• Published 2nd Oct 2020
  • 533 Views, 6 Comments

Most Cats Can't Fly - Mockingbirb

"Wouldn't it be amazing if I could turn into a cat?" Rainbow Dash said. Twilight Sparkle overreacted. Or so most of Ponyville agreed later, among a chorus of meows.

  • ...

Meow Meow Meow

Sitting on the Friendship Map And Also A Table, the pink cat said, "Miaou. Mroww mrrp miao miiarrou mrr mrrr mrt MRRT!"

"Wow," Spike said. "That sounds really important. If only we had somepony here who could speak cat. I'm going to go get Fluttershy. I'll bet SHE could understand what you're saying."

"MEOW MIAOU MIIAAOUUU!" the pink cat said.

"What's that? Something about Fluttershy? I'd better go check on Fluttershy right now!" Spike ran out of the room.

The cat said disappointedly, "Mrow." She started washing herself.


More than an hour later, Spike returned. "I went looking for Fluttershy. She wasn't at her cottage. And somecreature made a big mess there. Some of the mouse hutches had been tossed around and broken open, and the birds were all really upset."

Spike frowned. "I wonder if they saw what happened to Fluttershy? Do you think maybe the same thing that went after them got Fluttershy too?"

Spike scratched his head. "I don't know for sure, but it makes sense."

The pink cat leaped into the air, but didn't bother to come back down like a normal cat. Instead, Pinkiecat used her wings to fly around the room. She landed on the back of a chair and looked down at the floor.

Spike asked, "Kitty? Do you need something to eat? Hey Twilight, you know almost everything. What do cats eat?"

Spike said, "Oh, yeah. Twilight isn't here. But I guess if she WAS here, she'd probably just tell me something out of a book. So I'll go find a book about cats, and maybe it'll be almost as good as Twilight!"

An hour later, Spike returned.

"Wow! Cats are almost as gross as dogs! Which is pretty gross, as I once learned the hard way. I'm so glad to be a dragon."

Pinkiecat pounced from the chair's back onto the floor, and demonstrated what cats like to catch and eat.

"OOOH, DISGUSTING!" Spike exclaimed. "Well, disgusting to a dragon anyway. If I was a dog, I guess I'd think that looked good. Good thing I'm--"

Loud music started, drowning out Spike's shouting about how he didn't really want to be a dog, he wanted to be a cool fire-breathing dragon instead.


Half an hour later, a Pinkiecat, a Spikedog, and a Twicat all stared at the front door, wanting to be let out. Twicat was regretting never having thought to invent a magical stare-activated door. Really, ponies can be so inconsiderate! And shortsighted! Why don't ponies plan and prioritize better? Don't they even understand what's important? (Important is whatever a cat wants, by the way.)

Spike said, "Bow wow! Bow wow bark ruff RUFF!"

The cats looked at him disdainfully. Most Equestrian cats have invisible cutie marks (the colors exactly match the rest of their coats) for combinations of skills including disdainful looks, napping, and throwing up hairballs in places where you'd rather they wouldn't.

Pinkiecat said, "Mrow! Mroouu miaow." Her eyes lit up in a scary way. The other two animals backed away from her. Bright pink beams shot from her eyes, burning holes in the front door.

Pinkiecat was an especially versatile meower. So she said, "Pew pew! Pew pew pew pew pew!" while she had fun making more holes in the door.