• Published 23rd Oct 2020
  • 1,337 Views, 57 Comments

Duel Monsters Are Magic GX - snivygamer97

The Main 6 and Spike go to the human world of Duel Monsters to help save their world.

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Yugi's Heir

For the next month, the Mane 6 and Spike worked hard to get used to Duel Monsters. Each and every day, they dueled and remade their decks to fit with whatever would work out in a duel better, as well as visiting home so that they wouldn’t miss out on their home lives. Everyone was able to get used to the game and how it worked over time. Even Rainbow Dash, who had failed hard during her first duel, showed some remarkable improvement when given the time to learn the rules.

Finally, after a month of getting used to the game, and learning more about how this world worked, Pegasus had the group flown out to Domino City in order to apply for the Academy. First, they took the written exam, which everyone was thankfully able to pass, with varying results. The next day, they were to take their dueling exams. If they won, they would be able to enter the Academy and begin their quest to stop the Sacred Beasts.

Seto Kaiba was watching over this year's new students from the top room of the testing building. He was debating over whether or not these students were good enough or not when Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Spike went up to talk with Kaiba.

"Mr. Kaiba, thanks for the chance to enter into your school. It is an honor, and as Pegasus has told you, we really need to enroll this year," Twilight said.

"So, even I can enter into this school, right?" Spike asked to be certain.

"Well, I don't particularly care about you three, but know that you and your younger brother are likely to enter into my Academy," Seto Kaiba answered, referring to Twilight and Spike."As for you... It's very unlikely," Kaiba said to Rainbow Dash.

"Wait, what?! I can pass the practical exam easily! I may have started off poorly, but I've grown a lot as a duelist! I can pass that test in my sleep!" Rainbow yelled.

"Really? Well then, I guess you'll be happy to know that you and your friends will enter if you pass. However, instead of automatically entering into Obelisk Blue, you will be ranked based on your scores!" Kaiba said. "Now, get out of my office! I have exams that my men and I have to look over."

The next day, most of the group had left their hotel in order to take the dueling exam. Rainbow Dash promised to meet the others at Kaibaland where the exams were to take place and ended up taking what she expected to be a brief nap. However, she overslept and was racing to have a chance to get there in time. However, as she ran, she also noticed another teen that was racing through Domino City.

“I’m late! I’m late! I’m late!” The teen yelled as he ran.

“So, I take it you’re also trying to get to Kaibaland in order to take the dueling exam,” Rainbow asked as they both ran.

“You got it. The train just had to be only be late on important days like this,” The teen revealed. “So, what’s got you late?”

“I took a nap that was meant to be brief only to sleep longer than I expected. So, I take it you’re gonna laugh or be annoyed, huh?” Rainbow asked the teen.

“Not really. I took a nap on the train and was lucky enough to wake up when it arrived here. Name’s Jaden Yuki. What’s yours?” The teen, Jaden Yuki, asked Rainbow Dash.

“My name is Rainbow Dash, and I’m gonna be the best Duelist at Duel Academy!” Rainbow boasted. “Well, at least I hope to be.”

“Great confidence, but as you’ll soon see, I’m likely to be the best at Duel Academy. Well, at least it seems like I’ll have a good friend/rival at Duel Academy,” Jaden said.

“Same here. Still, it sucks that you got here late,” Rainbow said sympathetically.

“Hey, it’s actually pretty exciting! This is a trial We’ve been given to overcome,” Jaden said optimistically.

“Hmm, good point! Let’s see who gets there first!” Rainbow Dash yelled as they both picked up the pace.

“Yeah! Just you wait Duel Academy!” Jaden yelled back as they ran past a group of people.

As they made a turn, they saw a man with strange hair walking in front of them. “Look out!” Jaden yelled as he tried to stop, only to run into the man, with Rainbow Dash also crashing into the man. Both of them lost their Duel Disks and cards and tried to pick them up.

Suddenly, the man asked, “Hey… Do you duel?”

“Sure we do! Though, I’ve only started to duel about a month ago,” Rainbow answered.

“We’re taking the Duel Academy entrance exam,” Jaden explained.

As the two got up, the man reached into a pocket that held his dueling deck and grabbed two cards from it. Jaden got up, laughing to himself only to be surprised upon seeing the man’s face. “A-Are you…”

“These two cards are lucky cards. They want to go where you’re going,” The man said as he gave the two cards to Rainbow Dash and Jaden.

“Thanks,” Jaden and Rainbow Dash thanked the man as he left.

“Do your best,” The man wished them luck.

“R-Right,” Jaden responded. “Thank you very much,” Jaden said as he bowed to the man, who responded with a thumbs up.

Both duelists looked at the cards they were given, with Jaden seeing that he got Winged Kuriboh and Rainbow Dash having Kuriboh.

“Aw man! Why did I have to get a card like Kuriboh?” Rainbow pouted.

“Hey, just be happy that you got given a card by the K/ing of Games himself,” Jaden retorted.

“Well, I guess you’re right. Still wished I could have been given a better card, though. Also, who is the King of Games?” Rainbow Dash responded.

“Wait, you’re a duelist and yet you don’t know who Yugi is? He’s the greatest duelist in the world, Rainbow Dash!” Jaden was perplexed.

Suddenly, the two heard some coos come from somewhere nearby, though they couldn’t tell where. Suddenly, Jaden looked at his watch and freaked out. “Oh no! We have to get going!”

At this, Rainbow and Jaden began running yet again, putting the cards they got into their deck pouch.

Outside of the Kaiba Land testing arenas, there was a stand manned by a man and two females. The man nodded to the women to pack up as it seemed that all the duelists that were to arrive had arrived. However, at the last minute, they heard two voices yell, “Wait!”

Suddenly, two figures, Jaden and Rainbow Dash, climbed up to where the stand was and were holding on by the bars on top. “Exam #110, Jaden Yuki! I’m “safe,” right?”

“Rainbow Dash, Exam #108! Please tell us we’re here on time,” Rainbow pleaded.

Fortunately for the two, they had gotten here just in time to take their dueling exams. The two then ran into the arena and stopped by a boy with blue hair. “Look at them going at it!” Jaden was hyped up. Rainbow was also excited to see where the duel would go, though she also tried to locate her friends while watching the duel.

As for the duel itself, one teen wearing white, named Bastion Misawa, was going up against a dueling proctor.





“No matter how elite you may be, in the face of my hyper-defense deck, you won’t be able to chip away at my life points any further,” The proctor reminded Bastion.

“I activate my trap card Ring of Destruction! This trap card destroys one faceup monster on the field, dealing damage equal to its attack points to both of us,” Bastion played, reducing his own life points to 1300 and his opponent’s to zero.

“Exam duel complete. Congratulations. You won,” The proctor congratulated Bastion.

“Thank you very much,” Bastion bowed as he accepted the congratulations.

“Exam #1, Bastion Misawa. He’s very good, isn’t he?” A blue haired teen in blue said to his friends.

“After hearing the rumors, it was worth coming to see him,” A brown haired teen also in blue said, impressed. “Right, Manjome?”

“The name’s Chazz, and what you said is nonsense. The bar for entrance exam duels is set very low. Leaving campus was a waste of time,” Chazz Princeton responded. “Only one. Duel Academy doesn’t need two kings.”

Back with Jaden and Rainbow Dash…

“#1 there had a great combo, huh?” Jaden asked.

“You bet! I just can’t wait until I show them that I’m even better!” Rainbow yelled out.

“Of course he’s the great. He’s #1. In other words, the one who placed highest on the written exam. That’s Bastion Misawa,” The blue haired boy said.

“So that’s what the exam numbers mean?” Jaden realized.

“Yeah. I guess it makes sense that Twilight flipped out when she only got #2,” Rainbow said with a snicker.

“The numbers determine who gets in based on written exam score and your duel. I managed to win my duel, but I’m Exam #119, so I don’t know if they’ll let me in or not…” The blue haired boy was worried.

“Hey, don’t worry about it! If you’re lucky, you’ll pass. Look at me. I’m #110,” Jaden pointed out.

“Yeah, and I’m #108. We can still do well in spite of a low written score,” Rainbow Dash tried to comfort the boy.

“Wait, you guys are numbers 108 and 110?” The blue haired boy asked the duo.

“Yeah,” both duelists confirmed.

“But the duels for the 100s already finished in the first heat,” The boy revealed, much to Rainbow’s and Jaden’s shock.

“No deliberation needed for Misawa. He’s in,” One professor said.

“Yes, so he’s the last one?” Another professor asked.

Suddenly, the man from outside told a professor with yellow hair and a blue uniform, “Excuse me. We have two more examinees that made it just before registration closed.”

“What are their exam numbers?” The professor asked.

“Exam #108 and #110,” The man revealed.

“Arriving just before the deadline suggests carelessness. Our academy needs no drop-out boys,” The professor rejected the duo.

“Technically #108 is a girl. But still, they did make it in time, so I think they have the right to take the exam,” One professor said.

“Yeah, and #110 was only late because his train was late,” Another professor pleaded.

“It seems wrong not to let them take it…,” A third professor tried to reason.

“Non problema! Never! Non, non, non!” The professor with yellow hair denied the other professors. Suddenly, he heard his phone go off and answered it. “Scusi. Who might this be? Oh, Mr. Headmaster…”

“I hear you have two examinees that were late and how one was late due to a train accident and they both made it before registration closed… Be careful not to deprive them of their chance, just because they have poor written scores. Remember, our goal is to bring together a wide variety of talents in order to cultivate more well-rounded duelists,” Chancellor Shephard reminded the yellow haired man.

“Nothing slips by him huh? That sly old dog…” The man then thought, “Duel Academy is a school for the duel elite. Perche? Why does the Headmaster ally himself with a drop-out boy and girl like them?” He then said aloud again, “I shall duel with those examinees personally!”

“W-Wait a minute… Professor Crowler, take this exam deck with you,” One professor said as he held the box.

“I have no need for such a thing!” Crowler yelled back.”I shall use my own deck.”

Meanwhile, Rainbow had found her friends and started to drag them over to where she and Jaden were. “Hey guys! I found a new friend named Jaden Yuki! Apparently he’s a very good duelist and rival!” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Rainbow Dash! You do realize that you coulda been late and not be able to get into the school if you didn’t make it when you did?” Applejack scolded.

“Hey! I know I messed up, but I still got here didn’t I?” Rainbow Dash countered.

“I agree with Applejack. How are we supposed to help Pegasus and Shephard if we can’t even get into the school?” Rarity asked the brash teen.

“I-I don’t know,” Rainbow said with less fire in her voice.

“We’re not trying to be mean, Rainbow Dash. It’s just that we have an important task and we can’t afford to mess up,” Fluttershy said gently.

“Yeah. There may not be an Equestria to return to unless we succeed in our goal to stop those mean Sacred Beasts,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Okay. But don’t worry. I can still take on any professor here and win. I’ve really improved over the last month,” Rainbow Dash said.

“So, tell us more about this Jaden Yuki friend of yours,” Twilight Sparkle asked, wanting to change the subject.

“Well you see-,” Rainbow began as the six joined Jaden and the blue haired boy. Just as they arrived, Bastion had sat down in front of where Jaden was standing.

“You’re really good,” Jaden complimented Bastion.

“Yeah,” Bastion simply answered.

“I’d say you’re good enough to be #3 among this year’s examinees,” Jaden answered, much to the confusion of the others except Rainbow Dash.

“Exam #108, Rainbow Dash, and Exam #110, Jaden Yuki,” a female announcer called out for the two examinees.

“All right! Looks like it’s our turn Rainbow Dash!” Jaden said joyfully.

As Jaden and Rainbow Dash started to walk down the stairs to reach the arena, Bastion was quick to ask, “Wait… Why do you think I’m #3?”

“Because we are numbers 2 and 1. Though, I don’t know if we can agree who fits where,” Rainbow Dash answered as they continued walking.

“His written exam score was only nine places above mine and Rainbow’s was only two higher than that. How can they be so confident? I’m so jealous…” The blue haired boy said enviously.

Meanwhile, Jaden and Rainbow arrived in the battle arena as Dr. Crowler was having two women help him get on a special Duel Disk. “Buon giorno!” Crowler greeted the two duelists.

“I’m Jaden Yuki,” Jaden said as he stood straight up.

“And I’m Rainbow Dash,” The rainbow haired girl greeted.

“Signor Jaden and Miss Rainbow Dash, I am Dr. Vellian Crowler,” Crowler introduced himself. “I oversee the academy’s practical training.”

“What an honor. The one in charge of practical training wants to duel me personally? You must have really high hopes for us, huh?” Jaden asked.

“I know. He must believe we’re the best of this year too,” Rainbow Dash said.

Both students laughed as Crowler looked on shocked, “I am speechless.”

“Dr. Crowler is facing him personally?” Chazz’s blue haired friend asked.

“Is this Jaden kid really that important?” The brown haired friend asked.

“He shouldn’t be!” Chazz bitterly thought.

“Duel coat on! I suppose in order to save time we’ll make this a tag duel. I get 8000 Life Points and you each get 4000. The duel will be over when one side’s Life Points drop to zero.” Crowler decided as he activated his Duel Disk and drew five cards.

“That’s so cool!” Rainbow Dash and Jaden yelled out.

“Teacher, can I buy a coat like that, too?” Jaden curiously asked.

“All students who receive superior grades possess them,” Crowler answered. “Though such matters are irrelevant to a drop-out boy such as yourself and your drop-out girl friend... And always will be.”
“Okay! I’ll do my best!” Jaden cried out.

“Same here! We’ll be in this school in no time!” Rainbow Dash yelled out.

“Duel!” Jaden, Rainbow, and Crowler yelled out.

“I’ll start things off by summoning Twin-Sword Marauder in attack mode (1600 Attack)! I end my turn,” Rainbow Dash ended her turn. “Good luck, Jaden.”

“Thanks. I summon Elemental HERO Avian in defense position (1000 Defense)! Then I set one more card on the field. Turn over,” Jaden played.

“Now it is my turn!” Crowler said. After looking over his current hand, he thought, “So, the boy possesses a HERO deck, eh? He considered himself a hero in whatever small town he comes from, eh?” “Allow me to show you just how large this world is. I activate the spell card Confiscation from my hand.”

“What? Confiscation?” Jaden was confused.

“Don’t look at me. I haven’t heard of the card before,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh, then allow me to explain what it does then. It allows me to pay 1000 life points to look at my opponent’s hand, choose one card from it, and send it to the graveyard. A drop-out boy deck, after all,” Crowler said as he looked at the cards in Jaden’s hand.

Dr. Crowler




Rainbow Dash


At this comment, Jaden looked unhappy. “Is he talking about the deck I put my sweat and tears into?”
“I send Monster Reborn to the graveyard. Then I set two cards on the field. And then, I activate the spell card Heavy Storm from my hand. This card destroys all spell and trap cards on the field,” Dr. Crowler played.

“But, Teacher, you hit your own cards with that, too,” Jaden pointed out.

“Yeah! So you wasted two of your cards!” Rainbow added on.

“Here we have what we call “a big fish from a small pond.” Glub glub,” Crowler responded.

“What?” Both Jaden and Rainbow responded, confused at the storm that was now forming.

“I Special Summon Wicked Tokens (1000/1000)!”

“I have no idea what’s going on,” The blue haired boy said to the group.

“I’ve learned a lot about Duel Monsters, and even I don’t know what move that was,” Rarity agreed.

“That card was Statue of the Wicked. A trap card,” Twilight answered.

“So, those tokens appeared when those two facedowns were destroyed?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Bastion nodded before saying, “Statue of the Wicked is a special kind of trap that, after it’s destroyed, produces Tokens, like that pink haired girl just said. In order to use that effect, Dr. Crowler destroyed his own Statues of the Wicked.”

“That isn’t an exam deck. That’s Professor Crowler’s own Dark Medieval deck!” Chazz’s blue haired friend realized.

“He executed his own combo, while containing #110’s trap,” The brown haired friend was in awe.

“Could any examinee beat that deck?”

“I doubt it!”

“If those examinees thought they were special, they were under a grave misapprehension. Dr. Crowler intends to give that drop-out boy and girl’s fragile dreams a thorough crushing,” Chazz said, amused.

“That poor boy and girl. It looks like Crowler has it in for them,” A blonde girl dressed in blue said to her friend.

“This is worth watching,” her friend said, much to her confusion. “The Dark Medieval deck… Thanks to #110 and #108, we might have a chance to see a legendary rare card.”

“My turn has not yet ended,” Crowler revealed.

“This is fun! What are you going to show us next, Teacher?” Jaden asked curiously without any pep lost.

“I bet he’s going to summon a powerful monster that we need to take down!” Rainbow Dash was getting excited.

Crowler said, annoyed, “I now tribute two Wicked Tokens… And summon my Ancient Gear Golem (3000 Attack)!”

Much to everyone’s shock, the powerful mechanical machine was being summoned onto Crowler’s field.

“This is… The legendary rare card!” The blonde girl was surprised and in awe.

“Wow! I’ve heard rumors about this,” Jaden was impressed.

“So, this is supposed to be a giant made of metal, huh? Well, we should defeat this guy in no time!” Rainbow boasted.

Everyone gasped at the sight of the monster. “He went right to a Level 8 monster!” The blue haired boy was shocked.

“Dr. Crowler has never lost after summoning that card,” The blonde girl’s friend commented. “I didn’t think those examinees had the skill to make the teacher get serious.”

“It’s only Dr. Crowler being temperamental. I feel bad, but I can hear the iron door of duel Academy slamming shut on that boy and girl,” The blonde girl sadly muttered.

“Next, I activate the effect of Ancient Gear Spear (Level 4/1500/1500) in my hand and equip it onto Ancient Gear Golem! Now, while this card is equipped onto my Golem, my monster can attack twice in a turn, as long as neither of the attacks are a direct attack! Here we go! Ultimate Pound on Avian and Twin-Sword Marauder!” The Golem proceeded to attack, destroying both monsters.

“Ancient Gear Golem has 3000 attack points! Avian has 1000 defense points and Twin-Sword Marauder has 1600 attack points! There’s now way they can beat him!” The blue haired boy was sad.

“And that doesn’t finish it. The monster’s effect is that, when it attacks a monster in defense position, if its attack points are higher than the other’s defense points, the difference is converted to damage to the opposing player,” Bastion explained.

“O-Oh no! That monster breaks all the rules!” The blue haired boy was concerned.

“Isn’t there some weakness that that Golem has, Twilight?” Applejack asked.

“I’m afraid that without a destruction effect or high level monster, there isn’t much that can be done. The only weakness that monster possesses is that it can’t be Special Summoned under normal circumstances, but even then there are exceptions to that rule,” Twilight gave the bad news.





Rainbow Dash

“So, have you two lost your will to fight already?” Crowler asked.

As it turned out, Jaden was laughing to himself. “I’m touched. A head teacher wants to duel me this seriously,” Jaden was impressed.

“I’m not giving up, teach. One thing you’ll learn about me is that I can be extremely stubborn!” Rainbow Dash agreed with Jaden.

“What?!” Crowler was shocked. “How deluded are you two? I have no intention letting a drop-out boy and girl like you two pass through Duel Academy’s sacred gates!”

“It’s my turn! I draw!” Suddenly, Rainbow heard the cooing noise come from the card she drew, Kuriboh. “Wait, you were what that noise came from earlier?” Rainbow whispered to the card, which responded by nodding, much to Rainbow’s surprise. “I guess you really are alive. Well, I need some defense right now. Have any ideas?” Kuriboh answered with a coo as his spirit pointed to Sinister Sprocket and his card’s ability. “Oh, I get it. I summon Sinister Sprocket in defense mode (0 Defense). I place two cards facedown and with that I end my turn.”

“This is where my real skill is put to the test,” As Jaden drew, he heard a familiar cooing noise. “Who’s calling me?” Jaden drew his card and got Winged Kuriboh. “Are you the one? No way.” At this, he remembered his meeting with Yugi and what he said when giving them their cards. “I see. Winged Kuriboh, huh?” Winged Kuriboh proceeded to wink. “Okay, I’ll trust you!” “I summon Winged Kuriboh from my hand into defense position (200 Defense)! Then I set one more card and end my turn,” Jaden said aloud.

Crowler proceeded to laugh. “A Kuriboh with wings, eh? You both do possess unusual cards. But it is night but a low-level monster! Summoning it in defense position will give you no defense against the piercing effect of my Ancient Gear Golem! But I suppose a small monster suits a small player. Then, it is my turn, eh? Now it is over. Ancient Gear Golem, perform Ultimate Pound on that Winged Kuriboh!”

“Sorry, Winged Kuriboh,” Jaden apologized to his monster.

“Now, you take damage due to Ancient Gear Golem’s piercing effect!” Crowler yelled out.

“I discard Kuriboh from my hand in order to reduce Jaden’s damage to zero!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she discarded the monster, it winking to Rainbow as he was sent to the graveyard.

“You’re only delaying the inevitable, you know,” Dr. Crowler said.

“Another thing you should know about me is that I never leave my friends hanging!”

“Well, let’s see where your friendship gets you now!” At this, Rainbow got angry. “Ancient Gear Golem, use Ultimate Pound on Sinister Sprocket!” The monster was destroyed, but no damage was done. “Why have you not lost any life points?”

“Simple. On the turn when Winged Kuriboh is destroyed, any damage you take is reduced to zero. And Rainbow’s field also counts as my field for effects such as that,” Jaden explained, much to Crowler’s shock.

“A card exists that Dr. Crowler doesn’t know about?” The blonde girl asked.

“There are some things even teachers don’t know. The world of dueling is fathomless,” The blonde girl’s friend answered.

“And that’s what makes it interesting,” The blonde said.

“Is that the small monster’s effect?” Crowler mocked.

“He’s a friend who risked his life to save me, and so was Rainbow Dash and her Kuriboh. You’re going to pay for calling our friends “small”!” Jaden yelled.

“He is a mere stopgap monster. What am I to call them, if not small?” Crowler defended.

“No… Winged Kuriboh’s cry was the signal that awakens the monsters of my deck! I activate my trap card Hero Signal! With it, I also Special Summon Elemental HERO Burstinatrix from my deck (1200/800)!” Jaden played.

“Fine then. I’ll end the duel next turn. I place one card facedown, and that will be it for me,” Crowler ended his turn.

“My turn! I special summon Vice Dragon from my hand. I can special summon him since I control no monsters. However, since I summoned him this way, has attack and defense points are halved (1000/1200). Next I summon Dark Resonator (1300). I tune Dark Resonator with Vice Dragon in order to Synchro Summon Red Dragon Archfiend (3000)!” Rainbow played as, to everyone’s shock except for the Main 5 and Spike, a Synchro monster was summoned.

“What type of monster is that?” The blue haired boy asked Bastion.

“It’s called a Synchro monster. They, along with xyz monsters are rare new types of monsters that Pegasus has recently made, but barely released. I have no idea how she has one,” Bastion explained to the blue haired boy.

“How did you get that monster?!” Crowler yelled out.

“Let’s just say I have friends in high places. I now will have Red Dragon Archfiend attack Ancient Gear Golem! Absolute Powerforce!” Both monsters clashed, with both being destroyed in the end. “Now, I activate the trap card Absolute Blast! With it, I can negate Red Dragon Archfiend’s effects on the field and in the graveyard for the rest of the turn in exchange for dealing 1000 damage to your life points!” Rainbow said confidently. “Next, I activate Call of the Haunted in order to revive my Red Dragon Archfiend! Finally, I’ll have my monster attack you directly!”

Dr. Crowler


Jaden Yuki


Rainbow Dash


“If you think this duel is over, then think again! I activate my trap Dark Medieval Revival. When an Ancient Gear Golem is in my graveyard and I take damage, I can revive him, ignoring its summoning conditions (3000 Attack)!”

“Well then, we’ll see about that. I’ll turn this duel over to Jaden,” Rainbow ended her turn.

“Thanks! My turn! Winged Kuriboh, I heard your encouragement. Now watch me… Next, avain’s indomitable fighting spirit is reborn. I use the spell card The Warrior Returning Alive to return him to my hand from the graveyard, and summon him,” Jaden played.

“What can a cheap comic book hero accomplish? He is nothing more than a Normal Monster!” Crowler reminded.

“Normal Monsters with low attack points are merely temporary identities for Avian and Burstinatrix. Don’t be too shocked when you see their true form, Teacher. I activate the spell card Polymerization! I fuse Avian and Burstinatrix… And I Fusion Summon my favorite card, Elemental HERO Flame Wingman (2100 Attack)!” Jaden summoned, to the shock of everyone.

“Cool!” The blue haired boy was impressed.

“Flame Wingman can only be summoned with a Fusion Summon,” Twilight started only to be interrupted by Bastion.

“When it destroys an opponent’s monster in battle, it deals damage to the opposing player equal to the destroyed monster’s attack points,” Bastion explained.

“But Flame Wingman only has 2100 attack points. It’s nowhere near Ancient Gear Golem’s attack points,” The blue haired boy pointed out.

“Yeah… But if he’s really #1, he’ll work it out somehow,” Bastion wished Jaden luck.

“He’s actually #110…,” The blue haired boy corrected.

“May I offer you a special lesson? A duel requires none of you twos extraneous talk. Do remember this! Even if you Special Summon Flame Wingman, its attack points are a mere 2100. It cannot compete with my Ancient Gear Golem! At least Red Dragon Archfiend had enough attack points to rival mine,” Crowler said.

“You know, he’s right, Jaden. You better have a plan. As cool as that monster is, it’s not strong enough as it currently is to defeat Ancient Gear Golem,” Rainbow reminded Jaden.

“Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash, I have a plan. As for you, let me teach you something, Teacher. Heroes have a superheroic stage they can fight on. I play the Field Spell Skyscraper!” Jaden played, summoning multiple multi-story buildings onto the field, with Flame Wingman posing arms crossed on top of one of the skyscrapers. “Now the stage is set… Go, Flame Wingman. Attack Ancient Gear Golem.”

“Scherzi. You must be joking. Flame Wingman’s attack points do not even approach those of my Ancient Gear Golem!” Crowler reminded Jaden.

“Heroes always win! Skyscraper is a Field Spell. When a HERO fights a monster with superior attack points, that HERO’s attack points increase by 1000,” Jaden revealed.

“Oh, Dio!” Crowler yelled, realizing he was going to lose.

“Take this! Skyscraper Shoot (3100 Attack)!” Jaden yelled as his Flame Wingman destroyed Ancient Gear Golem.

“Mamma Mia! My Ancient Gear Golem!” Crowler yelled as his monster’s pieces were falling, with one hitting him on the head.

“And Flame Wingman’s effect means you take damage equal to the destroyed monster’s attack points, Teacher,” Jaden said as he was about to win.

“Aw yeah! That’s what I’m talking about! Way to go Jaden!” Rainbow Dash congratulated her new friend.

“What?” Crowler was fearful as he was reminded of Flame Wingman’s effect. He tried to run, but was ultimately crushed by the remaining pieces of his monster before his life points dropped to zero.

“Gotcha!” Jaden said with a pose. “It was a fun duel, Teacher.”

“How?” Crowler said as he shivered from shock. “How could I lose to a drop-out boy and girl such as them?”

Chazz and his two friends were also shivering from shock. “I can’t believe it… Dr. Crowler lost to two examinees?” Chazz said in furious shock.

“That kid’s pretty interesting, huh?” The blonde girl asked, only to see her friend walking away.

“Great work, #110!” The blue haired boy yelled.

“You might make a good rival, #1,” Bastion thought to himself.

“Congratulations, Rainbow Dash, you won!” The Main Five yelled.

“Yeah! I knew she would win. I never had any doubt,” Spike said.

“We won! Yeah!” Jaden and Rainbow Dash yelled as they jumped up and down.

Jaden and Rainbow Dash got out their Kuriboh cards and looked at their cards. “Look forward to working with you, pal,” Jaden said to Winged Kuriboh.

“You know what, same here,” Rainbow Dash said with a smile to Kuriboh as both cards winked to their owners.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long to write this chapter. I have a habit of procrastination and I need to do better. For those that are wondering, I took from the Japanese version to base the events of the chapter around. Hope you enjoy it.