• Published 25th Jul 2020
  • 1,062 Views, 38 Comments

Canterlot Bakugan Brawlers - luckyboys121

While looking for answers about who she is and where she came from, Scootaloo and her friends discover creatures called Bakugan and start a game that will change the world forever.

  • ...

Big Brawl

As Hydranoid and Scootaloo began running towards the pair and their Bakugan, the noise soon got their attention.

Snips turned his attention away from the rivalry as he he absent mindedly waved to her and yelled out, "OH HEY SCOOTALOO! SO YOU GOT ONE OF THESE COOL BALL MONSTER THINGS TOO?"

As Scootaloo soon arrived in front of them she said, "The're called Bakugan, and how did you two get a hold of them?" as she mentally groaned at the prospect that since this wasn't a unique thing to her then perhaps it didn't have to do with her past afterall.

She didn't have time to dwell on those thoughts though as Snails quickly answered, "I found mine in the bushes while I was chasing a squirrel."

"Why where you chasing a squirrel?" asked Scootaloo confused.

Snails simply shrugged as he said, "Well how else am I supposed to find where they hide their nuts."

Scootaloo thought about asking follow up questions but decided to keep that part of her sanity intact as she looked over to Snips and asked, "What about you?"

"I was looking for spare change under a vending machine when I found mine," said Snips with a shrug.

"Hmm, neither one are particular grandiose about all this," said Scootaloo with a groan at how matter of fact their answers where.

Meanwhile Hydranoid simple stared at the pair in anger before saying, "YOU FOOLS HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO PROPERLY BATTLE!"

At this the two turned to him as Snails said, "Well that isn't very nice."

"Yeah Scoots, your toy is being very rude!" said Snips.

"TOY!" cried Hydranoid as he let out a hiss in utter rage.

"Wait... you seriously think that..." asked Scootaloo in befuddlement before she continued saying, "These aren't toys, the're living breathing creatures."

Snips and Snails looked at her for a moment before bursting out luaghing as Snails said, "Good one Scoots."

"Yeah, I mean who ever heard of an animal that could turn into a small plastic ball," said Snips as he continued to laugh.

Hydranoid simple groaned at this before turning his attention to the other Bakugan as he asked, "Why are you with these idiots?"

"Well... they where the ones who awoke us, and so it's only fair we be their partners," said Pegatrix.

"Indeed, a true warrior is always sure to repay his debts," added Cyndeous.

Before anyone could comment on this further they heard a shoot from the side saying, "THAT'S TOTALLY UNFAIR!"

They all looked to see that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had moved to the edge of the drome nearest them as Sweetie Belle cried out, "Just because the're the ones who found you doesn't mean you have to blindly follow them."

"Trust me, I know all about standing by your word and paying your debts to people, but if someones asking you to do stuff you aren't comfortable with, then that is not a fair payment," said Apple Bloom.

Pegatrix and Cyndeous perked up at this and appeared as though they where about to say something, but they where quickly interrupted as Snails spoke up saying, "HEY! What gives you the right to say how we should use our toys?"

"Yeah, it's not our fault they where programmed to say all these dorky non fighting phrases," said Snips.

"ENOUGH!" shouted Hydranoid getting everyone's attention. "Let's settle this the way everything should be settled, with a battle."

"Ye-yeah," added Scootaloo as she was catching onto the situation. "And if we win you have to give us your Bakugan!"

"Fine by me, but only if you give us yours when we win," said Snails with a cocky grin.

Scootaloo looked at Hydranoid saying, "What do you say?"

Hydranoid paused before saying, "If you can't beat these idiots you're not fit to be my user anyway... bet what you want human, but know that I don't plan on losing this fight."

She shied saying, "I don't either and again the names Scootaloo." She then turned to the others saying, "You guys are on, but don't think we're going go down without a fight!"

"Eh whatever, it's two against one," said Snips before turning back to Snails saying, "Ready to blow more stuff up buddy."

"You know it!" said Snails as he then turned to Pegatrix saying, "Alright, time for another Haos Beam!"

"Yeah, and Cyndeous do the Flame Cutter thing!" said Snips.

"But... both at once," asked Pegatrix.

"That's not very," started Cyndeous before being interrupted as Snips and Snails simple yelled out, "DO IT!"

The two looked at each other before reluctantly powering up their attacks towards Hydraniod, who simple braced himself as a smirk formed on all of his heads.

Meanwhile at Hayburger.

As Rarity fiddled with her small order of fries she let a sigh saying, "All those hours of interviewing those scientists boiled down to what any idiot could tell you, that they have theories but still don't know for sure what happened."

"Eh I thought some of those theories where pretty interesting," said Mirco Chips as he double checked that his camera bag was totally zipped up before digging into his messy ham burger.

"I'm sure they where, and when we get back to the studio you can put a summary on the stations website, but I just want that big story you know," said Rarity.

Mircro Chips rolled his eyes saying, "Here we go again with the 'big story'," before biting into the burger.

"Think of it Micro, if we can get in on the ground floor of something and share it with the world, then we could become an international team traveling to exciting places all over the world," said Rarity as she became stary eyed at the thought.

Micro Chips whipped the ketchup from his mouth before saying, "I agree it's a nice dream, but how are we gonna find a story like that, especially in a sleepy little town like Canterlot."

Rarity opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted as the table was suddenly rattled by an explosion in the distance. The two of them turned towards it only to have their jaws dropped as they saw a large multi headed dragon jump into the air as a beam of white light and a pillar of flame sailed below it before it fell back to the ground and was once again obscured by the trees.

Rarity was the first to regain her composer as she smirked saying, "Quick, get the van ready! I think that story just found us."

Hydranoid landed back on the ground as Scootaloo said, "Nice dodge."

"It was no trouble, but if you really want me to think you're worthy of being my user you're going to have to pitch in," said Hydranoid.

"Ri-right," said Scootaloo as she looked around for what to do.

"Well if you're gonna do something Scoots, you better do it quick," said Sweetie Belle as she pointed to several Apple trees that where knocked over by the blasts.

"HEY! YOU GUYS QUIT MESSING UP OUR ORCHARD!" yelled out Apple Bloom to no avail as the two simple called out for their Bakugan to attack again.

As Scootaloo looked around she caught sight of another blue hexagon as her eyes began to glow again. Without even thinking she ran towards it paying no heed to the blasts now charging in front of her.

"WAIT SCOOTS NO!" called out Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, the orchard aint worth risking yourself!" said Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo didn't seem to hear them as she simple ducked her head down as the attacks sailed above her and Hydranoid once again dodged it saying, "Hmm, that was a pretty good dodge yourself."

As the two watched their friend continue running they where suddenly greeted by a van pulling up as Micro Chips quickly exited with his camera pointed at the Bakugan. Rarity got out soon after, microphone ready as she began saying, "We're here live at Sweet Apple Acres where there appears to be some kind of monster battle going on inside a clear dome and.. SWEETIE BELLE!" Her professionalism as a reporter swiftly went out the window as she ran over to her sister saying, "What on Earth are you doing here!? What is going on?"

Micro Chips quickly pointed his camera towards the two as they began speaking.

"It's Scootaloo, she found this Bakugan thing last night," said Sweetie Belle.

"And Snips and Snails had them too, but they where being mean to them," said Apple Bloom.

"So she them challenged to a fight, but now... I don't know what she's doing," said Sweetie Belle as she gestured toward the still running Scootaloo.

Micro Chips pointed the camera towards her as she finally reached the blue hexagon before lifting it up and throwing it towards Hydranoid. The hexagon seemed to phase into his body as it began to glow and opened all five of his mouths yelling out, "VENOM VAPOR!" before a stream of pure water shot out of each mouth and engulfed Pegatrix and Cyndeous as the two fell back in pain before reverting to ball form.

As soon as they did the dome seemed to crack apart as suddenly all the destroyed trees seemed to restore themselves. "What the hay is going on?"

"All damage done within a drome is undone as soon as the battle ends," said a now small Hydraniod as he sat on the shoulder of an approaching Scootaloo. He then looked towards her as he said, "Speaking of the battle, you did well. Throwing me that Bakucore to increase my power at just the right moment was a great call."

Scootaloo smiled as she said, "Thanks, though I still don't understand how I knew how to do that... or how I know how to do any of this."

Hydranoid chuckled at this as he said, "Well regardless of how you do it, you certainly seem to be a capable... partner Scootaloo."

Her smile grew wider at this bit of praise from her new friend and possible mentor, given how he seemed to be slowly teaching her about this stuff.

As Snips and Snails watched this display Snips leaned over and whispered, "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Get out of here before they notice the trees we smashed over there that weren't fixed because they where outside the drome thing," said Snails.

"Yup," said Snips as the two took off unnoticed while the others talked.

What they did notice though was a voice calling out, "Excuse me!"

The assembled crowd turned to see the now small Pegatrix and Cyndeous as Pegatrix said, "Thank you for saving us from those two... less then stellar partners."

"Indeed, those two lacked much in honor and you seem like you'll be a much better partner," said Cyndeous before the two jumped up as Scootaloo quickly reached out her hands and caught them both.

"Whoa there, I'm flattered but I have other partners in mind for you two," said Scootaloo as she began approaching Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.

"Wait us!?" said Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah Scoots... are you sure we're up to this?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Well sure, we're a team after all and... I'm not sure anymore if this is connected to where I came from or not, but I do know that whatever this is I want you two by my side, and I'm sure these guys would appreciate it too," said Scootaloo as she held up the Bakugan.

The two looked cautious before Sweetie Belle picked up Pegatrix saying, "Well I'm not sure how good I'll be at battling, but I could at least help this little lady get the dirt off her armor. Someone as pretty as you deserves to look their best."

"Finally, someone who appreciates my elegance," said Pegatrix excitedly.

Apple Bloom then grabbed onto Cyndeous saying, "Shoot, I'm not sure about my battle prowess either, but I respect what you said about honor."

"As do I respect what you said about ones debt not being cause to do anything for someone, it shall be an honor to be your partner lady Apple Bloom," said Cyndeous.

As the three pairs of Bakugan and partners simple smiled and took this in for a moment Rarity regained her composer saying, "So you three seem to know about how to work with these Bakugan creatures and what not to do with them."

Scootaloo looked towards the camera as suddenly an idea stuck her as she said, "Of course after all, we're... the Canterlot Bakugan Brawlers!"

"Awesome name!" whispered Sweetie and Bloom behind her.

Meanwhile a young woman sat atop a sky scraper looking at her phone. She wore a large red over coat that almost bellowed behind like a cape, with yellow trim and fur around her neck. Oddly enough though the coat seemed to only have one sleeve as the other fully exposed her orange upper arm as well as a strange metal device that covered her left fore arm and hand. She then used said metal covered hand to grab a drink and move it towards her mouth, careful to avoid the oddest choice of outfit she had. She wore some sort of red mask over half her face with a yellow lense over her left eye. The mask had a part that flowed down her cheek as if it was a part of it, as well as a brim that prevented her long red and yellow hair from covering the lensed eye.

As the woman took a ship of her drink she watched the news cast before her and chuckled saying, "The 'Canterlot Bakugan Brawlers' ay... what do you think Drago?"

A small red dragon Bakugan floated next to her saying, "Probably nothing."

"Agreed... but we should still report it to the mistress to be safe," said the woman as she pushed a button her mask and said, "It's Sunset... I got an update about on a couple of young brawlers out in the sticks, better send someone to look into it."

Author's Note:

And so the Scootaloo has won her first brawl and Bloom and Sweetie now have there own Bakugan, but this seems to have to caught the attention of some others. What is Sunset doing, and who is this mistress she spoke of, find out all this and more next chapter whenever that may be.

Yeah... it's been a while since my last update and well.. it just stinks (not the chapter.. I hope, the situation I mean). Any young writers out there with plenty of free time to write, cherish that, because as soon as that free time goes away a good chunk of your motivation goes with it. Thankfully not all of it does though, and if you're passionate about writing you can still find a way, just as I am going to keep trying my best to write when I can... even if I can't do it as often as I would want to.

Anyway sorry for the rambling, thank you for reading hope you like it, any constructive criticism is welcome (and necessary since I am super tired and likely made some mistakes), have a great day.