• Published 20th Sep 2020
  • 1,654 Views, 17 Comments

Tales From the Crystal Empire - Mystic Sunrise

A look at the life, before that fateful Royal Crystaling, of reigning Crystal Princess, Twilight Sparkle.

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The First Day of your New Life

Today marked a special day in the Crystal Empire, though it was not marked on any calendar as any kind of holiday or special event. But for the crystal ponies, it did not need to be, for this day came around only once in a lifetime. Twice if you should be so lucky to live so long.

Crystal Empress Venus had announced that she was expecting a child soon, not too long ago. Alongside Prince Consort, Earth Shatter, the two had never looked happier when they had announced the news to the whole empire.

Few could ever remember a couple that loved each other more than these two. While Earth Shatter's official roles were few, none would argue that their empress had not chosen well with her choice of who she fell in love with. Not a few mares, though, were jealous that they had not managed to snag the stallion themselves. But they never held it against Venus.

But now though, something had changed. While it had not been said yet, rumors from the Crystal Palace said that something was up, and as was the case with most rumors, it was soon all over the city.

"I heard that the empress was rushed to the Royal Hospital this morning."

"I heard that she has gone into labor. I hope she is alright."

Whatever the case may be, it was obvious that something was going on. The Crystal Palace had been locked down, and the Imperial Guard turned away all visitors. Court had been canceled, and nopony was allowed inside.

Despite what some might call the worrying signs, few crystal ponies felt terribly worried. Nothing felt wrong around the palace. In fact, a sense of calm seemed to have settled over the spire, as if the Crystal Heart itself was waiting for something.

The few ponies old enough to remember something like this, counseled those around them, saying that if something was truly wrong, they would soon find out and not to worry. In fact, this was a day for celebration.

Soon, and nopony could really say why the whole city seemed to be waiting for the good news of some kind. Even though they did not know why they did, or what they waited for.

Venus fought back a pained cry, as another contraction racked her body. She settled instead for glaring at the doctors around her. "Doctor, I swear on the Armor of Eternity itself that if you tell me to relax one more time, I am throwing you out of the window and letting gravity decide what happens to you!"

White Diamond only smiled. He was used to hearing all sorts of things from expecting mothers on a day like this, so this did not bother him in the slightest. "You are doing great, your highness. Only a few more pushes and your daughter will be out."

Venus seethed, as she pushed with all of her might, just like she had been told to. "Great? How is this going great?! I have been at this all day! I am far from feeling great, doctor! And you are not helping!"

Diamond chuckled, recalling a long-ago memory of another pony saying the same thing. "Your mother said much the same thing when she gave birth to you, and you came out fine. And I should know. I helped deliver you myself. It was almost word for word what she said as well."

Venus bit back another shout. White Diamond was one of only a few living ponies who remembered a time when her mother had been Crystal Empress, and she had only been the Crystal Princess, and even further back before she had ever been born. And despite the unimaginable agony, she was in at the moment, she still liked him. He was also one of the few that knew her Personal Name, Rose Quartz, and despite all the grief she had given him over the years about one thing or another, he still stood by her.

No matter how mad and angry she was at the moment.

Another contraction wracked her body, but this one felt ten times worse than the ones before it, as her wings shot out, nearly knocking several ponies over the process. She tried to smile and apologize, but the pain was too much, and she bit down on what she really wanted to say.

White Diamond, though, nodded and moved in closer. "Okay, your highness. Now push! Push as you have never pushed before! You are almost there."

Venus did as she was told and pushed with all of her might. This went on for several minutes, and she feared that something was wrong. Until the pain and agony shot through the roof, and she cried out as the pain rose higher and higher. Before finally, it all stopped, and Venus fell back on the pillows with an exhausted gasp, sweat pouring down her face. For a moment, no sound filled the room.

And then the cries of a newborn filly filled the air, and everypony breathed an audible sigh of relief. Immediately one doctor put a cool rag to Venus's forehead, while another tried to make her as comfy as possible.

White Diamond smiled as he helped to clean the filly off before handing her daughter to her. "Congratulations, your highness. A beautiful, baby girl."

Venus took her daughter in her hooves, careful not to move too much. The filly's cries soon subsided, and she opened her eyes, looking at Venus with wonder and love. The filly smiled, giggling as she reached up with her tiny hooves.

Venus giggled as she lowered her head, letting her daughter touch her. That made the filly giggle even more. At that moment, Venus had never seen anything more beautiful than the tiny bundle in her hooves.

Her daughter's coat was mostly lavender, with the lavender fading to pink along her wings' edges. Her mane and tail were both midnight blue, with three color stripes of lavender, blond yellow, and Fuschia running through them. Her horn was the same color as her coat.

Wait. Horn?

Venus blinked before looking again. Her daughter did in fact have a horn, a small nub poking through her mane. Just for a moment, blue light of magic flickered along the horn, before disappearing. The doctors had noticed it as well, and were just as surprised, murmuring among themselves about what it could mean. White Diamond though only shook his head, too old now to be surprised at much of anything anymore. He quickly moved to the door, informing the Imperial Guard outside that all was well.

Coming back to the empress's side, he smiled at both of them. "Well. I can say for sure that I did not expect to see that." He shook his head. "We will give your daughter a normal checkup. But I am not sure what to look for now that we know she has a horn. Unicorns are rare in the Crystal Empire as you know."

Venus nodded. As much as it hurt, she handed her daughter to the waiting hooves of Diamond, holding her for as long as she could. The filly's eyes filled with tears at being separated from her mother, and she looked ready to cry again desperately trying to get back to her mother, wiggling her hooves in desperation in Venus's direction.

Venus smiled gently as she leaned over and kissed her daughter's forehead. That seemed to do the trick, as her tears evaporated. "Do not worry. Mommy will see you again very soon. I promise," Venus whispered.

The filly didn't look convinced, but she seemed to calm down, as White Diamond left to do her checkup, while another doctor came to the empress's side with a cold glass of water, which Venus was more than happy to take.

"Do you have a name for her, your highness?" The mare asked.

Venus though about it for a moment. She considered several, but one kept coming back to the fore more and more. Finally, she smiled and nodded. "I do, in fact."

Later that day, hundreds of the Crystal Empire's citizens thronged to the front of the Crystal Palace. News had gone out that an announcement was soon to be made about what was going on with the Crystal Empress. With rumors of why the palace had been locked down as it had been still going strong, more than a few were worried that something could be wrong. They hoped not. But the feeling would not go away.

But with the lockdown ended, and the Imperial Guard now seemingly in a much better mood, few believed that the news would be anything but happy.

The crowd hushed as the Royal Herald came to the balcony of the Empress's Bedroom. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before he began. "Citizens of the Crystal Empire. I am happy to announce that on this day, Crystal Empress Mi Amora Venus has given birth to a beautiful, healthy, baby girl. Both mother and daughter are fine and are even at this moment resting."

That ended all the rumors and bad feelings as the ponies below him stomped in approval, and the mothers among them felt their hearts go out to the empress, knowing the feeling.

But the Herald was not done. "The empress has also decided upon the filly's name. Let it be known now and for all time, that Princess Mi Amora Amicitia has this day, come to the Crystal Empire. May her reign, when the day comes, be a long and prosperous one!"

That was all the crystal ponies needed, as they began to cheer and stomp their hooves enthusiastically, the Crystal Heart itself glowing brightly as the love of the empire swelled to new heights.

Author's Note:

I admit that I have no idea how to write a birth scene. So if it comes off as such, blame that. I wasn't going to show the entire process. And let's be honest. What better way to tell more of Twilight's life in this universe than to start at the very beginning? I can't think of one. And I need to send a huge thank you to Snow Quill for the awesome new cover art. The old one is just for the sequel now.

One thing I do have in mind for this story is that one chapter will in fact tie into The Crystal Empress. Maybe like a day before that story starts, showing some of the lead up to it. I even have an idea for a direct sequel to that story, like a chapter in this story. Showing more of the aftermath of Twilight's Royal Crystaling.