• Published 15th Sep 2020
  • 368 Views, 24 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders Fantasian City-State Historians, YAY!!!!!! - Dragonborne Fox

Autumn break rolls around, and Cheerilee's class must cover a foreign country in a report over the course of the break. Naturally, the Cutie Mark Crusaders do something that hasn't been done before: document a city-state of the sister world.

  • ...

Epilogue, Part II—A New Destiny

The other school reports had varying degrees of critical reception from the class, but in the end everypony clapped for them just the same… well, everypony except two sulking bullies who may as well have gotten the mother of all kicks in the teeth. Afterwards, they turned in the goods to Cheerilee, recess and lunchtime came and went, and the schoolchildren ate heartily to fuel up for the tail-end of the school day. When they returned from food and playtime, the children all found their reports sitting face-down on their desks, and interestingly, the Crusaders found that the photos, the slime ranch samples, and the foreign currency had barely been disturbed by whatever adults used to perform their grading processes with.

"Now then… do not look at your grades just yet, class," Cheerilee instructed, her expression unusually stern. Had something managed to tick her off, perhaps? The Crusaders almost didn't want to find out. "I have a very important question to ask." She picked up a photograph and trotted to the Crusaders, her expression softening as she showed it to them.

It was a photo of them accepting their medals, standing next to Lance and his cohorts. Illusions had been cast during the photoshoot, making it seem like nothing was wrong with them to the more casual observer, and it was fortunate the illusions held long enough for the photograph to be taken. "Did you really get… military recognition over there?" she asked.

The Crusaders nodded. "We were told we can't bring the gear they made for us to school, though. The gear's magitek, and would blow up in the faces of anypony else that tries using it," Sweetie answered truthfully. "The gems in our gear are enchanted to recognize our magical signatures and our signatures alone; it's not compatible with anypony else."

"I see. And are they… truly friendly?" Cheerilee hedged.

Scootaloo nodded. "Wouldn't have been able to make our report if they weren't," she pointed out.

Cheerilee nodded. "I apologize. It's just… when I think about that newspaper, and all those sordid rumors I keep hearing… I can't help but think they have every reason to hate us for that," she said, shaking her head at it all.

"But they don't! They only hate the ponies responsible for making that mess happen!" Apple Bloom said, frowning. "And Celestia promised them she'd take care of it for them!" As far as she knew, that was a lie, but in this instance, it was better than the truth that regarded the banishment of certain Equestrian numbnuts just to keep the peace between the worlds.

Cheerilee nodded. "Alright." Her usual demeanor returned a few seconds later, and she patted the three on their heads before setting the photo down on Sweetie's desk. She returned to her desk afterwards, and sat down in her seat. "Now then, class, flip your reports over. For those of you without a report on your desk, flip the paper I have left in its place over." They did as instructed, and found their grades put on a separate sheet of paper, stapled to their reports and with a written explanation of why they had gotten that particular grade. For those who had one massive book, they had near-identical papers on their desks, and they too did as instructed.

The rest of the class quietly read over their grades, and the explanations thereof. Diamond began to pout. "An F minus?!" she yelled, stomping her hooves on the desk. "No way! I deserved an A plus for my report!" Her eyes zeroed in on the written explanation for her failing grade, which made her blood boil at first, before her bravado evaporated as her veins turned ice cold. "I… I have to see you after c-class because…"

"Because your mother, the head of the school board, helped you cheat on your assignment, Diamond Tiara, and there is very clear evidence of her doing so—for starters, the hoofwriting of your report being far too neat for even you two. I know your writing, the both of you, well enough to be able to tell that something was amiss. For another, the photographs being of local areas, being taken at weird angles to deflect suspicion. And lastly, for the reference section—specifically the photo taken therein to show off the supposed glyphs," Cheerilee said in a stern voice. "You and Silver Spoon both."

Silver Spoon's ears pinned back. "Does this mean…?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Yes. You both are in trouble, and I will be talking to your parents about this," she said firmly. She looked at Diamond specifically. "Or, in your case, your father alone, since I feel that your mother will be… elsewhere for the time being." The Crusaders did not snicker at their plight, knowing full well how it felt to have one's family talked to whenever they bungled up their school day in spectacular fashion, and instead chose to read the written explanation that had been bestowed onto their report.

"You have written this report excellently, and truth be told, I thought that nopony would be able to do a province of Fantasia, let alone as extensively as you three have. You have covered every bit of ground, and your notes are as detailed as the photographs you have managed to take. If there is one criticism I have, it's that you three have mentioned a few too many… sordid things Fantasia has done, and may continue to do, but that I'll let slide since we know very little about the sister world. At least I can rest easy, knowing that some creatures on Fantasia are fighting to make things right."

"And while I am concerned with what the Fantasian military might have exposed you to, I would like to believe that they apparently warned you about Fantasia's many failings in good faith, knowing that it's up to the current generation to rise above them, without having to rely on the next generation to pick up their slack. While I do disagree with some of their practices, I recognize that their city-state is young enough to have their lack of fair, proper trials be justifiable. I just hope they can correct this issue in their future."

"I would like to speak to you three after school sometime this week, to ask a few questions of my own about the Fantasian military. You see… it's kind of difficult to ignore, with what the news articles and such circulating about them, on top of the vicious rumors some of the other adults have spread about them as of late. You're not in trouble—I'd just like to clarify a few things that you looked like you couldn't talk about in your report. I understand if the military has told you some information is classified; every military has that sort of info. Just arrange a time for us to talk this week, alright?"

"Also, I am very interested to see a demonstration of your new talents. Could you also arrange a different time this month to demonstrate them for me, in an area we can perform those tests safely in? I'd like to see those talents nurtured after all; it would be a waste otherwise. And Sweetie Belle? I was worried about you when you mentioned the foalsitter the first time, and I would like to have a talk with her… or whoever is watching the Boutique while your sister is away. I just want to make sure things are okay with you."

The Crusaders nodded to themselves and smiled. They turned to look at Cheerilee, who was now checking the time really quickly before continuing on with her next lesson, smiling despite Diamond Tiara's whining. In fact, if they were any judge, Cheerilee looked like Hearth's Warming decided to play hooky with winter and drop a big, fat present for her early. They could make the time to talk to her after school, but as for the talent demonstration, maybe they should wait for a week or two before doing that.

Quickly mouthing as much to each other, they continued on with their day, excitement still coursing through their veins. They did make a mental note to not relay anything they heard about the more… sordid things they had heard from the General and his Lieutenants, but such was life—sooner or later, their innocence was going to be chipped away as they grew into adults, and unfortunately, someone would have to warn them about said horrific things to prepare them for any unsavory possibilities. While Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash would've had a harder time of it, they realized the Aerie's soldiers had no such restraints… at least, when they thought nobody was eavesdropping.

In a way, it was a weird part of starting to grow up, albeit not too soon nor too fast. And in the end, the Aerie was just looking out for them; on dismal Fantasia, the warnings would've come sooner or later anyhow, and they'd rather have had somepony who didn't mince words over somepony who would've given… an unfortunate hooves-on demonstration. Maybe the next time on Fantasia, they could arrange a playdate with Maria, and see if she could befriend them to help her soothe the ache of losing her old ones. It wouldn't be anything more than a bandaid on a bleeding stump of a leg for those who would scoff at the notion, but for them it was rather one of many stitches required to mend a broken heart.

Oh well, life had its ups and downs. They just had to make do, and as far as they could say, they were doing quite alright for themselves.


Cheerilee, by necessity, had to have Silver Spoon's parents, Diamond Tiara's father, and the parents and guardians of the other school children arranged in a neat and tidy line outside her door once school was let out. For most of the foals, it was congratulations all around for completing their assignments, pointers on what they could do better, and so forth. The parents of the uppity fillies were the last in line, and ahead of them were Big Mac, Scootaloo's aunts, and Lyra, who had smiled upon seeing Sweetie's new cutie mark.

"So you had to get Carrot Top to watch Granny?" Apple Bloom asked.

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup. Somepony needs to watch Granny and the barn while I'm out," he said, lifting a hoof to gently ruffle his sister's mane. He turned to Lyra. "Didja feed Opal?"

Lyra nodded. "And I… cleaned her toilet. After moving it out of Sweetie's room." She made a face. "Why would that Stern Lecture mare put it there…? A foal could get sick if the box is filled and not cleaned…"

Sweetie frowned. "That foalsitter hated cats. Told me she'd have skinned Opal alive if she weren't kept in my room, and she sounded like she meant it," she answered unhappily.

Lyra frowned at the language Sweetie had used. She turned to the foal in question. "She… actually said that," she managed, struggling to comprehend the thought processes behind Stern Lecture's words being uttered in such a fashion.

Sweetie nodded. "She did. Opal hated her right back, but stayed in my room for my sake," she affirmed.

Lyra sighed and lifted a hoof to pat Sweetie's head. "Well… at least the foalsitter's no longer around. I'm just glad you and Opal are okay," she said, smiling weakly. "Although… I wonder where she went…"

"Oh trust us, she was a vile mare," Lofty said, ruffling her wings uncomfortably. "She wouldn't let Sweetie Belle play with Scootaloo or Apple Bloom, and said that proper unicorns didn't give the serfs the time of day." She shook her head. "I still find it hard to believe there are ponies out there, willing to spew the same bunk that almost got our ancestors frozen over."

Big Mac nodded. "Trust us, Lyra, and jest be glad ya didn't meet her," he affirmed. He watched as the classroom door opened, and Snips and Snails and their folks trotted out with beaming smiles on their faces. He turned to them and asked, "Say, what did yer kids cover on their assignment?"

"They covered the province of Griffonstone," Snips' father, a portly stallion, answered. "Cheerilee said they could improve on current details of Griffonstone, but let it slide since we don't have much information to work with on that front." He smiled and led his son, his son's friend, and his son's friend's parents around the waiting cue and out the door.

Cheerilee poked her head out of the door. She paused upon seeing Lyra. "... are you…?"

"I'm the replacement foalsitter, not the one you should be worrying about," Lyra answered. She flashed her horn, let her aura embrace Cheerilee's head for a moment, and let it fade—probably a bout of telepathy, the Crusaders realized.

Cheerilee frowned. "Threatened to skin a cat…" She shuddered. "Very well, come inside." She pulled her head back into the class, and let Big Mac and his group enter to find a few chairs before the desk to sit in, with one larger than normal to accommodate the size of the larger stallion. Cheerilee sat behind the desk, and turned to the door before Lyra lit her horn to close it.

Cheerilee cleared her throat and smiled warmly. "Now, I am sure you've all heard about the province these young fillies chose to cover, yes?" she asked. Upon receiving several nods, she let her smile dim a little. "Well… do any of you remember Fantasian diplomats coming to Ponyville at all?"

Big Mac nodded. "They helped out a bit at the Acres, since this year zap apple season overlapped with Cider Season," he said. "Not too much, but enough to make it easier to focus."

Cheerilee allowed a nod. "And… were they military?" she hedged.

Big Mac nodded again. "Wore cloaks, and didn't look the type, but then again, probably fer the best, since Ponyville lost its marbles jest hearing 'bout them," he affirmed.

"... and you are aware they control a province in Fantasia, right?" Cheerilee pressed.

"Figured as much," Big Mac answered. "They was military; wouldn't make a lick of sense if they didn't." His face softened. "But Apple Bloom told me… they had bad things happen to them on Fantasia. Bad things she can't talk about. Would also make sense fer them to have something be classified—every military has that."

Cheerilee slowly nodded. "You are also, presumably, aware that Fantasia… leaves a lot to be desired?" she continued, waving a hoof in the air.

Big Mac nodded again. "Heard about the Fantasian military's soldiers wantin' to marry fer love, and not have it arranged fer them," he answered.

Cheerilee nodded once more. She turned to Lyra. "And when were you informed about this…?"

"Just last night, actually," Lyra replied. "Big Mac sent Lofty to fetch me, and he told me that the children were back and had done a report on Fantasia, and that we would need a unicorn to get into the Boutique since it was locked from the inside. I wasn't informed of the marriage thing until later in the day, when I went to the market square to buy a few apples from his stand."

Cheerilee sighed. She turned to Lofty. "And you are, presumably, aware that Fantasia… has a worrying tendency to scar children for life?" she pressed.

Lofty shook her head. "Not until recently, no," she confirmed. "In fact, I wasn't aware of it until Scootaloo read the report aloud to me and Holiday." She shuddered. "Giant swords and hellfire… never before did I think something so tragic and awful could happen in the sister world…"

Holiday nodded. "I would hope Fantasia comes to its senses, but seeing as we don't know what's going on in the sister world right now…" She let the unspoken thought hang in the air.

Cheerilee's smile fully diminished by now, and she shifted awkwardly in her seat. "And you three were informed of how they obtained their cutie marks, yes?" she asked, hoping to find an easier topic of discussion to work with.

The other adults nodded. "We got told the whole thing," Big Mac answered. "Mighty sad to see that plotheads already don't like Irongrey Aerie that much."

"While I, personally, disapprove of fighting, I do recognize these three had the right call in the end," Lyra added with a nod. She turned to Sweetie Belle and smiled. "In fact, she showed me her new harp, and I taught her how to tune it accordingly."

"We do feel that Scootaloo's new mechanical wings are… too big for her, but we were surprised at how light they were in the hooves," Lofty said, also smiling faintly. "It's… almost like the Aerie knew what it was doing in the end."

Cheerilee allowed herself a tiny smile. At least things were looking up on that front. "Now then, the reason I called all of you here, is that I am… concerned with what the three have been potentially exposed to on Fantasia," she said, her smile falling again. She turned to the children. "What… all did you see and hear about on Fantasia, that isn't classified?"

"Well… we saw a changeling nymph wraith," Sweetie began. "Skinny, like… bones showing through chitin, broken horn, and a carved smile going from ear to ear."

"And another skinny foal with a campfire cutie mark, and big…" Apple Bloom fished for words, before giving up and gesturing down at her hinds with a hoof. The adults gasped.

"Apple Bloom! Ya know yer not supposed to talk about a filly's—" Big Mac started.

"But this filly was almost as skinny as the wraith! And she was trying to wrangle a pegasus baby, when her hooves were firmly on the ground!" Apple Bloom retorted. "How could I've not seen 'em?! They looked like they were makin' her haunches sag, more than her own bones!"

Big Mac paled. "Yer sayin'..."

Apple Bloom nodded. "I saw 'em when she turned around to head back to her table at the Aerie's mess hall," she confirmed.

Cheerilee frowned. "... and this filly is…?"

"At the Aerie, getting medical care," Apple Bloom answered. "They had her hooked to a drip and everything." The adults sagged in relief over that. "I 'unno about the adults who did that to her, but the Aerie's looking to bust some heads over it, I reckon."

"And… the pegasus baby?" Lofty hedged.

"Already flying in the air. Like, they had to grab him, and he didn't like it," Scootaloo replied with a shrug. "They were gentle, just… really early magic surges."

"... unfortunate that that particular filly's foalhood has been stolen…" Cheerilee mumbled, sighing.

"She has an aunt, and I think she's helping her raise the tyke," Apple Bloom said. "Although… now that I think about it, the Aerie might have doctors helping out too, since they'd prefer it if the kids in their territory stayed kids. And once she gets better, she might explore her cutie mark in full, just like us."

Cheerilee nodded, eager to get the discussion back on track. "Regardless, I think they might need to have talks with you, in case they have any nightmares over this sort of thing from here on out," she said.

"If Princess Luna doesn't beat us to the punch first," Lyra pointed out.

Cheerilee smiled. "Anyway, that's all the criticisms I had in regards to what they had seen in Fantasia. Now, onto their report, they were surprisingly detailed, with actual photographs on top of illustrations scattered throughout the pages, and it was well written and well-stocked with information. Granted… not classified information regarding whatever the Fantasian military doesn't want getting out, but informative nonetheless," she said, warmth returning to her voice. "With how many photographs they've obtained, I'm surprised they didn't make a picture book on the side—would've been a nice touch for the report, but oh well, we can just make one at home, right?"

At their nods, her eyes started to sparkle. "Furthermore, they have gotten their cutie marks—on a planet that they learned was not known for this sort of thing! And got awarded by the Fantasian military for their efforts! Would it be prudent of me to say that we need to find a nice, quiet spot that they can demonstrate their new talents safely in?" Cheerilee asked, bouncing a little at the concept before reigning herself in.

Big Mac nodded. "We got a quiet spot in the Acres jest fer that sorta thing," he said, smiling. "Maybe this weekend. After these three get used to being back home first." He shrugged. "Course, the Acres is a bit out from Ponyville, and the public park might object after the paraglidin' incident."

"Ah, the time they crashed into the Golden Oaks Library… from the sky…" Cheerilee sighed, before shuffling again. "And then we saw that giant lightning sprite over the Everfree…" She coughed into her hoof, and smiled again. "But did you see how many photographs they had? The samples from the slime ranch? The foreign currency? This… this is big, guys! Truly, truly big!"

Big Mac smiled. "Eeyup. Even bigger than most ponies would give credit fer," he agreed. "The first report 'bout Fantasia is a pretty big mountain, compared to knowin' nothing at all." The other adults with him nodded their assent. He turned to Apple Bloom and smiled. "And, we might consult one of Equestria's magitek experts in the future, fer… tutelage." Apple Bloom grinned as Big Mac ruffled her mane again. "Course, that's a few years off at least," he added. "Maybe when the farm gets more funds first. We still gotta save up on the money after all."

Cheerilee giggled. "Now, there is another reason I called you three here specifically…" Her face darkened just a little, and not enough to terrify the Crusaders. "I called you here because the head of the school board assaulted Pipsqueak, and was about to shred their project—with somepony else from the school board of Ponyville within earshot of the whole thing."

Lofty and Holiday gasped. Lyra raised her brow. "Wait… why would she assault Pipsqueak?" she asked.

"Well… he was in front of the three, looking closer at the photographs they had taken, and the head of the school board just thought he was in her way," Cheerilee answered with a sigh. "Regardless… I have informed his parents, and they will be pressing charges against her… assuming the Equestrian Education Association, which apparently summoned her, won't do so first. Furthermore, the entire class had seen the act, so…" She folded her hooves across her desk. "I'm going to be collecting witness testimonies from the class, and written ones will probably be accepted as evidence."

Big Mac frowned. "So… the spoiled plothead finally got herself in a heap o' trouble. Don't surprise me none," he said bluntly. "Which is good fer the young'uns. Maybe the Equestrian Education Association can put somepony with more sense in the position, if it opens up." He shook his head. "Jest goes to show what'll happen when a pony named Spoiled Rich gets into a position of power—it gets to their heads, and makes 'em act dumber than they should."

Cheerilee nodded. "At the very least, do be sure to have the children write written testimonies on all of Spoiled's offenses this past year alone—inside and outside of school," she said.

Big Mac nodded once more. "Can do," he replied.

Cheerilee nodded, and smiled again. "Excellent. I do believe that covers everything," she said. The adults and foals got up, and made for the door, but halted when she called out, "Oh, and congratulations on getting your cutie marks and military recognition, girls! Not many ponies get those two things in the same day, especially at your age~"

"Thank you, Miss Cheerilee!" the Crusaders chorused, causing Cheerilee to smile and wave at them as they and their chaperones walked out the door.

"You're welcome~" Cheerilee called back, giggling as the group went out the door. Along the way, down the hall, the group was stopped by Diamond's father, who smiled warmly at Big Mac.

"Hello there Mac. How is Granny Smith doing?" the stallion asked.

Big Mac smiled. "She's doing jest fine, Filthy Rich," he replied. "She was mighty proud when Apple Bloom here came home with her cutie mark."

Filthy's smile widened, a warm and genuine smile that did not belie any malice. "I did hear from Diamond here that she got her cutie mark. What's her talent?" he asked.

"I'm a magitek expert," Apple Bloom replied, grinning as she showed off her mark. "I can use charging crystals to make magitek work."

"Charging crystals…? As far as I know, Equestria relies solely on magic to get its technology working…" Filthy put a hoof to his chin and pondered.

"Fantasia has an area that uses the crystals," Sweetie proffered. Filthy nodded and set his hoof down.

"Ah, yes, the sister world… shame we don't know terribly much about it," Filthy said, somewhat disappointed by the fact.

"Fantasia's got a military tryin' to make things right over there," Big Mac said. "The less said, the better. The rest of Fantasia's still doing practices Celestia done made illegal at the dawn of Equestria."

Filthy sighed. "I see. Regardless…" He smiled again. "I hope my… soon-to-be-ex wife no longer darkens this school's doorstep, or any doorstep, ever again." He turned a withering look towards Diamond Tiara, who cringed under the gaze. "And maybe I can instill some values into my daughter that don't align with personal, petty entitlement."

"Glad yer gettin' divorced from that nag. I done warned ya she was bad news, back when I was jest a growing colt," Big Mac said.

Filthy turned to Big Mac again, and smiled with a nod. "I'm glad I listened now; sooner rather than too late. At least now, I can do some good for my wayward daughter, before she can get herself jailed in the future. Happy tidings to you."

"Happy tidings to you too," Big Mac replied. With that, he and his group were out the door, and as the doors to the schoolhouse closed behind them, they could faintly hear Diamond Tiara protesting her innocence. But the Crusaders cared not for a lick of it; they had some talents to practice yet, and maybe they could squeeze something in this weekend, now that they no longer had to crusade for their cutie marks.

Cutie Mark Crusaders Magitek Fighters? A bit taxing on the tongue, but it did have a nice ring to it. Maybe they could come up with another name for their club during the weekend, too, since they were no longer crusading for their cutie marks. And hopefully, they might help bridge that critical gap between Fantasian and Mythonian relations in the future—their report was but the critical first step in the knowledge department after all, and that knowledge wasn't going to find itself either.

Little did they know what their discovery would lead to...

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