• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 1,830 Views, 9 Comments

Paper Mario: Equestrian Folds - FandomPlays1234

Mario has been invited to Equestria for a vacation, what he got was twisted reality folded by the hands of an Origami threat!

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Chapter 7: The Missile Maestro

The sun's bright rays hit their face as Mario and co. finally reached the top of Overlook Tower. As they stopped to catch their breath, Olivia hovered over to the safety rails to get a good look at the view.

"Wow this is such a nice view," she said cheerfully.

"The view is nice and all but where's the streamer?" asked Spike.

"Spike? Starlight? What are you two doing here?" a voice asked. They all turned around to see the spool of red streamer attached to the large structure in the center, and tangled up in the streamer was a familiar blue pony with a rainbow mane.

"Rainbow Dash!?" gasped Starlight.

"Yeah long time no see Starlight," said Rainbow Dash.

"What are you doing up there? Where's Twilight and the others?" asked Spike.

"First of all, I'm stuck, second I don't know where they are cause when I woke up, I was caught in this thing," she said.

"The red streamer, and that's my brother's face right in the middle, he's really making sure everyone knows this was him," said Olivia.

"Uh who are those two?" Rainbow Dash asked looking at Mario and Olivia.

"They're Mario and Olivia, they agreed to help us save Equestria, and in turn you and the other girls," said Starlight.

"Huh they look kinda wacky but if they're here to save me then I'm all for it," said Rainbow Dash.

"Mario please, you gotta help her, she's our friend," said Spike.

"Ok but how?" asked Mario.

"What if you tried jumping into it from below?" suggested Spike.

"Worth a shot," said Mario. He ran up and jumped only to hit his head.

"Hm is that the most powerful jump you can do?" asked Olivia.

"Hey mustache origami girl look out!" Rainbow Dash yelled as two missiles came flying in their direction. Olivia quickly tackled Mario out of the way as the missiles bounced off of each other.

"Yikes that was way too close, I wish those sticks would stick to their own business," said Olivia.

"Aw man you were almost out of the picture for good!"

"Oh no it's him," Rainbow Dash swallowed hard. Mario looks up as a large red tin with Olly's insignia suddenly spins out from behind the structure. He quickly grabs Olivia and pulls her away as he crashes down in front of them.

"Mario! Olivia!" Spike and Starlight rushed over to them as the tin rattled and opened up to reveal 12 colored pencils inside.

"I'm sick and tired of philistines like you ERASING all of my hard work man," rattled the tin. "You probably haven't of me right? Figures. When was the last time you even went to a gallery?

"A what?" asked. Spike. But he just brushes off his question and continues.

"Pfft. Don't answer. I'm gonna give you an art lesson for free.

"Did he just ignore me?" asked Spike.

"He did," answered Olivia.

"The name's Jean-Pierre Colored Pencils the 12th I represent the Legion of Stationery, I'll have you know! he said boastfully. "Anyway I'm guarding this streamer and I'll sribble on your flat faces if that's what it takes to stop you."

"Legion of Stationery? Jean-Pi...Pi... that's too long for us to remember!" said Olivia. "I'm just gonna call you Colored Pencils ok? I suppose my brother sent you to try and stop us right?" she asked. "Well, Colored Pencils, you talk tough and you draw really well, but have you even HEARD of Mario?" Colored Pencils simply just stares at them, although he didn't have a face it was clear that he looked dumbfounded more than anything "Yeah! That's what I thought. Mario is tough and he's got a mustache and he's gonna mess you up, along with my friends Starlight Glimmer and Spike the lizard!"

"She means dragon," Spike corrected.

"Yeah dragon, anyways, let's get him!" said Olivia. Thus the battle began. Like the Vellumental Mario, Starlight and Spike were thrown outside the ring while Colored Pencils remained in the center with his missiles at the ready.

"Feast your eyes upon my art-senal! Twelve colored pencils, ready to make your paper bodies my canvas!"

"Ugh seriously with the puns?" Rainbow Dash groaned as she rolled her eyes. As Mario took out his Switch to prepare, Colored Pencils immediately fired off several missiles, soon the field was covered in reticles indicating where the missiles would land.

"Locked on targets!"

"Hm hey Mario you see that Magic Circle?" asked Spike pointing to a magic circle that was yet to be activated.

"Hm that magic circle doesn't look like it has any power, is it on break?" asked Olivia. "Wait what's that? This is the first time we've seen a panel like that, it looks like a switch, maybe it activates something!"

"Hello!" Mario and co. looked up to see Derpy flying down again. "Message for Mr. Mario!"

"Uh sorry Derpy now's not the best time!" said Starlight.

"Do you want me to just leave it somewhere?" she asked.

"Yes, but make sure Mario can get to it," said Starlight.

"Ok," Derpy dropped the orange envelope on one of the panels before flying off.

"Last time she delivered an envelope it was a hint, we should try to put it in your path so we can see what it says. Mario nodded as he began rotating the rings.

"I don't think it's safe to be attacking from the front,there's way too many missiles aimed around that area," said Spike.

"Then maybe I should go around back," said Mario.

"Try to place that panel with the switch in your path, I wanna see what it does," said Olivia. Mario quickly studied the map and formed a path that led behind Colored Pencils. Once he decided on a route, he slipped the switch into his pocket and began making his way towards the center, he eventually came across the envelope and opened it to see what it said.

Avoid the targeted panels, sneak behind the case,then whack the lid with your hammer!

"Ah that's a good point, if we just close the lid, he won't be able to fire them off, go for it Mario!" said Olivia. Mario slipped the note into his pocket and continued on his path until he landed on the switch causing the Magic Circle to light up. As he reached the now activated Magic Circle behind Colored Pencils, the missiles he fired off earlier landed in the targeted areas.

"They ALL missed!? No my missiles are flawless! It's the TARGETS that's all wrong!"

"We'll soon see about that," said Starlight. She and Spike watches as Olivia activates the Magic Circle and Mario uses the 1,000 fold arms to grab Colored Pencil's lid and slams it shut as he rattles on the ground.

"Zut alors! My lid is closed! I can't stop my missiles!" He begins to panic when the remaining missiles go off in his mouth leaving him temporary stunned.

"The missiles exploded in it's mouth! Awesome" cheered Olivia. "I guess this chatterbox's mouth is it's weak spot heh,"

"Nice going Mario!" Spike cheered along with the audience from the bleachers.

"Hey not bad for a human," Rainbow Dash chuckled. Mario backed away from the rings as they reset.

"Now's our chance, let's unleash some hits on him!" said Olivia. Mario nodded as he begins creating a new route towards the center. "Also it might be worthwhile to turn on those Magic Circles again for next time," Mario nodded as he made sure to leave the ON switch in his path once again. Once his route was formed he made his way towards the center.

"I think now would be the time to bust out some of my new equipment we got from the Toad near the Vellumental shrine," Mario said. He reached into his inventory and equipped a pair of brand new shiny boots. "Let's see if Mr. bigmouth can handle this," He performed 4 jumps doing some decent damage but at the same time allowing Colored Pencils to collect himself. Mario quickly raised his arms to shield himself as Colored Pencils snapped at him with his lid.

"Did you enjoy my BITING critique?"

"Ugh not funny," groaned Rainbow Dash. Colored Pencils closed it's lid and rocked from side to side before opening it's lid with a fresh new set of missiles.

"Reload complete! And I have plenty more where these came from!" Mario rolled his eyes as Colored Pencils fired off more missiles.

"Yeah, yeah shoot me all you want," Mario sighed as he takes this time to form another route to the center. Thankfully because he had already turned on the Magic Circle in his previous turn he didn't need to worry about another ON switch this time around. After completing his route, he once again made his way behind Colored Pencils to another Magic Circle. When the missiles failed to hit their target again Mario simply chuckled at the fact the Colored Pencils was starting to get a little desperate. Olivia activated the Magic Circle, allowing Mario to slam the lid shut with the 1,000 fold arms. Everyone watched in satisfaction as Colored Pencils desperately tried to stop his missiles to no avail only to have them go off in his mouth, stunning him once more.

"Sheesh so much for big talk, he's getting beat by the one thing his boss ordered him to stop," said Spike. Starlight snickered hearing Spike talk trash about Colored Pencils.

"Yeah go Mario!" Olivia cheered as he was already making his way towards the center.

"So you think you're all that huh?" Mario snickered. "Well how about you eat my boots first buddy," he says as he jumps on Colored Pencils with his shiny boots for a second time. Colored Pencil growled as he snapped at Mario again knocking him out of the ring before reloading again.

"Ugh. Everyone's a critic. I won't let my work be disrespected like this! Time to roll out my masterpiece, Behold! My Rainbow Roll!" Mario, Olivia, Starlight, and Spike watches as Colored Pencils opens it's lid and the pencils start to glow and spin like a massive drill.

"Um this doesn't look good," said Spike.

"Mario you'll have to finish this fight before he does who knows what," said Starlight.

"Maybe if we close the lid again he won't be able to attack," suggested Olivia. Mario nodded as he forms the route and goes towards the center. As he approaches Mario could feel the gust being whipped up by the pencil's spinning. "As Olivia activates the Magic Circle, Mario reaches over and attempts to close the lid but finds it to be impossible due to the pencils spinning around.

"Ha! Nice try!" the Colored Pencil sneered as he prepares to attack.

"It's no good! Mario defend!" Olivia yelps. Mario quickly raises his arms to shield himself as another reticle appears in front of him. Starlight,Spike,Olivia, and Rainbow Dash watch as Mario is peppered mercilessly by all 12 colored pencils leaving him severely battered. "Oh my gosh Mario are you ok?!" Olivia gasps as he's pushed back.

"Ugh man that hurt," Mario groaned. Colored Pencil laughs as he reloads and charges up another Rainbow Roll attack.

"I'm sorry Mario i could've sworn you would've been able to close the lid," apologized Olivia.

"Ugh it's fine, this is nothing," Mario winces as he clutches his arm.

"If closing the lid doesn't work, then what can we do?" asked Spike.

"Wait, if it's impossible to close the lid because of the pencils spinning, what would happen if you stopped them," suggested Starlight.

"Stop them? how?" asked Spike.

"You could try and grab the pencils instead," Olivia's eyes lit up as she said this.

"Of course, if we grab the pencils he won't be able to use them to attack!" gasped Olivia. "Mario let's try using the pencils against him," Mario nods as he begins forming another path.

"Please Celestia I pray that this works," Starlight murmurs to herself. They all watch as Mario makes his way back to Colored Pencils.

"Let's hope this works," Olivia said as she activated the Magic Circle. This time Mario reaches over and quickly snatches the pencils and raises them with the tips pointing at the case. When Colored Pencils noticed what he was doing, he began to panic.

"Have a taste of your own medicine!" Mario yells as he forcefully slams the pencils into the case. The force was so strong in fact, that it dented the case badly leaving Colored Pencil vulnerable to Mario's attack.

"It's not over let him have it mustache!" Rainbow Dash yelled. As the audience in the bleachers cheered, Mario began slamming the pencils into the case, until Colored Pencil eventually yielded. As soon as Colored Pencil accepted defeat, the pencils in Mario's arm disintegrated leaving a badly damaged case on the ground.

"Yeah it worked!" Spike cheered.

"You did it Mario!" Olivia laughed excitedly. As they regrouped, Mario and co. approached the fatally wounded Colored Pencil who lay on the ground rattling weakly.

"Ugh no way. Defeated by a no-name, no-talent piece of disgusting POP CULTURE!" he groaned. "You were better when you were a sidescroller, man," As he said this, his entire body began to glow before he exploded into a cloud of dust and smoke. Once the smoke cleared, a small flicker of light emerged and sank into the ground revealing a Magic Circle.

"Hey another magic circle appeared!" said Olivia. "It's almost like it came from that Colored Pencil thing you defeated, maybe if we use this, we'll be able to take down that streamer!" Mario walked over as Olivia activated the Magic Circle. Mario gripped his fists and forcefully slammed the seal in the center. As the seal shattered, the streamer began to glow before exploding into a storm of confetti and releasing Rainbow Dash from her prison. They watched as the red streamer that was wrapped around Canterlot castle disintegrate before all the remains began raining down. As everyone cheered the confetti bag in Mario's pocket, began to glow. Mario opened the bag and held it up as it vacuumed every last strip and absorbing it, which in turn caused it grow in size.

"Hey is it just me or did the confetti bag grow bigger somehow, maybe you'll be able to hold more confetti now!" said Olivia.

"Phew man is it good to be free again," said Rainbow Dash zooming around the place. "You have no idea how boring it was to be stuck up there,"

"Hey do you think that maybe Twilight and the others are caught up in the other streamers as well?" asked Spike.

'That's a possibility," said Starlight.

"Well then I guess there's another reason we have to take down those streamers now," said Olivia. "Speaking of which, now that the red streamer is gone, we should be able to take the tram to Maple Canyon now"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that," said Spike.

"Let's not get too hasty, I'm sure Mario's tired after that grueling battle with Colored Pencils, we should let him rest before you head off," said Starlight.

"Ah right," said, Olivia.

"He can stay at Twilight's library I'm pretty sure Twilight won't mind, since he's saving the world and all," said Spike.

"I appreciate it, I'm definitely gonna need it after getting peppered with colored pencils," said Mario. With their next course of action decided, the group head back to ponyville with Rainbow Dash where Mario got some much need rest. His adventure had been long and hard which made it easier for him to fall asleep in bed. The next morning Mario was awoken by the sound of Olivia's voice.

"Hey wake up sleepy head," Olivia cooed. Mario groaned as he sat up.

"Morning already?" he asked.

"Yep, come one everyone's already in the plaza," said Olivia. Mario grabbed his hat and followed her outside where Starlight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash were gathered along with several other ponies and Toads that Mario had saved.

"Ah look who's finally awake," said Starlight.

"Did you sleep well?' asked Spike.

"Out like a light the moment I laid down in bed," said Mario.

"I figured you'd done a lot while you were here," chuckled Starlight.

"Hey Mario right? Thanks again for saving my flank from that whacko," Rainbow Dash said holding out her hoof.

"Eh don't mention it," Mario said shaking her hoof.

"So we're heading to Maple Canyon for the blue streamer next right?" asked Spike.

"That's the plan said Olivia.

"Well then let's get going, we don't wanna waste time right Starlight?" he asked.

"Uh well about that," said Starlight.

"Huh what's the matter?" asked Olivia.

"I decided that I'm going to stay here," said Starlight.

"What why?" asked Olivia.

"Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed adventuring with you guys, but seeing the state ponyville is in after those folded soldiers attacked, the ponies and Toads need help rebuilding the place, not only that but they need somepony to protect them should the folded soldiers come back," explained Starlight.

"I see, yeah that makes sense but are you going to be alright?" asked Olivia.

"Oh don't worry remember those Diamond Dogs that stole the Shell Stones?" asked Starlight. "Well we're making them atone for their actions via community service, in other words, they'll be keeping watch for any folded soldiers that come near,"

"Wow," said Olivia.

"Plus Zecora has also agreed to help us by making medicine from plants found in the everfree forest while the Toad that owned the stall near the shrine will provide weapons for the ponies and Toads i this village, on top of that but the Koopas have agreed to be the first line of defense," Starlight explained.

"Applebloom,Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo said they wanted to help too but seeing as how those origami freaks are dangerous, they're staying in ponyville providing emotional support as mascots for the time being," chuckled Rainbow Dash. "Mr. Cake said he'll be working with the Overlook tower chef to cook meals for the survivors,"

"And to top it all off, me and Rainbow Dash will be making sure everything is in order," said Starlight.

"Well actually you're the leader, I'm simply just your assistant," Rainbow Dash laughed.

"It seems like you got it all planned out," said Olivia.

"it really was an honor adventuring with you Mario thank you for everything, if you ever need help, don't hesitate to call me, I'll be watching your battles from the sidelines like everypony else," said Starlight.

"You did well too Starlight, do stay safe," said Mario.

"Hey Mario, if you happen to find anymore of our friends, promise me that'll you'll save them," said Rainbow Dash.

"I promise," he said.

"Come on Mario let's go, we need to catch the tram to Maple Mountain!" said Spike.

"You should get going," said Starlight. Mario nodded as he followed after Olivia and Spike.

"Stay safe best of luck to you!!!" Mario looked behind to see everyone gathering around to see them off. He smiled and waved back as he made their way back to Overlook Hill to catch the tram to the next chapter of his adventure.

Comments ( 1 )

Love this book it’s really amazing and intense I hope to read more of this.

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