• Published 23rd Oct 2020
  • 1,338 Views, 57 Comments

Duel Monsters Are Magic GX - snivygamer97

The Main 6 and Spike go to the human world of Duel Monsters to help save their world.

  • ...

Archfiends and Fairies

“... And just when the last girl thought she was safe… Right behind her was… The Headless Horse!” Rainbow yelled out as she finished telling her scary story to the Mane 5, Spike, Jaden, Syrus, and Blair. Everyone was scared of the story, but Fluttershy was more scared by it than any of the others, as she hid underneath one of the tables in the common room of the Slifer Red dorm. The group was telling scary stories while eating food from the Ra Yellow and Slifer Red dorms. “Hahaha! I really scared you all there, didn’t I?”

“Maybe, but it looks like you scared poor Fluttershy as well!” Rarity scolded Rainbow Dash. “Darling, are you okay?” Rarity asked Fluttershy, coaxing her out from beneath the table.

“I-I don’t know. The Headless Horse could come at any moment and scare us or worse!” Fluttershy shivered in fear.

“Come on, Fluttershy! That wasn’t even my scariest story! I know a few that are much scarier than that,” Rainbow Dash said.

“So, Rainbow Dash, can you tell us why you invited Fluttershy here if you knew she would be scared?” Applejack scolded.

“Yeah! That was a really scary one, much more than a Level 4 story!” Syrus agreed.
“I thought it was a cool one!” Jaden said.
“Yeah! You really scared me good, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie agreed.

“I invited Fluttershy to come here because I wanted all of us to get together and have some fun. If she doesn’t want to do that, she is more than welcome to leave,” Rainbow Dash answered.

“N-Never mind. I can deal with listening to more stories,” Fluttershy changed her mind, not wanting to disappoint Rainbow Dash.

“You know, if this really is scary for you, Fluttershy, you are more than free to leave,” Twilight Sparkle gently suggested.

Fluttershy looked around the room for a minute, looking at everyone present. Eventually she decided, “Y-You know what, I’ll stay for a few more stories. I can manage a few more.”

“Are you sure? You still look a bit frightened,” Blair asked Fluttershy.

“I-I can handle it,” Fluttershy meekly responded.

“See? Now we can enjoy a few more stories together! So, I take it you’re up next, Jaden?” Rainbow Dash asked Jaden, with Rarity and Applejack giving disapproving looks at Rainbow’s insensitivity to Fluttershy.

“Okay. I draw!” Jaden drew a card from the deck that would decide the intensity of the story. Fortunately, the card was the Level 1 Sinister Serpent. “Well, looks like I get a mild story to tell.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Fluttershy sighed in relief.

“Now, for the story, it takes place when I was much younger. At night, I would sometimes hear voices of monsters coming from my deck case. However, they weren’t really scary. In fact, it was like they were having a party. When I checked the case in the next room, the voices stopped,” Jaden told the group.

“And?” Spike asked, waiting for the scary part of the story.

“That’s pretty much it,” Jaden admitted.

“Really? That’s it? Boo!” Rainbow was disappointed.

“Hey! Remember that the story was only a Level 1 story, Rainbow!” Applejack reminded.

“I thought it was a sweet story,” Fluttershy admitted.

“The strange thing is that recently I have been hearing these voices again, especially from Winged Kuriboh. Right buddy?” Jaden asked Winged Kuriboh as he pulled out the card. Winged Kuriboh winked in response.

“I guess I’ve been hearing things too,” Rainbow Dash agreed as she got out her Kuriboh.

“Well, I think we should have enough time for one more story, right everyone?” Twilight asked the group. The group agreed with this sentiment. “So, who should take the final turn?”

“So, you this is what has been happening in the common room. How is everyone doing tonight?” Professor Banner, who had just arrived with his cat Pharaoh in his arms, asked the large group.

“I think we’re doing fine enough, considering all the scary stories we’ve been telling,” Syrus said.

“Oh, scary stories. Mind if I tell one?” Professor Banner asked.

“Um, sure thing Banner! You just need to pick up a card from the top of this deck and tell a story based on the Level you get! It’s been really fun!” Pinkie Pie explained.

“N-Not really,” Fluttershy whispered to herself.

“Alright. Let’s see which card I get. I draw,” Banner drew the Level 12 Five-Headed Dragon.

“Oh man! Looks like you get a really scary one! Come on Banner! Show us what you’ve got!” Rainbow was ecstatic.

“Okay, you see, the school has a dorm that is no longer being used. It is believed to have been used in the past for Dark Games, particularly for studying them. It’s been off limits for some time, even before I was hired to work at this school,” Banner said. “In fact, some of the students that lived there had disappeared never to be seen again. Well, I think we should all be heading back to our dorms and go to bed. Goodnight!” At this, Banner left the common room.

“Did you guys hear that? There’s another dorm we’ve never even heard of at this school!” Jaden was intrigued.

“Uh huh! I think we should head there tomorrow night!” Rainbow suggested to her friends.

“No! I-I mean you heard what Banner said. It’s dangerous. We should just stay away,” Fluttershy pleaded.

“Fluttershy is right. It would be foolish to go to such a creepy sounding place,” Rarity agreed.

“Look, we don’t even have to be there for very long! Just in and out before anyone can even know we went inside. Please!” Rainbow asked as she gave puppy dog eyes. At first, the rest of the group wasn’t very convinced to go with her and Jaden. However, realizing that she would go either way and not wanting them to get hurt, they all agreed to go.

“And don’t worry, you guys. These Dark Games are likely just some type of old pony’s tale. They can’t exist!” Twilight said.

Meanwhile, outside of the dorm was Dr. Crowler, who had been listening in on what the group was saying. “Dark Games, eh? Well, this may be just the type of situation I needed in order to get rid of that drop-out boy and girl for good!” Dr. Crowler laughed to himself.

In the dark alleyways of a city far away from Duel Academy, a duel was just being wrapped up between a tall, imposing man and a bald frightened man looking like he wanted to run off.

“S-Stay back! You won the duel! What else do you want?!” The bald man asked.

“You’re right. I won the duel. However, I am after something of much greater value than that. I am after your life,” The tall man said.

“You’re crazy! I’m getting out of here!” The bald man tried to flee only to be met with a sinister familiar face. “M-Mom?! What are you doing here?!”

“Why? Why did you have to become a gang member? You could have done so much with your life. But instead you’re now going to where you belong. In hell,” The bald man’s “mother” said to him.

“This can’t be happening! Who are you and why are you doing this?!” The gang member wanted to know.

“I am known by many names, but you can call me Titan, in your final moments of normal living. Watch as your body gives up on you, until you finally collapse from it all,” Titan said as the gang member finally fell down to the ground.

“Looks like we got another believer,” The “mother” said as he changed into a strange and ugly looking clown.

“Yes we do. And another pay check to add to our small fortune. Could this day get any better for us?” Titan asked as he got a call on his phone. “Yes? Sure. We’ll be there tomorrow. Oh, and pay us three times your salary in exchange for our services. See you then.”

The next morning, everyone was in class trying to listen to Professor Banner, with the Mane 6, Spike, and their friends having their thoughts filled with the abandoned dorm and their adventure the next day.

“You know, you’re pretty calm about this whole breaking a campus rule thing, Twilight. Are you sure you’re okay?” Spike asked Twilight, with both of them located right next to each other.

“I don’t know. I am worried that we can all get into trouble, but at the same time I want to go. Not only to prevent Jaden and Rainbow from getting into trouble, but to also find out something about the Sacred Beasts,” Twilight explained her conflicting thoughts.

“Well, we better be careful then. The last thing we want is to get into trouble or meet our end due to these Dark Games,” Spike nervously said.

“Spike, I know that this dimension has its own magic, but I doubt that these Dark Games are real. After all, the only known use of them was centuries ago in ancient Egypt.”

“Yeah. Maybe you’re right. Still, what if they are real?”

“Even if they are real, the chances of us ending up a part of one are slim to none,” Twilight answered.

“Well, okay. But if they are real then you owe me a mint comic back at home,” Spike said.

“I don’t need to promise because they are not real. It’s like a curse not being real. It’s just a bunch of superstition,” Twilight responded.

“Like Pinkie Sense?” Spike countered.

“That was different, Spike. Pinkie Sense was at least logical in that Pinkie’s body said something happened and then some other thing happened. Dark Games are just some story made up to scare people away from looking into Egyptian history,” Twilight reasoned. “I promise you, Spike. We’ll all be fine.”

Later that night, everyone was walking towards the abandoned dorm with flashlights in hand.

“A-Are you sure we should be going to the abandoned dorm? It seems really scary. Besides, wouldn’t we get into trouble if we get caught?” Fluttershy asked.

“Seriously, Fluttershy? Why can’t you just see this as another adventure? Besides, we’ll just be in and out within half an hour. It’s not like there’s anything dangerous about this place,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Uh, what about the students that disappeared?” Syrus muttered fearfully.

“Aw come on, Sy! It’s not like those rumors are true!” Jaden countered.

“Jaden’s right. What most likely happened was a misunderstanding or an exaggeration. It’s not like the place is actually cursed,” Twilight agreed with Jaden.

By this point, the group had all arrived at the abandoned dorm, with a mysterious rose having been left out front.

“You know, you’d all be better off if you just turned back right now,” A voice said, which scared Syrus and Fluttershy. However, upon turning around it turned out that the voice belonged to Alexis.

“Oh, Alexis. It’s interesting to see that you’re here, darling. What brings you here?” Rarity asked the Obelisk Blue girl.

“What should be asked is why you are all here. Don’t you know that this dorm is dangerous?” Alexis warned.

“S-See? We should probably just turn back right now,” Fluttershy said.

“That’s not happening, Fluttershy! Just, for once, grow more of a spine! Being scared all your life won’t be good for you or anyone else!” Rainbow Dash yelled out, resulting in Fluttershy quieting down.

“Well, if the dorm is dangerous, why is it not guarded?” Jaden asked.

“Everyone, just trust me that you don’t want to go in there,” Alexis warned.

“But why should we be more cautious over a superstition?” Twilight asked.

“Because my brother was one of the students that disappeared here!” Alexis admitted.

Everyone was quiet upon hearing this confession. In fact, even Rainbow Dash and Jaden were quiet for a moment.

“So, if I were you guys, I’d just turn around and stop your search of the dorm. The last thing I want is to lose more people to the abandoned dorm,” Alexis said as she left.

“So, what do y’all think we should do now?” Applejack asked the group.

“I still think we should give this place a look,” Jaden said.

“Same here! We may be able to find out what happened to Alexis’ brother if we go in here,” Rainbow Dash agreed.

“And we can prove once and for all that the dorm is not cursed!” Twilight agreed as well.

“Yeah! Because going into a scary haunted place is totally a good idea!” Spike yelled sarcastically.

“I agree with Spike! We should just walk away while we still can,” Blair suggested.

“If you guys want, you can go. As for me, I’m going into that dorm!” Rainbow yelled as she ran into the dorm. Most everyone else followed, though some more reluctantly. Eventually, the only one of the group that was left outside was Fluttershy. She didn’t want to go into the haunted dorm at all. However, she also didn’t want to disappoint Rainbow Dash either. So, she decided to follow after the group and enter the dorm.

“W-Wait for me!” Fluttershy yelled as she was about to run in. However, before she could enter, she was blocked off by a strange ugly clown-looking man. “Um, pardon me, but I was about to enter the dorm. Can you please let me go through?”

The group was looking around in the abandoned dorm, trying to look for any evidence of Alexis's brother having disappeared.

“Wow. This place is impressive! Maybe we should move in here, guys. It looks even better than the Slifer Red dorm,” Jaden was amazed.

“H-How about not?” Syrus asked.

“Yeah. I mean, my place back at home is so much better than even this place,” Rainbow Dash agreed with Syrus for a change.

“Let’s not forget that you would likely get into trouble for being here if you got found out,” Rarity commented.

“Aw, come on Rarity! He was only speculating, right Jaden?” Rainbow Dash asked the Kuriboh-haired boy.

Before Jaden could give a response, Twilight called out, “Hey, you guys! I’ve found an interesting stone manuscript on the wall!”

Everyone quickly moved their attention to the wall on the second floor. “So, what exactly is this supposed to be?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think it represents the legendary Millenium Items! They are believed to be the source of the Dark Games of ancient times,” Syrus explained.

“Come on, Sy! Those games don’t exist! They’re just a bunch of old fairy tales meant to scare young duelists,” Jaden said.

“I agree with Jaden here. There’s no way these games can actually be real,” Twilight agreed.

“Hey, y’all. I found a picture on a table over here!” Applejack called out as Pinkie Pie and Rarity ran over to the spot, noticing the autographed picture of a brown haired young man on it. “So, do ya think that this is the brother that Alexis mentioned?”

“Could be! I wonder what type of cake he likes for a welcome back party,” Pinkie Pie brought up.

“Well, darling, what we should focus on is actually finding him first. That is, if we can find him here,” Rarity commented.

Before anyone present could say or do anything else, everyone suddenly heard a scream.

“Who was that?” Twilight asked the group.

“I think it may have been Alexis!” Rainbow Dash realized.

“How can we be sure it was her?” Blair asked.

“Wait! I found a card! It’s Etoile Cyber!” Pinkie Pie grabbed a card off the floor of the bottom floor of the dorm.

“That’s one of Alexis's cards!” Spike realized.

“Do ya think someone may have taken her?” Applejack asked Blair and Rarity.

“I’m not sure, but it seems likely,” Rarity answered.

“If she was hurt, what do you think the perpetrator will do to us?” Blair nervously asked.

“Come on! We can’t just leave her here! We have to do something!” Jaden yelled out as he ran down a tunnel on the bottom floor.

“Wait up!” Twilight yelled as she followed, with Spike, Syrus, and Pinkie Pie following after them.

“Wait up!” Rainbow yelled as she, Blair, Rarity, and Applejack were about to follow. However, before they could follow, they suddenly saw what appeared to be Fluttershy walking into the dorm.

“Oh, hey Fluttershy! Looks like you came in after all!” Rainbow was happy to see her friend.

“Oh, so now you care about me,” “Fluttershy” bitterly responded.

“Wh-What do you mean by that?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“I mean that my life has been taken by the shadows while you weren’t paying attention. And unless you want to join me, I’d suggest running away and never coming back!”

Meanwhile, Jaden, Twilight, and the others ran down the tunnel hallway, hoping to find Alexis somewhere on the other side. Thankfully, upon reaching the other side, they saw Aleixs unconscious in an open creepy casket.

“There she is!” Jaden pointed out.

“Let’s grab her and go before-,” Syrus began only to be interrupted.

“Before what?” A voice said as he emerged from the shadows. It belonged to Titan, who intimidated everyone in the room.

“Oh, we’re here to get Alexis back and to try and find her brother. Just let us go, please, and we’ll be sure to remember you as a possible friend,” Pinkie Pie said.

“I’m here to make sure that all of you fall to the shadows, especially Jaden Yuki. Now, where is he?” Titan asked.

“I’m right here! Now, how did you know who I am? Did you have anything to do with those missing students?” Jaden asked.

“I’m here with my associate under business. As for the missing students, you’ll find your answers only if you duel me,” Titan threatened.

“Hold on! Who hired you to stop us? Does it have anything to do with the Sacred Beasts?” Twilight asked.

“Once again, you’ll have to duel me before you can have your answers,” Titan cryptically said.

“Well then, how about you duel me. I win you tell us about the missing students and about who hired you. I lose and you can be free to duel Jaden,” Twilight suggested.

“Well, it would be nice to have a Dark Game against more than one duelist again. You’ve got a deal,” Titan agreed.

“Aw, I wanted to duel!” Jaden was disappointed.

“Hold on, Twilight. That guy said he’ll challenge you to a Dark Game. Are you sure you should go ahead with this duel?” Spike asked Twilight.

“Come on, Spike. For the hundredth time, Dark Games aren’t real. I’ll be fine, you’ll see,” Twilight reassured Spike.

“Duel!” Both Titan and Twilight yelled.

“I’ll go first. I summon Vilepawn Archfiend in attack mode (1200 Attack)!” Titan played.

“I know a lot of the cards that this game has, but I have no idea what an Archfiend is,” Pinkie Pie commented.

“I do. They’re a special kind of card that are known to be incredibly powerful. In fact, they’ve almost been considered banned because of how powerful they are,” Jaden explained.

“Yeah. Their one downside is that they require you pay life points in order to use them,” Twilight continued.

“Only if you don’t have the right card, which I do! I play the field spell Pandemonium. Now I don’t have to pay life points for any of my Archfiends during my standby phases,” Titan played. “I end my turn there. Now, go ahead and try to counter my beautiful Archfiends.”

“Very well. My turn! I summon Magician’s Valkyria in attack mode (1600 Attack). Now, I’ll attack your Vilepawn Archfiend with Mystic Scepter Blast!” Twilight yelled.

Twilight Sparkle




“I end my turn there,” Twilight ended her turn.

“Alright! You’re doing great so far, Twilight! Keep it up!” Spike cheered on.

“Yeah! Keep it up!” Syrus also cheered.

“My move. I summon Infernalqueen Archfiend (900 Attack)! With that, I end my turn,” Titan played.

“My move then!” Twilight drew her card only for Infernalqueen Archfiend to gain 1000 attack points (1900 Attack).

“Hold on. What just happened to Infernalqueen Archfiend’s attack points? They just went up!” Syrus was confused. “Bro, do you have any idea?”

“Yes, I do. Infernalqueen Archfiend can increase an Archfiend’s attack points by 1000 for one turn,” Jaden answered.

“So, Twilight can’t fight back this turn?” Pinkie Pie asked in concern.

“No, looks like she can’t,” Spike muttered.

“What do you mean that I’ll be taken by the shadows?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yeah! What exactly is going on, darling?” Rarity asked.

“What’s going on is that I was taken by the shadows and you will suffer a horrifying end due to my Dark Game if you lose a duel against me! Unless, of course, you run away screaming like a frightened baby!” “Fluttershy” mocked and warned.

“I can’t believe it! What happened to you, Fluttershy? Why are you so vengeful?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m vengeful because you shortened my life by forcing me to come to this dorm! My life was taken by these spirits when you looked the other way! So, would you rather I take yours as well, or would you rather run?” “Fluttershy” offered.

“I don’t trust this spirit! How do we even know you’re the real Fluttershy?” Applejack asked the spirit.

“Oh, all I have to do is show you all one card,” “Fluttershy answered as she got out her deck’s main monster. Ancient Fairy Dragon. “So, now do you believe me?”

“It looks like we’re dealing with the real deal here, Rainbow,” Blair said.

“So, darling, what do you think we should do?” Rarity asked Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow had been silent for some time. However, she finally responded, “If you really are Fluttershy and you are being nasty and spiteful, then maybe by dueling you I can remind you of your true self!”

“A duel, huh? I thought you were going to back out. Very well, then. It’s time to meet your doom!” “Fluttershy” said.

“Duel!” Both duelists yelled.

“I’ll start things off by summoning Sunlight Unicorn in attack mode (1800 Attack)! I then place one card face down and end my turn,``''Fluttershy” played.

“Very well then. My turn!” Rainbow yelled. “Since you have a monster out, I can special summon Vice Dragon from my hand. However, thanks to his special ability, his attack and defense points are cut in half (1000/1200). Now I summon Dread Dragon in attack mode (1100 Attack) Now I’ll tune Dread Dragon with my Vice Dragon in order to Synchro Summon Exploder Dragonwing (2400 Attack)!”

“So, you got out a powerful monster? Big whoop!” “Fluttershy” said.

“Well, why don’t I show you how big of a deal it is? I attack your Sunlight Unicorn! Now, by activating my Dragonwing’s ability, I can destroy your monster and deal you damage equal to his attack points!”

Rainbow Dash




“Was that move supposed to intimidate me?” “Fluttershy asked.

“No, it was supposed to bring you to your senses,” Rainbow Dash said. “So, have you realized how horrible you’re being?”

“Of course not! In fact, I’m even more driven to get revenge against you for what you’ve done to me!” “Fluttershy” yelled.

“Look, I’m sorry for dragging you to the abandoned dorm, Fluttershy. But I never wanted you to be hurt!” Rainbow Dash sincerely apologized.

“Aw, how cute! You thinking I’ll accept your apology. Well, I’m afraid you got the wrong idea! It’s my turn! I summon Chaos-End Master in attack mode (1500 Attack)! Next, I play the spell card Monster Reborn in order to bring back Sunlight Unicorn! Now I’ll tune my Chaos-End Master with my Sunlight Unicorn in order to Synchro Summon Ancient Fairy Dragon (2100 Attack)!” “Fluttershy” summoned.

“This doesn’t seem to be good!” Rarity said.

“Hey, her dragon is weaker than Rainbow’s dragon. Rainbow’s still in this!” Blair said.

“Next, I play my trap card Inverse Universe! With it, all effect monsters on the field, including our dragons, will flip. Meaning that my dragon now has 3000 attack points while yours go down to 1600 attack!” “Fluttershy” played.

“So, you were saying?” Applejack asked Blair.

“Looks like Rainbow Dash might be in trouble after all,” Blair admitted.

“And how! I’m going to enjoy watching you squirm, Dashie!” “Fluttershy” said as she gave a sinister laugh.

Author's Note:

So, I decided to split this chapter into two parts in order to have something to publish now. Hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to the next part in a few days.