• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Rainbow Dash's Awesome Nightmare Night Haunted House Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Adventure - TheDriderPony

A branching story with interactive gameplay, multiple endings, and more secrets than Pinkie's basement!

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You Have Nothing to Fear...

The book said 'help her', right? Obviously she's under some kind of curse and to defeat her you need to cure her of it. Then she'll turn back into a normal child, or an unpossessed doll, or a free spirit or whatever she is under her creepy transformation.

The only question is how. How are you supposed to help her? You don't know anything about breaking curses. Aside from blasting them with the Elements of Harmony but that's not something you can pull off alone.

Maybe it's not magic though, maybe it's literal. Starlight is Twilight's student, after all. Maybe just offering friendship is the easiest answer. Some lesson or other about not judging ponies for looking different than you?

It's worth a shot.

You put on as friendly a face as you can manage and give her a smile. No clue how she takes it since you can't see her face behind her really long bangs. Still, in for a bit, in for a bullion. "Hey there... you. I really like your... mane?" Admittedly not the best start but it's not easy to find something to compliment her on.

You take a few steps forward, slowly as to avoid looking like a threat. "Would you, uh, like a friend?" Geez, Twilight and Fluttershy make reforming creepy non-ponies look easy. They'd probably have her eating out of their hoof by now. Close enough now that you can feel the hard-to-breathe aura coming off her, you offer her a hoof of friendship.

She flickers, her body shifting in random patches between white, black, and grey for fractions of a second. She reaches out a hoof as well, mirroring your motion.

The tips touch. Hers is cold and damp, even the keratin of the hoof is unsettlingly squishy. But you give her a smile anyway. Maybe this will work after all?

She shrieks and lunges at you like a viper, and the last thing you see is a horrifying face, bloated and distorted in a rictus of animalistic fury.

[Not all poisonous animals have bright colors. Add one (+1) to your Fear Meter]

"What the hay, Trixie?!"

She glances down at you from her balcony, idly picking something out of her hoof with a wooden stick. "What?"

"The book said 'help her' and she attacked me!"

She shrugs, shifting the fabric of her black robe. "You shouldn't believe everything you read. Especially in mysterious cursed-looking books. That's, like, just common sense. Third-grade magic school stuff, Rainbow."

"Yeah, well... whatever. What are you supposed to be anyway?"

She picks at her green and silver tie as if that's supposed to be some kind of clue. "If you knew, then you'd know better than to trust books that can give instructions."

"Fine, don't tell me then." It's not like you care anyway. How many costumes does she have stored away anyway? Feels like she has a different one ready every time you end up back here. That could be a fun challenge, actually. Do the haunted house so poorly that you find out just how many she has. Maybe next time, after you finish this first run.

There doesn't seem to be anything to interact with in this room, but there are three hallways that branch off that head LEFT, FORWARD, and RIGHT.

If your Fear Meter is full, you must select the fourth option.

Author's Note:

Congratulations! You've found a hidden collectible! Trixie Costume #9 ["Dangerous Diaries, Deadly Depictions"]

Try to find all 20 of them!

Art provided by Sombralicious

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