• Published 25th Oct 2020
  • 19,381 Views, 2,494 Comments

A Witch in Broad Daylight - Epsilon-Delta

Rainbow Dash sets out to defeat the legendary witch Twilight Sparkle and collect the five hundred million bit bounty on her head. The one thing she wasn't counting on was Twilight being less evil than she expected.

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(Extra) Appendix

The following appendix gives additional, largely useless information, some of which will never actually appear in the story. It also organizes certain information given in the story.

If any of the information ever becomes important, it will be mentioned in the story, so there’s no obligation to read any of this. But maybe you want more to read or the information more clearly presented.

These appendixes contain marginal spoilers at best, especially if you’ve read up to the Aliens chapter before looking at any of them. The only exception is the full timelines, none of which have been released at this time.

Also: Here's the TV tropes page thanks to (I think) Walrusmrumpus.

Appendix A: Timelines

To read the charts: The year is written on the far left columns. Everything in the same row as a date happened in that year.

Ancient Times
0 RE – 1255 DE
1255-1355 DE

Appendix B: Factions

I: Equestria, The Slayer Association
II: Witches, Liches
III: Spectral Federation, Crater Cemetery, Old Manehattan
IV: Bloodstorm Cartel, Oaken Field, North Equestria
IV: The Allgood Group, Toxco, Curse Tech
V: Mad Science Institute, League, Association, and Cartel

Appendix C: Bestiaries
Ponin’s Spirit Guide – a ghost bestiary.
Robotics Glossary

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