• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 1,401 Views, 148 Comments

A Different Kind of Treasure - Mechawrecker

What's the most valuable treasure in the world: Family? Money? Revenge? Love? Depends on who you ask...

  • ...

What Are The Odds

Living up to her name, Cloudchaser's hooves pounded the dirt as she chased Skyfall through the dark cave. Broadsword at the ready, she sprinted after him, intent on doing whatever it took to get the contents of his travel pack.

Despite her best efforts, her fatigued body couldn’t keep up with her quarry. Had she been at full strength, she would have caught him easily, but her various cuts and bruises forced the exhausted mare to the ground.

As her bleary vision faded, she made out Skyfall's concerned face as he slowed to help. Then, thinking better of it, he turned tail and ran out of the cave entrance, leaving her crumpled form in the dust.

...cloud…” Someone was calling her name.

“Cloud.” The voice grew louder as her ears hurt with the strain of listening.


Cloudchaser’s eyes finally opened to see her sister’s face peering down anxiously. At the sight of her expression, she gave a defeated moan and turned away, desperate not to see the worry and shame she felt reflected in Flitter’s eyes.

“He’s gone, isn’t he?”

“Forget that. Are you okay?” Flitter asked, fretting over her bruised legs and battered barrel.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Cloudchaser grunted as she got back on her hooves. “But you do realize what just happened, right? What he was carrying?”

“I can guess,” Flitter confirmed. “But we don’t know for sure if he did deceive us. Maybe he was just scared of you slicing his head off and ran before he could give a proper explanation.”

This time, it was Cloudchaser who rolled her eyes at Flitter’s optimism and faith in others. Hadn’t she realized that everyone was out to get them? Even their parents hadn’t stuck around, whether that was because they were dead or just didn’t want them, neither sister knew.

The two of them sat in silence for a while, not wanting to discuss their current situation. Eventually, Cloudchaser couldn’t resist and asked, "I’m guessing this means no pay day for next month’s rent, right?”

Flitter put her head in her hooves and sighed, “Let’s not think about that. For now, let’s focus on getting out of this damn cave.”

Skyfall burst out of the tunnel entrance and sprinted towards the forest surrounding the mountains. Panting, he flew up a tree, wincing as a stitch in his side screamed in agony. When his breathing returned to normal, he frantically checked the condition of his travel pack, but all the straps were still connected and unbroken. Letting out a sigh of relief, he unclasped the pack and reached inside for his prize.

The small golden cup had two handles opposite each other with a tiny golden badger engraved into it's body. Despite not knowing it's significance, Skyfall couldn’t help but stare in awe at the beautiful golden marvel. Stowing it away, he glanced at the horizon and noticed intense storm clouds approaching the area.

“Damn, I need to get back into town before the rain sets in,” Skyfall muttered as he climbed down the tree, navigating to the nearby settlement. Glancing back at the darkening sky, he remembered another reason why he was worried about clouds.

“That Cloudchaser is a lot more intuitive than I thought,” he pondered. “I do feel kinda bad about tricking her and her sister. Maybe I should go back and help them before the storm arrives.” Thinking back to the look of rage and hostility Cloudchaser gave him before his escape, he shook his head and brushed off the suicidal prospect.

“Well, hopefully they have something to weather the storm. I’ve got my own problems to deal with. I swear, this whole transition has been a huge pain in the flank. If I ever have to move into a new place again, it’ll be too soon.”

The two sisters clung tight to each other as they battled their way through the hurricane. With their supply bag crushed under the fallen rocks, they had no wetsuits or ponchos to shield against the raging torrent.

“Can you see the town yet?” Cloudchaser shouted as water soaked her from all sides.

“No! I can barely see anything,” Flitter responded, rain stinging her eyes with every hoofstep.

After escaping the underground tunnel, the two mares were greeted by the delightful sight of a flash flood pulling rocks and mud down the side of the mountain. With no choice but to push through, they braved the harsh elements for over half-an-hour before finally reaching the outskirts of their hometown.

“Wait, look!” Cloudchaser yelled as lights became visible in the distance.

A unicorn guard with his horn lit approached the pair of waterlogged ponies and yelled, “What the hay are you two doing out here? It’s raining like the start of the apocalypse!”

The three of them hid under the roof of a nearby watch tower as Cloudchaser explained who they were and what they were doing out of town so late.

“Ah, treasure hunters,” the guard nodded. “I hope what you found out there was worth a lot, because I don’t think you’ll be going out again any time soon.”

The two sisters shared a quizzical glance, not understanding why they couldn’t go back out after the rain died down. Seeing their expressions, the guard explained, "In these parts, the water that runs down from the mountains mixes with the earth after a heavy rainstorm and creates massive bogs that flood the tunnels and ruins. Those swamps cut this town off from most of the major dig sites.” Raising his eyebrows at their lack of supply bags, he inquired, “Wait, you two did find something out there, right?”

Flitter averted her gaze as Cloudchaser glowered, “Yeah, we found something, but someone else had the same idea and took off with it before we could do anything.”

“Hmm...” the guard hummed, scratching his head, “those kinds of attacks and robberies have been on the rise. I may need to involve the royal guard if they continue. Do you have any idea who stole your artifact?”

Before she could give Skyfall’s description, Flitter interjected, “Actually, it wasn’t exactly a theft. Another treasure hunter just got to it before us and didn’t want to split the reward. There’s no need to concern yourself over it.”

Not sensing Cloudchaser’s indignation, the guard relaxed. “Oh, alright then. Just be careful out there in the future. Rumors of bandits and robbers have been circulating, and I’m sorry to say they’re probably true.”

Flitter bowed in appreciation. “Thank you for the warning and for helping us get out of the storm. I hope you have a good night.”

After parting ways with the guard, Cloudchaser rounded on her sister. “What the hay, Flitter? Why’d you cover for that stealing bastard? I was gonna get him arrested by the guard!”

Flitter stared back with a depressed gaze. “We don’t have any proof that he tricked us or that he stole the goblet. Also, even if we could prove he was there, we still couldn’t have him arrested because he was in the right. Don’t forget, he got to the chamber before us, and the rules of treasure hunting state: first come, first serve.”

“Y-yeah, but…” Cloudchaser stuttered before relapsing into silence as she struggled to find a way to pin the blame on Skyfall.

Eventually, the two reached the small, homely apartment they shared with each other. Cloudchaser approached the door, eagerly anticipating a proper meal and a long nap, but a purple hoof blocked her before she could get the desperately needed R&R.

“Hold on!”

“Whaaaaaaaat?” she groaned, every muscle in her body feeling as if she’d run a marathon.

“You saw that our old neighbor moved out a few weeks ago, right?” Flitter asked, gazing questioningly at the door next to theirs.

“Yeah, and good thing too. That old guy used to hit on me every time I left to check the mail,” Cloudchaser replied, shuddering at the memory of a stallion three times her age offering to ‘show her around’.

Flitter gestured to the welcome mat under the neighbor’s door. “Well, it looks like someone new moved in. Maybe we should say hello.”

Cloudchaser gave a snort of disbelief. “Are you serious? It’s too late for social calls. I’m exhausted and wanna get some sleep.”

Despite her sister’s resistance, Flitter dragged her to the neighbor’s door and knocked lightly three times. When no answer came, she knocked again a little harder and was met with the same result. Finally, Cloudchaser lost her temper and raised an armored hoof before slamming it into the wooden door, creating a loud BOOM and leaving a large dent in the frame.

“CLOUD!” Flitter shrieked as Cloudchaser pulled back to deliver another blow.

“What? You said we should introduce ourselves,” she countered, grinning smugly at the impact crater.

“Yes, but I don’t want us to be remembered as the ponies that caused a massive disturbance and damaged somepony’s property!” Flitter admonished, frantically checking to see if anypony had noticed the sound.

Before Cloudchaser could bite back, an all too familiar voice rang out from behind the door.

“Alright, I hear you! Just wait a damn minute.”

Both sisters froze in place. They had heard that voice before and knew exactly which pony it belonged to. Time slowed to a crawl as the door swung open to reveal the stallion behind it.

“Jeez, you bankers are relentless! I thought you said the mortgage payments on the condo wouldn’t start until next month.”

His words died in his throat as he stared open-mouthed at the similarly shocked pegasi standing on his doormat.

Skyfall, Flitter, and Cloudchaser gaped in stunned silence for several seconds before their faces shifted into various expressions ranging from fear to concern to murderous intent.

Author's Note:

A/N: You can probably tell which expression belongs to Cloudchaser. :)

Thanks for reading!