• Published 25th Jul 2020
  • 1,059 Views, 38 Comments

Canterlot Bakugan Brawlers - luckyboys121

While looking for answers about who she is and where she came from, Scootaloo and her friends discover creatures called Bakugan and start a game that will change the world forever.

  • ...

A Special Day

She saw a star filled sky, that's how it always started. A star filled sky, a planet she didn't even know the name of yet somehow felt a connection too, a blue light crashing into the Earth, and the sound of a baby crying. This is what she saw and heard, what she always saw and heard before what happened next, she woke up.

Scootaloo's eyes sleepily opened as she slammed her alarm clock and thought, "Another nights sleep, same old questions," before groaning as she got up and made her way over to to her desk to look at herself in the mirror. As she sat up and looked at herself she chuckled saying, "Well I certainly don't look like some kind of alien from an unknown planet," as she took in her messy hair and wrinkled pajamas. She then glanced at her calendar as she noticed what day it was and smiled further as she ran out of her room and into the living room as she was greeted to Lofty relaxing on the couch watching TV.

As she entered the woman muted the TV as she looked over and smiled saying, "Well someones excited for her big day."

"You betcha ML," said Scootaloo, sort for Mom Lofty, as she smiled at one of the women who raised her before the other one walked in with a plate of pancakes.

"Happy Adoption Day sweetie," said Holiday as she placed the plate of pancakes on the table with a smile of her own.

"Thanks MH," said Scootaloo as she sat down and dug into her meal. "Delicious as always."

"Oh, I'm glad you like it," said Holiday with a grin.

"Say do you think I could get some of those hun?" asked Lofty as she glanced towards her wife, already knowing the answer.

And so it came as Holiday chuckled saying, "Maybe you could have some on your Birthday... speaking of which.."

Holiday looked over at Scootaloo as she paused eating and shied saying, "Look I know you want me to think of this as my Birthday and deep down I want to too but... I just can't give up the hope that I might know when my real birthday is," before she looked down sadly.

"Oh, I understand dear," said Holiday as she had her own sad look.

As they simply sat in silence Scootaloo thought, "It's not that I don't love them, far from it in fact as I really do think of them as my moms and am great full for everything they've done for me from taking care of me to even paying for a therapist to talk to me about my recurring dreams but... no matter how hard I try I just can't stop wondering where I came from."

This silence persisted for a moment before Lofty decided to break it by unmuting the TV as they were greeted to a white skinned woman with purple hair and a matching purple pants suit as she stood before a fenced off crater saying, "Good morning Canterlot City, this is Rarity Belle reporting live from Pinpoint Park on the fifteenth anniversary of the Great Collision, and sadly the fifteenth year of us not knowing what really happened here. That could change at any time though as we have scientists working here round the clock to try and solve this mystery... and guards keeping any civilians out so sadly we can't talk to these scientists right now." She then glared at someone off screen as she muttered, "Why do I always get the puff pieces," before she cleared her throat and turned back to the camera saying, "Well that's all for now, let's go over to Flash Sentry with the weather."

Lofty then cut the TV off as Scootaloo looked at the two of them saying, "Are you sure you two don't remember something about that day you haven't told me?"

"We're sure sweetie, between all the videos you've watched of it and articles you've read about it you probably know more about it then either of us," said Holiday as she looked towards Scootaloo thinking, "I wish I could give her the answers she wants but I just don't have them... and more then that part of me is scared that if I did they'd just be disappointing compared to whatever she's imaged."

"Yeah, but it's still weird to me that neither of you paid much attention to a huge light blanketing the sky and striking the Earth," said Scootaloo pouting.

"Eh, what can I tell ya, the crying baby that suddenly showed up on our doorstep seemed more important," said Lofy with a smile as she put her arm on Scootaloo before she continued saying, "Speaking of which this little lady still hasn't gotten her present yet."

This caused Scootaloo to perk up slightly as she watched Holiday exit the room and Lofty just looking at her with a knowing smile. Once Holiday returned pushing a large box that perk turned into a full on smirk as she excitedly ran over and asked, "Oh man, what is it!?"

This caused Holiday to let out a giggle as Lofy said, "Well don't just stand there asking, open it and find out."

Holiday went over to the couch and sat next to her wife as Scootaloo tour into the paper and the box inside as her smile only grew wider at seeing what it was. "AN ELECTRIC SCOOTER!" she cried out happily.

Lofty chuckled as she said, "Well I figured you were getting kind of old for your old foot petal one... I would have gotten you one last year but this one over here thinks the're too dangerous."

Holiday looked embarrassed as she said, "I admit I was a little worried, but I trust you to always be safe and wear your helmet."

Scootaloo barely heard that though as she soon rushed over to them and wrapped them both in a hug saying, "Thanks moms, I love you both so much!"

Holiday got somewhat teary eyed as she smiled returning the hug and saying, "We love you too sweetie."

The three simply sat in joy for a moment before Lofty spoke up saying, "Well I guess you should ride that new scooter over to your clubhouse and show it off to your friends."

"Really!?" asked Scootaloo excitedly as she did indeed want to do that, but felt like it would be rude to ask.

"Yeah, I knew you wouldn't want to spend your big day with a couple of old women so I made sure it was all charged up and ready to go," said Lofty with a smirk.

"You're the best ML!" said Scootaloo as she quickly ran to her room got changed, grabbed her helmet, and ran towards the door with the new scooter.

"Just be carefully, and don't stay out too late!" called out Holiday.

Unfortunately she got no response as Scootaloo had already left before she could finish talking. Holiday sat back in concern as Lofty put a hand on her shoulder saying, "Hey, you know she'll be fine right?"

"I know, but I can't help worrying about her... she's our little gift you know," said Holiday.

"I know," said Lofty with a warm smile as she cuddled into her wife trying to calm not only her down, but herself down as well.

Scootaloo screamed in joy as she rocketed through Sweet Apple Acres at new found speed, before she knew it she found herself at the door of her friends clubhouse as she thought, "We seriously gotta try and come up with a new name for this place already... or at least a name for our group, can't really have a club house without a club name after all."

As she rolled up and knocked on the door she was greeted to no response. She tried knocking again before opening the door and seeing nothing but darkness. As she stepped in though that darkness dissapeared as the lights cut on to reveal Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom as they both yelled out, "HAPPY ADOPTION DAY SCOOTALOO!" as they gestured to a banner that said the same on it.

"Thanks girls," said Scootaloo with a warm smile as she looked out at her two best friends in the world. The smile soon turned smug though as she said, "Oh, check out this sweet new scooter my moms gave me."

She gestured the scooter towards them only for them to look unimpressed as Apple Bloom scratched her head nervously saying, "About that..."

"Lofty told us about it a while back," said Sweetie Belle.

"Ah what?!' said Scootaloo somewhat annoyed her friends knew about her gift before her.

"Yeah, she told us about it so that we could get you stuff that went with it," said Apple Bloom.

"Oh," said Scootaloo as her annoyance melted into curiosity at the idea of getting more gifts.

"I got you this helmet," said Sweetie as she gestured an orange helmet with purple wings on the side.

"OH SWEET!" said Scootaloo as she quickly tossed her old helmet aside in favor of strapping on the new one.

"I couldn't really think of anything spiffy like that to get ya, so I just got the hitch attachment so you can pull our wagon on this scooter too," said Apple Bloom holding the simple piece of metal.

Scootaloo simple chuckled at that as she said, "Practical as always Bloom," and took the hitch in her hand. She looked over at her friends as she said, "Thanks you guys," as they soon joined into a group hug.

That hug was quickly broken though as Apple Bloom moved to the podium at the front of the room and said, "Alright yall, time to call the meeting of the.... whatever we are to order, as always I have to ask, does anyone have a good name for our group yet?"

"Something involving Canterlot maybe... so that way if one of your cousins or one of Rarity's friends from the city like it they can form their own unique branch," said Sweetie Belle.

"Hmm, that's not much but it's the best point we've had in weeks so definitely adding it to the list," said Apple Bloom as she quickly jotted it down. "So, any ideas from the A Day girl?"

"Hmm... I don't know. I feel like a good name will come to us eventually but.... I just don't know," said Scootaloo as she trailed off as her excitement began to melt away to the introspection she had earlier.

Her friends where quick to recognize this as she Apple Bloom sighed saying, "Not this Great Collision stuff again. I thought we where past this."

"It's kind of hard to get past something you dream about every night," said Scootaloo as she looked upward in thought.

Apple Bloom sighed once again as she folded her arms in frustration at having this conversation again. Thankfully Sweetie Belle was somewhat more tactfull as she said, "Didn't your therapist say those dreams are likely just caused by seeing the Great Collision when you where so young, coupled with the trauma of being abandoned at the same time."

Scootaloo let out her own sigh as she said, "Yeah... he did and honestly I want to believe him and live a normal life but no matter how hard I try I just can't shake the feeling there is something more to it. That I wasn't just some baby who happened to be abandoned that night by coincidence."

Apple Bloom's slight frustration began to crumble as she thought, "Wow, I know she's always thought stuff like this but she's never quite said it all out loud like this before."

Scootaloo looked around at the two of them as she thought, "I know I've mentioned all this too them before but I've never gone particularly in depth about my feelings like that before... screw it I've come this far might as well get it all off my chest." She then let another sigh as she looked towards them thoughtfully and said "I know it's probably something every adopted kid goes through, thinking the're like Super Man or something and where abandoned by their parents for some great and noble reason, but I don't think many others had such a big event happen the day they where adopted before."

"That is true," said Sweetie Belle as she thought on that thinking, "I know I did say it being a coincidence makes more sense.... but it is kind of hard to argue coincidence when talking about something that's happened once in recorded history."

"I'm not saying I think I'm something special... far from it actually as I do logically know I'm just your average teenage girl but... sometimes I just feel like if I could stand in Pinpoint Park for just five seconds I'd have the answers to any questions I'd ever wondered about myself," said Scootaloo as she looked at her friends somberly. "I know it's ridiculous to think stuff like that, especially considering that I can't actually stand there to try and prove myself wrong and get all this out of my system... but I just..." Scootaloo trailed off as a few tears began to form in her eyes.

The three of them sat in silence for a moment before Scootaloo wiped the tears away as she said, "Sorry, I got all existential there out of no where girls."

"No it's fine," said Sweetie Belle worriedly.

"Yeah... it honestly sounds like that was a long time coming," said Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo nodded at how understanding they where as she said, "So anyway, let's try hooking up my scooter to the wagon and see how much this baby can pull."

They nodded at Scootaloo as she quickly ran outside, once she was busy hooking everything up Apple Bloom looked at Sweetie saying, "You know what we have to do right?"

"Yup," responded Sweetie Belle before saying, "You know how much trouble we'll get in if we get caught?"

"Yup," added Apple Bloom before she looked over at Scootaloo wiping away some lingering tears as she smiled and attached the wagon. "But you also think its worth it for her don't you?"

"Yeah," said Sweetie as the two of them silently began forming a plan as they joined Scootaloo outside.

Several hours later

Scootaloo laid in bed gazing up at her ceiling as she quietly said, "Another Adoption Day that should have been perfect but I had to go ahead and talk about all this stuff I've been thinking about. Sure my moms are used to it and while I may have dumped a little more on Sweetie and Bloom then usual they seemed to be cool about it but still... that doesn't change the fact that I talked about it all and now I can't stop thinking about and get some sleep already." As Scootaloo buried her face into her pillow in frustration she suddenly heard a soft knock at her window. For a second she thought she was hearing things but after hearing the knock again she decided to get up and investigate.

Once she reached it she saw the faces of her two best friend in the world as she quietly opened the window and whispered, "What are your girls doing here?"

"You said you wanted to stand in Pinpoint Park, and we're going to make it happen," said Sweetie Belle resolutely.

"Wha- but... you don't need to do that, I just need to get over this stuff on my own is all," said Scootaloo.

"Pffth, yeah right," said Apple Bloom. "People have been telling you that for years, us included, and it hasn't happened. Maybe it's about time you try leaning into these feelings."

"Well I," began Scootaloo but didn't know where to go from there as she honestly never thought this would happen. Her head swirled with all the thoughts she'd been trying to ignore now fully brought to the surface, but one soon stuck out as she said, "But wait, no ones allowed to go there, how would we even-"

Before she could finish Sweetie cut her off saying, "No more questions, just get dressed and follow us."

Without much time to question this Scootaloo did as instructed before climbing out the window as the three set off.

As the three made their way through the bushes approaching Pinpoint Park, Scootaloo finally decided to speak up again saying, "You know there's still time to turn back right?"

"Do you REALLY want to?" asked Sweetie Belle as she looked at her already knowing the answer.

"Well... no, but you guys can, we don't all have to get in trouble," said Scootaloo as she felt nervous for her friends.

"Yeah right, like we're going to just leave you alone in a time like this, besides this was our idea anyway," said Apple Bloom.

"About that... what exactly is the plan because this place is always crawling with scientists..." Scootaloo began saying as they exited the bush and where greeted to the fence keeping everyone out and nothing more as she said, "Wait, where are they?"

The girls simply smiled as Sweetie Belle said, "Well maybe someone happening to mention to their reporter older sister that they could get an interview with them all late at night when no one would be around to notice them leave their posts for a minute."

"Woah," said Scootaloo as she hadn't even thought of doing something like that. "But wait what about the guards? I mean I know there is never many of them but I'm sure they'll notice if a couple kids hop the fence and start running into the crater," said Scootaloo as she spotted two guards talking just about twenty yards away.

"Taken care of," said Apple Bloom as she pulled some kind of remote out of her pocket. "Remember that magician we hired for the Apple Day Fair a while back?"

"Yeah.." asked Scootaloo not sure where this was going.

"Well.... she happened to leave to some of her spare fire works behind," said Apple Bloom before she pushed the button and suddenly the sky to the east of the fence was lit up with the words 'GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE' as the guards began to yell over their walkie talkies and head in that direction.

Scootaloo's jaw dropped at this as she gazed at the now totally empty park.

Sweetie Belle simply said, "Well what are you waiting for?" as she and Apple Bloom began climbing the fence.

Scootaloo followed suit still surprised at all that was happening as she said, "But... what about security cameras?"

"Not a problem, there aren't any. Apparently right before the Great Collision hit all the technology around here just blinked out for a minute so they figured that putting in something that couldn't see if something big happened would be a waste of time," said Apple Bloom.

"Wow, you girls really thought of everything," said Scootaloo as they reached the other side of the fence and began jogging.

"Well of course, we're your friends and it's your A Day. We gotta do our best to make it special after all... even if that means doing things that aren't exactly legal," added Sweetie with a chuckle.

Scootaloo let out her own laugh at that as she said, "Thanks girls, I know that this must seem weird to all of you but I'm glad you're helping me anyway."

"It's no problem at all sugar cube... well not NO problem since Applejack would probably tan my hide if she found out about this but you get what I mean," said Apple Bloom.

"I do, and no matter what happens I'm always going to be grateful for this," said Scootaloo as she and the others came to a stop dead center in the Pinpoint Park crater.

The three simply stood in silence before Apple Bloom spoke up saying, "Well at least the view of the stars is really pretty from here."

"Yeah... I never really knew what I expected to happen here," said Scootaloo as she thought, "I knew deep down this would be it, that absolutely nothing would happen... but still it does hurt a little bit to have confirmation."

As she began to feel pain and disappointment threaten to overtake her she heard a mysterious voice say, "Finally you're here."

Before she could fully process whether or not she really heard that or if it was just her imagination, Sweetie Belle spoke up saying, "OH!" as she pulled out her phone. "We timed it so we would be standing here at eleven pm, exactly when the Great Collision first started." She glanced at her phones clock as she said, "and it will be eleven in three, two," before she could finish though her phones screen went totally black. "What the... I thought I just charged this," said Sweetie in confusion as she pushed the power button to no avail.

This snapped Scootaloo back to reality as she pulled out her own phone and was greeted to the same black screen as she said, "What the, I know mine was charging before you girls got me."

Apple Bloom simply chuckled as she said, "This is why I kept trying to warn you girls that you can't rely on those things too much," as she pulled out her tried and true pocket watch... only to then stare at in confusion as she said, "Or maybe I spoke too soon. My watch stopped right before eleven."

As the three stared at their respective devices in confusion, Sweetie soon spoke up shakily as she said, "Um girls, isn't this exactly what people said happened right before the-"

Before Sweetie could finish they where all interrupted as a hexagon of pure blue light suddenly appeared above them as they all yelled out, "The Great Collision!" As they stared up at the hexagon it started to break apart as the pieces of it fell down like rain. Scootaloo was the first to regain her composure as she grabbed her friends hands and started running as she said, "MOVE!"

Soon they all were back to their senses as they moved around trying their best to make sure the light didn't hit them as while none of them knew what would happen, they where scared to see... well most of them were as Scootaloo thought, "If it was just me I'd chance it and see what would happen if it hit me... after all this is the kind of thing I came out here for, but I can't do that knowing that it could put Sweetie and Bloom in danger."

As quickly as the rain came though it left as things seemed to suddenly go back to normal. The three girls panted for a moment as they took all that happened in. Bloom then spoke up saying, "Well Scoots, looks like you where right about something happening if you stood here."

"Ye-yeah," said Scootaloo with a chuckle before she turned serious as she continued saying, "I'm just sorry you where all in danger because of it."

"Hey what's a little near death experience between friends," added Sweetie with a smirk. "I'm just sorry you didn't get any answers."

"Yeah I-" began Scootaloo before they noticed something odd. Just in front of them the rain had seemed to coalesce into what looked like a sphere of rippling water, and at the center of said sphere was another smaller yet seemingly solid sphere.

"What is that?" asked Apple Bloom.

As they looked in awe Scootaloo suddenly heard the voice from earlier say, "Bakugan," as if it was answering the question.

"Did either of you hear that?" asked Scootaloo.

"Hear what?" replied Sweetie.

Scootaloo didn't answer though as she began reaching her hand out towards the Bakugan, as she now believed it was called.

"Hold on there we don't know what," began Apple Bloom, but before she could finish Scootaloo made contact with the liquid outer layer that seemed to break apart like a bubble as the solid orb inside clattered to the ground giving a distinct plastic clang.

"What is that thing?" asked Sweetie.

"I think it's called a... Bakugan," said Scootaloo as she reached out towards the plastic ball.

"And what in the blooming apples is a Bakugan?!" asked Apple Bloom.

Before anyone could reply they suddenly heard voices yelling, "THERE WAS A LIGHT OVER HERE NOW!" and "THIS BETTER NOT BE ANOTHER PRANK!"

"We'll figure it later, let's go," said Scootaloo as she quickly scooped up the ball and put it in one of the baggy pockets of her cargo shorts and the three took off back towards the fence.

"Hurry before they see us!" said Apple Bloom as they approached it, and whether it be from adrenaline speeding them up or fear screwing up their sense of time they soon found themselves all standing in the street a fair distance away from Pinpoint Park as they struggled to catch their breath.

"OK, that was too close!" said Sweetie as she looked around worried to make sure they weren't followed.

"Sorry about this again girls," said Scootaloo.

"Don't worry about it, I just hope that Bakugan thing was worth it," said Apple Bloom.

"Yeah... me too," said Scootaloo as she reached towards her pocket to pull it out, only for Sweetie to place her arm on her and stop her.

"Hold on now, we don't know what that thing is or what it can do, now might not be best time to mess with it," said Sweetie Belle as she looked at her friend in concern.

"She's right, and you definitely shouldn't mess with it alone in case it's dangerous," added Apple Bloom.

"Well... I guess you're right. We did start this together after all so it only makes sense we keep going together," said Scootaloo before she added, "That is if you're up for it."

Sweetie chuckled as she said, "Oh you know we're in."

"Definitely in, after all we where willing to possible get arrested just to satisfy some delusion, now that we know you're right and could actually get the answers you're looking for of course we're gonna help," said Apple Bloom with a smirk.

Scootaloo smiled at that and hugged them both once more saying, "I couldn't ask for better friends. So then let's meet up at the club house tomorrow at 8am and we can try and figure this out."

"Sounds like a plan," said Apple Bloom.

"I'll see you then," added Sweetie before the three of them broke out of the hug and went their separate ways.

Scootaloo soon found herself back in her bed room as she quietly slipped back into her pajamas and carefully sat the Bakugan on her bed side table. She looked it over as she thought to herself, "It seems to be made of various blue and black panels that look like they can open up... I wonder how... NO! You promised Bloom and Sweetie you'd wait to figure out all the stuff about this." She then sat the ball down before laying in the bed pulling up the covers as she thought, "Just gotta get some sleep and before I know it will be time. Just gotta sleep is all... while I'm in the same room as something that could give me the answers I've wanted my whole life... yeah this is going to be a challenge."

Author's Note:

And so Scootaloo has attained her first Bakugan. What will it be? How does it relate to her origins? Find out all this and more next chapter, whenever that may be.

And so ends the first chapter of my latest story. I hope you liked it, it's something I wanted to write for a while and now seemed like a good time (for those who didn't read my latest blog post basically been binge watching the new season of Bakugan in between hefty shifts at work and couldn't muster the energy to write anything more in my other stories, so decided to casually start writing this)

As you can tell this is largely based on the reboot Bakugan Battle Planet but will have some stuff based on the original series as well (honestly I like both equally and not only recommend giving the reboot a chance, I'm going to actively help you to do so as the official Cartoon Network YouTube page put out the first episode online for free

gonna be honest, it's definitely one of those shows that start out kind of kiddie but gets more serious as it goes on... I wonder where we've all seen that before, :twilightblush:)

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you liked it and have a great day