• Published 11th Sep 2020
  • 1,647 Views, 49 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy - Vimtrust5

Twilight and her friends are transported to the world of the first Final Fantasy.

  • ...

Chapter 6: The Fires of Mount Gulug/Trouble on Crescent Lake

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long, everyone. But it's finally done.

Applejack found herself back home on Sweet Apple Acres. But something was wrong. Among the extensive Apple family, she found Granny Smith, Big McIntosh and little Apple Bloom holding each other in sadness.

"What's goin' on?" she asked, only to find her name engraved on a tombstone. "What happened?!"

"Why'd ya have to--have to go, sis?" Apple Bloom sobbed.

"Ah'm right here, Apple Bloom! Don't cry."

"Apple Bloom! Big Mac! Granny! Can't y'all hear me?! Please!! Ah'm over HERE!!"

It was no use; Applejack was dead and there was nothing she could do but scream in despair.

Applejack sat right up, gasping for air. Panting, she looked around and found everyone still asleep. Except for Twilight and Teol.

"Are you all right, A.J.?" said Twilight.

"Yeah... Again, ah'm really sorry 'bout what happened back there. Ah was just... ah dunno. Maybe ah was just a little too eager to face whatever's inside that volcano we're goin' to."

Teol walked over and knelt and petted her head. As much as she hated to admit it, Applejack felt at ease from the pets.

"We forgive you, Applejack. Let's get back to sleep for now."


At sunrise, the party awoke and went back to the Circle of Sages.

"Have you come to a decision?" asked Lukahn.

"Yes," said Rarity. "We've decided to use your canoe after all. Of course, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash will fly over us to make sure we don't run into any trouble."

"Very well," said the wise sage.

"Here is your new canoe."

"Thank you."

The group nodded and left the city. Their destination: Mount Gulug. As Rarity had stated, the three ponies flew while the rest used their new vessel. The alicorn and the pegasi looked around, making sure no harm would come to their companions, not just from the waters below but also from the sky. After the encounter with the changeling army before reaching Melmond, they weren't willing to take chances.

Finally after going through a maze of water, our heroes found the volcano. Before going in, Twilight made sure to cast a heat-resistant spell to protect everyone not just from the heat, but the magma flowing from within.

Mount Gulug

The gurgling heat of the volcano was made clear as soon as our heroes set foot inside.

They turned to see Pinkie Pie humming a strange tune. Needless to say, the group was confused at Pinkie's behavior.

"Pinkie?" asked Zauver. "Why are you...?"

"I dunno. It just came to while we were at Terra Cavern so I figured why not sing it here? Ba ba DA da da daaa da ba ba ba da DAA da..." she sang to herself.

"Relax," said Twilight. "It's Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie."

Ordinarily, the magma on the floor would burn any who dared walk across, but thanks to Twilight's spell, she and the rest strolled through without any repercussions. On the next floor, the party found a straight path to the next level with the ground covered almost entirely in magma. They found a door next to them and stopped. Pondering on what do, Setro rubbed his finger on his chin with Twilight thinking the same thing. It was decided that they should split into two groups again: Twilight would go through the door with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Teol, and Zauver while Setro would go along the path with Flora, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie.

"Are y'all sure 'bout this?" said Applejack.

"I'm certain, Applejack," Setro answered.


And so, our heroes split up once more. Twilight and her group entered through a doors and found themselves wandering through a maze filled with treasure chests guarded Fire elemental monsters similar to the Earth elements they fought in Terra Cavern. Defeating the monsters, they obtained a Mythril Helmet, a Giant's Sword and a total of 13,825 gil.

Setro and his group went straight ahead to the third level of the volcano and blazed through the magma-ridden floors and fought several monsters including a pyrolisk, a relative of the cockatrice. They went inside a small room on the fourth level to catch their breath and rest for a while. A few minutes later, Twilight and her group reunited with the others.

"Is everyone alright?" asked Setro. The group nodded. "Then let us be onward!" As they resumed their march toward the Fire Crystal, the party marched across the magma that was seeping on the ground.

At the lowest level of the mountain, the group felt as if Twilight's spell was weakening, so they quickly ran across the magma and entered all the rooms, taking whatever treasures they could get their hands and hooves on. In one room, the group encountered a large red dragon guarding a chest, much to Fluttershy's horror.

"D-D-D-DRAGON!!" she shouted.

"It's alright, Fluttershy," said Flora. "We've got this."

The group lunged at the fire-breathing beast one-by-one; the dragon countered Rainbow's attack by swiping her with his claw. Teol cast Blizzara on the fearsome creature weakening it greatly. Upon defeat, the dragon roared and collapsed, landing on its stomach.

"We did it!" Twilight said.

"Now let's take this treasure and find the crystal," said Zauver. The others agreed. Inside the treasure chest was a piece of Flame Armor, protecting its wearer from fire-based attacks.

Exiting the chamber, our heroes went through the southwest corridor as Zauver felt his Crystal shard was resonating.

But as they approached the Fire Crystal... They saw in front of it was an orb, much like at Terra Cavern.

"So," an evil voice spoke, "you are the ones who eliminated the Fiend of Earth. I commend your efforts, but now your lives end here!"

From the orb emerged yet another creature that the Equestrians had never seen before: a female human-snake hybrid with six arms, each carrying a sword. The snake half of this demon's body was bright purple with black spots.

"So, it was you that slew Lich, the Fiend of Earth. I am Marilith, Fiend of Fire!"

"'Marilith?'" said Pinkie Pie. "I thought her name was gonna be 'Kary' or 'Kali.'"

The others looked to Pinkie in confusion. The demon, however, was less than amused.

"Do not make light of me, accursed beast."

"Hey! You need to watch your mouth. There are--"

"Um, Pinkie?" said Twilight. "I don't think 'accursed' is a bad word. Even if she did insult--"

"SILENCE! Prepare yourselves, Warriors of Light!! And you as well, ponies from another world!"

"Very well," said Setro, unsheathing his sword. "We will defeat you and restore the power of the crystal you have corrupted."

"Fools! The power of fire is mine alone! Those who dare disturb me shall me BURN!"

Our heroes went into their battle stance in response. Rainbow Dash charged headfirst only to smacked in the face by Marilith's tail. Setro slashed at her four times doing some moderate damage; Teol cast Blizzara effectively weakening her, but not to the end. The demon tried to swipe Zauver with her tail but he jumped over it just in time.

By this point, however, Twilight's anti-heating spell was beginning to weaken. Not wanting to lose quickly, our heroes did all they could to withstand Marilith's attacks and counter her. Just then the spell had finally broken, leaving the party of the mercy of the evil demon. The Fiend of Fire cast a dangerous Fira spell scaring the ponies and causing them and their human friends to step back.

Rarity panted, "I... I... I don't know... if I can go on...!" The fashionista felt as if she was actually going to die, whether from heat exhaustion or another strike from Marilith.

Applejack also panted, "Can't... lose here...!"

"No!" Flora shouted. "We won't! NulBlaze!"

"Fools!" Marilith exclaimed. The Fiend of Fire knocked the white mage aside and cackled in delight. "What is the matter, feeble beings?! Have you had enough?" she taunted.

"Not... yet!" Zauver shouted, driving his blade into the fiend's stomach. He withdrew his weapon and stepped back.

"This... cannot be...!" she screamed. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...!"

And with that cry, Marilith had perished and our heroes stood victorious once again.

*music fades out*

With the Fiend of Fire defeated, our heroes' journey was almost half complete.

"It's time," said Setro. Zauver nodded and held out his crystal next to the larger one.

"May the Light of this Crystal shine!" he said. His crystal shard was glowing alongside the larger as once again, the party embraced the glow. With two crystals regaining their light, our heroes began to feel elated. They went over the to the portal beyond the altar and found themselves back outside Mount Gulug.

"Phew...!" said Twilight. "I don't know about you all, but I thought we were finished."

"Same here," replied Setro.

"I agree," said Flora.

"Me too," said Teol.

"Likewise," said Rarity. "It was a close call for us though."

"Let's get back to town," said Applejack. "The sages have to know."

"I'll go on ahead... that is, if it's alright with you," said Fluttershy.

The others nodded. And with that, Fluttershy flew off toward Crescent Lake.

As soon as they got back, our heroes immediately noticed something different: the inhabitants were nowhere to be seen. Fluttershy stood near the entrance, looking around for any signs of life.

"H-hello?" she said.

"Hello? Anyone home?" said Pinkie Pie.

"This is weird," said Zauver. He tried opening a door, but it wouldn't budge. The thief wouldn't give up just yet, as he tried pushing and pulling it. Not even the Mystic Key could unlock it. "Definitely weird."

"I don't like this either," said Setro. "Let's get back to the Circle of Sages. Hopefully they'll know what happened."

The party agreed and went back to the sages' meeting ground. Something was different, however, and our heroes could tell right away.

"Ah, welcome back." said Lukahn. "Now that that the Fire Fiend is defeated, I must ask you to hand over the Crystals."

"What?!" said Setro and Twilight.

"But why?" asked Rarity.

"We feel that your journey has ended. Please let us handle the rest."

"Lukahn... Where are the villagers?" asked a disconcerted Setro.

"Oh, who cares about those humans... I mean, er... Just give us the Crystals!"

*music fades out*

"Twilight?" asked Pinkie. "Did that old guy just say what I think he said?"

This was enough to confirm Twilight's suspicions. "Where are the real sages?" she asked darkly.

Exposed, the changelings ripped off their disguises with the Lukahn impostor in charge; he was a little larger than the others, and his eyes glowed an eerily green color.

"What did you do to the villagers?!" said Teol.

"Oh, they're alright," the leader replied. They're just a bit... tied up at the moment. For now it's payback time for what happened near Melmond! Changelings! ATTACK!!"

And with that command, the changelings took their battle stances, as did our heroes. Flora and Applejack (mostly Applejack) dispatched two of the shape-shifting creatures while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash struggled with four more of their enemies. Taking flight, the two pegasi and the insect-like beings charged at each other, hoping to bring this battle to a swift end.

Teol, Rarity and Pinkie fought with three of the changelings with Pinkie making funny faces, much to the insectoid creatures' ire.

"Pinkie Pie!" scoled Rarity. "This is no time for your humorous antics!"

"Oh, right!" Pinkie said cheerfully, as she did a backflip and pulled out her party cannon, firing it at the angry chagnelings and knocking them out.

Setro, Zauver and Twilight stood face-to-face with the remaining three shape-shifters.

"You and your human friends have disrupted our plans for the last time, pony!" shouted the leader.

"Not until we find and defeat the other Fiends along with your queen!" Twilight responded, glaring at the evil creature.

"Enough! Die, Twilight Sparkle!" he shouted, firing a deadly beam at our heroes' direction. Twilight's eyes closed...

"NO!!!" Fluttershy screamed. Flora gasped. As soon as the dust settled, everyone was protected by a magical shield that Twilight conjured just in time to stop the blast.

"Oh, thank goodness!" said a relieved Flora.

The changeling leader growled. "Damn you!"

"Language!" Twilight said angrily as she dissolved the shield, allowing the others to corner the changelings and end the fight.

"Retreat! RETREAT!!" the leader shouted once more, he and his comrades taking flight.

"Oh, no you don't!" said Rainbow Dash as she flew and intercepted the fleeing changelings and spun around them, creating a semi-powerful tornado, one strong enough to make the remaining changelings unconscious. The black creatures fell to the ground but were saved by Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy.

Amazing, thought Setro, watching the scene. Those girls have grown stronger since they arrived here.

As the girls floated down with the changelings in tow, the others rushed over.

*music fades out*

"Now then," said Setro, pointing his sword at their vanquished foes. "Release the townspeople and the sages."

The changeling leader growled once more and lowered his head in defeat. "Very well." His horn glowed, unsealing the doors to the houses. "But don't think this is over, you meddling fools!" he warned as he and his colleagues started to disappear.

"Oh, no you don't!" said Rainbow Dash. But before she could tackle the morphing beings, they vanished without a trace. "Ugh, again!" she growled.

"Relax, Rainbow," said Teol. "We've got more important matters."

With the changelings defeated once again, our heroes went back into town and rescued the villagers. In one house they found six of the wise men, whom their captors impersonated. The others were tied up behind the counter in the armor shop. Everyone returned to the Circle of Sages' gathering spot.

"Thank you, Light Warriors! And thank you, ponies!" said Lukahn. "You have saved our village and our lives! For that, we are eternally grateful."

"Aw, it was nothing," said Pinkie Pie.

"I honestly can't believe those changelings were here," said Rarity. "How did this happen?"

Lukahn and the others looked at each other and nodded. "It all started around the time you all left for Mount Gulug. A visiting group of travelers came to town and all of a sudden attacked us and locked up everyone in our own homes and stores."

"It was rather unbearable, but thanks to you, we are free once again," one of the other sages added. "Now, tell us. Have you succeeded in restoring the Crystal of Fire?"

"Yes," Zauver answered, showing his crystal.

"Ah..." said Lukahn. "Very good. What do you intend to do next?"

Applejack stepped forward and spoke. "Well, before we do that, ah gotta ask y'all somethin'."

"Yes, my dear?"

"Do y'all know of a good place where we can, um, whaddya call that... 'upgrade' ourselves?"

"'Upgrade?'" asked one of the wise men.

"What Applejack means is, we had a difficult battle against the Fiend of Fire, and we wish to become stronger," said Setro.

"Yeah," Zauver agreed. "We almost had it back there."

The sages' leader stroked his beard. "There is one place I know of..."

"Yes?" said Twilight.

"You must journey towards the Cardia Islands and travel underground to meet Bahamut, King of the Dragons."

Fluttershy's eyes grew wide. "D-D-Did you say 'd-d-d-d-dragons?!'" she stuttered. "There are more dragons here?!"

"Oh, boy," said Rainbow Dash.

"What is the matter, child?" asked Lukahn.

"She's kinda scared of dragons."

"We battled with one inside the volcano," said Setro.

"Y-Yes. We don't have to fight this 'Bahamut'... do we?"

The sages chuckled a little, much to yellow pegasus' discomfort. "My dear, there is no need to worry. The dragons on the Cardia Islands may look fearsome, but I hear they are much friendlier than the one you encountered."

"I hope so," she whispered. Teol knelt and rubbed her head.

"All right," said Zauver, "let's get back to the ship and--"

"Hold on, son."

"What is it?"

"You cannot reach the islands by sea, I'm afraid."

"So," Teol spoke up, "how do we get there?"

"First, you must travel to the Ice Cavern north of Mount Gulug and find the Levistone."

The group shared a confused look. "What's a 'Levistone?'" asked Rainbow.

"The Levistone is an artifact that is said to raise an ancient Lufenian airship buried deep in the sands of Ryukahn Desert south of here."

"An airship?" said Rarity. "You mean the type of vehicle we can use to fly all over the world?"

"That is correct."

"'Lufenian...'" said Flora softly. "There's that name again."

"Never mind that," said Rainbow Dash. "Let's go get that stone!"

"We should probably get some rest first," said Zauver.

"Oh... right." Rainbow laughed nervously.

*music fades out*

And with that, our heroes went back into town and slept at the inn once more. With this new information, their quest was looking more and more difficult.

The changelings who had lost to the Equestrians and the Warriors of Light, stood before their queen trembling in fear as she glared at the leader of the group with utter disgust.

"You have failed me for the last time," she said.

"But, Your Highness!" the groveling changeling said. "Please give me another chance!"


"PLEASE!! I swear I will--"

"I said, 'NO!'" she yelled. With one blast from her horn, the changeling who had failed his task was incinerated, gone without a trace. The others gulped, fearing they would join him soon.

"Leave us!" the Changeling Queen commanded.

"It would appear that these creatures are stronger than I realized," said the voice of Tiamat.

"Don't remind me," replied an annoyed Chrysalis.

"Your Excellency!" said another changeling.

"What now?" she asked incredulously.

"Forgive the intrusion, b-but... Marilith has been defeated!"

Chrysalis stood silently with a blank face, knowing exactly what happened.

"Did I come at a bad time? I-I'm sorry!"

The changeling left as quickly as he had arrived, leaving his evil queen seething with fury. "How am I supposed to get rid of those pests?!"

Tiamat only chuckled. "Do not worry, Chrysalis. For if the Light Warriors and Equestrians set foot inside this stronghold, I have a most pleasant surprise for them once they cross that bridge."

The Changeling Queen raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I doubt that they will survive of the wrath of Kraken, but in case they approach this altar..." Tiamat chuckled some more. "Yes, they will be in for a most pleasant and very deadly surprise..."

As the Fiend of Wind said this and laughed, metallic footsteps could be heard...

*music stops*