• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 4,854 Views, 117 Comments

An ANON FILLY Story - FIM Fiction

An Anon story for of weird randomness and chaos, for those seeking a story with no direction.

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Adam Noah Oswald Naylor woke up. He preferred to be called Anon. That wasn't the point. The point was, he was in the woods, without any idea how he got there. "Well fudge, how'd you screw up this time?" he asked himself. Anon began to consider the prior day. "Pissed someone off. Some rando who said he could make me a mare." He looked at himself. He seemed to be some deformed mutant baby pony thing. With mare parts.

"Well fudge, he actually did it." she said. "Does this make me trans? Meh, I don't give a fudge." She looked around herself. She was in a dreary forest with rather frightening trees. On the bright side, there was a tree with rainbow apples on it.

"Wow. Not only are those too high for me, but if I eat one I'll get too high for me." She let out a laugh, a tightness growing in her chest. "So, here I am, middle of the woods, by a tree with trippy fruit that will most likely trip me up, and I'm a horse. Wonderful." Her breath quickened. "Have I lost my mind?! What the hell is going on!?"

"Hey, it's also getting dark! Wonderful!" she said, glaring. "And I just realized I'm a freaking MLP pony! So, Everfree woods! Because the stupid oversized village only has deadly woods!" Anon laid down on the mossy ground, fear gripping her heart. Tear's began to roll down her face. "Why am I crying? Ah frick. Child brain with adult mind, meaning child instinct, don't it? Which means if I'm mad or upset, imma start crying. FRICK!" she shouted, kicking a tree. She quickly covered herself mouth. It would be a bad idea to let Timberwolves know where she was.

Anon sighed and tried to get some sleep, her crying increasing from the uncomfortable cold. "Man, being a kid sucks balls."


Luna had just raised the moon. She took a moment to admire the stars. "Another wonderful night." she said to herself. She entered the dream realm and watched the dreams. It seemed so far that Equestria was sleeping well.

Except for one.

Luna drifted to the unpeaceful dreamer.

"AHHHH!!!!" She had to get away. Monsters. Monsters were everywhere. "Somepony! Anypony! Help me!!!" She ran through the Everfree Woods, monsters right on her tail. The moonlight of the night made the shadows higher.

He looked at herself running from the danger. He had to help had to save her. But before he could, another monster appeared. Too close. Far too close.

Luna appeared in front on the child, her horn glowing to blast the monsters. Instead, the monsters ran away. Luna smirked, before looking at the little girl. The child was in a sitting position, her eyes wide with fear. The little girl's eyes looked at Luna with horror.

Panic. Fear. Nightmare Moon Nightmare Moon "Nightmare Moon no not Nightmare Moon. Please nononononononono." She was scared. Terrified. Worst fear. Scariest creature. The walking Nightmare. "No I don't want to die." She broke down and sobbed. She fell to the earth, fear flowing through her. "No no no. I don't want the scarier please no." she whimpered.

Luna took a step back. The monsters came back and took a step forward. She noticed something tearing them up at the back. A darkness.

Dad. "Hello, sweety. Trying to run? Hiding behind your friends?"

Luna saw all the monsters ripped to shreds as the darkness move closer. "Don't come a step closer." she told the darkness.

The darkness stopped. Two silver glints formed. Slanted eyes. "Hiding behind your friend? Only one you've ever made. I bet she would be so tasty..."

Luna glared. She readied her magic, when a form of light struck the darkness.

Adam let out a roar as he tackled the shadows. "Frick off you cunt!" He shouted as the two went tumbling down into the recesses of the mind.

Luna saw that the darkness was gone. She turned her attention to the filly at her hooves. The girl was still crying. Luna concentrated her magic and reshaped herself. She became a filly of herself, with light blue hair. "I'm sorry for scaring you." she said gently.

Anon looked up. She finally was able to think clearly. "H-hi?" she said, looking up. Anon hated horror, but read it anyways. FIMFiction had many stories of Nightmare Moon that were scary as sin, so Anon really did have tons of nightmares of her. But now Luna looked pretty dang adorable

"Hello. I'm Luna, not Nightmare Moon." Being a number one fear for a mass celebration meant to strike fear was kinda bad for the protector of dreams. "Are you alright?"

Anon saw she had two ways to react. 1: Act like himself as an alien from an entirely different universe, or 2: act like a filly and gain knowledge about stuff. Or three, be her usual jackass self.

Anon cleared her throat, before getting to her hooves. "Luna? Who's that? Why are you nice now? Is it because I have a new nightmare to haunt me?" Anon tilted her head, her long hair getting in her face. She brushed it out of the way, frowning. 'Note to self, get a haircut.'

Luna sat down. "I am Princess Luna, Princess of the night."

Anon tilted her head. "Well I'm... Anon A. Miss." She mentally slapped her face. "But call me Anon. Please. I think I'm lost. Can you help me?" Anon also realized at this point that there must be multiple forest across Equestria, so it wasn't one hundred percent chance she was in the Everfree.

Luna gave a kind smile. "What does it look like around you?" she asked.

"I'm in the woods. I don't remember getting there. Can you help me? I'm scared." Anon wasn't lying when she said this. Her face began showing fear. "Oh goodness. I don't know how I got here! Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Isn't that just HILARIOUS!?" Anon felt like she would break from all of this. Her little filly brain couldn't handle all the stress of the reality of what was happening. "So can you help me? HAHAHA!"

Luna considered taking a step back. But she didn't, and instead made a tea table with the dream. "Care for a cup?" she asked. Luna and Anon sat at the table. A tea kit appeared. Luna looked in her drink. It was blood. "Sorry, I don't drink blood."

Anon took deep breaths to calm down. She than drank her cup. It was then Anon remembered she hated tea, and so spat the tea out. "Bleh! I hate tea!" She stuck out her tongue and a rag appeared to wipe it. "What would you drink? Booze?" she asked.

Luna looked at her cup of blood. "How about some cocoa?" The continents of the cup disappeared, with a steaming brown liquid appearing. She lifted it with her magic and took a sip. "Now then, its gonna be alright. What's your surroundings?"

Anon took a sip of her drink. It was flavorless, but smelled of cocoa. She took another deep breath. "I'm in a forest. I think it may be the Everfree? I don't know. But if I'm in the Everfree then I'm likely to die. Or maybe I'll get lucky and survive. I can't seem to think strait." Anon paused to think. She realized she was crying. Anon wiped away her tears. "There's some sort of an odd apple tree near me. I'm afraid of what will happen if I eat an apple from it. They're rainbow colored. And as you can see, this is all a bit much for my young child mind."

Luna nodded. "I'll start a search as soon as I can."

"Don't leave!" Anon shouted, leaning forward and knocking over her cup. She then cleared her throat. "Sorry. Please don't leave me. At least, not until morning. You're the scariest thing ever! Well, second scariest. You'll scare away all the monsters!" Anon now realized that she probably sounded like an insane person.

Luna was concerned for the filly before her. She seemed... unstable. "Very well. I shall stay here. In the morning, I shall leave so that we may find you."

"Thank you." Anon replied. "Sooo...." she said, leaning forward slightly as Luna took a sip of her drink. "What does pony flesh taste like?" Anon let out a laugh as Luna spewed out her cocoa. "Ha! I knew that would happen!"

Luna gave a smile. "You are rather odd. We... Find your attitude enjoyable." The two giggled.

Anon gave a large grin. "Thank you!" she said cheerfully. 'If I'm gonna be stuck here as a pony, I might as well get use to this life. Or... I could have some fun!'

Author's Note:

Made some slight edits so it doesn't suck.