• Published 13th Oct 2021
  • 777 Views, 14 Comments

Broken - Bicyclette

Shining Armor has a broken horn. An Exquisite Corpse story.

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Chapter 3

“Shining?” A chipper voice called out in surprise.

Shining Armour turned to see a pegasus mare approach him with a rosy pink coat and orange mane styled into an elaborate bundle of braids. She had big golden eyes and a Cutie Mark of a pumpkin wrapped with two leaves. Over her back were a pair of saddlebags patterned with her Cutie Mark.

As he looked at her he was reminded of cinnamon, dry leaves, and fall treats.

“Auburn Winds,” Shining greeted with a smile, “What are you doing around here?”

“I live here, Shining.” She chortled. “It’s more strange for you, Mister Guard, to be in Canterlot than I am.”

He felt his ears pin back against his head as he looked around awkwardly. “I suppose so. How have you been?”

“Good!” She replied in a cheery tone. “I have my very own bakery now on Castleway and business has been good. Lots of foals coming for my fall themed treats just like a certain colt from high school that did the same.”

Shining turned away and replied nervously, “I’m sure I have no idea what you mean.”

“Oh come off it, Shining,” Auburn said good naturedly, “You were always the first to taste and it got so bad that your hoofball coach was considering changing you from quarterback to linebacker.”

“I was bulking!” Shining indignantly said, “Had to get the hard gains any way I could to stay ahead.”

“A likely excuse. So, why are you in-” She widened her eyes in horror as she finally noticed Shining’s broken horn. “Oh sweet, Celestia! What happened to you?”

“There was an accident that I’m hazy on the details for,” Shining replied meekly, “I’m on medical leave while this… fixes itself.”

“Oh, geeze, Armour. Does it hurt?” Auburn then smacked her own head with a wing. “What am I even saying, of course it hurts. Can you use magic?”

“No, not until this heals and that’s been a pain with how much I rely on it to do everyday stuff.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” she said in a sympathetic tone, “Can I do anything to help?”

Shining was about to tell her that everything was fine, but it occurred to him that he could ask for directions to the park he was looking for earlier.

“Actually, yes. Do you know where Royal Glen Park is?”

Auburn froze, but kept a smile on her face. “I- Yes, I do. You got lost?”

“Yeah, my memory seems to be failing me today. I don’t suppose… ?”

“It’s back the way you came and at the T-junction you want to take a left. Park will be right there shortly thereafter.”

“Okay, thanks, Auburn. I’ll head there now.” He turned to leave.

She bit her lower lip debating some internal decision. “Wait, a moment, Shining.” He turned back to look at her. “I’ll go with you. I have the rest of the day off anyways and I’m worried about you going off alone with that injury.”

“Oh, you don’t have to, Auburn.”

She walked up to Shining’s side and gave him a wide grin. “I insist on accompanying you.”

Shining tried to think of some form of protest, but ultimately realized that he would prefer to have the company.

“Sure,” he relented, “Let’s go together.”

The park was in fact a short walk away and left at the T Junction as Auburn had said.

A scenic spot with playground equipment, small cobblestone fences lining green fields, and various statues depicting Celestia in differing positions of reverence that were spread all over the capitol much to the Princess’s annoyance.

The spot that most interested Shining was one massive hilltop near the backend of the park with a single towering maple tree. It was the place where Shining had his first kiss back in high school.

Both he and Auburn trotted to the base of the tree and were lucky to find no crowds nearby. An oddity on such a beautiful day.

He stood just under the dappled light filtering through the overhead branches and felt a sense of peace settle over him that he hadn’t felt since his injury.

It was comforting.

“Let’s have a picnic.”

Shining turned to see Auburn laying on the ground with her hooves tucked under her. Beside her were her open saddlebags and bundles of individually wrapped treats.

Shining snorted. “Do you always carry your baked goods everywhere you go?”

“No, I just happened to be carrying the leftovers from the bakery for the day which I planned to give to the hungry guards at the palace,” She stated in an uppity tone, “Since you are a guard, you are entitled to these.”

“Oh, why thank you, Auburn. I shall have to sample these for the good of the studs in armour.”

Shining attempted to pick up a wrapped ginger molasses cookie in his magic and cringed when he felt a sharp pain from his horn.

“Tried to use your magic didn’t you?” Auburn asked.

“Yeah, I did. Really can’t get used to not being able to use it.”

“It’s okay, Shining. Here, let me help.”

Auburn grabbed the cookie Shining had been eyeing, unwrapped it out of its paper packaging and hoofed it over to him. Shining took the cookie in his left hoof and bit the entire thing in one bite.

It tasted of molasses, cinnamon, and the season of fall. Just as he remembered it.

“Okay, Mister Guard. Slow down. Nopony is here to take your cookie. You can eat it like a normal pony.”

“But I can’t help it!” Shining exclaimed as he spit out crumbs. “They’re so good.”

She giggled. “Glad to see you still enjoy my baking but maybe swallow first before you cover me in chewed crumbs.”

He swallowed the remains of the baked treat and gave a sheepish grin. “Sorry, Auburn. You know I’m just a colt at heart.”

“Don’t I know it.” She smiled wistfully before a frown marred her face. “This place sure does bring back...” She paused as she decided on the proper words to say, “Some memories.” Her expression turned dark. “Not exactly pleasant ones.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that, Auburn,” Shining said sympathetically, “I just came here because it has such a special place in my heart.”

Shining shrunk back as Auburn gave him a hurt expression. “How could you say that?”

Shining was confused. “What do you mean? This is where I had my first kiss,” Shining said, “With Cadance.”

Shining’s ears pinned back against his head as she snarled at him. “What did you just say?”

“I had my first kiss with Cadance here after our first date. It was-”

“How could you?” Auburn interrupted. “Was it not enough with what you did last time that you had to add insult to injury?”

“I- What?” Shining was completely lost. “What are you talking about Auburn?”

She stood up and snorted angrily. “This was where we first kissed. It’s also where you broke up with me.”

Shining felt his brain fail to process what Auburn had told him. He tried to remember but couldn’t.

“I’m sorry, Auburn. I don’t remember,” Shining said helplessly, “I hate to ask, but could you remind me?”

Tears formed in the corners of Auburn’s eyes. “You…!” She took a deep breath and wiped the tears away using her wings. “You have an injury that affects your memory. I should be understanding of that.”

She flopped back to the ground. “The short of it is that we dated in high school in our second year and you broke up with me just before you went off to guard training.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Auburn. Do you...” Shining gulped nervously, “Do you know why I broke up with you?”

Auburn frowned. “You were wary about it being known you were dating a stallion while in the Guard and if it would ruin your chances for advancement. You chose your career over me.”

“What do you mean by ‘dating a stallion’?” Shining asked.

Auburn looked at Shining in open confusion. “What do you even mean? I’m a stallion, Shining. We dated in high school.”

Shining could feel his heart accelerate and found it a struggle to breathe. As he watched, the ‘mare’ in front of him looked more like a stallion.

A strong jawline. Taller than he was by a head. Well muscled due to his career of pounding bread, but still with a couple extra pounds due to the result of that bread.

Cinnamon. Nutmeg. Fall. Auburn Wings had been his first date and his first coltfriend.

Long hours of sitting in his parents’ bakery swiping sweets. Auburn cheering him on in the stands during his games. They both played a Paladin and Druid in Ogres and Oubliettes and embarrassed everyone else at the table with how publicly affectionate they were.

“I- We did, we did date.” Shining stood up and felt a wave of vertigo overcome him.

Auburn looked at him with open concern. “Shining, are you alright? Is your injury causing you problems?”

Opening day at the palace. Auburn had gone with him. He had kissed him on the cheek. A new recruit had seen. Open mockery. Words slung against him. He couldn’t let it stop him from his purpose.

“I, no, I can’t I-” Shining could feel tears fall from the corners of his eyes. “How could I have done that to you?”

Auburn was standing and stretching his wings forward. “Shining, I think you’re having a panic attack. You need to calm down. Come here.”

“No, I can’t, I don’t-” Guilt. Unending guilt overriding his senses. “I don’t deserve your comfort. I need to-”

“Shining, stop, you’re scaring me.”

I’m scared, BBBF.

“No!” Shining screamed.

He flung himself upwards in bed. He was back in his bedroom at his parents’ home. He looked around and noticed his usual assortment of nerd memorabilia stacked on several shelves.

“Shining, come down to breakfast!” He heard his mother call him. “We should eat that bread Auburn gave us before it goes bad.”

Shining took a deep breath to center himself and got out of bed.

As he trotted to the door all he could feel was an overwhelming sense of guilt.

He just couldn’t place why.

Author's Note:

by daOtterGuy