• Published 11th Sep 2020
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My Final Pony Fantasy - Vimtrust5

Twilight and her friends are transported to the world of the first Final Fantasy.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Ice Cavern/Test of Courage

Inside the local inn at Crescent Lake, our heroes slowly but surely began to open their eyes after a long slumber.

"Good morning, everyone," said Setro. "I trust you all slept well."

Everyone nodded. They got up from their beds and gathered around in a circle of their own, preparing for what lay ahead.

"Let us go through this once more..."

"Uh, I think we've already got a idea what to do next, Setro," said Rainbow Dash. "Go to this Ice Cave, get the Levistone and use it to get an old airship so we can find this Bahamut guy."

"Very well put, Rainbow Dash," said Twilight.

"Ah dunno 'bout you, but ah'm itchin' and rarin' to go!" said Applejack.

"Then let us be onward."

The whole group cheered in agreement.

"After we drop off some excess baggage," Zauver added.

The party groaned and muttered.

"Oh, c'mon! You know we can't exactly carry everything, even in this big bag."

"All right..." said Rainbow as she and the others left the inn and went to sell some unnecessary equipment in the weapon and armor shops.

"At least our sack's getting a little more room," said Twilight.

"I agree," said Rarity. "The less things we carry around, the better."

"All right, that's it," said Teol.

"Now, let us be onward!" said Setro.

*music stops*

Leaving town, our heroes ventured forth to the Ice Cavern in order to retrieve the Levistone in order to raise the ancient airship spoken of by the sages. They went aboard their ship and set sail to the north arriving at the port as marked on the map. Disembarking, the party went through some wet grass and found themselves in a maze-like river leading to the cave; they (except Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy) went aboard their canoe and navigated the maze; as they reached their destination, Rarity flinched, for as she and the others had to walk through a marsh to enter the cavern that soon stood in front of them.

*music stops*

As soon the Equestrians and the Warriors of Light set foot inside, the temperature dropped to near freezing, leaving our heroes shivering.

"How c-c-cold is this p-p-place?" Teol stuttered.

"I don't kn-know," said Twilight. "Probab-b-b-ly about about 15 degrees."

Pinkie Pie felt her teeth chattering and tried stop with her hooves. "S-S-Sorry, everyb-b-b-body..."

Our heroes turned right and went down a flight of stairs taking them down a level. Suddenly, a frost giant appeared along with several white wolves. Wasting no time, our heroes did away with their enemies and grew even stronger. Going back up the second floor, they found themselves in another area. In the center of this new area was one chamber where three treasure chests lay; the group also discovered a hole in the ground, which the party presumed would lead them to the object they sought. After acquiring the treasure, they jumped down and sure enough found themselves in another room with multiple cracked tiles. And in front of them was a floating stone.

This must be it! thought Twilight. The others were thinking the same thing. They went towards it when all of a sudden...

"Whoa!!" Rainbow Dash screamed. Out of nowhere, a giant skull-shaped monster suddenly dropped below and frightened the ponies.

*music stops*

"What's that?!" Twilight yelled.

"This creature must be guarding the Levistone!" said Setro.

"Let's get it, y'all!" Applejack proclaimed.

The monster, known as the Evil Eye, gazed its piercing glare upon the entire party, injuring them somehow.

"What the...?!"

"Healara!" chanted Flora, healing the group.

"Thanks," said Rainbow Dash. The blue pegasus charged towards the creature with her eyes closed and executed a powerful uppercut sending it into the wall.

"Go, Dashie! Go!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

But she spoke too soon, for the Evil Eye recovered and paralyzed her friend with one stare.

"C-Can't... move...!"

Fluttershy flew towards the creature and gave it the Stare, trying to convince to free her fellow pegasus, only to be paralyzed as well. Setro, Zauver, and Applejack all charged at the Evil Eye and unleashed a fury that did not end until the monster breathed its last.

The monster collapsed, allowing the pegasi to break free from paralysis.

"We did it!" said Applejack.

"Are you two alright?" asked Flora.

"I think so," said Fluttershy. "How about you, Rainbow Dash?"

"Probably..." Rainbow replied.

*music fades out*

With the Evil Eye gone, our heroes grabbed the Levistone and held it up in the air.

Twilight sighed in relief. "Now that that's taken care of, let's get out of here and head to toward that desert! Uh, what was it called again?"

"I think it was 'Ryukahn Desert,'" said Flora.

"One problem..." said Zauver. "How do we get out of here?!"

"Simple," said Rainbow Dash. "Step on those cracked tiles and fall through the floor, remember?"

"Oh, right."

They did so and went through the exact same route as they did before. Just a few feet from the room with the three chests was a flight of stairs that took them right out of the cave.

"Oh, thank Celestia!" said Rarity. "It's great to feel the warmth of the sun again!"

"Same here," Teol agreed.

"Let's get back to the ship."

Everyone nodded in agreement and went back the way they came. They boarded the ship and set sail for the desert just south of Crescent Lake.

Ryukahn Desert

Setro released the Levistone from his possession, allowing it to float in the center of the desert. The earth shook as a large vehicle rose from the sands.

"AH YEAH!!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

The group went aboard the airship looking over every aspect and detail.

"Is there a manual for this?" asked Twilight.

Pinkie Pie looked around the cabin, found a big red button, and of course pushed it. The ship rumbled.

"It's working! It's working!!"

Flora exited the cabin and gasped. "We're in the air!"

Sure enough, the machine rose off the ground and stood 6,000 feet in the air.

"We're flying!! We're FLYING!!" shouted Pinkie Pie.

"Yee-haw...!" Applejack cheered.

"Someone take the controls!" Setro commanded.

"I'm on it," said Zauver.

The group took their new mode of transportation for a test drive and with some difficulties, they were able to master controlling the airship.

"Hey, Twilight!" said Pinkie, holding a book in her mouth. "Look what I found!"

"What's that?" the purple alicorn asked. She levitated the book as soon as Pinkie let go and looked at the contents within. She gasped as she realized, "It's the manual!"

The instructions on how to control the ship were just as Zauver had demonstrated. Unfortunately, it also stated that the vehicle could only land on grassy areas, not in places that were wet or were surrounded by trees.

"In other words," said Zauver. "If we wanted to go somewhere quickly, we would have to find a grassy place that may be far away from wherever we're headed?"

"I guess so," said Twilight.

"That's just great," the thief sighed.

"Alright!" said Twilight. "Now that we know how to control this thing, where do we go now?"

"To the Cardia Islands!" Setro answered. Despite the enthusiam from their human companions, the Equestrians felt rather uneasy, given the fact that they were about to encounter several dragons. The location in question was a set of islands situated in the north; to the east of these islands lay an ancient castle.

"Let's see," said Zauver as he lowered the airship. "Here's a good spot." As soon as the vehicle landed, the propellers stopped. The group disembarked and

"Is everyone ready?" asked Setro. Everyone looked eager and was ready to go in... except for Fluttershy who was shaking; her fear of dragons was evident.

Within the caves, our heroes found several dragons walking about and talking casually amongst themselves; Fluttershy's fear had somewhat subsided when she went up to one of them and said, "Um, excuse me."

The dragons turned and saw the four humans, wondering which one of them spoke.

"If you're looking for whoever addressed you," said Teol, "she's... down there."

The creatures gazed at the floor and found the six equines looking as if they were their next meal.

"Interesting," said one of the reptiles. "Very interesting."

"Humans have appeared," said the other. "It's not often we see such creatures visit our humble home. What is your purpose?"

Setro stepped forward and answered without hesitation. "We seek an audience with your lord and master."

The two dragons' eyes widened. "Are you serious? One does not simply speak with Lord Bahamut."

"We know," said Flora. "But I think these will convince you." She pulled out her crystal shard as did the others much to the dragons' astonishment.

"Can it be?" said the first dragon. "Are you the Warriors of Light?"

"That is correct," said Setro. "And as you can see, we have succeeded in restoring two crystals."

The two winged creatures looked at each other and whispered quietly. The one on the left particularly looked at the ponies and whispered something into the other's ear. They walked back to the group.

"Very well," said the second dragon. "Lord Bahamut will see you on the island where there are two entrances. Take the easternmost one on your map."

"Thank you," said Twilight.

Back outside, the group boarded the airship, went to the island as directed and made their way using the right entrance. They went through a long corridor to find a flight of stairs that took them to a large chamber surrounded by candles. Also in this chamber were two dragons and a larger one sitting regally on a throne. Fluttershy gulped as she and her companions walked towards the large creature, not knowing what to expect.

"Welcome, Warriors of Light and you as well, ponies from another realm," it spoke in a deep voice. "I am Bahamut, King of the Dragons."

"You know of us?" asked Twilight.

"Indeed I do. My subjects and I have heard of your exploits."

"If you please, Your Majesty," said Setro. "We have heard that you grant anyone who seeks an audience great power."

"I see my reputation precedes me. Yes, I will accept your request."

"Yay," Fluttershy cheered weakly.

"But only if you perform one task: You must go to the Citadel of Trials and bring me a Rat's Tail."

"R-Rat's Tail?" said Rarity and Fluttershy in unison.

"Yes, but do not worry. The rat is long dead."

"That's... not what I even meant," Fluttershy spoke. Rarity looked as if she were sick.

"If you please, Lord Bahamut," said Twilight. "What is the purpose of this task?"

"It is no more than a test of courage, and if you succeed, I will grant your request."

Twilight put her hoof on her chin. "This 'Citadel of Trials...' It wouldn't be that castle we just passed on the way here, would it?"

"You are correct, my little pony. You may now leave."

The group looked at each other and back at the Dragon King; they bowed respectfully and left.

Back on the airship, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were less than pleased.

"I don't believe this," said the blue pegasus. "We've fought a big one-eyed monster, raised this big airship, went all over the world to see this big dragon king, and now he tells us to find a Rat's Tail?!"

"Ah don't like this one bit," said Applejack.

Inside the ancient citadel, an old man stood in the center, awaiting any who would take on the challenges that lay ahead.

"Welcome, travelers," he said. "Have you the Crown?"

"Crown?" asked Setro.

"Are you talkin' about this?" said Zauver, showing him the object in question.

"Why yes," the man answered. "It is."

"WHAT?!" the ponies, except Applejack, shouted in unison.

Pinkie gasped. "That's the same crown Astos tricked us to get and tried to take from us! And that was four chapters ago!"

Everyone looked at Pinkie like she had lost her mind again. Still, this information had cast a new light on the Dark Elf King's intentions.

"Well, whatever Astos was planning, it's too late to think about it now," said Setro.

The others agreed. They went up the stairs to the next floor and found magic columns that transported them to the next room. After several mishaps, the party soon learned the pattern and found the stairs taking them to the next floor.

At one point, a large plant-like monster appeared before them; its torso with little more than a giant mouth and beneath the mouth was a set of purple petals resembling a skirt. The creature, known as an Ochu, was known to several for its abilities to poison its foes, but luckily none of the heroes suffered such an attack, for as it was about to make its move, Teol easily dispatched the monster with his Firaga spell. Moving along, our heroes also encountered four Piscodemon-like sorcerers, only these wore purple and emitted a much more dangerous aura.

"Mindflayers!!" Setro shouted.

"What?" Pinkie asked.

"Mindflayers! I've heard of them. They mainly target physical fighters, but they can also paralyze all their enemies at once!"

"Oh, no!" Rarity exclaimed. "We must stop them before they even get the chance to do so!"

"Ah'm on it!" said Applejack.

"So am I," Zauver added. They charged the two monsters and easily did away with them.

The remaining sorcerers began to chant, preparing to use the dreaded Mind Blast ability, but not before Setro and Rainbow Dash stopped and made quick work of them.

"That was a close one," said Fluttershy.

"We'd better move on," said Flora.

In front of the chamber at the end of the hallway, they encountered a horse-like monster called a Nightmare (no relation to Nightmare Moon). It snorted right in Twilight's face, much to the alicorn's disgust.

"Thanks, whoever you are," she said sarcastically.

Fluttershy was not amused. She flew up to the Nightmare and gave it the Stare, paralyzing the creature. "You listen here," she lectured. "It is not nice to sneeze in anypony... er, anybody's face. What would your mother think if she saw you doing something like this?! HMM?!"

The beast cowered in fear, its legs shaking.

"Now you leave this place, and think about what you've done! Understood?"

The creature nodded and ran off, leaving the whole party--except the ponies--stunned.

"Okay, okay," said Zauver. "I know you have a way with animals, Fluttershy. But this... h-how did you...?" the thief was such at a complete loss for words, he couldn't even finish his sentence.

"It's just what happens when animals who misbehave," said Rarity.

"Eeyup," said Applejack. "As soon as a critter don't act right, she stares at 'em straight in the eye and puts 'em in their place."

"Are you alright, Twilight?" asked Flora. "You look a little disoriented."

"I think I'll be okay," she answered. "Except there's one little problem... I can't see a thing!"

"Don't worry about that," said Teol. "We've got just the thing." Out of the sack, he pulled a bottle of eyedrops and used them on Twilight. In a couple of seconds, her vision came back, making her sigh in relief.

"Thank you, Teol," she said. "I'm alright now, everyone. Let's go."

The rest moved onward and took several turns, until finally they reached a treasure chest next to an empty throne. They opened the chest and found what they were after.

"Is... that what I think it is?" Rarity squeamishly asked.

"I believe so," Setro confirmed. "We've got the Rat's Tail."

"Now we can get back to Bahamut," said Teol. But before they could leave via the abandoned throne, a Zombie Dragon rose and prepared to do battle with the intruders. Flora immediately cast a Diaga spell against the undead beast with Teol following up with Firaga, easily vanquishing it.

"Well that was a short fight," said Zauver.

"You said it," Rainbow agreed.

"Now let's get out of here."

Everyone agreed and used the throne to teleport back to the entrance. They left the Citadel of Trials and went back onboard the airship, returning to the Cardia Islands.

Returning to Bahamut's chamber, the group presented the Dragon King with their prize.

"You have done well," he said. "Now... as promised, I shall grant your request. Stand still, my guests."

Bahamut raised his claws and surrounded the ten companions in a blinding light. A few minutes later, the ponies and humans opened their eyes and gasped for they had seen they had been transformed!

"My goodness!" said Fluttershy. "Setro! Your armor's different than before!"

Sure enough, Setro's armor was much more elaborate, and the horns on his helmet now pointed straightforward at whoever's direction. Zauver was now wearing a full suit of cloth with armor underneath and not only that but he also a mask covering his face. Flora's robe was even longer than it was previously, and her hood was lowered revealing her beautiful blonde hair. Teol was still wearing his face-concealing hat, but his robe and unraveled his clothes. Just then, he noticed something about the Equestrians.

"Girls?" he asked. "What happened to you all?"

The ponies looked at each other and gasped. Their bodies were all rainbow-colored, with their manes and tails even longer than before.

"These are the same forms we took when we defeated Tirek!" Twilight observed.


"The one who destroyed my home and tried to conquer Equestria. But we put him back where he belongs."

"I see," said Bahamut. "It would appear you are familiar with these new forms you have taken, so there is no need to explain."

"I guess so," said Pinkie Pie.

The Dragon King then addressed the humans. "Setro the warrior, loyal and courageous, you are now a knight. Zauver, you who were once a mere thief... You are now a ninja, master of stealth and speed. Flora, healer and caregiver, you are no longer a white mage, but a white wizard. And you, Teol, have been promoted from black mage to black wizard, a wielder of even more powerful magic."

"We thank you, Your Majesty," said Setro.

"There is more you should know. Not only have your appearances changed, but also your skills! Now you are able to learn advanced magic spells, and equip certain sets of armor and weapons you were unable to use before."

"All right!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Woo-hoo!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"We thank you again, Lord Bahamut," said Setro who bowed along with the others and turned to leave.

"Good luck, Warriors of Light! And you as well, ponies."

Back on the airship, everyone was chattering about everything that happened so far.

"You know what I can't believe is that there are very friendly dragons... here..." Twilight trailed off. She gasped, then realizing something she hadn't thought before. "I forgot about Spike!"

"Who's Spike?" asked Teol.

"He's a dragon, who's also my assistant... and friend."

"You... have a dragon?"

"Like I said, he's a friend, but he's actually a baby dragon. One that can talk, too. I wonder how he's doing now."

"He'll be alright, Twilight," Rainbow Dash assured her. "He's got your brother and the princesses for company after all."

"Yeah, but... I've known him even since he hatched."

Teol knelt and comforted the purple alicorn. "Whatever happens, we'll make sure you get home safe after our journey ends. That way, you can see them again."

Twilight looked up and smiled, hugging the black wizard. "Thank you, Teol." The others soon followed and came into a group hug, as the airship lifted off.

Spike paced back and forth, wondering if he'll ever see his pony friends again. He and Twilight have been together since he emerged from his egg, courtesy of Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom.

"Twilight," he said. "Wherever you are, I hope you're alright."

"I'm sure she is, Spike," said Princess Cadence.

"Yeah... You're right. I know they'll come back. They have to!"

*music fades out*

Author's Note:

And with that, our heroes' journey may have gotten a little easier. But they still have to contend with the last two Fiends of Chaos and the Changeling Queen. Their first step will be to rescue a fairy in order to gain access to the Sunken Shrine.