• Published 15th Sep 2020
  • 369 Views, 24 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders Fantasian City-State Historians, YAY!!!!!! - Dragonborne Fox

Autumn break rolls around, and Cheerilee's class must cover a foreign country in a report over the course of the break. Naturally, the Cutie Mark Crusaders do something that hasn't been done before: document a city-state of the sister world.

  • ...

Fourth Day, Evening—Achievement

The festivities went on well into the night, and even the most battle-hardened of the Aerie's army had more than agreed that the Crusaders had earned their places as junior fighters. Of course, being foals, they couldn't be recruited into the army without some serious hell to pay, but they did take their bona fide military medals with gusto, few that there were as they accepted them onto a podium in a massive auditorium that was decked out with enough party decorations to strangle a nation.

Lance personally congratulated the three for their help in disposing of the shapeshifting eyesore as he gave them their medals, to thunderous applause from the soldiers and guests. Afterwards, foods were dished out, everyone ate, and all were in high spirits—even the Greenwooders and Sunnytowners, who largely still kept to themselves. As promised, the Crusaders did get their extra ice cream and cupcakes, and now nursed full stomachs even as they jotted down their last few notes of the evening.

Although, that was a bit hard to do, when their sisters and idol were watching them for any signs of any need for an unprecedented trip to the latrine. Even then, they were proud and exuberant, smiling warmly at their new cutie marks and achievements. "Well, I'll be… my sister's a magitek expert…" Applejack muttered, smiling as she patted Apple Bloom's head.

"And mine's a musical expert," Rarity chirped, a serene expression on her face that twitched slightly when she envisioned the wretched foalsitter receiving the news of the talent… which would hopefully never occur.

Rainbow beamed, ruffling Scootaloo's mane as she looked at her biggest fan with pride. "Looks like you found a way to fly after all, squirt. I bet your folks will be really happy when they hear the news," she said, grinning. She leaned over and whispered at her, "So… that thing Lance was talking about… didja kick its flank good?"

"We did, but the grownups finished it off before we could get one last shot in," Scootaloo answered, figuring that some embellishment of the story would work wonders in the classroom when she returned. Never in a million years would she tell Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon that she and her friends had been technically cornered by the eyesore trying to pass off as something living, especially given that Diamond's mother would probably join in on that hissyfit with her.

Applejack nodded, though she opted not to say anything about that. "So, those ponies y'all saw on the computer thingies… y'think they might be in on the know of what's happening 'round Fantasia?" she asked, looking at Rarity and Rainbow, as though they could readily provide any more answer than the children who saw the ponies in question.

Rainbow shrugged, and Rarity frowned. "I don't know, but whatever it is that they're planning, they have to be stopped," Rarity said in a tone brokering no argument. "I want no part in letting their insidious ploy reach the tipping point."

"Right. We gotta ask Lance what that's all about, and nip that problem in the bud as soon as we can," Rainbow agreed with a nod. She stretched her wings, her smile still easygoing. "For now, we celebrate."

The Crusaders grinned, lowering the pencils and notepads for a little bit to beam at their sisters and idol, the new medals adorning their necks glinting in the lights of the party. "But their flanks will be kicked, won't they?" Apple Bloom asked.

Applejack nodded. "Eeyup," she answered simply. She noticed someone approaching them, and turned in that direction. "Say, Anna, whatcha got there?"

Anna grinned as she came over, bearing three gift-wrapped boxes in her magic, and each was the size of a school-aged foal. "A little something-something I had the forgers whip up for the youngsters," she answered with a wry twist to her words. "Of course, as they get older, we can improve on the designs…" She handed a box to each of the Crusaders and said, "Open them up."

Curious, they took the presents, passing the notes and pens to their elders as the presents plopped before them. Each one was wrapped in the colors of their manes, with ribbons matching their coats, making it easy for them to note whose present was whose. Sweetie opened hers first, finding a metal box emblazoned with her new cutie mark. It had a hinge on one side of the top, and the harp looked more… alive on the emblem than the rest of the mark. Interest piqued, she prodded around the box with her front hooves, before pressing into the harp on the emblem, which pulled itself deeper into the box at her touch, causing a click! to hit her ears as the box popped open.

Sweetie leaned over the top of the open box to peer in, squeeing as she beheld a plush interior which housed a harp as big as she was, made of silver, gold, and copper, artfully crafted and with runes gently carved into its surface alongside gemstones slotted along its top, which she pulled out of the box with her magic to behold in full. On the shoulder and soundbox of the harp were more images of her cutie mark, which had yet more gemstones slotted in for the musical notes and stars.

Set in a small box to one side were replacement strings should any be damaged, and on the other side was a composition booklet that lay closed. Below the harp's resting point was a comfy wooden box with a glass top that revealed another plush interior, probably designed to house her medals. Sweetie opened the second box, took the medals off her neck and put them down on the plush fabric using her magic.

Her eyes twinkled as she beheld the medals, of which there were three. One featured a musical note, another a spellbook, and the third to which the other two had been attached via ribbon featured a bow and arrow, all three beset in silver to match the main box. Anna thunked the wooden box with a claw, careful not to scratch the wood or glass. "The enchantments are hidden under the plush fabric, keeping the goods protected," she said with a smirk.

Apple Bloom grinned and tore open her present, revealing another box with her own cutie mark emblazoned on it. She pressed on the wrench, and it popped open to reveal a non-bladed, bronze and silver wrench similar to the one NoLegs gave her earlier. But it was customized so it had an apple-shaped claw hammer on the business end, fused with the wrench, along with a stockier than normal handle. The handle came with a latch that popped open to reveal a wooden chisel head, and another latch for a secondary screwdriver head.

Furthermore, there were crystals studding its surface in special slots, shaped like the leaves and fruit of apples, faintly gleaming as she ran her hooves across their surfaces. Like Sweetie Belle, she too had another ornate box with a glass top for displaying her medals, as well as a few blueprint sheets that were blank, but could be drawn upon. She popped that wooden sucker open and put her prizes inside, one displaying a hammer and a nail, one displaying a sparkling crystal in the shape of an apple, and the last one displaying what looked like an explosion caused by a wrench slamming into something.

Scootaloo opened her present with gusto, pressing on the emblem to get it open to see the contents of her box. What she saw inside somewhat confused her; it looked like a scooter with lightning-shaped bolts on the wheels, with crystals studded on the handles and wheels for possible flair. It was stocker than most scooters, and even stranger, it came with a pair of rather peculiar metal wings, meant to be wrapped around the chest and barrel and come to rest behind her organic pair.

It had adjustable straps, and sturdy metal anchors that had padding put in place to make the experience of wearing them more comfortable. The straps, which were meant to be secured on tightly, had faint enchantments visible in their thick, Fantasian-woven fabric. The wings themselves seemed small at first, albeit bigger than her own natural pair, until she pressed a button between them that caused the artificial feathers to extend, startling her into almost dropping them. Once fully extended, they looked far, far too large for a foal and, perhaps, even a fully grown pony, yet despite that and their inorganic state, they were light as a feather. They were studded with crystals, and had more straps to pull and flap them as needed.

"We… heard about your little issue, so we decided to try to help you into the skies our way," Anna explained sheepishly, patting Scootaloo's head. "It'll take a few practice sessions, but you'll get the hang of it." Scootaloo nodded, and beamed when Anna added, "And, unlike the scooter, the straps and metal pieces are adjustable enough you could safely use them even when you grow up, and the metal is enchanted to not break when bent like a straw."

Scootaloo squealed and put the presents back in their box, making sure to press the button on the wings' backside to de-extend them first. Afterwards, she unlatched the second box within to stash her medals safely, which resembled a lightning bolt, a pair of wings, and one depicting what seemed to be cracks in the earth that resulted from an explosion. The three turned to Anna in unison, and raced to hug her with "Thank you!" leaving their mouths at the same time.

Anna hugged them back, grinning. "You're welcome~" she chirped in reply, ruffling their manes with a wooden claw. "Although, I would recommend taking photos of your new gear to the classroom, rather than taking the gear itself to school when you return home," she added as they pulled away. She leaned over to whisper conspiratorially to them, "And just between you three and me, with what I've heard from your relatives during the party earlier, I really don't think it would be wise to let your school bullies get a hold of your goods, if you know what I mean."

"You think they might try to break our gear?" Sweetie asked, tilting her head.

Anna shook her head. "Nope; the crystals have been enchanted to only react to your guys' innate magic without any ill effects. Anyone else tries using them, and they might suddenly have soot on their faces and their manes blown back," she explained. "They are yours, and yours alone, to wield as you see fit. Also, they're enchanted metal, so any attempts to break them are going to fall flat." She turned to Sweetie Belle and added, "Oh, by the way, I copied the spells you used from my own grimoire into yours, just so you can keep using them for future reference. They're basic beginner spells, and really easy to cast."

Sweetie Belle grinned, and magically lifted the booklet up to open it. Indeed, the two spells she had used during her scuffle with the magical virus thing had been copied within the first few pages down to the last note, except instead of that weird alphabet making up their names, they were written in a language she could read. The first spell, Reflex, had cutesy little wings framing the name, and the second, Renew, had medical crosses and rods with intertwined winged snakes surrounding it.

The booklet, she found, was laminated on the cover and back, shimmering with faint runes that she could only see if she angled it in the light properly. Experimentally, she tried to rip a page out, but the paper would not budge, as the runes kicked in on the enchantment to glow with an aura that took on the magical hue of Sweetie's spellcasting. She tugged and tugged on both sides, but the booklet held firm, refusing to part with its parchment. She grinned and pranced in place. "Oh boy! The paper's rip-proof!" she howled, delighted that her experiment worked out in the end.

"And waterproof," Anna added with a cheeky grin. "You could dunk it in chocolate milk and whatever other liquids you can think of, and they won't stain the papers. The only ink you're getting on that bad boy is the same kind you write from a fountain pen, using your magic."

Sweetie's grin broadened, and she set the booklet down in her present box with glee. Ideas were turning in her head for new compositions, although she did realize she might need a self-help book on that particular topic before deciding to approach it. Besides, she was still young, somewhat inexperienced in spellcasting, and still in school for cripes' sake. Better to slow that wagon down before it tumbled headlong off a cliff.

Applejack snorted, poking Apple Bloom on her withers to return to her the notepad and pencil. Rainbow and Rarity followed suit, and all three had matching grins on their faces. "Welp, never thought you'd include the crazies ya saw in the notes y'all got," Applejack said, somewhat amused.

"I do think it would be quite, erm… distasteful to include them in the report proper, though," Rarity added with a gracious nod. "Besides, it would be wise to not include their little magical mishap attacking the Aerie, don't you agree?"

"Besides, those two blowhards are just a couple more flanks to kick around here. You shouldn't give such ponies the time of day, unless you end up getting arrested for it or something like that back home," Rainbow piped up, shaking her head ruefully. "Or end up having to testify in court, but hopefully that's never gonna happen. Especially on our watch."

"And speaking of testifying, I'm surprised that nopony back home took issue with the head of the school board yet," Rarity sighed, frowning disdainfully at that prospect. "She has done nothing but demean students and insult everypony but her precious child at every turn. She's as ineffective as anypony with blacksmithing talents working at a bakery." She turned to Anna and added, "Long story, but a blacksmith asked the Cakes to… borrow their oven once. They ended up having to get a new one, and the blacksmith still insists to this day that it's not his fault the old oven blew up."

Applejack blew a bit of mane out of her face. "As rich and fancy pants as that priss is, I don't think we should be surprised. That mare has more bits than she has sense," she hissed, shaking her head. "Prancin' around like a fussy Canterlot unicorn, when she ain't got no horn on her head." She turned to Anna and added, "She thinks they won't turn her down just 'cause she's richie-rich, and I know ya have seen their racism." Anna nodded, her expression souring for just a second before reverting back to her cheeky grin.

"Oh well… if she's as stupid as you say she is, it probably won't be long before she does something obscenely idiotic that might cost her much more than her job," Anna said, an evil, evil glint in her eyes as she said that. "We just gotta be there to watch the fireworks." She turned to the foals and patted their heads with a claw. "You might want to let us know, through Princess Luna, if the head of the school board starts losing her marbles more than usual, okay?"

"Okay~" the Crusaders chirped in unison. Anna was about to say something else, but Lance trotted past her and nudged her with a wing, urging her to follow him. She obliged, and nodded to the trio as she went with him to discuss other, hopefully important things. Oh well, that just gave the three ample time to review their notes and see what they had so far.

13. The Aerie has a single factory in its base of operations, protected by the mountain itself, which is part gryphon nest, part changeling hive. It is located deep in the mountain, roughly seven thousand yards below where the hangars are for their planes and airships. It is accessible only by elevator, or through the few constantly-shapeshifting tunnels that the changelings use to make their way through the mountain. However, enchanted safety gear is required to be in the factory at all, from hard hats to noise mufflers and orange vests for visibility. As a result, telepathy, body language, and signals are used for primary communication within the factory.

14. The magitek they use is scavenged from all across Fantasia's main continent, harvested by soldiers, and put into a massive scrap heap for sorting purposes. Those with rust undergo a special chemical bath made with a fruit that can replicate the effects of vinegar, called sour heart. This fruit is also used to purge hatred and despair from changelings that have consumed those emotions, at the cost of an extended trip to the toilet and a sore stomach for the changelings in question.

15. Once cleaned, sorted, and smelted into new forms, the Aerie uses its repurposed scrap metal to craft their magitek, and repair existing models. The metal is used for as many things, perhaps even more than Equestria, even enchanted armor that looks like normal clothing at first. The metal is also repurposed for weapons, if a soldier or one of the higher-ups of the First Unified Army fancies it as such.

16. The factory is operated by a control panel, overseen by changeling and gryphon engineers, and a computer room with towers, caddies, and the like producing data telling the drones of the Aerie what to do, who to recognize as a friend, and who to recognize as an enemy. It also tells the drones where to go, and what tools do what, streamlining many processes within the Aerie overall.

17. The drones of the Aerie serve all sorts of purposes, from farming to fighting. There are many models, the most prominent of which being flight-based drones with drills, and tread-based drones built for soldering and carrying tools. While the flying model can do the same tasks as a tread-based drone, it might also be used to mine the crystals the Aerie uses to power its magitek safely, given the presence of drills on a lot of the flying models.

18. Unfortunately, a few enemies of the Aerie have figured out how to harass them from afar; they pool their magic into a construct that shifts through appearances like a changeling, send it to attack the factory, and try to cripple the Aerie's infrastructure that way. As a result, until the source of the far-away attacks are permanently dealt with, the army's best has no choice but to fight the monster in question. The attacks have been consistently called 'hacking,' and the entity that keeps showing up has been consistently referred to as a 'virus.'

19. As previously stated, the Aerie has more enemies than it does allies as of this report. However, the enemies prefer to keep to the shadows, as if afraid of retaliation. One name has consistently cropped up for an enemy in question: Redpine. However, details are scarce, as they are only privy to a select few in the military.

A muffled mew broke them from their report, as NoLegs came over with a fish in his mouth and a stack of photographs floating beside him, held by a blue magical aura that came from his tail, oddly enough. Sweetie lit her horn and took the photographs in her magic, grinning at NoLegs. "So, whatcha got this time?" She turned the photos about, and showed them to her friends, though their smiles fell at the strange sights in the photos: there was a forest at the foot of the mountain, ringing around its base and fitted with roads that tanks traversed upon without damaging the trees.

At first, it seemed weird that such a sight would be at the bottom of the Aerie, until Apple Bloom noticed something about it. "Look at the other mountains in the distance; something's up," she said, gesturing to one photo taken beside a tank, its turret pointed at the mountains in question. There, on one of the mountains were tiny black dots studding its surface, though they were small enough she couldn't discern what they were.

Sweetie frowned. "Yeah, the tank's looking at it like it could be a threat… what is it?" she asked. She heard hoofsteps approaching even in the din of the party, and tore her eyes away from the photo to find Matt approaching them. His mane and tail had reverted back to natural blond hair, albeit unkempt, and there was no sign of any darkness pooling from his fetlocks.

"Oh, that?" he asked, trotting around her to lean over her shoulder to regard the photo. "That's just a guard post in the distance. We have several of them around the Aerie, hidden by illusions and magitek."

The Crusaders ooooooooh'd in response. Scootaloo turned to Matt and asked, "Why are they hidden by illusions and magitek?"

"The soldiers in the guard posts report weather happenings, any possible attacks, and things like that. They use magitek to communicate at a long distance, letting the tanks at the foot of the main mountain know what's up, so they can relay the information to us in turn. They also have their own farms and greenhouses, to keep themselves fed as they watch for anything suspicious." Matt straightened himself out and patted the heads of the children with a hoof. "If you want, we can take you to a guard post tomorrow, and you can see how the magitek and illusions go hoof in hoof."

The trio grinned. "Sounds like a plan!" they chorused in unison. Matt grinned, nodded, and trotted away, in the direction Lance had gone earlier. NoLegs purred and followed him, and soon they were out of sight.

Rarity grinned, a ladylike chuckle leaving her mouth as she tilted her head. "Oh, darlings, it sounds like you've got that ball rolling. You've already managed to warm the military's hearts," she said, causing the three to turn to her. "I think you've endeared yourselves to them."

She was grasped around the withers by Applejack, who laughed. "At least they have more protection now," she agreed with a nod. "Ain't no hootenanny, foal-harming false babysitters coming for them, no sir. Otherwise, we'd all be whistlin' dixie."

Rainbow joined in the group hug. "You said it! And once they get back home, I think we oughta see if Scootaloo's folks can help look after Sweetie Belle," she said, lifting a hoof to ruffle Sweetie's mane. Sweetie grinned at the prospect; Scootaloo's folks had far more motherly compassion than that wicked hag of a would-be foalsitter ever did.

"It would do to not have a repeat of the foalsitter fiasco," Rarity agreed with a nod. "And I really need to talk to Mom and Dad about better screening for any future candidates."

"When you do, give them photos of that rotten witch's new jail cell," Rainbow said, a glint in her eye. "Otherwise, they might not… exactly believe you." Rarity nodded, and moved to scoop the Crusaders into another hug that they reciprocated.

"Oh, you better believe I will be equipping myself appropriately for that dressing down," Rarity said to Rainbow, before turning her attention back on the children. "And speaking of, have you thought of telling Mom and Dad the good news after I deliver the dressing down?"

Sweetie grinned. "They wouldn't want to miss me getting my mark for the world," she answered.

"And neither would Big Mac," Apple Bloom added, already envisioning the look on her big brother's face when she came home with her new swanky cutie mark. "Bet ya bits to bridles that Granny Smith would kick her hooves off the ceiling over it." That got a snort of amusement out of Applejack, despite knowing that Granny Smith was more ancient than the three Apple siblings put together.

"And my aunts would probably give me another cake for getting my cutie mark," Scootaloo added, shuddering at the inevitable full stomach that discussion would entail. "Or at least take me to a fancy restaurant."

"Well, whatever the case, they'll be over the moon about it. And Miss Cheerilee might be more than ecstatic over the accomplishment as well," Rarity chimed in, her smile widening at the thought. "She might even ask you three for a demonstration of your new talents, although… you might need an archery target for that demonstration, if it's within the school budget…" Her smile fell at the thought, when she reconsidered that the head of the school board might not be on board with that idea at all, especially if it meant one-upping her precious hellspawn that she paraded around as 'better than everypony else.'

"The head of the school board will probably be too busy getting a hooficure or doing something else to flaunt the bits she thinks are endless. Half the time she can't be bothered to come to school, even on Family Appreciation Day," Apple Bloom replied, grinning. "And if'n we can get a day where she won't show up, we can have that demonstration lickety-split."

Applejack put a hoof to her chin, and rubbed in thought. "Maybe if Big Mac can cobble together a working target…" she muttered out loud. "He's pretty good about making sturdy planks do what he wants 'em to do…" She turned to her younger sister and smiled. "Of course, Big Mac would have to be on board with the plan, but he shouldn't give ya a lick of trouble."

Apple Bloom grinned. "Eenope, not one lick of trouble," she agreed with a nod. She laughed with her sister, her friends, and her sister's friends, each one just enjoying the euphoria of the party and the good mood everyone was in. It seemed like the Aerie did celebrate cutie marks after all, just… with a little bit of prodding and greasing the wheels from Pinkie Pie to get that ball rolling.

And lots of food. Nobody Apple Bloom knew of would turn down the food. By Tartarus, if she looked hard enough, she could spot Katie in her chitil mask, stuffing another cupcake into her emaciated face, one that looked like it might have been sprinkled with wasp meat to entice her. "Sugary death, take me to the obscene fortresses of Godcat and Her hellborn!" Katie shouted as soon as the cupcake went down the hatch, before falling to the floor and twitching insensately.

Welp, looked like someone needed a nap anyway. Apple Bloom couldn't help but snicker at the sight, and it seemed the soldiers surrounding the wraithling couldn't, either. One did stop laughing long enough to pick her up and began trotting away to lug her into a bed for the night, shaking his head as she drooled on his back.

Oh well, they'd just inform her of the newest destination tomorrow, when she was decidedly coherent and not stuffing her face again. But that could wait for a few more hours yet; sleep was tempting the partygoers, and the report needed another few pages added to its mass in the meantime.

And already, the Crusaders could envision the looks on everypony's faces back home as they demonstrated their new talents at school, or perhaps at an area safely beyond school grounds. Not even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would hope to be able to call the cutie marks fake after the demonstration, and there was a very good chance they would try, they recognized.

Oh well. They had a celebration to wrap up, and those pages weren't going to write themselves.