• Published 19th Jul 2020
  • 1,483 Views, 53 Comments

The Twi'lek - Gallants

Sasha Lessa a young Twi'lek padawan crashlands in Equestria after escaping order 66

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I opened my eyes leaving memories behind, I looked about and watched Fleur get up from her spot on the floor and stretching; I gently untangled myself from mom's embrace and made my way to the kitchen. I filled a glass with some water and tenderly nursed it, hearing the stove turn on I looked over my shoulder to see Fleur beginning to cook deciding not to bother her I made my way back to the living room and took a seat across from mom. She lay nearly motionless, taking proper stock of the room since I got back yesterday, I was able to notice blankets strewn about, her armor was unpolished, and a bottle of wine sat on the coffee table uncorked. Fleur stepped into the living room placing a tray down next to the bottle before stepping over and nudging mom awake.

Mom's eyes slowly opened before a weary smirk spread across her face as the fragrant breakfast reached her nose, stretching she rolled off the couch and lurched forwards reaching out with a hoof and slowly beginning to eat her lunch with heavy sighs in between mastications. Fleur lifted my plate to me before taking a seat and eating her own, "Fleur," mom vocalized, "I had the best dream, Sasha had come home and I finally told my parents off for being racist," tears flowed down her face.

"Quoi dream, you did yell at your parents yesterday, although, not really for being racist, et Sasha is right there," Fleur informed her pointing a hoof at me. Mom looked up and wiped her face before eating her breakfast with a renewed vigor. For the rest of breakfast, I regaled Fleur and Mom with the story of how I lost my saber and how I got arrested, skipping over a few minor details, just as I was finishing the final part of my defense at the black site, having skipped over the torture, a knock resounded from the front door. I walked to the door and enjoyed the sound of the bolt clacking as I pulled it open.

The white fur and blue mane caught my attention along with the pair of sunglasses situated on her face, "Officer Shield," I said looking around, "you don't have a rag and bottle of water in your saddlebags do you?" I asked smirking and chuckling.

"Once again I'm really sorry about that," she said scraping her hoof across the stone porch, "Anyways, the Princess requested assistance for spreading a message," her head shifted clearly trying not to look at me as she was speaking, "there will be an announcement at 1300,"

I heard hooves coming from behind, "Hey whatever you do, don't mention the torture, my mom or boss don't know about it," she nodded, "also you don't have to apologize it's not your fault, and you helped me after the event so we're even," I told her, the smile she gave was warming.

"Sweetie who's this?" Mom asked stepping next to me, "I hate to say this but you only have two friends other than me," she said before Shield opened her mouth.

"I'm Officer Shield with the E.I.A, and I was asked to assist in spreading the news about the announcement the Princess is making it will be held at the palace and she would appreciate yours and Miss Sasha's presence please have a good day," she finished her rehearsed statement and made her way to the next house.

The guards had formed an inner wall at the palace with another wall of uniformed officers and a third of riot police at the ready although they weren't the centerpiece. Gracefully Princess Celestia stepped into view, "My little ponies," she began, "I am proud to inform you that my sister has returned to us after being gone for so long, so please give a warm welcome to Princess Luna of the Night!" she announced stepping to the side. A small bluish mare stepped up, she waved to the silent crowd.

"Sasha you're back!" I jumped when I heard the voice and legs wrap around me from behind, "Why didn't you come to visit me, I'd have made time for you," slowly the legs released me turning around I saw Blueblood with a large smile plastered across his face.

"Well my liege," I said taking a deep bow, "I only got back into town yesterday and I was very tired," standing straight, I lightly hit his shoulder, "I won't lie it was going to take a while for me to visit, I wasn't going to leave the house then this came up," I stated, motioning to the crowd around us, my hand came in contact with a piece of metal looking over my shoulder I stared into the stoic eyes of a guardmare, "I'm sorry about scuffing your armor ma'am," I squeaked out.

She rolled her eyes and snorted, "Sahsa Lessa come with me," she commanded and turned around marching away, I quickly followed her as her voice parted the sea, "OUT OF THE WAY, ROYAL BUSINESS!" ponies quickly scrambled out of the way of the armored mare. One however decided to stay in her path even blocking her when she attempted to go around. Her hoof shot out and pulled him until their muzzles were touching, "I said royal business, out of the way," she hissed before pushing him to the side on down to the ground. Even Minotaurs gave her a wide berth as we made our way to the gates, the guard picked up her pace when we reached the inner wall and quickly led me to the main doors of the palace. A golden glow surrounded the handles as they were pulled open.

"Sasha thank you for joining me, my sister actually requested your presence," The Princess said from just beyond the threshold, "Although a question did slip my mind about the other day," she instructed me to enter with her wing, stepping through I saw her up close, Princess Luna, I was barely shorter than her, her light blue mane was short and had a small curl over her right shoulder.

"Aye, this is the one!" She excitedly announced, "Doth thee rememb'r us?" she asked getting closer to me, silently thanking that semester on ancient equish I shook my head from side to side and looked behind me towards Princess Celestia for guidance, "I supposeth thee wouldn't has't seen us, thee w're quite afeard at which hour yond Anakin charact'r hath tried to killeth thee," my breath hitched when I translated what she said.

"How do you know about that?" I whispered my question out.

She dropped to her haunches, "We madeth the buckler to protecteth thee, th're wast much turmoil in thy mind, true harmeth couldst has't befallen thee," she reached a hoof out towards me; when I took it she pulled me into a hug, "Thy nightmare did allow us to wrestleth controleth from the nightmare yond possess'd us, f'r yond we thanketh thee," she murmured into my ear.

"You are welcome Princess Luna, if you require..." I paused struggling to think of an appropriate word, "dream... assistance I am available," I informed her slowly pulling away from the embrace.

"Thee off'r thy holp, thee shalt not ref'r to me with titles simply calleth me Luna," She announced me once more and pulling me into a tighter hug, there was a sharp pain as my lekku were pinched between our bodies, letting out a yelp Luna slid across the floor as I pushed her with the force. Tears slowly forced their way down my face as I gently covered my lekku with my arms, "Cousin we didst not cullionly to causeth harmeth, prithee f'rgive us," she called out approaching me once more, I stood up and looked her in the eyes.

"Luna it's fine," I told her as I wiped my eyes, "you didn't know my lekku were sensitive," turning to Princess Celestia, "You said a question slipped your mind, Princess?" I asked her.