• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 4,855 Views, 117 Comments

An ANON FILLY Story - FIM Fiction

An Anon story for of weird randomness and chaos, for those seeking a story with no direction.

  • ...

20, As one door closes, a window gets smashed open.

Author's Note:

I love you all. To the hundred who like my story enough to actually click the thumb, I hope you have a wonderful life full of fun.

Anon awoke with a snort. "Huzzah wah? Huh?" She picked her head off her pillow, looking around. "Well that was a weird dream," she said with a frown. She stretched out her legs, giving a yawn. "A really weird dream."

Anon stepped out of her bed. It wasn't anything too fancy. Just some Wonderbolt blankets and a pillow of the Elements. Anon stepped over to her mirror to make sure she didn't bruise her face.

In the mirror stood a thin legged mare, a question mark shaped bruise on her face. Anon narrowed her eyes. "What the heck?" She growled, before heading to her dresser. An orange glow yanked out a suit, before an orange flash fitted it on Anon's wiry frame. A top hat and eyeglass materialized from thin air.

"Hey Mom! Have we got anything for bruises?" Anon called out, leaving her room. She entered a hall, before heading towards a large room, ordained with artifacts and trinkets from the ZebraLands. Zecora worked at a counter, making pancakes.

"Anon my sweet dear, you have nothing to fear!" Zecora said as she flipped a pancake. "A skin salve will make it disappear." She set the pancake on a plate. "Now I crave a hug, so come near."

Anon walked up and hugged Zecora tightly. "Thanks for the breakfast!" she said. "I think I'm gonna eat and run, I got errands that need to be done." Once, Anon might have laughed at the accidental rhyme, but overtime she learned that being raised by Zecora would make one's mind seek out the pattern in words.

"Yes, I remember, your meeting with the Divine." Zecora said, putting the pancake in a sandwich bag, along with a vial of salve. "I'm busy as well. See you at nine?"

"Yeah, sounds good." Anon said. She stuffed the pancake into her mane, before rushing to the door. "Love ya mom! Bye!"

"I love you too!" Zecora called out as the door slummed shut. "And I know not a single day goes by that that isn't true."

Anon trotted quickly down the pathway in her yard, checking the mailbox. She smirked as she inspected it. "Derpy, you pretty moron," she chuckled, an orange glow closing the mailbox. She trotted down the road towards Fluttershy. "Hey neighbor! I think Derpy gave you a package?" Fluttershy's door slowly creaked open. "Ah shi-"

A brown blur SLAMMED into Anon, sending her flying through the air. She let out a grunt as she landed in arms of Discord dressed as a footballer. Anon quickly put an orange bubble around her. "Discord, I'm not up for-" A violent shaking stopped her words. Discord began dribbling Anon across the ground, before kicking her towards the mailbox. Anon missed and was sent crashing through Fluttershy's window, landing into a plush green chair.

Outside, a crowd of Discords let out a gasp. "Oh you're in so much troouuuble!" Discord taunted Discord.

"Oh shut up," Discord responded. "You were as much a part of this as I was."

"Wait, he's right!" Discord said. He threw a bottle to the ground, shattering it. "Everyone? SCATTER!" The Discords started running every which way. Discord quickly ran inside, leaping onto Fluttershy's couch, a bead of sweat going down his face. Anon raised an eyebrow, and rolled her eyes as Discord shushed her.

Fluttershy trotted into the room, carrying a tray of sandwiches. "Discord, I made you a- Oh! Hello Anon. When did you get here?" Fluttershy asked, setting down the sandwiches.

Anon put her hooves together, before breathing deeply through her nose. "I'm still trying to figure that out myself."

Fluttershy frowned, before staring at Discord. "Honey, did you-"

"I DID NOTHING!" Discord shouted, his back straitening, before hunkering back down. "I mean why would I do something, I mean-"

While Discord rambled, Fluttershy glanced at Anon. "No, he's not the problem," Anon said with a dismissive wave.

Discord opened the door, tossing aside his football helmet. He sat down on a chair that wasn't previously there, looking across the room at the Discord on the couch. Couch Discord sweated profusely, his eyes darting rapidly around the room. Chair Discord continued to do nothing but stare. Couch Discord began fidgeting. Finally, Chair Discord spoke. "Son, are you gay?"

Chair Discord suddenly bolted off the couch, leaping out a different window. Discord let out a sigh. "I don't see why it's such a big deal. You love who you love!" Discord snapped his claws. In a burst of light, Fluttershy and Discord sat on the couch, with Anon sitting across in her green chair, and the windows repaired. "Now what seems to be the problem?"

Anon tapped her hooves together. "Do you remember the adventures we had?" she asked.

"Oh my, there were so many!" Discord said excitedly. "We personally killed a giant squid, wrestled a bear, and ate hotdogs on the moon!"

"We did literally none of those," Anon said with a frown.

"Oh sure we did!" Discord said, pulling out a photo album. "The author himself wrote-" He paused, looking at the blank pages with Discord's own little edits covering the emptiness. "My my, there seems to be a lot of pauses in this chapter." Discord set the book on the table. "Anon, where are the chapters?"

"That's the problem," Anon said, motioning to the book. "I woke up this morning, feeling A-okay. But then I wake up one morning and just somehow know everything that happened in the last twenty years! Every detail like it was yesterday!" Anon looked a little angry. "I think FIM Fiction skipped straight to the ending!"

"Really? This feels a lot more like an epilogue." Discord stuck his tongue out. "Yes, definitely an epilogue."

"But why?" Discord and Fluttershy jumped back as Anon whacked the book off the table. "Why would he put me through all that? Why would he do all that, and just end it!? I have all these memories, but not a single person got to witness anything beyond me breaking out of the goddamn hospital! I fucking fought Random and kicked his ass for crying out loud! I did all this, and he just decided to cut it all out!?"

Discord whimpered as he hid behind the couch. "Well, you could always ask him." Fluttershy suggested.

Anon nodded, getting up. "He lives in the vocational school now, right?" Fluttershy tilted her head. "Friendship school." Fluttershy nodded. "Good. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!" Anon got up and stomped out the door. "Have a good day!" she said angrily as she closed the door softly.

"Hang on, this is backwards." Discord reached out and grabbed Fluttershy, tucking her behind the couch, while sitting on it himself. "Now this is lonely." He tossed himself behind the couch with Fluttershy. "Now this is awkward."

He reached out with a paw to lift himself and Fluttershy back out. She booped his snout. "Actually, I don't mind this. It's kinda snug." Fluttershy let out a giggle. "And away from prying eyes."

Discord blinked. "I think this might be a good time for a story transition!"

Jump Up Random popped up beside Anon, floating lazily through the air. "My my, somehumans in a rush," he said. "What's gotten you so hot and bothered, my dear sir?"

"FIM Fic skipped to the epilogue," Anon said, glancing at Random.

Random tilted his head, slowly rotating. "Is his attention really that important? Written or not, you still had a fulfilling lifestyle. And an even brighter future up ahead!" He floated in front of Anon. "But have you also considered you may just be boring?"

"Boring!? You know how insane my daily life was!" Anon said. "It was anything but boring!"

"Well, anytime an Author interacts with the story, it is bound to lead to some troubles for them." Random chuckled as he floated upside down. "Oh and by the way, seeing how your story is about to end, I figure I might go and find a new Anonymous to torment. Perhaps he will be cursed with the orange as well."

Anon gave Random a look. "That didn't end well for you last time. If this guy is anything like me, you're fucked!"

"Oh I know. But that's what makes it so exciting!" Random said, floating upwards. "Before I leave, I can simply say this. Perhaps the reason you're mad is not because of the author, but rather because you love the spotlight. Toodles!"

Anon opened her mouth to retort, before closing it. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But I still wanna know why." She watched as Random drifted out of sight. Anon continued on her way, moving through Ponyville at a trot. Eventually, she reached the School of Friendship.

She entered the halls, counting the janitor closets before arriving at one that didn't belong. "Bingo." Anon pushed open the door, opening to a library that would make Twilight weak at the knees. A deep red shag carpet covered the floor, whilst giant dusty bookshelves held all manner of tomes. "Geez, would it kill him to dust every now and then?"

Anon shook her head, and walked into the library. The place was built like a maze, with countless signs pointing the way out. Anon ignored these, and listened for the clicking. She walked slowly and quietly, sneaking her way through the rows of books. She slowed as she saw a faint glow from around a corner.

Anon slowly sneaked up and around the shelf, entering what could be described as a sort of clearing. In the center, wrapped in a massive fluffy blue blanket sat a white horse sitting at a desk. Before him was a computer, giving a slight hum. He seemed to be absorbed with the monitor, typing away.

"Are you leaving?" The horse stopped typing, hooves hovering over the keyboard. "I... Sorry, I'm just trying to wrap my head around a lot of things today," Anon said, looking away. "Because I know that personally, I was going to have a lot of adventures. But then i wake up one morning and just somehow know everything that happened in the last twenty years. And I know the readers didn't get to read any of it." She took a deep breath, feeling anger rising, and trying not to show it. "A-and I guess, at this moment, I'm just trying to understand what's happening here."

Anon stared at the back of the chair for a few moments. She saw the mouse on the screen move to save, and click. "You know, when the characters meet the Author, there are many ways it can go. They may view the author as nothing more than the narrator, or maybe an all powerful god. Perhaps as a crazy individual who is more observant than everyone believes." He turned his chair around. "To be honest, I feel more like a farmer redirecting the flow of the river to get good crops. There is a story, and I guide it until the harvest is ready. However, I don't think any of those metaphors really matter right now. "

"Yeah, probably not," Anon said, staring at FIM.

"You are right though. I am leaving, in a sense." FIM rubbed his chin. "This is the final chapter for me and you. Not to say the end of your life, but I wouldn't count on any more big adventures. This story has been going on for simply too long."

"This feels cheap." Anon said, sitting down. "Abrupt. Sudden. Janky. Why?"

FIM took a deep breath, before slowly exhaling. "Don't get me wrong, I love this story. I tried SO HARD to keep it alive. But all I was doing was making it worse." FIM moved his chair and motioned for Anon to look at the computer screen. "See that? Those are the deleted chapters. At this point, it wasn't even the same story. It just had the same elements, but in a way that didn't make sense."

"So why didn't you just reboot?" Anon asked. "Or cancel, and try again? Or I don't know, delete and make the story you wanted?"

"Because I loved this story too much. I couldn't just let it die. I could just delete it, never to be seen again. People found it funny!" FIM Fiction gave a large grin that quickly faltered. "But what I was doing was cruel, to both the story and the readers. Dragging it out and warping it beyond recognition. The last chapter; Your odd dream. That was an example of what it was becoming." FIM turned back to his monitor. "These scenes."

Anon squinted as he stacked several bottles on top of each other. It would be difficult enough, but the blur from the beer made his hands clumsy. With a grin, he set the final bottle up. "Success. The Pyramid of-" He froze, unable to come up with a beer pun for Egyptian buildings. "Beerza? No, that's just dumb."

Either way, it was pissing off Anon. "Welp. Looks like some jackoff thinks poly means open relationship." Anon said standing up. "Mally, help me beat up the guy," he said stumbling into the counter.

"Yeah, but I think that guy's the devil. Being serious here." Anon explained. Jimmy motioned for him to continue. "Alright, bottom line in my dad keeps meeting with this dude with no eyeballs. He's usually a lot paler, but I know that voice anywhere." The others pulled up chairs and sat down, listening. When Anon specifically said he was serious, that meant you should listen up. "This jerkwad thinks he's clever with his words, meaning-" Anon's eyes shot open. "Oh good golly he's after my mom."

"I thought it would be better for everyone if I just made an actual ending, no matter how janky." FIM explained. "It would be better than this."

"So, you're just giving up?" Anon asked.

"Eh, not quite." FIM pulled up a folder. "More of, the reboot is in the sequel! Because by the end of the day, I have all the ideas. They all existed here. I just need to put them into a proper story! Random, the Orange, you. They all are part of a tale I wish to tell." He opened a file. "You wanna see? Get a sneak peek before I leave?"

"I get to do that?" Anon asked, surprised. "What does even- How?"

FIM simply smiled, motioning to the screen.

Anon eagerly read everything, a grin growing across her face. "Okay, that's kinda sick." Her smile disappeared as she looked back at FIM. "How long until you-" She looked around, noticing she was now at the train station.

"Right now, actually," FIM Fiction said, holding a suitcase. The train seemed ready to leave. "An author can't really stay after the story ends.

"I think I'm gonna miss you," Anon said.

FIM Fiction walked over and hugged Anon tightly. "I know." FIM released the hug stepping onto the train. "But I got a good feeling we'll meet again someday."

Anon watched as the train left the station. She stood there for a few minutes, before slowly walking back towards town. Even though there weren't going to be any more adventures, she still could find some fun stuff to do. And with Twilight's fancy mirror, she had internet. Then she had tutoring with Princess Luna, and- "Ahh shit. I'm late for my lessons!" Anon took off galloping down the road, knowing that even though this story ended, she still had plenty to keep her entertained.
Chapter @) is complete.
I know this isn't the best ending there could be, but I just kept trying to beat a dead horse. For all those who enjoyed this story, I have made a conclusion. This had been a story I put my heart and soul into for years. But when there was a full year before updating again, I should have taken that as a sign.
But for those who still crave more of Anon, worry not. This is not the absolute end to his adventures. Merely a chapter.
I have had a blast, providing this story to the hundred who loved it. I made it for us. And I hope to see you all again real soon.
But for now, this is Chapter 20, THE END.

Comments ( 3 )

"That's the problem," Anon said, motioning to the book. "I woke up this morning, feeling a bit okay.

But then I wake up one morning and just somehow know everything that happened in the last twenty years.

This is the most meta ending I've ever seen
still though I really enjoyed the progressive chaos
👍/10 would read again

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