear the flesh of another dragon.

“So uh… Twi?”

“Yes, Applejack?”

“What do we uh… do?”


Twilight had no clue. She thought about walking up to them asking about Ember but with the outsider incident and ponies from Equestria walking up to a cave housing your injured leader... That would not go well.

Twilight puts her hoof to her chin as she thinks for a long while before turning to look at spike.

“Spike do you think you cou-” Twilight pauses as she could see the imaginary outline of where Spike had once been.

“Can I uh see Ember please?” Twilight stuck her head out of the bush and saw Spike standing between the two Dragon guards who looked at him with confusion and anger, the other girls stuck their heads out and gasped at sight.

“SPIKE!” Twilight instinctively teleported herself in front of Spike and got in a defensive stance , the other girls rushing forward and preparing for a fight. The right dragon prepares for a fight when the left dragon stretches an arm to stop them.

“Wait.. Tiny dragon, Purple pony, White pony. They pass.”


“Dragon Lord Ember mentioned these three pass if they came by.” Twilight and Spike's eyes widen and their bodies relax as they look to the right dragon.

“Did she…?” The dragon nods the right looks at them then at the group and relaxes.

The left dragon frowns and turns to the group. “Fine, go in but cause any issues and I’ll turn ya into ash, ya hear me!?”

“Uh... what about the rest of my friends?” Spike points behind him making the duo look at the rest of the ponies including the pink one who waved at them.

“If they’re with you they can pass too… I guess…”


“Thank Dragon Lord Ember not me, you pipsqueak!” The dragon scoffs and turns it’s head. The group smile before walking in, once they make it away from the entrance, Twilight lets out a loud sigh of relief then gently hits the top of Spike's head.

“What were you THINKING!?” Twilight yells in a hushed tone.

“About my friend... Ow…” Spike rubs his head gently.

“That's good but still! That could’ve gone very, very, VERY BAD!”

“Better than sitting in the bush for the next hour thinking of a plan to just get past two guards…” Spike grumbles under his breath as he looks away.

“What was that!?” Twilight leans closer with a glare.

“Nothing.” Spike leans away from Twilight while avoiding eye contact.

“To be fair darling, you would’ve probably kept us in that bush till night…”

Twilight spun her body around to face the rest of the group. “No i woul-”

Her friends were already giving her skeptical looks.

“I...yeah you’re right…” Twilight brings her head down in shame. Pinkie pie walks up and wraps her forearm around Twilight.

“It’s okay Twilight! Even if it was far more risky than your usual hour long ten step plans and almost made us dragon toast! At Least we made it inside in the end!”

“T-thanks…?” Pinkie smiles and lets go of Twilight. looking at spike.

Twilight sighs but gives a small smile before “Just… tell me before you do it…”

“Okay, Twilight.” Finishing up the group heads deeper into the cave, newly made fire pits burned along the sides of the cave walls. Twilight notices the walls had old giant scratch marks indicating this cave was dragon-made.

`That explains why it is large enough to fit someone like former dragon lord Torch!`

After a bit of walking and enduring Rarity's complaints about being in a cave they make it to the bottom, revealing a large cave chamber with a small underground lake in the center. Along the edges were numerous piles of gold and tents for dragons to sleep on or in, at the other side of the cave twilight saw a larger tend with three larger dragons including Torch surrounding it. Without hesitation the group started to walk around to the large tent, getting eyes from all the dragons within the cave. Once the group made their way over to the tent they came to a stop in front of the three dragons who moved out of their way to allow Torch to reposition himself to stand before the group.

“Princess Twilight, tiny dragon, other ponies.” Torch bowed his head.

“Former Dragon lord Torch.” Twilight bows her head in return and the duo raise their heads together.

“What brings you to our lands? Did Princess Celestia send you?”

“No, no! Nothing former or political sir. I came due to Spike, my assistant receiving the call of the Dragon Lord. Me and my friends were confused as to why Ember would call Spike and other dragons after recently being Dragon Lord.”

“Ah… It was a... very bad accident I must apologize, you may have notice bu-”

“No need to explain, sir. Some dragons have already informed us of the incident. Me and my friends plan to help anyway we can to restore order among the dragons but we wish to see Dragon Lord Ember for more questions and…” Twilight gave Torch a look of determination making him widen his eyes slightly.

“Find the Culprit who caused this mess!”

“I see… I… thank you Princess Twilight….” Torch bows his head once more.

“My daughter was correct when she said ponies were kind… especially after how my kin treated your kind. I thank you deeply for helping us in this dire time.”

Twilight blushed slightly having the giant dragon bow down twice to her. “It is no problem Lord Torch!”

“As for speaking with my child I am afraid she is-”

“Spike?” All heads turn to look as a familiar voice leaks out from the tent. Slowly emerging from the tent was Ember, her once prideful and determined look gone. They could see her frame was slightly skinner, the bags under her eyes but the more eye-catching was the fact she was using wooden crutches to hold her up. Her torso wrapped up in numerous bandages, they were able to see some redness from blood on the bandages over on her back. Her wings were... Unusable due to the holes and tears in them, she would not be able to fly again. Torch looking down at his daughter with a mix of surprise and sadness.

Spike hesitantly stepped forward. “Ember…”

“Spike... I'm glad to see you're okay. Better than... me at least..." Ember looks down at the ground.

Twilight shivered at those words. She and her friends had fought Numerous villains before, Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and Starlight Glimmer but none of them ever caused serious injury to anyone. Twilight felt the knot in her stomach tighten as her eyes focused on Embers back. She didn’t want to think of what it looked like underneath the bandages.

This was a level of brutality… she has never seen before and it was… Terrifying. As Twilight stared at the wound for a while before averting her eyes and checking on the others. It was clear as Celestia’s summer sky that upon seeing Ember everyone's demeanor changed, Rarity had a hoof over her mouth and pupils shrunk in horror, Rainbow dash was cringed seeing Embers wings ruined, Applejack had tip her hat down to avoid looking on any further, Fluttershy was shaking badly like a cheap washing machine, and Pinkie Pie… her happy and positive attitude vanish as she looked on with sadness.

“W-what happened to you! What did that outsider do!” Spike looked directly at Embers back with wide eyes.

“She..-” Ember raises her claw to silence her father and looks at Spike with sadness.

“I lost… I was beaten publicly by a creature not from her… I wasn’t able to injure it and when I lost the Scepter… I lost my title as well and the title for future generations…” Ember averts her gaze and clenches her fists.

“I was... Humiliated. The 138th Dragon Lord was publicly humiliated and watched an outsider destroy one of our species' most prized possessions passed on from generation to generation from the first dragon lord…” Ember opens her hands and closes her eyes.

“To the last…” A single tear falls down her cheek, Spike's hand reaches up to hold hers but stops. He looks away and pulls his hand back, he wanted to comfort her, and convince her she still was the dragon lord but.. He knew she was right. Spike couldn’t help but look to Twilight for guidance, assistance, anything to help and Twilight’s knot tightened further… there were moments she knew just what to say or do to cheer somepony up but… nothing came to her mind.

She looked away from Spike, she knew she couldn’t help get Ember’s pride back... and if she was even able to make Ember dragon lord again… Ember probably wouldn’t accept the title ever again. The only thing Twilight could do to help the situation was to find and defeat this “outsider” if it was still out there then it could be out there causing more… cruelty.

Twilight takes a deep breath before raising her head up and taking a step to Ember to reach up and place a hoof on her shoulder.

“Ember.. I…I’m sorry. I won’t help you get your title back but… please allow us to help you with the situation and bring this “outsider” down.”

Ember turns her head to look at Twilight then looks to the side. Moving away from her to stand head at the edge of the rocky shoreline to look at her own reflection in the water. Twilight walks up yo her side along with Spike, ogether the trio stood in silence before Ember spoke up.

“I was in a meeting with two member of my court… It was about a recent murder.” Twilight and Spike turn their attention to her. Twilight’s heart dropped on hearing the word “murder”.

“When… this Creature… walked up and asked for answers, said it came from a distant land and… something. It asked for information about the smartest being around. He was an outsider and the ...murder, I connected the dots and asked it when did it arrive here.” Ember lowers her head and stares sadly into her reflection.

“That's when it attacked. I fought it with the staff but it caught the staff and just…” Ember rests her arms on her crutches and does a small snapping motion with her claws.

“Broke it… like it was a twig… I...I…. I tried to fight it without the staff and..” Ember sighs and closed her eyes.

“You don’t have to talk about that... Ember.” Spike patted her thigh as he looked away.


“It beat me .. so easy… and then as I laid there…” Tears formed in the corner of Ember’s Eyes.

“It demanded to know who the smartest creatures around were and almost.. Killed me and I’m… i’m so sorry spike…”

“Sorry for what Ember? You did nothing wrong!”

“No I did!” Ember puts her claws in her face as tears flowed down.

“I told them about Equestria and your leaders!”

Twilight's eyes shrunk to the size of bits. Ember had sent the Outsider to… Equestria? And told them about Princess Celestia and Luna? Twilight felt her body shiver as her heart sank to the depths of Tartarus.

“You did what!?” Twilight jumps and spins around to see Rainbow dash jaw dropped to the floor.

“I’m so... sorry!”

“You just sent the Creature that just wrecked you after us!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack whipped her head around and glared down Rainbow Dash who glared at her back.

“N-no. I didn’t tell them about you guys or Spike…”

Twilight gives a sigh of relief internally. That was good at least… but still Princess Celestia and Luna were in danger. Twilight turns back around to face Ember.

“Okay… Ember, it’s Okay..” Twilight quickly walks over to Ember and puts a hoof over her hand.

“It was going to kill you, it’s okay. We’re happy you’re still alive but I NEED you to tell me something.” Twilight presses her hoof a bit more onto Embers hand making Ember look at her.

“Describe what it looked like in detail. Appearance, voice, everything the best that you can.” Twilight uses her magic to open Spike's backpack and places a piece of paper and feathered pen in his claws. Spike looked at Twilight then to Ember and nodded.

Ember stared at the Twilight for a moment before wiping the tears from her face. “It was.. t-tall… bigger than me at least but smaller than the older dragons… wore black clothing… it looked almost like a monkey but.. Without the hair well.. It had hair on it’s head.. It’s eyes were purple and the skin was light pinkish…”

“What was his man- I mean hair color..?”

“Also Black.”

Twilight and Ember continue to describe the creature and after going through four of Spike's sketches and having to get more details Spike finally shows them the fifth sketches which makes Ember frown and take a step back.

“Y-yes… that.. that’s it…”

Twilight grabs hold of the paper with her magic and looks at it herself. A bipedal creature like the smaller dragons or minotaurs but no horns or scales, the only hair it had was on its head, short and black. Clothing that reminded her of a jacket and a collar shirt that ponies wore but remade to fit it, a deadpan look on its face. Twilight tries her best to remember if she ever saw a creature like this within all the books she read but nothing came to mind. Could it be like the changelings? An invasive species or exiled criminal from somewhere else like Tirek? The longer Twilight looked at the sketch the more questions she had. As she looked back at Ember who looked off to the side with a mix of sadness and anger the one dominant question rose to her mind.


`Why kill a dragon, why harm the innocent, why throw an entire island into chaos? What knowledge could it possibly want to resort to… This?`

“Woah that thing sure is scary!” Twilight nearly jumped into the lake as Pinkie and the others snuck up behind the two to look at the sketch.

“My, my what a devilish style it bears…” Rarity focused her eyes on the suit, a small smile forming on her lips

“Rarity!” Applejack glared at her this time.

“Oh darling please! As a fashion designer I cannot ignore a nice outfit when I see it.... regardless of the person wearing them!” Rarity put a hoof of her chest and stuck her nose in the air in pride, making Applejack roll her eyes.

“I don’t care. This varmint is a rotten to the core, I say we hurry up an’ find ‘em before it can cause any more harm.”

“I was expecting something more… I dunno… scary? Threatening looking? This thing looks pretty… normal?” Rainbow flies above the group and leans down to get a better look.

“That’s normal!?” Fluttershy looked up at Rainbow dash with fear in her eyes and her body shaking like a leaf.

“You find that scary of all things , Fluttershy!? You literally stared down both a dragon and a cockatrice!” Rainbow dash yells as she points a hoof at Fluttershy.

As the girls talk amongst each other Pinkie Pie just stares at the sketch, leans closer and raises an eyebrow then squints and frowns.

“Something wrong Pinkie dear?” Rarity asks, noticing Pinkie's demeanor.

“No? Maybe.. Hmmmm I don’t know.. Something about this creature… doesn’t… feeeeeel right.”

Twilight looks at the sketch again. “Like what, did we miss a detail?”

“No… i don’t know! My pinkie sense is just telling me something is off.”

Twilight stares at Pinkie with concern for a moment before turning away to face Ember and Torch.

“Thank you Ember. I swear in the name of Celestia and Luna I will do my best to restore peace and order back to your land and bring the cause of all this to justice…” She almost winced in pain from the knot in her stomach. This entire situation was so different and.. It didn’t sit well in her gut. Tirek was the strongest villain she ever faced yet the cruelty, the look on its face, the murder, and damage it caused to Ember… she hasn’t even met this villain yet but her gut and instincts all warn her that this was dangerous.

“You can count on us, Ember!” Spike said while crossing his arms with a determined smile.

“Yeah! I’ll give them a one-two -one-two- one-two and surpriseeeeee…. THREE! For you!” Rainbow Dash finishes with an uppercut to the air with a smirk as Applejack deadpans.

“I doubt ya will be able to do that now but 'ah do promise in the Apple families name that we’ll bring this varmint down!” The rest of the girls nods and Ember looks at them giving the smallest of smiles.

“Thanks.. I’m… sorry for putting our problems onto you guys and making problems for your continent.”

“It’s really no problem, Ember.. We’re friends after all!” Spike gives a wide smile and Ember cringes.

“Don’t say that.. It’s weird…”

With some talks of the situation and Spike comforting Ember eventually making her a tiny bit happier the group leaves the cave and heads back to the shore. As they walk Twilight starts writing a letter to Princess Celestia, telling her every single detail and attaching the sketch to the letter. Her worry finalized and her anxiety grew which each word she wrote, this situation was as bad as when Tirek obtained full power or when Discord returned, maybe even worse. If she and the gang don’t handle it soon… rogue dragons will start pillaging pony towns and cities all while this creature is roaming Equestria waiting to strike Princess Celestia and Luna…

As Twilight finishes the letters and floats over to spike for burning, she looks ahead to see her friends walking ahead. She’s been in situations like this before… being in a hopeless situation but her friends… Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Spike always helped her get through it. Twilight gives a small smile, she just needed to believe in her friends and... In herself. Twilight looks down and lingers on the last bit.

`I can do this… right?`

Author's Note:
