• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 1,401 Views, 148 Comments

A Different Kind of Treasure - Mechawrecker

What's the most valuable treasure in the world: Family? Money? Revenge? Love? Depends on who you ask...

  • ...

The Serpent’s Pass: Part 3

Sky’s body shook nervously as he rounded the corner. Glancing back at the two sisters, he managed a reassuring grin before losing sight of their purple coats.

Once they were no longer in view, his confident smile fell away as reality began to settle in. “Ugh, me and my big mouth. How the hay am I supposed to get Spark out by myself!?”

Picturing the fort’s layout, he made a right and proceeded towards the maximum security cells, shield up in case of an ambush. The garrison’s maze-like structure made his head spin as the numerous twists and turns began blending together in an unappealing mix of grey and brown. “This place could really do with some interior design. I’m no Photo Finish, but I could definitely offer some sugg--”

His critiques were interrupted almost immediately as the sound of scraping claws reverberated through the stone corridor. Panicking, Sky scrambled for a place to hide, but there weren’t any doors or closets along the entire hallway.

With only seconds to spare, he spread his wings and soared into the ceiling, gripping a torch bracket to prevent any noise from his flapping feathers. Shifting slightly to avoid casting a shadow, he held his breath as two more dragon guards strolled beneath his hiding perch.

The approaching sentries passed at a snail’s pace, rubbing their bellies with a sigh of content. The smell of fresh cooking wafted through the passageway as the door to the mess hall closed behind them with a snap. An irresistible scent flooded the hall, causing the hungry stallion’s stomach to growl loudly.

The smaller of the two dragons gave a start and turned to stare at his battle partner. “What the hell, dude!? How are you still hungry? You just ate sixteen emeralds on top of the normal rations!”

The larger guard stared back at his incredulous partner. “What are you talking about? If anyone’s stomach is rumbling, it’s yours. I’m telling you, now is not a good time to start dieting. You’ll never manage to snag a dragoness looking like a half-starved diamond dog.”

As the two sentries continued bickering, Sky floated above the corridor, keeping his flapping to a minimum to avoid their prying eyes. Inching across the ceiling, he grasped hanging torch brackets and hid behind support pillars until the guards’ arguing faded into the background.

Gasping to refill his empty lungs, he clutched his chest and emerged from his hiding place, only to let out a squeak of fright as the head of a spear planted itself between his eyes. Raising his hooves in surrender, he slowly backed away from the hostile guard who was now jabbing the spear directly into his exposed neck.

The suspicious sentry narrowed his eyes before snarling, “Who are you!? What are you doing here, pony!? Do not lie.” He pressed the sharp spear deeper into the startled stallion’s neck to emphasize the command.

Sky’s panicking brain ran through several different excuses, each of which would surely end with him in either a jail cell or a ditch in the ground. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on his champion spirit and pleaded, 'Helena Hooflepuff, please lend me your power of persuasion in my time of need!'

A familiar surge of warmth flooded through his body as his eyes began to glow gold. Fixing the alarmed dragon with an indignant glare, he yelled, “What the hay, man!? Why are you pointing your weapon at me!? I’m another gate guard!”

The bewildered sentry gave a start of surprise before lowering his spear. His eyes seemed to dull as a golden aura enveloped his relaxing form. “W-What? You’re a gate guard? But… you’re a… this can’t…” he fumbled, shaking his head to clear away the invading thoughts.

Pushing his advantage, Sky pressed, “I was sent to patrol this corridor since news got out that someone ditched his shift. The commander ordered that I guard this area until someone came to replace me.” His hoof clenched the shield strap, ready to pounce once the dragon let his guard down.

The confounded sentry narrowed his eyes before gripping the shaft of his spear. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, “Wait a second, I thought the commander was arrested for treason. How could he have ord--”

Sensing the dragon’s growing suspicion, Sky lashed out with his hoof, striking the unfortunate guard with the edge of his shield. The dragon let out a bark of alarm before collapsing to the ground. His spear clattered against the stone tiles before skittering to a halt, creating a loud disturbance that echoed down the corridor.

A chill ran up Sky’s spine as the ringing continued to sound the dinner bell for the dozens of bloodthirsty dragons. Before he could fully process the consequences, a familiar voice rang out from the neighboring corridor. “Nice going, featherbrain. Now we’ll be lucky to get out of here with all our limbs attached.”

Whipping around, Sky raised his shield for a bash before blinking back a look of astonishment. “Spark! What are you doing here? I thought you were about to be executed in the maximum security cells!?”

Spark snatched up the fallen spear before drawling, “I was, but I have friends around the fortress that pulled some strings to get me out. Thanks to your little stunt, that might not matter. There are going to be guards everywhere in a couple of seconds.”

The sound of a door opening interrupted their discussion as other dragons emerged to investigate the disturbance. Spark grabbed the unconscious guard’s feet and hissed, “Help me move this guy behind the support columns before we’re skewered!”

Tossing the body into the shadows, they sprinted away from the approaching sentries. Remembering the fortress’s layout, Sky whispered, “We’re escaping through the sewers in the west wing. Follow me!”

The two pelted through the twisting corridors, desperately trying to put as much distance between them and the crime scene as possible. Rounding the corner into the west wing, Sky tackled an unsuspecting patrol to the ground as Spark followed up with a quick blow to the head, knocking the startled dragon out in an instant.

Moments later, a horn bellowed throughout the garrison, alerting the entire fortress of their infiltration. Spark grimaced as the sound of clanking armor echoed towards their position. “Damn it! I thought they wouldn’t find the body until after we’d escaped. I really hope those girlfriends of yours are waiting for us at the exit.”

Sky’s blood ran cold as he recalled the distance between the holding cells and the sewer hatch. Trying not to panic, he clenched his teeth and mumbled, “Don’t worry about them. I’m sure they’ll be fine as long as they work together.”

Flitter leveled her aim to point directly between Cloud’s eyes. Her brain barely registered the groaning dragons as she focused on the terrified mare she had once called family.

Cloudchaser’s gaze fixated on the narrowed pink eyes glaring back at her before letting out a sigh of relief. “Oh, it’s just you, Flitter. Don’t disappear on me like that. We need to stick together if we want to get out of here ali--”

“Don’t move, or I’ll paint the walls with your brain.”

Cloud froze halfway through standing up. Raising an eyebrow, she reassured, “Don't worry, I’m not an imposter. We need to get out of here before--”

“I know you’re not an imposter. If you were, I wouldn’t be aiming at your head.”

By now, Cloud began to realize that something was wrong. Crouching down, she held up her hooves in submission before asking, “Then why are you pointing an arrow at me? Don’t tell me you’re still mad about the kitchen door. I ran into it too, so there’s no need to be--”

“That’s not what I’m upset about,” Flitter shot, tightening the grip on her bow. “I know what you’ve been doing around Sky. There’s no point hiding it anymore, you lying, backstabbing piece of dragon dung.”

Cloudchaser’s expression contorted into a shocked glare before she groaned, “Oh, come on! Don’t tell me you’re still hung up on that. I told you weeks ago that we’re just friends. I’m already over him!”

Flitter let out a disbelieving snort before hissing, “Oh, really? That wasn’t the message I got when you cuddled up with him on your little date to the riverbank.”

A chill raced up Cloud’s spine as her hooves went numb. Stumbling over her own excuses, she croaked, “W-What? That wasn’t romantic at all! He wasn’t taking me on a date. He was telling me about what happened when he was a--”


Another arrow whistled past her ear, this time shaving off a few more hairs before clattering against the back wall. “Don’t even try it!” Flitter snarled, pulling a familiar red plushie from her travel pack. “If things were so innocent, why did you lie about where you got this from. I know Griffy didn’t give it to you.”

Another jolt raced through Cloud’s body as her moment of weakness returned to haunt her. Gritting her teeth, she mentally groaned, 'Damn it, why didn’t I get rid of that thing before we left? I’m such an idiot.'

Gathering up her remaining strength, she managed to crack a sheepish grin before chuckling, “Okay, you got me. I like stupid kids stuff, and the Power Ponies are my favorite superheroes. Are you happy now?”

“I know Sky bought it for you. He told me.”

Cloud’s shoulders slumped in defeat as every one of her secrets came to light. Averting her eyes from her infuriated sister, she sighed, “Why are you bringing this up now? You’ve clearly known for a while.”

Flitter nocked another arrow and growled, “I want to hear you say it. I want you, the sister I thought I could trust with my life, to say the words that will rip out my heart with the knife you stabbed into my back.”

An angry grimace broke across Cloud’s muzzle. Years of old grudges and scars flooded through her mind as she stared angrily at the floor. Why is she always the one that’s expected to be mature? Why is she always the one that has to make sacrifices? Why can’t she be a little selfish once in a while?

Lifting her gaze to glare back, she snarled, “Do you really want me to say it? There’s no going back if I do. We’ll have to live with the consequences, well, you will at least.”

Flitter’s look of hatred only hardened as she tightened her grip on the bow’s string. Cloud’s eyes began to sting with tears as she prepared to utter the words eating away at her rapidly breaking heart. “Fine. If our bond is really worth so little to you, then I’ll say it.”

Locking onto Flitter’s pink eyes, Cloud stood up and fixed her with a defiant stare, unwilling to back down from the arrow mere inches from her forehead.

The two mares held each other’s gaze as their shaky sisterly bond shattered to pieces around them. Finally, Cloud, tears streaming down her matted fur, opened her quivering muzzle and whispered the words that sealed their fates.

“I love him. I love Skyfall more than anything in the world, and nothing is going to change that.”

Flitter’s gaze flickered as a culmination of sadness, betrayal, and hatred wiped out any trace of the happy, innocent filly she had once been. Her grip on the bow’s string trembled as she let out a hollow, deranged giggle.

“That’s all I needed to hear.”

Author's Note:

A/N: …

Sky: Hello? Author, are you there? You’ve never been this quiet before.

A/N: …

Thanks for reading...