• Published 13th Oct 2021
  • 775 Views, 14 Comments

Broken - Bicyclette

Shining Armor has a broken horn. An Exquisite Corpse story.

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Chapter 2

Turning from the mirror, Shining Armor tried to push the sight out of his mind: it had happened, it was an accident, and dwelling on it wouldn't help. The doctors would do their best and he had his family's support - that was the important part. He had to move on with his life. He still had his life.

But even without the mirror in front of him, the image didn't fade. That jagged, angry, splintery mass that had been his horn.

He shook his head. "Mom? Dad?" Shining barely finished calling their names before both were at the bathroom door - faces eager. No. Looking closer, the eagerness was a mask. They were worried. Had been for days, possibly weeks.

A thin frown took over his face, and he set his eyes on his parents. "How long was I out? After the accident, I mean."

The two looked at each other, waiting for one to take the lead. Night Light did after his wife gave him a little nod. "About two weeks. The Guard moved you home after you were out of the woods. They were hoping that a more familiar environment would ease your recovery. Better to wake up in your own bedroom at home than in a cold hospital room in--"

Beside him, Twilight Velvet cleared her throat.

Night Light stopped immediately, mouth shutting with a hard click.

Velvet took over for him. "They also wanted us to confirm that you're on medical leave until further notice. Their doctors will be looking you over and deciding when you're fit to return."

Beside her, Night Light nodded thoughtfully. "Hrm. Speaking of, I should contact them. I'm sure that they'll be happy to know you're up and about again."

He left, and Velvet wasn't far behind. "Maybe take a shower? I don't want to say you smell bad, Shining, but…" She tried to smile bravely, but it was wafer-thin.

Turning his head, Shining sniffed himself - and immediately gagged. "Eugh. Good idea, mom. I'll wash up then…" He frowned. "I don't want to go back to bed already and I just ate. Maybe I'll take a trot around the block and make sure my legs still work right."

She nodded. "Good idea, but be careful. Don't push yourself too hard, Shiny. I'll be very upset if you put yourself back into the hospital already."

They shared a little laugh at that - then she left him to it.

It took four times as long to shower as it should have - every motion was a reminder of just how much Shining had relied on his horn before. And each time he instinctively tried to use it as he always did, he was rewarded by a sharp burst of pain.

He'd stupidly tried enough times that the first thing Shining did after climbing out was to search the cabinet for some aspirin.

The important part is that he was clean, fresh-smelling and the hot water had done wonders to soothe his sore muscles.

Glancing at the mirror - and only glancing, as the reminder of his wound drove his vision away again - Shining knew there was one bit of grooming he could probably still use. But a manecut was out of the question, at least for now.

Now it was time for a bit of exercise. Nothing too vigorous - else beware of Mom - but Shining knew full well what kind of fitness was required to be in the Guard. If he wanted to still be in the Guard after he recovered, slacking off wasn't going to get him through.

So out the door he went and into the bright sunshine of Canterlot.

The day was downright beautiful: sun shining overhead without a cloud in the sky; a gentle breeze that was just enough to ruffle your hair; the air scented with lavender and honeysuckle. Cheerful homes were scattered about with impeccable landscaping that reflected the upper class residences of Canterlot. Every yard was filled with flowers that pleased the eye and the honeybees. Across the street, old Mr. Moonshadow was out watering his begonias - the same ones in a bunch on his cutie mark - and stopped to wave. Shining, of course, waved back.

After pausing a moment to stretch - and finding himself thankfully as limber as before his injury - Shining Armor started off down the street. His instincts from grueling Guard training marches told him to pick up the pace, but his mother's voice echoed in his head at the same time. Fearing her more than any drill sergeant, Shining kept himself to a leisurely walk.

After months away with the Guard, Canterlot seemed strange to Shining. He'd grown up here and it felt familiar enough, but so many little details were unfamiliar. He remembered the tall oak in the front yard of the Cloudmane family's house - the little swing he'd fallen off of when he was ten still dangled from the branches - but they had painted it a different shade of pale grey since he was in town last. And he could have sworn the path up to Dazzleflash's house had curved right instead of left.

Only a few months away, and so many details had gotten foggy. It felt like a lifetime.

Turning the corner, Shining kept trotting along. He paused briefly to wave to Mrs. Note - she was cheerfully trimming her hedges, clippers held in lime green magic - before finally giving in and picking up his pace slightly. Mom couldn't blame him for being brisk, at least. As long as he didn't work up a sweat in the muggy summer heat, she'd never know.

At a T-junction, Shining decided to turn and add a bit more to his walk around the block. His legs were practically screaming for a proper jog - despite the long recovery, his body felt like it had been storing energy up and it kept an eager bounce in his step. Besides, taking this route would put him near the park. It was a favorite place - it held so many romantic memories, after all. One more turn and…


Shining frowned. He must have gotten turned around while he was lost in his thoughts. Rather than the street going by the park, it stopped abruptly, dead-ending in a tiny cul-de-sac that he didn't remember.

Outside one of the houses was a unicorn Shining didn't recognize, hauling the trash out in his green magic. The stallion waved - Shining waved back. Then the stallion turned back to his house, giving a flash of the bunched begonias cutie mark on his flank.

Shining Armor stood there, breath heavy and heart beating rapid-fire. Maybe he couldn't remember what had happened before his injury - not a thing back to the beginning of his Guard training - but forgetting the park where he got his first kiss? That couldn't be.

What was going on here? Was he losing his mind?

Author's Note:

by TCC56