• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I write the countless and troublesome story worlds that I see in my mind for you're enjoyment, mostly to just make them stop! GTFO out if my brain and onto the site! *SMACK*

Comments ( 120 )

This is a good read, keep it up 😁

I love the story you have made so far and hope you make many chapters. 👍

I like it. Keep it up. I want to see where you take this.

I like this setup! The world in it sounds interesting too! I can't wait to see where it goes!

Until then, here's a Spike 'stache. :moustache:

Oh this is good. I really like how you threw in the Isakai concept here

as a sweetie mash shipper .this hits really hard .oof .

good story so far

I can't believe it took me up until Hatsume was introduced to recognize who she was. And I'm supposed to be a fan of the very thing she's from! ugh...

Still, I didn't expect there to be versions of characters from other shows and the like too. When I figured out where Hatsume was from I almost rolled my eyes but I realized that it's not really a bad trope. In fact, it fits well here. Not to mention, Hatsume's not a character I've seen used in other stories so I'm interested to see where this goes.

Why is chapter three so much longer than the other chapters?

I got my main co writters on it with me to help and typically we write super long chapters.

This was a great update. There is many fun and interesting things happening that I cannot even begin to list. While reading it I couldn't help but feel like this was a large number of chapter condensed into though.

Jesus this is a super long chapter but a good one

I really wish I could watch that

What is this a crossover of?

This chapter? Dying Light. The whole story? It's a mass crossover basically.

My man and Parker is strapped with a fucking Holy Hand Grenade hell yeah.

Damn you really had to put the Button Mash X Mom into the store didn't you huh?

RIP Button's mental state

I did for two reasons. One, now that things were getting easier for Button, I needed something else to mess with him, and two, it's gonna be funny having him deal both with his new nanny, but also his 'mom' trying to flirt and seduce him all while Cheat is laughing her ass off.

BioQuillFiction you are quite a devilish man/women, I love it.

Random question, have you ever thought about giving button any abilities that were borderline insane? Meaning something like him having control of decibels/volume.

You mean like Control over sound?

Yes, but A sound ten times more powerful is 10 dB (decibels = dB). A sound 100 times more powerful than near total silence is 20 dB. A sound 1,000 times more powerful than near total silence is 30 dB, 40 dB and so on. So anything higher than 165 dB can and will rupture an eardrum, so if you could make anything that can go higher then 300 dB is like dropping a nuke or having a volcano blow up at the very center of the blast.

100 – 120 decibels: For example, a bulldozer, impact wrench, or motorcycle. 120 – 140 decibels: Such as, a rock concert, auto racing, or a hammer pounding a nail. 125 – 155 decibels: Like, firecrackers or fireworks, or a jet engine. 170 – 190 decibels: For example, a shot gun blast or a rocket lift off.

Hm, that is an interesting ability to have. I'll definitely consider it for either Button or the others in this series.

I would love to see what you come up with :)

Newborn with a sonic weapon ability right out the gate? Sounds like wacky hijinks to me.

Might as well also take the time (while I write this comment) to say thank you for the story! It's been pretty great so far, all things considered. I'm looking forward to seeing it continue forward in the future.

Thanks. This series is actually a project idea I've had for years but never could figure out just how to go about it until more recently. Comparing these versions to my original rough drafts are honestly two completely different stories and I am really happy with this version since it makes way more sense and is more consistent than the original version.

Maybe not Button but maybe a different characters can have this ability, like maybe a bad guy can do some real crazy shit with ability. I mean what could you do against a guy who could possibly rupture your eardrums from another continent or could sound snipe you (haha), but I'm just a fan who is just coming up with random ideas, I mean I'm pretty sure this story does have some involvement with the other stories they have (cough cough Kingdom Hearts related stories cough cough). lol

Jokes aside I really do enjoy your stories I'm looking forward to the new characters you might add to this story.

Might i suggest a few allies from demon slayer, like, any of the demons from it would make great night guard material for this area, just imagine Akaza fighting the nightmares, also Akaza might stay with them due to his respect for strong people

Nice update, looking forward to the next one.:twilightsmile:

This is now one of my new favorites on this site.

Great work, can't wait to read more.

Hiya! Fan of the fic, like what you're doing, and because of that I'd like to put in my two rem. I notice that there are a lot of times where Button thinks something, and then immediately speaks those same thoughts back aloud- which makes sense, given our point of view is essentially through Button's mind and eyes. However, it's just a little repetitive, and I personally think that it should either be just a thought in Button's mind, or a line he speaks aloud, and not both. That being said, I've never actually written a fic before, so take the advice with a grain of salt if you must. I'm pretty excited for the next chapter though!

Thanks, also the fact you said Two Rem makes you amazing.

That being said, yeah I know about that but my Co-writer and I sometimes overlook those details. Most of the time I write out the thoughts and sometimes he either edits the line to be vocal or he write out the thoughts as a speaking line. I'm so used to it I rarely notice it.

Will I need to read the other stories in this series to understand this one?

You don't need to, but they will reference each other and have characters that pop up in name or cameos but you won't need to read the others. I plan on making actual interactions between each stories MC's limited.

Jumba Jookiba might be able to adjust the breeders' programming. he has adjusted his own experiments' programming before when needed. just an idea if you were looking for a way to help the poor girls.

Nevermind. Reread that and realized. I'm dumb.

why is it that I think that the...breeder programing can be undone by the same dark powers used to delete the original them?

Technically, it can, but even then the old programming can't be returned. They'll still end up being turned into someone else. The old info that makes them who they are is completely gone. Even if you removed the Breeder programing, you'd just be turning them into someone else entirely again.

I figured but you can still make them into someone who has freedom and free will.

Does anyone else have any reservations about buttons girlfriends being okay with taking away his autonomy and essentially being just as bad as slavers. it seems like he wouldn't even be able to make a dissenting opinion in that situation because Cheat could literally just pump dopamine and serotonin and he would just not have a problem with his new essentially enslaved existence. That type of manipulation just doesn't feel right especially since I've been through a much less intense manipulation in my life. I don't know if I'm nit picking but it seems like a horrible thing was done and nobody cares.

It's very bold to put Button into a position where he takes on these sin skill trees to even have a shot at fighting off Chaos Guilds- though with how manipulative Parker has been this chapter, on top of the blatantly illegal modifications being made here, it certainly begs the question: was this really the only option? Is it even possible to return to society at large with all that's happened, now that he's been so heavily augmented and gone so far into the Taboos? And moreover, is there a motive to Parker's generosity and guidance beyond altruism? Food for thought...

I'm wary of how good they seem to have it for the time being. If I know one thing about Armageddon, a planet I've never set foot on, it's that the place is designed to make you suffer- and our heroes have managed to get by for over a year now with close to minimal suffering, and seemingly no run-ins with Chaos Guilds of any kind- which seems like anomolously slim odds, given the Bot-Waifus were voyaging over vast stretches of land and sea. It makes me wonder if we're about to get our first real encounter with a chaos guild sometime soon...

The good times make me very uneasy on their behalf, and I love that tension. Very curious to see how the newly conjoined duo fare going forward, and how the group as a whole proceeds now that they've finally found one another.

Wait, this story is part of a series? Shouldn't that be referenced in the description of the story? Also the link to your FanFiction account leads to a page not found for me

Try the AO3 one. It works thankfully

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