• Published 18th Jul 2020
  • 2,283 Views, 42 Comments

Horsemen and Ponies - Dark Krystal

Death, War, Pestilence, and Famine. After a mission goes accidentally wrong the four of them find themselves separated and in a strange land filled with gross harmony.

  • ...

(D) Universal fear


Death is inevitable.

Death is... Universal even across dimensions, all creatures lives will eventually come to a end.

Because of these facts...

Death has become a fear.

A universal fear.

The fear that with such ease... Your life can just vanish. Fear that at any moment in your life an accident can occur and end you.

Fear that anyone around you could easily end you. The fear you'll die and leave your loved ones behind without saying goodbye. The fear you’ll die and not be remembered by anyone, no achievements, your history forgotten just another body cremated and thrown away.

This fear that leaves people with existential dread, makes people search for immortality to conquer such fear. But it’s pointless, all they do is buy themselves more time. People who commit suicide are believed to have accept or conquered this fear, they haven’t in the last moments of their lives all have the same sudden fear; Wait what happens when i die? What will i see ? Will it be heaven? Or hell? Or do those not exist... Will everything just fade to black... Forever?

In the end Death is fear itself. A inescapable fear...

A sixteen-foot dragon standing tall with blue scales and an arctic blue underbelly looking down at the biped with its crimson eyes, it has it’s arms crossed and is smirking. From behind it a fatter, shorter brown with an amber underbelly dragon comes around looking down at him with a grin.

Death didn’t show it but he was perplexed. There was no doubt in his mind these are dragons but... There were smaller, weaker, and clearly more pathetic than the dragons that used to be on earth and the sinful ones that went to hell. Though still elitist and smug.

“Well look what we got here? Some small fry on our island!” The blue dragon laughs and the brown dragon joins in.

“Listen, small fry. How about you help us out and we don—”


The dragons drop their grins and look down at the biped surprised before glaring down, the blue dragon leans down to the bipeds eye level. “Listen, small fry. I’m being generous here with this offer and yo—”

”Shut up. I have questions.” Death gives him a deadpan look, the look only pissing off the blue dragon even more.


”No. I won’t even pretend to bend down and listen to you. I have questions that have more importance than whatever task you tried to assign me to do. You will answer me questions or el—” The blue dragon swings his large claw at the biped with a furious roar. Death stretches his arm out to it with an open hand and stops the dragons attack. He didn’t even budge from the impact,

The brown dragon looked at the scene with his mouth opened. This creature wasn't a minotaur in fact he's never seen anyone like him before but the fact that it didn't have any visible muscle yet it was able to stop his friends attack. He could feel his confidence slowly dwindle away and his instincts telling him that this... thing was dangerous.

”I was willing to pardon your ignorance and spare you but..." Death lets out a tired sigh. "Well I only need one of you.”

Hearing the creature say that the blue dragon backs away using his wings to give himself a boost to gain more distance; landing with a shake to the ground. He looks at the creature, sweat starting to form, his body shivering.

'Why? Why was this.... This so... Terrifying?' He wanted to tell the creature to ”bring it on, small fry.” But no sound is able to come out of his mouth, there was only two option his brain could process for him to do. Fight or flight.

Death turned his head and looks at the brown dragon who tensed up upon his gaze. It was clear as day it was about to book it, which Death admired, that was proof it was at least smarter than the other one. Death turns his gaze back onto the blue dragon who had open his maw to show the rising fire in its mouth that spews forth. The brown dragon watched as he saw the form of the biped disappear within fiery breath.

The blue dragons flames slowly dissipate and all that’s left in front of them was a trail of scorched earth on the ground where he fired. No sign of the creature. That fear that had infested in them earlier had vanished and relief fills them up instead. The blue dragon smiles and shakes his head to blow the sweat off his face before standing up straight and sticking his chest out.

“H-Hah! See! That creature was all bark and no bite!” He smiles a little bit.

“Y-yeah! You d-did it Frulzror!” The brown dragon hesitates to give a smile as he wipes the his arm across his forehead.

The brown dragon compliments his friend, letting them both recover from the terrifying encounter. From the scorched earth ghastly black smoke camouflages itself along the blackened burnt ground and heads to the distracted blue dragon. Once it reaches six feet it rises and takes the shape of a humanoid walking to the dragons chest, slowly the smoke dissipates and reveals Death. Death walks forward the blue dragons chest with his left hand on his right shoulder as he winds up his right arm before stop a mere foot from its chest.

“L-let’s go and find us some ge-” The brown dragons voice freezes as his happy expression is replaced with one of utter fear.

“Torvarth?” The blue dragon feels his instincts once again, scream at him and fear takes hold of. Slowly he gulps and turns his head to look down where his friend was looking only to see Death there close to his chest, not a single scorched mark on him.

The blue dragon was frozen stiff, it survived!? After he blasted it full power too? Did it dodge? He wanted to move back, fly in the air and blast it once more yet he couldn’t... His heart was pounding in his chest his breathing growing heavier and starting to sweat buckets.

”Hoped you enjoyed that moment of boasting, Frulzror was it? Let it be the last thing you remember in the afterlife.” Death reels his arm back.

Frulzror tries his best to move his body but it was stiffer than a pole in concrete and as if time itself had slowed down he watches as Death swings his arm clenched fist towards his chest. Frulzror mind blanks a barrage of memories from his childhood to his adulthood strike him. His first successful hunt, his first battle, his meeting with Torvarth and their pact to rise up to dragon nobility.

Torvarth... His first friend. Been together with him since childhood, gem hunting together, and lava surfing together. There was so much more they could do together... So much more. Regret fills him, if he hadn't picked this creature he could've spent more time with his friend, he could've lived longer, he could've finally told his friend about his feelings.

His eyes manage to fall onto his terrified friend, a face he's never seen before. It was his fault this all happened, he finds his mouth moving to say one last thing to his friend. “I’m sorr-”

Death’s fist collides with the dragons chest making his fist glow a dark purple. The tough dragon scales are unable to even give resistance to the punch. The dragons bones break apart like glass and his fist digs into the dragons insides where his fist glows and a purple light erupts.

Torvarth backs up and trips over a rock and falls on his rear as he stares forward. His friend since childhood. His partner in ditching assignments, his best friend. Standing tall, eyes opened and mouth agape. In the same pose as before but the only difference was the large gaping hole in his chest, the hole was large almost reaching to the start of the dragons neck. Dark purple embers covered the insides of the Frulzror, the entire scene looked as if his chest exploded but the true cause of this was still here...

Standing in front of Frulzror's stiffened corpse. Death slowly removes his hand from the dragons chest and makes sure he phased of any dragon blood that had landed on him. He moves his gaze up to the dead dragon and speaks up.

”May your regrets be lifted from you one day.” Death says as he turns his attention to Torvarth and walks to him.

Torvarth Gasps and starts to crawl backwards, but in an instant Death vanishes and reappears in front of the him. Death raises his foot and stomps down on the dragons stubby leg. The leg bends to a disturbing “V” shape and releases a stomach churning crunch. The dragons screams out in pain but Death grabs him by his snout to silence him.


”Tell me where I am and who can possibly help me. If anything other than those two come from that mouth of yours then consider your life forfeit.” With that Death releases his hand off the dragons snout and looks at him expectantly. The dragon bites his scaly lips holding back his scream and holds his claw out to the biped in a motion to tell him to give him a minute in which it seems to acknowledge and gives him a moment to recover.

“T-this is o-our home, Dragon’s nest...” His reward is a nod from the biped.

”Is the island standalone? Or is it part of a series of islands and under a country title?”

“U-u-u-u-u-u-uhhh...!” Torvarth stumbles over his words and sweats as he tries to regain some composure to speak.

“W-w-we’re a-alone but there’s a country near us called E-Equestria!”

”Hm.” Another nod is given to the dragon.

“A-a-a-a-as for help u-u-um e-er... Ah! D-dragon lord Ember!”

Death raises an eyebrow. “Is that you’re leader?”

Torvarth nods rapidly with a clear look of pure fear on his face.

Death looks at the dragon, thinking to himself. After the brief silence he speaks up. ”Where is your lord then?”

“U-up in the volcanoes!” Death turns and looks to his right to see the volcanoes in the distance.

”I see.” With that statement Death moves away from the dragon. Silently Death starts walking towards the volcano with hands in his pockets. Torvarth watches as the biped leaves and once he’s out of sight released a sigh that shocks even him. He was dominated, humiliated, watched his best friend die right in front of him, got his leg broken and still was in pain yet... During this moment he felt utter relief. Was this wrong? Probably...He should be screaming and calling for help or crying his eyes out but the moment the creature was out of sight Torvarth felt as if a boulder was lifted off his fat gut. He could breath, he could feel his heart pumping he was... Alive.

Torvarth looks to the sky and stares. Wetness starting to fill his eyes until tears start flowing down his scaly plump cheeks.
“I... Survived...” He mumbles as he watches the cloudy grey sky’s above.

’I should’ve asked more specifically where this ember was.’

Death sighs at his mistake. It was already a long walk but making it up the volcano and having no idea where exactly Ember was.. Dumb of him. Having made it to the top he looks around, the land is no doubt inhabitable, no homes, town, or any structures. Just giant craters either filled with bubbling magma or craters with small holes that expose the once hidden magma layer. Death already loathed this place, there was nothing even noteworthy of interest here, the air was sulfuric and smelled horrible, the atmosphere was very humid, and he couldn’t help but feel that if the volcanoes here erupted it would undoubtedly destroy most of this island.

Despite how inhabitable this land was dragons were nearly everywhere, flying in the sky, chilling on rocks, bathing in the magma, or eating from large piles of gems in the craters. Death noted their strange hunger for devoting crystalline material and their biology. Saying the dragons in this world were strange was an understatement, they were freaks compared to his world. They varied in size sometimes being as large as homes or even towers. He noticed some in the craters were close to Pestilence's height or even taller, their biology was too different from each other however, and the smaller one’s were bipeds while the larger ones were on all fours.

He saw they had different spines but some of the smaller ones had hair... How is it possible?! He even saw a dragon who’s back end was gigantic but his upper torso was small, compared to the dragons nearby he guess that I was a result of in-breeding, maybe the reason why all these dragons look so freakish is because of a lot of inbreeding... The thought about that made him scowl a bit.

Death found it strange how he walked in with no conflict or immediate hostility, the two dragons earlier were more hostile to him but now he was surrounded by dragons so much they didn’t even pass hi ma glance or notice him walking by. Eventually he leaves the volcanic area and walks down some slopes to make it to a wasteland. Nothing changed much other than the land being flatter and darker but same old, lava, rocks, more rocks, some burnt dead trees, and dragons thought much more of the smaller biped variety. Looking up at the sky it was getting close to sunset.

‘I am not spending an entire day in this land.’

Death furrows his brows and looks to see if he can spot any dragons that isn’t a smug bastard that can give him directions to the Dragon Lord. In the distance he see a trio of dragons relaxing in a lava lake and with this discovery he starts to head to them. Getting closer he squints at their... Unique appearances, one was a bright orange with a raptor like body but violet spines and a larger bottom jaw, the second one was brown and fat, blue horns and red wing with a strange ball of flesh at the end of its fat tail, the and last one was lanky purple dragon with blond hair that covered it’s eyes, either way to Death they all looks like your average asshole teens but in dragons form, just his luck.

Death approaches and stops when he is on the edge of the lava riverbed, the trio talk among themselves but a “Ahem.” from Death grabs their attention.

“Woooah....” The purple dragons lets out as he looks over Death, confusing Death as he actually didn’t think the dragon could see through that blond hair.

“What in Tartarus are you!?” The fat brown one yells up as he looks up at the newcomer with wide eyes.

`Tartarus? How do they know Greek mythology that humans made...?’ Death didn’t expect these small bits of information even if one of the bits were useless...

“What you want, chump!” The orange dragon finally speaks up and looks at death with an annoyed glare.

’At least these three weren't calling him small fry.’

”I just want to know, where Ember is.”

That gets surprised expressions on their faces and they look at each other before huddling together to speak among themselves. After a bit the orange one speaks up. “What you need the dragon lord for!”

”Business. I have a meeting with your dragon lord.” Death lies as naturally as he kills.

“I never seen you or uh... Whatever you're kind is before!” The brown dragon points at the man.

”I come from distant lands, with a proposition that should benefit you dragons a lot if I say so. I can tell you but... I would also have to disclose to ember that I have informed you. I don't think that would be... good for you three.” Death narrows his eyes at them.

The dragons don’t hide their nervousness upon hearing that. “N-nah we’re good, s-sir!” The purple dragon quickly says.

”Good. So where is Ember?”

The trio put their heads together, humorless all three close their eyes and put their hands under their jaws as they think.

“Maybe out in the field doing target practice?” The purple one speaks up first.

“No maybe making sure the nest are being made... It’s close to egg laying season right?” The brown dragon says and looks to the orange dragon for an answer who simply just scratches the side of his head and says. “Uhhhh..... Maybe?”

Death comes to terms he might have to beg to the gods of this world to give him a bipedal reptile that is competent.

“We dunno! She’s usually all over the place! But you can try the throne!” The orange one says, at the mention of the thrown the other two beam up and nod together.

'She? The dragon lord is a female. Interesting change from hell...'

”Throne? So you have castle here?” Death raises a brow. He didn’t see any sign of structure around him for miles.

“Castle... Uh.. No.”

”........Then are you saying there is a throne just..... Out here?” Death slowly raises a brow. The trio all nod their heads with beaming toothy smiles as if it was something to be proud of.

”...So where is it?” Death gives a deadpan look, already tired of this conversation.

“That way!” All three point north.

“It’s like literally impossible to miss! It’s the size of a mountain after all! Hahaha!” The purple one says with a smile.

”I see. Thank you.” With that death quickly starts walking north and lets out a sigh of relief. ’If I stay with these creatures any longer I may just lose it. I should’ve lied when I met those two before... Then I wouldn’t have to cause needless bloodshed.’

Death runs a hand over his face and sighs. 'Cannot change the past, i just have to adapt to the situation that i made...'

Death prepares himself mentality to meet the lord of these inbred, foolish, and smug reptilians. There was no doubt in his mind she would probably be the most smug and incompetent compared to the rest here.

’The dragons in hell are more preferable than the ones here...’

Death comes to he end of the volcanic part of wasteland... Maybe. He wasn’t sure but the further he went the less lava lakes and rivers there were. Eventually its nothing but humid rocky land with some trees here and there. Death looks around for any showings of a random giant throne in the middle of nowhere, eventually seeing something large in the distance. He speeds up his pace and squints his eyes to get better resolution of the scene ahead and it was... A actual giant throne made of rocks. He had to admit it was.... Something. He would have to get closer but there was bad news about this thing. There was no large dragon sitting on it.
Was this a waste of time after all? How long would he have to wait more in this cursed land!? His annoyance was starting to boil up and he runs towards the throne.

Making it there he discovers that the throne is in some sort of crater with rocky pillars around it, looking around he notes some smaller dragons were around... Sitting like usually though their expressions more grim, angry, fearful, or sad. At the bottom area there were two large dragons, one red the other green looking down at something and yelling at it. He walks along the edge, hopping from pillar to pillar to get a better look at their situation and to find if there was some one open to talk, well that is until a female voice rings out from between the duo.

“SHUT UP!” The dragons instant shut their mouths and look up clearly unnerved.

Death stops in his tracks and look back to the group, now there was a third a small blue dragon holding a... Death squints at the object she was holding, it was a crystalline staff with a red gem on top that glowed ever so faintly. Tried to see if he can feel any magic coming off it but he felt nothing, just a staff for style. If she wasn’t a wizard but carries around a staff for looks and on her word the dragons shut up... He wasn’t sure of the dragon culture but she was most likely a nob-

“Dragon lord Ember please! It’s obvious that ponies were the ones that killed Frulzror! Why do you hesitate!” The red dragon yells out suddenly.

“I-it could’ve been someone else who killed him! I won’t attack the ponies just of an assumption you dimwits! We wait for Torv-”

“Torvarth is never going to speak up about it! It's as clear as gems the dragon has lost his mind!” The green dragon interrupts the small blue one with a yelling of pure anger and a smack to the ground.

’Shit. Of course dragons would find that corpse that was out in the open and with the ability to fly of course the word of a murder would spread fast.’

Death facepalms. He’s never felt so foolish in his life, he should’ve killed the other one and buried the body. Thank Lucifer that dragon isn't fully explaining what happened or otherwise Death would have to use force again. He needed the assistance and knowledge of the Lord if he was going to get back to his wor- Wait. Death removes his hand from his face as a sudden realization about what Ember said kicked in. Ponies. Ponies? In the world where dragons are? Ponies live with them? Not only that but are they strong enough to be able to become suspects... Interesting but that thought needs to be saved for later right now he thinks of a solution for this sudden problem.

’If I approach them now I’ll be suspect for the murder... They admitted they haven't seen any creature like me. If a creature they've never seen before just shows up on the day of a murder it would only be reasonable to suspect foul play from one, or at least that's how I do it.'

Death furrows his brows and makes his decision. He needed some information or a clue of where he can find something or someone to help him, whether or not they want to or not. Death makes it to the bottom slowly walks over to the trio. Ember is the first to notice and looks at the strange biped with widened eyes before giving him a hard glare and flying past the two yelling dragons to get right in Death’s face.

“Who and what are you.” Ember hisses out, her eyes showing all signs that he was already considered a suspect of the case.

Death crosses his arms and glares at her. ”A nobody. I am here for answers, Dragon Lord Ember.”

Ember backs away slightly as the other two larger dragons step up and glare down at him.
“Answers to what, small fry?” The red dragons says casually making Death immediately rolls his eyes.

”Who is the most knowledgeable person around, I come from a distant land that I need help getting back to.” Death looks at the dragon with a deadpan look.

“Why should we assist an outsider? Already one of your kind as entered out lands and.... Murdered one of our brethren. “ The green dragon says with venom in his voice.

“I’m sorry but we aren’t exactly wanting outsiders here right now... Say when did you come to the island.” Ember squints at him with a raised brow.

’Huh. They actually have a competent leader.’

Death knew that even if he lied she would still suspect him and even if she believed him she wouldn’t bother him with his request after all she had a potential murderer on the loose. Death narrows his eyes, there it goes the bait to draw a suspect.

'What I want won't match up if I lie to her... Damnit is there no way out of this without violence? If this land wasn't so insufferable I would be willing to wait out...'

After a brief silence Death makes his decision, he jumps up to one of the taller dragons snout and punches. The punch not only breaking the dragons snout but also sending it flying backwards to the open water that was east of the throne, the dragon lands with a large splash in to the water. As death falls down the green dragon strikes, opening it’s mouth and to bite down on to Death only to snap down on nothing. Death turns into black smoke and phases through the dragon then turns back to his physical form when he lands. Before he can start his next more he gets clocked on the side of his head by something hard. He jump away to see what attempted to harm him; it was the dragon lord who flies away briefly to wind up a flying rush after him with her staff in hand pointed at him, the red gem sparks to life and grows brightly.

Before Death knew it his vision is covered in red light and he feels... Stinging pain. Death feels his back hit something hard, soon the red light vanished and he sees he was crashed deeply into the throne. His clothes were singed, trying to move had some pain but he gets out of the wall crater and looks a head at the angry blue dragon holding her staff that was emitting embers of red energy. Death worst fear came true. The magic or energy is different from his, even as it’s in front of him he still can’t detect or feel it. It wasn’t very powerful or at least not enough to defeat him but... It was a threat.

’Damnit. They actually have a competent leader.’

Death looks around to see if the green dragon was still here only to see it heading he punched the other dragon. when he checks above him but no... Did it just up and abandon their dragon lord? The glow of that staff get his attention once more as it prepares to fire once more, there was no time and he runs out the way as it fires. He rushes as the blue dragon who snarls and quickly fly up and in the sky and out of his reach and blasts him again.

Death can’t believe he’s on the defensive, running around the place dodging staff blasts as the dragon curses at him, she shoots once more and death dodges with a swift roll and looks back up at her only to see her gone. Instinctively he turns his head to his right and sees her flying at him already too close. She was fast. Death stands and tries to block up its too late and she slams the larger end of the staff into the right side of his head, making him wince and stumble a bit.

”Geh...” Death shakes his head as he recovers from the attack only to be hit once more, she changed her strategy from just angry blasting to hit and runs. Death put his arms up and starts blocking after the third strike against him.

’This is annoying.’

The dragons before were so prideful and stupid but their leader... Despite how easily he can defeat her with just one punch, she was competent, it was almost as if he was just dealing with level one enemies this entire time then boss music started playing out of nowhere. A blast from behind pulls him out of his thoughts making him fly forward onto the ground with a grunt. Getting up once more he noticed something... He was surrounded along the pillars and edges even in the sky was filled with dragons... Not helping her though they watched instead as if this was some coliseum, or some blood sport to them.

Ember flies a head and strike him from behind only for him to dodge it, but then a rock hits his back and then it come like every biased coliseum. Insults. Death ears were filled with cheers for every successful strike the dragon lord made on him, insults when he dodges and rocks thrown at him like some sort of support.

At first he didn’t mind, they were easy to dodge and he could just ignore the insults but as more and more, he gets blasted, he misses a strike, or dodges. They spoke. ”Small fry, Whelp, Murderer, Scumbag, filthy outsider, and etc.” Filled his eardrums, and slowly that stoic expression he always wore started to crack into a frown.

’These pieces of trash... Feeling big and smug when their hiding behind they’re lord. A fucking whelp putting me on defense. A mission failed and sent me another dimension. War and Pestilence... Knowing those two aren’t probably looking for a way to come back immediately and probably treating this a vacation.`

He had enough.

Ember flies at him once again this time building up more velocity to make this strike the one that knocks this murderer out, at the same time she makes sure the crystal is charge so in case he blocks it she can blast him once more. Once she close enough she swings at him only for his arms to reach out a grab the staff, instantly stopping his momentum. Ember flies past him and due to his grip strength the staff is pulled from her claws, she gasps and quickly turns around to face the man who holds the bloodstone scepter his hand. The dragons grow silent.

He slowly moves his arm and examines the item that’s been beating him, crystal staff with a glowing gem held in place, holding it he can finally feel the immense magic and energy within it. He looks directly at the red gem and moves his left hand to feel it’s texture, smooth and.... Fragile. He grips the red gem and squeezes it, cracks form and energy spews forth from it like red fire. The more he crushed it the more wild the energy releasing from the crystal was. The sound of glass breaking fills the area as he successful breaks the gem, the destruction of the crystal lets out a red shockwave throughout the area that makes all the dragons glow.

All the dragons froze in place and looked on wide-eyed as they just witnessed a piece of the legendary dragon lord scepter destroyed so easily. He turns the staff horizontal with both hands and raises it over his head... Only to swing it down over his knee and break the hard crystalline staff in two and toss the two pieces away in different directions. Ember stands there, mouth open and pupils shrunk, the bloodstone scepter... The scepter that was past down from dragon lord to dragon lord for centuries, the most important piece of dragon culture and history was now destroyed. Ember regains her self faster than the others and roars with pink fire spewing from her mouth before charging at the villain.

Death raises his arms to block but when she gets in slashing distance he suddenly at a speed faster than she thought he was capable and as she flies past him he grabs her tail and pulls her over his head and smashes her on her back into the ground causing her to yelp in pain.

Death disliked wearing his emotions on his sleeves like the others, he always kept them inside however in this case... He was going to enjoy this and he wants her to know he was. He gives her the smallest of smiles and gripping her tail starts to slam her all over the place letting the only sound to fill the air was her screams of pain.

After a one last slam he releases her tail and looks down at the dragon. Ember was barely hanging onto her consciousness, her back was beaten severely making patches of her back scales peeled away revealing flesh that bleed profusely, wing membrane being torn and having holes in it, luckily he held back so her spine didn’t break but instead it was left cracked.

Death scoffs at the once angry dragon hellbent on avenging her pathetic brethren and looks around to see if her brethren would come save their lord but now, like the cowards there were they all looked at the scene with horror and fear as to what Death would do to their lord.

Death wanted to mock the dragons for how pathetic they truly were, all those insults and rock throwing but now just fearful silence as they watch their leader beaten badly. He focuses his attention back onto Ember and put’s his foot on her small chest and pushes down slightly making her hiss at the slight pain, he leans down close to meet her eyes with his cold deadpan purple eyes and finally speaks up.

”Since the moment I came here all I wanted was just information, but instead I was looked down upon, insulted, and mocked for my height. These are minimal offenses that aren’t worthy of murder so I do apologize for how this situation turned out, Ember.”

”But.” He crushes her chest more under his foot making her yelp out in pain.

”I am all more willingly to repeat that mistake on you. In front of your people. But i won’t as long as you just. give. me. Information.” He glares down at Ember who looks back at him with a glare.

“Kill me. I rather die than help yo-” Death raises his foot and goes to slam it down upon her chest.

Like slow motion Ember watches the boot come down towards her chest and in those moments she finally acknowledge what was coming. Death. He wasn’t lying. He was just making a threat. It was a promise. Ember had secretly hoped he would just get angry and beat her some more or just do something to keep her alive but.... To die like this... In front of her people after just becoming the dragon lord, it was humiliating and it was more humiliating that instead of dying with some honor that she stood up to this man, she wanted to live. Just then she is hit with flashbacks of her childhood, watching her father Torch from afar and admiring his ruling when she was but a hatching, her first victory, finding her first gem, and much more.. Everything she has done was meaningless and no one but her will know her story, her legacy will be the last dragon lord who was defeated at the hands of some outsider.

This was death. She didn’t think it would be this terrifying and thus her stubborn façade breaks, she yells out.

“I-I’ll tell you everything you want to know!” She practically screeches out making death’s foot freeze and place and move away from her. The dragons look at her in complete shock, some even looking at her with hateful eyes already. She looks up at Death with her eyes full of fear and cold sweat dripping off her scaly face.

”Good. Who is the most knowledge able person in the land?” Death looks down at her with crossed arms.

“The Pony princesses...” Death raises an eyebrow at that.

'Wait Princesses?'

“The p-ponies are ruled by two ponies that live in some fancy castle. I heard they’ve been around for years....”

”No... Queen and King? Just two princesses?” Death sighs, hoping it would be an easier target. He won’t repeat the same mistake he made here when he was going to deal with them.

“It’s always been those t-two... At least I think so.”

”And They rule this “Equestria” correct?”

Ember nods her head slowly. “It’s the c-country east of our land. Across the sea.”

”Hm. Tell me about the ponies.”

“There’s not much I know about them o-other than these three types. Flying ones, horned ones, and um bland ones!?”

Death sighs wanting to get more information but accepts the bread he was given for now and turns away.

”Thank you, Ember.” And with that Death turns into smoke and with a racing speed rushes out of the crater making the dragons who block his way panic and scream only to find the smoke going around their bodies past them as he heads east to the sea. Ember lies in her crater staring up at the cloudy sky, shamed filled her, Spike and his pony friends lived in Equestria and she just sent a... Monster to them, maybe death was a better alternative than living with this shame, this guilt, these feelings of inferiority and failure that make tears well up in her eyes.

“I’m sorry.” She says as tears run down her cheeks and she closes her eyes as many footsteps rush towards her body.

“AH! Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

A purple alicorn runs out of the library and towards the hallway. “SPIKE!?” She yells out as she slides in to the hallway to see a small dragon glowing on the floor and furiously scratching himself.

“Twilighhhhhhhhht! It’s happening again!”

Twilight walks over with concern. “What! Why would Ember summon all the dragons?”

“I-I don’t know but it still burns like usual!” Spike rolls himself across the floor.

Twilight ignores spikes rolling and thinks to herself.

'Ember just a month ago became dragon lord so why would she call all dragons already?'

Twilight has a bad feeling in her gut about this. “I’ll go get the others spike! We’ll all go to the dragon lands together!” Twilight says with a determined look on her face and wings spread open.

“That’s good Twilight! But the sooner the better!” Spike says as he rolls past her. Making her close her wings and deadpan.

Author's Note:

Death is appalling to those of the most iron nerves, when it comes quietly and in the stillness and solitude of night.

Fucking 6k words. Fuck i didn't expect the chapter to be THIS big. But worth it.

The story officially begins now with death firing the shot heard around Equestria. Expect maybe some errors or mistakes i'm fuckin' sleep deprived right now as i write this.

Anyway. Short QnA chapter next and then back to your normal scheduling.

12/23/2020 Edited