• Published 1st Aug 2020
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A Tale of a Loving Sister: Volume 2 - GoebelTron

Chase Tucker returns and he’s going to enjoy his life with his new big sister, Sunset Shimmer!

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Chapter 26: Sleepover at School/The Antidote

When the girls left the mansion, they got into the truck with the evidence and drove home. When Rarity looked out the window, she suddenly saw Chase laying on her lap, so she embraced her arms and hands onto him. “I’m gonna need to set my lab equipment for me to work on the antidote,” Twilight said. “Let’s camp at the school. We’ll be safe there.” Applejack nodded, and then drove to the school.

When they got to the school, the girls took the kids over to the library to set up their beds, and Twilight set up her lab equipment and then started working on the antidote.

She set up her laptop and typed in the formula for the ooze, used a microscope to see the cells inside the ooze, mixed up some chemicals consisting both hydrogen peroxide and antiseptics, then took some notes on her research, and then tested some other chemical combinations by using zinc acid, sodium chloride, lithium, cadmium cyanide, and phosphoric acid, and when all the chemicals were done, she tested a small drop on a small sample of her blood mixed with a small drop of the ooze, then looked under the microscope, until the mixture from the blended chemicals started to cleanse the other cells from the ooze and start to change color.

When she finished her research, she hid her equipment underneath the desk in a small cabinet, and joined the sleepover.

Later on, everyone was asleep, but Chase couldn’t sleep. Rainbow Dash looked at him and then placed her hand on his shoulder and rubbed her thumb softly. “Can’t sleep, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked. Chase shook his head, then moped. “Come here, bud. You can sleep with me tonight,” Rainbow Dash said, then Chase walked over and laid next to her. Rainbow Dash wrapped her arm around his shoulder and then Chase leaned closer to her hip and pressed his cheek on her belly.

Sunset woke up one more time, until she saw Chase sleeping with Rainbow Dash. Then, she went back to sleep.

The next morning, the man-bat woke up and then found out he can survive the sunlight. He went inside and tried to find some blood to feast on. Meanwhile, in the preschool room, Sunset was playing a board game with Chase, until they heard a faint banging noise. “What was that?” Chase asked. Sunset got up and looked out the window and Chase hid behind the giant panda. “I don’t see anything,” Sunset said, until the man-bat mutant appeared and tried to get in, but Sunset used a tack and jabbed its finger with it, then the creature got in and saw Sunset protecting Chase, then it charged towards them both.

“RUN!” Sunset yelled, until Chase tripped over and he cowered until Sunset kicked the monster’s face with her foot and lifted Chase up and ran out of the room until the creature got back up, then it followed the scent of their blood.

“Come on! Hurry!” Sunset said, until she and Chase locked the door in the library to be safe. Rainbow Dash saw them hugging, “What’s the matter?” Suddenly, the creature came back and got back up, then it walked towards Sunset and Chase, but Rarity came over and set up her crystal shield and Rainbow Dash and Applejack protected the three. When the creature got closer, its fangs expanded, but suddenly, a rainbow colored liquid was injected by a syringe placed on the neck, and then the creature turned back into a human again and passed out.

Rainbow Dash used her speed and dropped the fainted man off to the asylum and came back, “There. All done.”

“Twilight, you saved us!” Chase said. “Yep!” Twilight said, then showed them all the liquid. “I give you... the antidote!”

Later on, they got ready to stop Estella and El Macho from destroying the city, until Chase had the stone with him. When they were ready, they drove off to the abandoned shuttle launch station and abandoned foundry building.

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