• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 6,745 Views, 96 Comments

A Tale of a Loving Sister: Volume 2 - GoebelTron

Chase Tucker returns and he’s going to enjoy his life with his new big sister, Sunset Shimmer!

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Chapter 27: The Mane 7 vs El Macho and Estella

When El Macho and Estella arrived at the abandoned warehouse with a huge space shuttle, they decided to use it as a thermonuclear missile with the crystal roots inside an explosive canister. “The canister is prepared for detonation,” Estella said. “Yes, and no one will stop us, but once we place it inside and have enough to create an army and conquer the world!” El Macho said, then he scrubbed the diagnostics and initiated the launch.

“T-Minus 10 minutes till launch.”

Unexpectedly, the kids snuck into the base and then replaced the canister with the crystal roots with a canister full of diesel fuel, then ran with the crystal roots to the girls.

When they arrived back outside, Applejack placed an explosive device inside the canister, and Twilight gave two syringes that had two of the last batches of the antidote to Sunset and then she ran off to distract the mutated guards.

Without them noticing, Sunset injected the antidote into their bloodstream and it turned the shark mutant, rhino mutant, crocodile mutant and rat mutant back into their human selves and then they passed out. El Macho and Estella saw the guards that were being cured, “What’s happening to our minions?! Girls?!”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie was rolling the canister into the ocean, and when it tumbled off the cliff and landed in the water, it blew up. “There. Mission accomplished,” Pinkie Pie said.

“T-Minus 7 minutes and 30 seconds till launch.”

“Girls, we’ve got company,” Rainbow Dash said.

Sunset and the girls ponied up and used their magic to cure the rest of the guards, and then Applejack and Rainbow Dash put them inside the truck so that they can send them to the hospital at the asylum.

“T-Minus 5 minutes till launch.”

When everything was taken care of, the girls saw the kids were missing, then they saw El Macho and Estella watching from outside. “It’s over, Estella. Now, where are the kids?” Sunset asked. “Take a look for yourselves!” Estella replied, pointing at the rocket. When she looked closer, she saw the kids trapped inside the shuttle with the diesel fuel canister. Sunset gasped at what she saw. The kids were rambling for help and banging on the glass. “You ruffians!” Rarity said.

“Let them go!” Sunset said. “We will...” El Macho said. “...but with the countdown starting off for the remaining 10 minutes, and we send that shuttle with the canister inside straight into the same volcano where I faked my death! When it blows up, the ooze will corrupt the civilians and create enough troops to conquer the world! But only this time, it’s for real!”

“One thing we forgot to mention that part,” Rainbow Dash said. “We replaced the canister with diesel fuel, then sent the real canister into the ocean to blow up. “So you can kiss your evil armies goodbye!” Pinkie Pie said.

“T-Minus 3 minutes till launch.”

“This Twilight here also made an antidote for your all powerful guards, some heading for the hospital and the others heading to the asylum for some medical care.” Sunset said. “YOU IDIOTS!” Estella said. “You ruined everything! Handle them! And finish the job this time!”

“With pleasure,” El Macho said, taking off his cape. “Alright, girls...” he took out a small vial of the remainder of the ooze, “You’re gonna die.” He drank the ooze, then the girls reacted with shock and disgust. El Macho suddenly grew fangs on his bottom jaw, then he started growing and his skin turned red, and he became an huge angry Diablo hulking beast with his bones popping out everywhere and his spine became spiky on his back. When El Macho got angry, he made a thunderous roar, then he charged at the girls and tried to destroy them, but the girls used their magic against him.

Suddenly, Chase was lucky enough to escape from the rocket, but until he tried to save his friends, the rocket was starting to move to launch position and it caused Chase to fall, until Rainbow Dash caught him in her arms while in flight, then he saw Rainbow Dash in pony mode. “You can fly!” Chase said. Rainbow Dash suddenly blushed with a warm smile and then she landed on the ground, “Run!” Chase ran to hide, but he was trapped by an antenna that was thrown by El Macho.

Chase saw the girls getting beaten by the rampaging beast, until he realized Sunset was there, too. It suddenly triggered some anger from the past, then he suddenly started to get really angry and then he went towards El Macho and blasted him with a huge plasma beam. When El Macho saw some burns on his arms, he got really angry and started to pummel Chase, but the boy placed a force field against him, then he suddenly used his lightning power against El Macho and it made him dance, then the beast fainted, and then Twilight came over and injected him with the antidote, causing him to change back into a human, then Rarity put handcuffs on his wrists and wrapped him in a blanket.

“T-minus 50 seconds till launch.”

“You’re too late,” El Macho said, softly cackling until he coughed. “You’ll never got to save them in time.” El Macho suddenly fainted.

“We gotta get the kids outta there!” Rainbow Dash said. “But how? Some of us can’t fly!” Applejack said. Sunset thought for a moment, “Maybe we can, but with a little help.”

Suddenly, they saw the chicken push the fast forward button to the launch. “I really hate that chicken...” Sunset said.

“T-Minus 10 seconds till launch.”

“Come on!” Sunset said, as Rainbow Dash and Applejack went with.









“1... Liftoff.” The shuttle lifted off and then went to the destination listed. While they were climbing to the part that had the windshield and console inside, Applejack broke the emergency hatch open, then she reached out her hand, “Grab on, kids!” Melody went first, and Applejack gave her to Rainbow Dash, then Sam Sam came next, and Seamus went last after he placed a bomb armed for 2 minutes. When the kids were safe with Twilight and Rainbow Dash, they jumped off, then the bomb inside the canister blew the shuttle into smithereens and the blast made them all fall uncontrollably, until Rarity caught them with her crystal shield and then Twilight lowered it to the ground.

When they made it to the surface, Sunset gave the kids a group hug, until Estella walked out with the medallion she wore before, but some pieces of it were lost. “You... ruined... EVERYTHING!” she said, until she used a red lightning attack against Sunset, then she strangled Chase’s neck with her hand’s strong grip, causing him to choke. Suddenly, Chase placed his hand on Estella’s wrist, then she started to feel a burn that felt like acid, and screamed in fear. “What have you done to me?!” Estella asked, suddenly she saw the stone in Chase’s pocket. “Give me that stone!” Estella said, but suddenly, she was stopped by the girls. Chase ran to Sunset with the stone, then hid behind her leg her leg.

“No! This can't be possible! Your magic can't defeat mine!” Estella said. “I DESTROYED YOUR NEW LIFE, CHASE!!! YOU LOST EVERYTHING, YOU USELESS BRAT!!!” Chase hugged Sunset’s leg and rubbed his cheek on her thigh, until his sister stood up for him and stroked his hair, “Did you? Because you left out one important thing.”

“And what’s that?” Estella asked. “His friendship, the love we all gave him, and the kindness he showed us,” Sunset said. “WHAT!?!” Estella asked. Twilight stood next to Sunset, “You may have ruined Chase’s new life, but you can't destroy his friendship, Estella!” Rainbow Dash walked up next, “And we keep telling bad guys.” Applejack came up, “But y'all just don't seem to remember.” The girls held hands and formed a heart shape, “Friendship is magic!”

Then the girls lit up their magic and blasted it at her, but suddenly, Chase threw the stone in the unison and it was finally destroyed, until Estella was now blinded with fear, and saw a vision of the girls in front of a rainbow light that haunted her, and when she started to run off screaming, Starlight punched her in the face, knocking her out, then her skin was back to normal. And when the magic was done, the girls landed on their feet. Suddenly they gave each other a group hug, until Chase passed out. Until he fully closed his eyes, he saw a blurry vision of Sunset kneeling down towards him.

Author's Note:

Guess we’ll never see Estella or El Macho again. :twilightsmile:

But I hope Chase is alright. :pinkiesmile:

For the music I selected I would suggest skipping ahead to these couple of seconds:

1. Despicable Me 2: The Big Battle - 1:24
2. Venom: Battle on the Launch Pad - 6:17

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