• Published 2nd Oct 2020
  • 533 Views, 6 Comments

Most Cats Can't Fly - Mockingbirb

"Wouldn't it be amazing if I could turn into a cat?" Rainbow Dash said. Twilight Sparkle overreacted. Or so most of Ponyville agreed later, among a chorus of meows.

  • ...

A Horse Is a Wish Your Cat Makes

As Twilight ran to the edge of the cloud, she felt very anxious. "What if I can't save her?" Twilight asked herself. "It would be all my fault!"

The purple unicorn princess had a long-running, not entirely healthy relationship with stress. Nevertheless, she tried to cope the best she could. She tried to remember the exact details of the spell she'd cast. "How would the reversal go?"

With so much anxiety and adrenaline fueling her mad rush, but also turning her flying technique into a jittery mess? Twilight at that moment was only the SECOND-slowest flying pony in Ponyville. She edged ahead of her yellow friend in the race to the cloud's bottom.

"I can't reverse it if I can't even remember exactly how it works! I think it goes something like..."

With a sudden flourish of music, Twilight hovered in midair, slowly spinning, in a transformation sequence similar to Rainbow Dash's of a minute ago.

"NO!" Twilight shouted. "Cancel! Exit sequence! Override code! Up up down down left right left right BEE AYY! I don't want to be a caaat!"

With the prioritization skills and practical wisdom learned by caring for dozens or even hundreds of animals all at once, Fluttershy hovered beneath her purple friend hovering beneath the cloud.

When Rainbowcat showed through the bottom of the cloud and started to plummet, Fluttershy flew directly beneath, so the cat landed perfectly on Fluttershy's back. Rainbowcat looked around with a cool, unworried expression, and started washing herself.

As Twilight shouted more nonworking cancellation codes and spun in the air, Fluttershy descended to slightly below the level of her alicorn friend. When the spin stopped, Fluttershy used her teeth to neatly grip the scruff of Twicat's neck.

"rrrffgt cttch," Fluttershy said through her mostly-already-busy mouth.

"Miaoow miaou meeow mrow!" Twicat shouted.

Flying in slow, descending circles, Fluttershy made her landing approach to Ponyville's pegasus airport (also known as nearly any flat surface in or near Ponyville.)

Finally the animal wrangling pegasus landed gently in the center of Ponyville's main square, near Town Hall. In a sign of their blase respect for Fluttershy's animal handling skills, nopony seemed to even take a second glance at the sight of one pegasus carrying two cats. Fluttershy dipped her head to set Twicat down on the grass.

"Okay, everykitty," Fluttershy said. "I think we should take a little walk to my cottage. There I can properly care for the two of you, while we think about how we can solve this. I'm not used to caring for cats, but I'm sure you won't be much different from any other animal."

Having explained her plan, Fluttershy looked around for her audience. She noted a complete lack of visible, non-hiding cats. "Oh. I forgot. There's a reason I usually don't do cats."

Fluttershy sighed. "Why are cats so hard to deal with? If only I could understand them better."

Music started playing from somewhere unseen. Fluttershy started shouting, nearly as loudly as a small mouse squeaks. "Noooo! Tell everypony Rainbow Dash wanted to be able to turn into a cat and Twilight cast a spell and it's all gone terribly wrong and I'm probably turning into a cat and I don't want to be a cat! Tell Spike and Princess Celestia and all my friieeeeends!"

Coincidentally, Pinkie Pie happened to be walking up right when Fluttershy wanted to talk to her. "Hi, Fluttershy! Turning into cats? That sounds really fun!"

The same song started playing from the beginning, clashing somewhat with the later part of the same song already playing. Pinkie Pie floated up into the air. "Wow! I'm not just turning into a cat, I'm a flying cat! Neataroonie! I want to be a cat with wings! And laser eyes, I've never had those before! And what else can I ask for?"

The childish voice from nowhere in particular said, "Neko ni nahrimahsu!" The two mares slowly descended to the ground, in their new cat forms. Fortunately, their color schemes at least were preserved.

Pinkie Pie unfolded her new wings, and took to the air. "Meeaou!" she said. She started flying towards Twilight's Castle of Overpowered Alicorns and Friendship.