• Published 20th Sep 2020
  • 1,654 Views, 17 Comments

Tales From the Crystal Empire - Mystic Sunrise

A look at the life, before that fateful Royal Crystaling, of reigning Crystal Princess, Twilight Sparkle.

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Personal Guard

"I still believe that this is too early," Amicitia grumbled as she completed the poster that would soon go up around the empire.

Venus rubbed her temples. "I understand your concerns, dear. But it is never too early to start your Personal Guard. The world outside is not as benevolent as we may wish it to be."

Amicitia nodded as she looked at her mother. "I understand that, mother. But I have no reason to go outside the Shield. Let the Tribes freeze to death. That we were not even considered for the Summit says all we need to know of what they think of us."

Venus frowned. She too was not happy about the explicit snub in not being invited to the recent Leader's Summit. "It is not the Tribes I fear, honey. Many things from the Tundra can come inside the Shield. You cannot stay in the city forever."

Amicitia's ears fell. It was true, and it had been made even more clear when an Ice Worm had claimed her father's life. She sniffed at the thought. "I miss daddy."

Rose's heart sank as she pulled her daughter close. "I miss him too, honey. But that is why I feel you must start now. I started mine at the same age as you. I have never regretted that decision. Mother thought I was crazy when I did."

Amicitia snorted as she picked up the poster in her magic. "I just hope that I am doing this right. The Imperial Guard doesn't have enough to pick from. I know. I triple-checked."

Venus looked down and was surprised at what she read. "Are you sure you want to do it this way, Twilight? This will cause quite a stir when ponies see it."

Twilight nodded as she headed for the door. "I mean it. If I am going to do this, then I will do it my way. And if ponies do not like it? Who are they going to complain to? You? This is my choice, mom. Not yours, or anypony else's."

Rose giggled as Twilight left the room, a spring in her step. "Then for the Mother's sake, Twilight. I hope you are right."

Crystal Dawn wasn't sure what was going on, as she pushed her way through the crowd gathered in front of the Crystal Heart. "What the hay is going on around here? Did I miss a party or something?"

Her friend Rose Quartz, who had gotten here earlier, finally saw her and pulled her to the front. "There you are, Crystal! Haven't you heard?"

Crystal shot her a look. "Heard what? I just got here. What's the big deal?"

Rose pointed to a signboard that stood before the heart. "This. Big news from Princess Amicitia, and I know you're going to be excited about it."

Crystal rolled her eyes before starting to read and was surprised to see what was written there.

'To all citizens of the Crystal Empire.

We are formally announcing the opening of posts for my Personal Guard. Mares need only apply. Any stallion wishing to do so should apply instead for the Imperial Guard.

Those mares who wish to do so should gather in the morning before the Crystal Heart. I will be there to personally welcome each and every one of you. I look forward to getting to know any and all who apply.

This, formally and officially announced, on the first of Primus. Signed Princess Mi Amore Amicitia Zorya Spes Equus. Crystal Princess and Heir of the Crystal Throne.'

Rose whistled. "You know it's important when she uses her full name." She smirked at her friend. "So. When are you going to join, Crystal?"

Crystal shot her a look. "Who says I'm going to do anything with this?"

Rose's smirk only grew as she poked her friend. "Oh, come on. I've seen how you look at her when she comes into your shop. I think she likes you."

Crystal blushed. "So what? Mom and dad always say I should not treat ponies differently. No matter who they might be."

Rose nodded. "But I know you've thought about joining the Imperial Guard before. Your mom was in it wasn't she?"

Crystal smiled. "Yeah. Made it to Captain of the Guard as well. Back when Empress Amore was still the ruler. But she was never part of her Personal Guard. What chance do I have?"

Rose shrugged. "I don't know. But I seriously doubt Princess Amicitia cares. And who knows? Depending on how many apply, you might end up as her Life Guard as well."

Crystal giggle-snorted. Now that was funny. Her? As the main guard for the princess, and future empress? Not in a million years. But the more she thought about it, the more it felt like something she wanted to do. And if there was one thing Crystal was known for, it was never stopping once she started.

"Oh. What the hay," she smiled, seeing several other mares thinking the same thing. "It does sound fun. What's the worse that can happen?"

The next morning, Crystal stood with at least three dozen other mares before the Crystal Heart. All of them were about the same age as Princess Amicitia herself, though several were older.

The princess herself was there as well, as was Captain Ironhoof, Captain of the Imperial Guard. "I hope you know what you are doing, princess," he said quietly.

Amicitia shot him a look. "Then it is a good thing this is out of your hooves, captain. If this somehow turns into a disaster, then you can tell me "I told you so" all you want. Until then, however, keep your opinions to yourself. Or I will personally make sure you are on permanent latrine duty from now on. Am I understood?"

Ironhoof had the decency to look horrified at the thought. Amicitia hated to have to say it like this. But she was sick and tired of ponies close to the Royal Family telling her the same thing. This was her choice, nopony else's, as she looked out across the crowd.

Several ponies she knew, while many more she did not. That was good. It made things easier moving forward. She hoped, as she stepped forward and began to speak. "Ponies. Thank you for coming. Before we begin, I want to say something."

The ponies all shared confused looks as the princess paused for a moment. What did she mean by that?

Amicitia sighed. "I want to get to know each and every one of you personally. I do not want complete strangers in my life like this. I want ponies that I know I can trust. Ponies that I know I can rely on. Above and beyond as my Personal Guard."

"What do you mean?" One of the older mares asked, earning a glare from Ironhoof, but a smile from Twilight as she stopped him with a pointed look.

Her smile grew. "I want you. All of you. To protect me not because I am the princess. Not because it is your duty. But because you care about me. As your friend first, and your princess second."

This caused quite the stir, as the girls began to talk among themselves about what this could mean. Amicitia knew that this would happen, however as she held up a hoof for silence. "I understand that this might be difficult for some of you. But all of us, together. We can make this work. If you will have me?"

At this, she stopped and waited to see how they would all react. It was no longer in her hooves, as they all began to talk among themselves. Amicitia could have listened in with her magic. But she refused to do so. It was not fair to them. This had to be their own decision. Not hers.

Finally, however, one pony stepped forward. Amicitia recognized her as someone she had met before in a sweet shop of all places. It was all it took. One by one, each and every mare stepped forward. As one, they bowed, going to one hoof. "We swear it," they said.

Amicitia just barely held back a squee as she spread her wings and held a hoof on the first pony to step forward. "Then formally swear the oath. And let none ever doubt you again."

As one, every mare spoke. "We swear our lives and souls to Princess Amicitia Zorya Spes Equus. Above and beyond any other, we swear ourselves to her. Let no harm or foul pass us, on pain of fate worse than death. This we swear. On the Prime Magic and the Armor of Eternity. From now till the end of time."

Amicitia seemed to grow as the oath was sealed. "And I accept happily your oaths. Let none stand between you and me ever again. Not even my mother. From this day forward, this I swear."

The magic in the air soared to new heights before it was absorbed into each and every one of the mares in the ceremony, as they opened their eyes, and Amicitia bid them rise. In their eyes, she could see something new. Something she looked forward to getting to know better.

This was not the end of course. There were still many things for them to learn before they swore their Eternus Oath, and Twilight wanted to get to know all of them personally and individually.

But as she locked eyes for a moment with a mare with a pink and blue mane, Twilight swore that it would all be worth it.

Author's Note:

This is the closest I know of that shows what Crystal Dawn looks like as Amicitia's Personal Guard. Aside from not being an alicorn, she and Flurry Heart are identical. Just a coincidence when I created the character. Art was done by Badumsquish.

And this will be an ongoing story arc. Too much to do in one chapter with Twilight's Personal Guard, and what will grow between her and Crystal. We saw hints of it in the sequel story.