• Published 28th Oct 2021
  • 1,434 Views, 31 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Awesome Nightmare Night Haunted House Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Adventure - TheDriderPony

A branching story with interactive gameplay, multiple endings, and more secrets than Pinkie's basement!

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You Have Nothing to Fear...

Time seems to move in slow motion. The spiders are everywhere and the sheer shock of it makes you freeze up in panic, leaving no thoughts other than the alarm bells screaming out in panic. A terrible memory rises to the surface of your mind and forces itself to play out in full and vivid detail.

You're young, fresh out of flight camp and eager to show off all the new tricks you learned there. You go for a triple loop, one that'll take you dangerously close to skimming the ground, but you practiced it a million times at camp. There's no way you'll mess it up. You burn into the descent of the second loop when suddenly you feel a tickle on your face. You take your eyes off the target for just a moment, crossing them to see your own muzzle.

Your muzzle, and a spider! The biggest, hairiest, nastiest spider you've ever seen. Clutching on to your muzzle and stuck to your mane by a strand of web. You scream and go into a dive, twisting and spinning out of control.

The memory gets fuzzy after that, but you remember the aftermath all too well. Waking up in the hospital, wings in a cast. The doctor saying how lucky you were that you hit the lake instead of the cliff. Not being able to fly for almost three months before the bones set and muscles healed. And the spider. The image of it is burned into your memory like staring at the sun. The spider that almost cost you your wings.

You pull yourself out of the memory with a herculean effort, centering yourself in the here and now. These spiders aren't those spiders, and you're not the filly you were then. The situation is totally different. Today, you are in control. These spiders would drown, just like the one that tried to cut your illustrious life short. And you have just the tool to do it.

"Take this, you hairy freaks!" you shout as you pull the bucket of water out from your bag. The water flies forth, thick and greasy, in a beautiful arc that drenches several ranks of the opposing forces.

Your manic grin fades as the spiders start to stand back up, wet, but otherwise unhurt. You consider that maybe trying to drown something with a splash wasn't the best idea, and that you might have some issues you need to work out.

But there is no more time to think on such things as the spiders descend upon you. You try to fight, to punch, to kick, to smash them to pieces, but you can't. The weird water has made them slick and slippery and all your attacks just slide off. In your haste and anger, you've doomed yourself.

It doesn't take long for the spiders to overpower you as your body is covered by dozens of burning pinpricks that quickly fade into numbness. You can feel yourself being rotated by a hundred cooperating legs as something thin and sticky is wrapped around you. It gets tighter and tighter with every pass, like you're being squeezed in a vice. Your sight begins to fade as the wrappings cover your eyes and the lantern returns to its dull unlit state. There's a faint burning sensation in your lungs and heart before everything fades to black.

[Caught in a web of your own undoing. Add two (+2) to your Fear Meter]

"Welcome to my parlor," Trixie announces once you reawaken in the foyer, spreading her forelegs wide. She's changed out of her old costume for some kind of strange hoodie with an extra pair of legs sewn on. If the markings weren't clear enough, the fangs sitting either side of her face make it obvious she's supposed to be some kind of spider. Or maybe being eaten by one, since her face is kinda in its mouth. "Don't feel like you need to stop on my account. Your decisions thus far have been most entertaining." She grins. "How exactly were you expecting that to go? Honestly, I'm curious. Did you think they were enchanted sugar that would melt in water?"

"...I don't want to talk about it," you grunt. Which is totally within your right. She doesn't need to know about... everything from before. You're fine with no one knowing about it outside your family. Although... maybe you should talk with somepony. Fluttershy, at least. It's not good to have something that can make you lose your cool that quickly. If it happened again...

You shake the thought from your head. It's not something you need to decide right now anyway. There's still a haunted house to conquer! Hopefully one without any more spider-based rooms.

There doesn't seem to be anything to interact with in this room, but there are three hallways that branch off that head LEFT, FORWARD, and RIGHT.

If your Fear Meter is full, you must select the fourth option.

Author's Note:

Congratulations! You've found a hidden collectible! Trixie Costume #13 ["Who's That Trixiemon?"]

Try to find all 20 of them!

Art provided by micaza_

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