• Published 24th Oct 2020
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Paper Mario: Equestrian Folds - FandomPlays1234

Mario has been invited to Equestria for a vacation, what he got was twisted reality folded by the hands of an Origami threat!

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Chapter 1: Folded Soldiers in the Everfree Forest

Mario, Olivia, and Spike tumbled down from the sky as they were knocked out of Bowser's clown car by the red streamer. Luckily Spike quickly swooped in and snatched Olivia then quickly followed after Mario. Fortunately for him, Mario had fell into one of the trees, breaking his fall.

"Hey Mario you alright?" asked Spike

"Mmph!" Mario yanked himself out causing a shower of colorful paper rain down. Mario landed swiftly on his feet and adjusted his hat as Spike flew down with Olivia still in his claws.

"Wow I never thought you were so good at landings Mario," said Olivia.

"Well technically the tree helped with that," he answered.

"Sorry Mario, guess I'm not fast enough," apologized Spike.

"Eh it's fine, don't worry about it, I've experienced worse," said Mario.

"Well then I can thank Spike in you're place Mario," said Olivia. "After he did save me,"

"it was nothing," said Spike.

"By the way, where are we?" asked Mario.

"Huh?" Spike looked around his surroundings. "Hmm I think we're in the Everfree Forest,"

"The what now?" asked Olivia.

"The Everfree forest," repeated Spike. "It's pretty big so it's really easy to get lost, but I've been here a couple of times so I'm used to it, I think"

"Well I think it's best if we find a way out of here before the sun goes down," suggested Olivia. "I don't want to get stuck in a creepy forest at night,"

"Hey I know somepony that might be able to help, follow me I'll take you to her," said Spike. Mario and Olivia looked at each other before following after the baby dragon.As the navigated through the dense forest, Mario had noticed several large holes in the ground and in the environment, that made for dangerous pitfalls,after nearly falling into three large holes,they came out into an opening where a small lone hut stood in the center. "Well here we are"

"Whoa what a cute little place,I wonder who lives here," chirped Olivia.

"Oh you'll see," Spike lead Mario and Olivia as a Zebra emerged from the hut. "Hey Zecora!" the Zebra looked up as a smile formed on her face.

"Spike, it's been a long time, it's nice you're doing fine," she chirped as she walked over. "And I see you have guests, definitely the best,"

"Zecora, this is Mario and Olivia, they're here to save my friends and Equestria," Spike waved the two over as Zecora examined them.

"Ah yes a friend of Spike is a friend of mine,I would love to chat but I'm afraid we don't have the time," she said waving her hoof.

"I suppose you've seen how bad things are out there judging by that statement," said Mario

"So do you think you can help us miss Zecora?" Olivia asked

"I can show you a safe route, but first you should take this in case you find holes on our way out," Zecora hands Mario a small empty bag as she says this.

"What's this?" Mario asked looking into the bag.

"I call it the Confetti bag,use it to fix the holes in your track," Zecora explained.

"Holes? Oh you mean the giant holes that were all over the place on our way here?" asked Olivia.

"They did look pretty dangerous but isn't confetti used for parties?" asked Spike.

"Confetti are scraps of paper littered in our world, as such they are like a piece of our world," explained Zecora.

"Guess that makes sense," Mario said sliding the confetti bag into his pocket.

"Now then, let us make our way out,come and I'll show you to my secret route,"Mario,Olivia, and Spike follows after her as she leads them through the dense forest.Along the way Mario noticed several more holes in the environment, making it extremely dangerous to walk.

"Ah too many holes," groaned Spike.

"Mario we should try using that Confetti Bag Zecora gave us," suggested Olivia.

"But where do i even get confetti?" Mario asked.

"Maybe try the tree? I think I saw a bunch of colorful paper fall out when you landed on one earlier," suggested Spike. Mario walks over to a nearby tree and smacks it with his hammer and sure enough a pile of colorful paper scraps begins raining down.

"Good call Spike," Olivia cheered.

"But I don't think I have time to be collecting every scrap," said Mario.

"Worry not, as that bag is imbued with magic, allowing you to suck up confetti so you don't have to get frantic,"explained Zecora. Mario holds up the bag and opens it as it begins to suck up all the nearby confetti like a vacuum.

"Wow that's pretty handy," Olivia said excitedly.

"Zecora may not be a unicorn but she has her own ways to create spells and magic, that's why she's able to survive in the Everfree forest on her own," Spike boasted as Zecora chuckled.

"And I'm guessing I just cover up the holes with these?"asked Mario.

"One way to find out," said Spike. Mario walked over to a large hole before reaching in and throwing a handful of confetti, within seconds, the hole in the ground vanished as the confetti melted into the ground fixing it.

"Whoa, so cool!" Olivia cheered. "Now we can fix all the holes we find!" Zecora continued to guide them through the forest, along the way, Mario patched up any holes they found using the confetti he collected.

"We'll be out very soon, regardless be careful of those origami goons," Zecora warned. At that moment, the four heard a loud scream ringing out from somewhere in the forest.

"Uh what was that?" Olivia asked nervously.

"Sounds like somepony's in trouble," said Spike. Without hesitation,Mario began running in the direction of the screams as Zecora, Olivia, and Spike followed closely behind. The screams eventually led Mario to a small opening to find a group of Toads and three small ponies, being harassed by a pack of large origami wolves.

"What in the world?" Mario stopped in his tracks as Zecora,Spike, and Olivia caught up with him. The pack of origami wolves turned their attention towards them, glaring with glowing green eyes.

"Oh no," Spike swallowed hard as he took a step back.

"Um what are those things?" asked Olivia.

"They're called Timberwolves, they're dangerous predators that lurk in the Everfree forest and attacks anypony on sight," explained Spike. "But it's strange they look a lot different from what I remember,"

"My brother must've folded them, if they're as dangerous as you say they are, they're definitely not monsters we'd wanna mess with!"

"Spike is that you?" the small yellow pony asks.

"Applebloom?" Spike looked towards the group of Toads and ponies in the center. "What are you doing here?"

"No time Spike here they come!" Mario drew his hammer as the origami Timberwolves charged at them. Mario and Spike braced themselves as they were dragged into another battle.

"Whoa,it's been a while since that first battle hasn't it?" asked Olivia.

"Um it's only been like a couple of hours," Spike chimes in

"Has it? Well regardless I think I remember how everything works, do you Mario? Let's give it a shot!" Mario nods as he examines the panels. "All right, this seems familiar,you're gonna line up these folded soldiers remember?"

"Sure do," Mario nods.

"These Timberwolves look like they can be arranged into a single line, remember how to move the rings? You just uh...hmm...I'll let you figure it out," Mario quickly lines up the Timberwolves with little to no hesitation. "You got them all lined up! Nice work Mario! If you can do this every time,you'll be good to go!"

"Yeah go get 'em Mario!" Spike cheers. Mario rushes in and jumps on each of the Timberwolves causing them to burst into a pile of confetti.

"Yes! A perfectly lined-up jump attack is soooo satisfying!" Olivia giggles as she flies around him. However her celebration was short lived as another group of Timberwolves appeared. "Ack another wave of folded soldiers came out of nowhere!"

"Wait there's more!?" Spike yelped.

"Huh they're spread out a little differently this time aren't they?" Olivia points this out as Mario examines the panels. "We need to line them up a certain way,you know what to do right?" Mario nods as he rotates the first row of folded soldiers counterclockwise until they're in a group of four. "They're all in perfect position, nice work Mario, you're such a pro!"

"Now you need a weapon to flatten out these Timberwolves Mario!" Spike chimes in.

"Hey that's usually MY line," Olivia pouts. This causes Mario to chuckle slightly in amusement as he rushes up and forcefully slams his hammer down on the four Timberwolves, smashing them into confetti. "Ahhhh, that was a thing of beauty, you smashed all four Timberwolves with a single swing!"

"And he got a massive pile of confetti to boot keep it up Mario!" Spike adds in. Mario flips his hat as Applebloom,Sweetie Belle,Scootaloo and Zecora claps as the Toads cheer him on from a distance. Mario quickly vacuums up the pule of confetti as the victims walk over to them.

"Hey are you guys alright?" Spike asks.

"Yeah thanks to you guys," Scootaloo nods her head.

"That was definitely close what exactly happened?" asked Olivia.

"Ack, the princesses tried to turn us into origami so we fled the castle and ran into these three ponies along the way, those foldy guys managed to catch up with us and chased us into this forest and while we were hiding we were spotted by those monsters and well you know the rest," sighed one of the Toads. "Why were the trying to fold us? What do they have against ponies and Toads? It's not fair, we have rights! This is Toad and pony abuse!"

"Stop it Chip you just retraumatized us again!" a second Toad screeches.

"Sounds like my brother's doing alright, I know we got a few other things on our plate but you'll help any Toads and ponies we find, won't you Mario?" Olivia asks as the six turns towards him.

"We heard that, and we're holding you to that affirmative gesture Mario!" Chip exclaims happily.

"Hey since he's helping us why don't we do the same for him?" suggested Sweetie Belle.

"Great idea Sweetie Belle, helping IS part of our talents!" adds in Applebloom.

"Mr. Mario right? If you ever need our help just call us, we'll be watching from the side! We'll be cheering you on" adds Scootaloo.

"Hey that's another reason to help us, the more of us cheering, the more help we can give you, good things will happen we promise!" added Chip.

"Sounds like a good deal to me right Mario?" Mario nods as Olivia asks him.

"Oh uh hate to break it to you, but we WILL charge you a modest fee for cheering, should mention that," Chip adds in.

"Are you serious?" groans Spike. "I guess it must be THAT good of aid if they're charging us for it,"

"Shrewd one he is, but he does know a sense of business," Zecora chuckles.

"Well let's get out of here," Olivia chimes in.

"Hey if you're planning on getting out take us with you!" Sweetie Belle pleads.

"We don't mind but just stay away from the center during battles ok?" asks Olivia.

"Don't worry we'll be careful!" adds Scootaloo.

"Then let's get out of here," Spike sighs. With that Zecora continues to lead the group out avoiding folded soldiers and patching up holes along the way.They even managed to help several Toads and ponies who were in trouble. Eventually they finally managed to make it to the entrance.

"Ah finally sweet freedom!" Applebloom sighs in relief.

"Thanks for the help Zecora," Spike turns towards the Zebra as she waves her hoof.

"No need for thanks, instead go out and save Equestria and I'll be sure to join your ranks,"

"Huh are you going to join our adventure miss Zecora?" asks Olivia.

"From the side yes, I'll be cheering you on, it's for the best," chuckles Zecora.

"That'd be helpful Zecora thanks again," said Spike.

"Come on let's get out of here," said one of the Toads.

"Not so fast!' the group stops in their tracks as a horde of folded soldiers jump out from behind several bushes.

"Wha where'd they come from!?" Applebloom yelped.

"Guys get back!" Mario jumps in front of them as the folded soldiers charge at them, dragging them into another battle.

"Hey look," Mario looks up as Spike points towards the bleachers to see, Applebloom,Sweetie Belle,Scootaloo,Zecora,Chip, and the other two Toads cheering for him. "Guess that's what those bleachers are for," Mario smiles a bit before turning his attention back to the fight.

"Oh no, the folded soldiers are spread out all over the place!" Mario looks at the panel and sees that she was right, unlike the other times, two Goombas were out of line instead of one. "There's no way you can line them up in a single move, we'll be crumpled before our adventure has even begun, that's just mean!"

"We just have to line them up right? Then who says I can't use two moves?" asked Mario.

"Huh oh uh I guess I didn't think about that, I guess it's worth a try," said Olivia. Mario quickly lines up the Goomba with no consequences. "Huh I guess it worked, well then you know what to do Mario!" he nods and jumps up stomping the line of Goombas leaving a trail of confetti behind.

"Yeah nice going Mario!" Chip cheers from the bleachers. But the fight was far from over as another swarm of folded soldiers appear. But Mario had seemingly become numb to their presence and lined them up without hesitation, creating not just a line but also a group of Goombas.

"Whoa there are a lot more folded soldiers, this time," said Olivia. "We'll never hit these enemies with a single attack, is this really the end? Is this our final battle? It's been an honor to fight alongside you Mario,"

"Sheesh over dramatic much? He just needs to attack twice doesn't he?" Spike sighs as he shakes his head in disbelief.

"Huh oh uh I guess I didn't think about that, I guess it's worth a try," says Olivia.

"I'm feeling Deja vu here," Mario mumbles to himself. He quickly charges in and stomps on the line of Goombas before quickly pulling out his hammer and pounding the remaining four turning all of them into confetti.

"Hey I guess it worked, you're almost unstoppable with two attacks Mario!" Olivia chirps. "With a successful lineup and multiple actions, we can take out a ton of enemies in a single turn!" The ponies and Toads in the bleachers cheer as Mario successfully claims another victory.

"Hey nice going Mr. Mario!" said Applebloom.

"That was so cool, I didn't know you could fight like that!" added Scootaloo.

"That's our Mario for ya!" exclaimed Chip.

"Celebrating is nice and all, but we should probably get out of here before more folded soldiers show up," says Olivia.

"Good idea,let's head back to ponyville for now," suggested Spike. The group thanks Zecora before making their way towards ponyville. Now armed with more battle experience and help from the Toads and ponies, Mario was far stronger than he was before. But his adventure is just starting, with Olly still on the loose, Mario's adventure will surely become more dangerous as his journey progresses. Thankfully with Olivia and Spike by his side, things are definitely looking bright ahead for him, maybe just maybe he'll be able to reach the end and get his long awaited vacation he's been looking for.