• Published 31st Oct 2020
  • 282 Views, 2 Comments

Skrrriiitchhhh! - Mister E

Apple Bloom is so excited to finally be getting her own room. But then the noises began...

  • ...

A new room, and a dinner date.

Author's Note:

Happy Halloween and Nightmare Night!

Dusted off another Apple Story, and gave it a bit of polish. Hope you enjoy!

It had been coming for a long time. The sleepovers with her friends were the start of it. A minor inconvenience at first. But as their crusading became more serious, they began coming over more and more often. The clubhouse was a good idea, but it was too cold for them to use in the winter, and there was no way any member of the Apple Family was going to put a fireplace inside of a tree.

It got worse when Applejack finally, finally, started dating. Every time she brought somepony up to her room, without fail Apple Bloom would find some excuse to come barging in. Applejack even started keeping track of them. So far she was up to eight “I forgot my bow,” three “I need to get my crusader cape,” and two “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know anypony was up here.” It was on the second of these that Dusty Trail had had enough, and just up and left on the spot. This made Applejack twice as mad, considering they were leaning in for what promised to be the greatest kiss two ponies had every shared in the history of the world. At least that’s what Applejack was thinking at the time. And this was what led to the conversation that she was currently having with Granny Smith.

“Consarn it Granny! She did it again!” Applejack said, throwing her hat on the floor for emphasis. “That filly just will NOT respect my privacy! Every time. EVERY SINGLE TIME I have company come ta call, she finds some reason ta bust in on us.”

Granny Smith just smiled. “Well, she’s just becoming a young mare, and I’m sure she’s a might curious what her big sister is getting up to. I remember not all that long ago a certain orange filly was doing the same thing to HER big brother.”

“Yeah… well...” Applejack paused, her face coloring. “But it isn’t just that. Even if I don’t have a pony over, then she’s all the time having Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle come stay the night. Now don’t get me wrong, they’re as nice a pair of fillies as you could find… well, most of the time. But it’s like I just don’t have any privacy anymore.”

“Well, it’s true that’s she getting to be pretty big to be sharing a room with her sister. And if you wanted her to have her own room that would be fine with me, but you KNOW what that would mean. Are you saying that you’re okay with that? I know Mac wouldn’t mind. And after all, it is only a room. But it’s up to you dear.” Granny said, not trying to push.

“Ya’ll mean Momma’s room of course.” Applejack said, lowering her voice. “I know I’ve been hung up about that for a long time now. An I really appreciate you letting it stay the way it was all this time. I just… I just couldn’t let go y’know? It was Momma’s room. All the way back to when it was Mom and Pop’s room. I guess I just needed it to be like it was. So I could hold onto a little piece of how things used to be.”

Granny looked at Applejack, not unkindly. “I know youngin’, it all happened so sudden like. I could understand what you needed. But darlin’ you’ve been talking about it past tense like. Does that mean, that you’re finally ready to let it go?”

Applejack was quiet, as she thought it through. Part of her was still terrified of losing that last small oasis of the past. But surprisingly, another part of her considered the idea, and came to realize that it didn’t hurt to be considering it. She still loved her Momma. She always would. But it just felt like the time had come to carefully pack up the pictures and the quilts, and all the little knickknacks that her mom loved to pile on any unused surface she could find. It felt like she was finally able to let go of the sadness that had been clinging to her for all these years.

She turned back toward Granny Smith, and said quickly, before she could change her mind. “Yeah, Granny. I think I am ready. Let’s… let’s go tell Apple Bloom that’s she’s about to get her own room.”

She looked up to face her Granny as she spoke, she knew there were tears spilling down her cheeks, when she did, she was surprised to see that Granny’s cheeks were wet with tears as well.

“Call her down here,” Granny said, “and get Mac too, it’s gonna be a special thing for her, and he ain’t gonna want ta miss it either.”

‘Special’ was hardly able to cover it after Apple Bloom received the news. Completely oblivious to the reasons why, she simply assumed that her family had just decided that she was old enough to have her own room. This was reinforced by a short speech from her sister, telling her that she was expected to keep her room clean and tidy, not to eat in bed, and to not stay up past her bedtime, because Applejack WOULD be checking up on her from time to time.

To all this Apple Bloom enthusiastically agreed. Heck she would have agreed to eat nothing but strained spinach for a month if they had asked her to, considering the reward was a room of her very own, so she considered a little cleaning to be coming off light.

After school the following day, Applejack agreed to take her into town, to go shopping for a few things to make her new room feel like her own. While they were gone, Granny and Big Mac went about carefully packing up all the personal items that had been left inside ever since the three siblings mother had passed away.

Granny was thankful that she had her grandson there with her, otherwise she didn’t know just how she would have managed. She let it show less than the youngins, but she felt her daughter-in-law's loss just as strongly as any of them. Still, with Mac’s help they managed to get everything boxed up, and moved to the attic. There, Mac placed everything next to the possessions of his father. He took a few moments to linger, as the light of the afternoon sun caused dust motes to dance in front of the attic window. He let his thoughts drift to his memories of a time when both of his parents where still there, of picnics, and parties, and just gathering around the fireplace on a cold winter’s morning. Far from being sad, Mac suddenly found himself at peace. It was as if a well remembered page had been turned, and a new one filled with the unexpected had opened up before him. Before he turned and left, he allowed himself to vocalize his feelings to an attic not filled with boxes, but with memories.

“Eeyup.” He said, before closing the door, and descending the stairs.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and an increasingly frustrated Applejack, had been making their way from shop to shop. Applejack hadn’t objected when Applebloom wanted to tell her two best friends about her new room, and she was fine with them tagging along on their shopping trip… at first. But as the afternoon wore on, it quickly dawned on her, that the CMC were taking every acquisition as seriously as she would if she were buying a new stetson. Each time Apple Bloom would hold up a find, it had to be scrutinized by her two friends, then discussed, then argued about, then be put back, walked away from, returned to, argued about AGAIN, and finally either be accepted or discarded.

“Apple Bloom,” AJ said in exasperation, “I told ya we’re only picking up a few things to go with your room, we ain’t out here ta replace everything you own!”

“But we’ve only bought a few things so far, “Apple Bloom wheedled, and we’re takin our time an makin sure we don’t waste any of your bits. Isn’t that what you want me to do?”

Applejack let out a long sigh. “Well, that IS true. It ain’t like your wasting money. But ya’ll need ta start wrapping this up. We need to be back at the farm before sundown. Unless you want to wait until tomorrow ta get moved in?”

“No, no no,” Apple Bloom said quickly. “Just this one last shop, then I PROMISE we’ll be done. Okay?”

“Alright. This one last shop.” Applejack says smiling, as the trio hurries off. “Darn youngin is getting spoiled rotten. I never got me no fancy new things when I got MY room. Shoot, even my hoof-me-downs were hoof-me-downs.”

There was really only once choice for their final destination. The largest variety shop in Ponyville, Barn-Mart, formally Rich’s Barnyard Bargains. After learning of Rarity’s success with her second boutique, Filthy Rich had, according to rumor, partnered with a savvy investment firm to franchise his store into a chain that would soon span across all of Equestria.

However, one of the first recommendations that they made was to change the name.

“Rich’s Barnyard Bargains is just too long,” One of the red maned ponies had said.

“It doesn’t roll off the tongue,” the other, his brother, had said.

“You need something catchier,” chimed the first,

“Edgier,” agreed the second.

And the next thing you know, Mr. Rich had hoofed over a handful of bits, and the following day his family’s business had a new name. A day after that, the two brothers were on the first train to Canterlot with a substantial investment from Filthy, and a promise that in a matter of days he could expect to receive a summons to the groundbreaking ceremony of the upcoming Canterlot branch. This had been six months ago. Filthy was beginning to become a bit concerned…

“Alright you three, ya’ll go find whatever geegaws you can, I’m just gonna sit out here a spell, but I want you to be out here in half an hour. If I have ta come in after you we’ll be leaving WITHOUT you spending any more of my bits.” Applejack said, a serious expression on her face.

Without a word of reply, the trio quickly entered the store.

There they just as quickly came to a halt.

“Thirty minutes? Sweetie Belle said, “this place is huge, where should we go first?”

“Applejack was kidding right? She wouldn’t just cut you off, she was just trying to make us hurry, right?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh, you don’t know my sister.” Apple Bloom said sadly. “She’s gone out of her way to let me buy a few things, but she’s really tight with our bits. If we aren’t outside in time, she’d come in and get us with a smile on her muzzle.”

“Well, I say we check out the music section. You can’t your own room without something to play music with.” Scootaloo says.

“Well, I think she needs some posters to put up. How can you have a young mare’s room without posters of cute stallions to stare at?” Sweetie Belle counters.

“Look, we’re just wasting time. How about we each go in a different direction, and meet back up here in twenty minutes, I’ll look over what you guys pick and decide then.” Apple Bloom said.

Her two friends nodded in agreement and quickly hurried off.

Meanwhile Apple Bloom made her way causally down a random isle. Truth be told, she wasn’t in any real hurry. The excitement of decorating her new room was still there, but as she made her way past shelf upon shelf of glittering pieces of useless junk, she came to realize that it wasn’t what she was buying that mattered, it was the fact that she finally had a room of her own. She wasn’t considered a foal anymore. Her family was acknowledging the fact that she was growing up.

“That’s right”, she thought to herself. “I’m practically a grown up. I need to start makin grown up decisions.”

She was thinking these thoughts as she began to round the corner of an isle. There in front of her was a kiosk. Behind the counter sat a young stallion, who was speaking to an older one in a smart business suit. It occurred to Apple Bloom that she knew who the younger one was. For a moment her heart sped up, and a blush began to creep onto her cheeks. She quickly backed up so the two couldn’t see her until she could get herself under control. She was however, close enough to hear their conversation.

“Not a very large turn out I must say.” The older of the two said.

“Well, this isn’t a very large town.” Replied the younger. “But the ones that did show up were really happy to see me, and in the end, that’s all that matters.”

“Well, THAT, and the substantial amount of money Mr. Rich paid to have you appear here today.” The older said.

From the sigh that escaped the younger one’s muzzle, Apple Bloom could tell that the two of them had been down this road before.

“Mr. Bruin, it’s always about the bits with you. You’re a good manager and all, but there’s more to life than money. What about the fans? What about making ponies happy?”

“That’s all well and good young sir, but I get paid in commission. Twenty percent of a smile doesn’t put food on my plate, or a roof over my head.” The older said, the beginnings of a grin tugging at the edge of his muzzle.

“Oh, Scutter,” the younger said in mock despair, as he couldn’t help but grin himself, “Whatever am I going to do with you?”

“A substantial raise comes to mind. But failing that, how about helping to pack up all these unsold albums and posters? I’m going outside and will pull the cart up around back. Then we can see Mr. Rich, and I can collect my twenty percent, and then maybe, just maybe, I’ll treat you to dinner.” Scutter Bruin said, with a smirk.

“Fine. The younger one said, beginning to pack up the first of several boxes.

While all this had been going on, Apple Bloom hand been trying to get a handle on her emotions.

“Calm down Apple Bloom,” she told herself. “You just got done tellin yourself that your almost a grown up. There’s no way your sister would get all worked up like this. He’s a pony, just the same as you are. An incredibly handsome, talented, famous pony, with dreamy eyes an… NO! Get a hold of yourself. You have a chance to speak with him in person. DO NOT MESS THIS UP!” She almost yelled at her self.

It was then that she saw the older pony leave, and the younger begin to pack up all of their merchandise.

“This is my chance,” she thought.

And taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Apple Bloom stepped out from the corner of the isle and causally made her way up to the kiosk. The young stallion had his back turned as she approached, and was startled when she spoke.

“Got a lot of stuff to pack up there.” She said, proud of the fact that there was no tremor in her voice.

The young stallion jerked his head up in surprise. “Woah, you um… startled me.” He stammered, taking in the sight of the country pony before him. He could tell that she was three maybe four years younger than him, and very, very cute. He found an unexpected blush creeping up his neck.

“Um, can I help you? Did you want a poster, or an album, or an auto-” He began.

“Well, it seems ta me,” Apple Bloom interrupted, “that I should be the one askin that.” And without waiting for approval she began to help the perplexed young stallion box up his wares.

“Well… thanks.” He said finally, and moved to help her with a huge stack of albums. “I um, didn’t catch your name.”

“Why it’s Apple Bloom, thanks for asking.” She replied in a calm voice, while inside her heart was beating faster than a butter churn race.

“I, um, suppose you must not know who I am,” he said awkwardly. A situation that hadn’t occurred to the young stallion in several years.

“Why sure I do,” Apple Bloom said, allowing herself a small smile. “You’re Mustang Bieber.” she said, as she calmly began stacking up the boxes that she had already packed.

“Ah, well… yes. Yes I am.” He said, still off his game. “I must say, you’re not behaving like I would expect you to.”

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked innocently. “How’s that?”

“Well, normally when I’m recognized, mares and fillies tend to do a lot of screaming, their eyes go all wide… well, let’s just say they tend to make a big deal of it.” Mustang says, becoming embarrassed to admit it out loud.

“Yeah I can see that.” Apple Bloom responds, still calm and controlled. “You’re handsome, and talented, and you seem like a really nice stallion.” She finishes, as her hooves begin to tremble as her control starts to crack.

The latter goes completely unnoticed by Mustang, who offers her a large smile. “Well, that’s a very nice thing of you to say. You know, all I ever hear form pretty young mares such as yourself, is an endless tirade of ‘how wonderful I am’s’, or ‘you were singing that just for me’s’, it’s great and all, and I’m glad they like what I do, but they never know anything about me. I do believe, that you are the first pony outside of my mom who has ever called me ‘nice’.”

“There’s a reason for that.” Scutter says, directly behind Apple Bloom, causing her to scatter posters across the floor.

“Scutter! That wasn’t nice at all!” Mustang chides. “I’m sorry, Scutter is known for being a terrible prankster.” And then to Scutter, “just for that I’m telling mom no homemade molasses cookies! For a month!”

A stricken look crosses, Scutter’s muzzle. “Now, now. Let’s not do anything hasty here. How about I treat the young lady to dinner with us, as my way of apologizing? She seems to be much more mature than your usual fans.” He adds approvingly.

“Well, to be honest, I don’t even know if she LIKES my music. She just saw me packing, and decided to help out.” Mustang says, causing a look of surprise on Scutter’s face.

“Well, I never said I didn’t like your music,” Apple Bloom ventures, still trying to maintain her composure. “I’ve got one or two of your albums at home, (in actuality she had all but the newest, and that was only because the release date was set for next month). But as for dinner, I’d have to ask my big Sister. She’s waiting outside while me and my friends shop.”

“Well, I tell you what,” Scutter says, I’ll go see Mr. Rich about collecting our pay. Mustang, if you’ll take these out to the cart,” Scutter says pointing to the boxes, while Miss- I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.

“Apple Bloom,” both she and Mustang say at the same time. Causing them both to blush.

“I see.” Scutter says, not even bothering to hide a VERY trollish smile. “As I was saying, while Apple Bloom goes and asks her sister if they she can join us. Then we can all meet back here. Sound good?”

“Works for me, Mustang said, as he begins to carry the stack of packed boxes toward the back. “But still no cookies!” He calls back, not seeing the stricken look on Scutter’s face once more.

“I’ll go ask her, just as soon as I get all these posters boxed up.” Apple Bloom says, bending to grab the nearest.

“Now Miss, that was all my fault, you don’t have to go to any trouble.” Scutter says contritely.

“Ah shoot, this is nothing. Back on the farm, I usually average ten bushels of apples before lunch, and that’s on a slow day.” Apple Bloom brags.

Scutter trots off, shaking his head in bemusement, muttering about molasses cookies, as Apple Bloom continues to pick up the scattered posters. Finally she allows a huge smile to split her muzzle, while inside she is all but screaming to herself. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! YES!!! I talked to Mustang Bieber. I have a DATE with Mustang Bieber! Well, not exactly a date, and I’ll have to talk Applejack into letting me go, but still… MUSTANG BIEBER! SQUEEE!”

It was then that an all too condesending voice, cut through her clouds of happy thoughts like Rainbow Dash on cloud scattering patrol.

“And what do we have here?” a haughty sounding voice said, filled with derision. Apple Bloom looked up to see an angry looking female unicorn in a security uniform scowling down at her, and all of the spilled posters. “And what do you think you’re doing? Destroying Mr. Rich’s merchandise? Just like a mud pony! Stay right there you, while I call the police.”

“Now hold on right there.” Apple Bloom says, whiling around. “I ain’t destroyed nothing. I’ll have you know I was cleaning all these up before some other pony stepped on them.”

“Yeah, right. THAT’S a likely story!” The unicorn says, snatching the posters from out of Apple Bloom’s hooves. “More likely you were trying to steal them, and fell while making your getaway. Why else would some dirt pony like you be in Mr. Rich’s store? It’s not like YOU could ever afford anything WE sell. Why else would you be in here?” She says, every word laced with spite and venom.

“Actually, she was here to meet me for lunch.” A voice says, from over the guard’s shoulder.

“And just WHO do you think YOU-” She begins, turning to face this new pony. “M-M- Mustang Bieber?!?” She finishes, her eyes going wide.

“Yes, we all know who I am.” Mustang says with derision. “But who exactly are YOU supposed to be?”

“I-I- I’m Caring Egoistic. B-but you can call me Caring. I-I’m chief of security at this store.” The guard stammers out in shock, as Scutter comes trotting up to stand beside Mustang.

“Is everything all right?” Scutter asks.

“Not at all, but it WILL be.” Mustang says to his friend and manager. “Scutter, make a note, under no circumstances are we to EVER make another personal appearance to any business owned by the Rich’s.”

“Yes sir.” Scutter replies dutifully.

“Also, let Mr. Rich know of the deplorable behavior of his head of security.” Mustang continues.

“Of course,” Scutter replies.

“Have you collected our payment for today?” Mustang inquires.

“Yes, I have, down to the last bit.” Scutter says.

“Good, then our business here is concluded. I don’t want either myself or my date, to have to endure this vile establishment any longer than necessary.” Mustang says, taking Apple Bloom by the hoof, and leading her toward the front entrance.

“D-date? Wait. You’re going on a date? With HER?” Caring yells in shock to the retreating backs of the three ponies.

“Not that it’s any of YOUR business, but yes. Apple Bloom is one of the kindest, most mature young mares I have ever met. Certainly far more so than yourself. And did I mention that she is cuter as well? Because yeah, that’s a thing.” Mustang says, over his shoulder.

“That last bit was just mean” Apple Bloom whispers to Mustang, too low for Caring to hear.

“But true,” Mustang whispers back, nearly causing Applebloom’s heart to burst with joy.

Unseen by any of the three, the security pony falls to the floor behind them, looking helplessly at the retreating form of Mustang Bieber. “But… but, I am your biggest fan.” She says quietly, as tears began to form a river down her cheeks.

She sat there quietly crying until eventually she was escorted to the manager’s office, where she had to give a full accounting as to what transpired. Despite attempting to put her own twist on things, the security camera footage proved to be her undoing. She was summarily dismissed on the spot.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom had almost made it to the front doors, when she saw that Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and irate looking Applejack had been waiting for her.

As soon as she caught sight of her, Applejack stepped forward. “Dag nabbit Apple Bloom, I said thirty minutes, and that was ten minutes ago. We were just about to come looking for ya. Now just what in tarnation took you so long?”

“Um, that would be my fault. You see, I was having some trouble packing up some boxes, and your sister was kind enough to offer me some help.” Mustang interjects.

“Well, shoot, that’s okay then, I me-” It was then that Applejack realized who she was talking to. “Mustang Bieber?!? She said, her eyes going wide. She pointed a shaky hoof at the young stallion, “you’re M-Mustang Bieber.”

“Mustang Bieber?!? AHHHHH!” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle screamed in unison.

Mustang turned to Apple Bloom, “See, THIS is the reaction I was talking about.” He said with a wide smile.

“Well, I suppose not all ponies can be as mature as I am.” Apple Bloom replies demurely, giving his hoof a squeeze, and causing him to blush.

“Oh my sweet Granny!” Applejack continues, “I’m standing here speaking to Mustang Bieber! My lil sister is holding hooves with Mustang Bieber!” Then AJ’s brain kicks into gear. “Hey, wait just one apple bucking second. Why is my lil sister holding hooves with Mustang Bieber?!?”

After several minutes of explanations involving posters, lost cookies, and Diamond Tiara, Applejack had the full picture. Applejack agreed to let Apple Bloom go to dinner, but only of she could come along as a chaperone.

“You just want to have dinner with Mustang Bieber.” Apple Bloom accused.

“Maaaaybe.” AJ replied, batting her eyelashes coyly at Mustang, causing Apple Bloom to roll her eyes.

“I don’t suppose...” Scootaloo began.

“That you two could come too?” Mustang asks. “Of course you can. Any friend of Apple Bloom’s is a friend of mine.”

“Yay!” they both cheer.

“And there goes my commission.” Scutter says in mock dismay.

“Oh lighten up Scutter, this one is on me.” Mustang says. “But still no cookies.” He adds, eliciting a disappointed groan from Scutter.

It was late that afternoon before two emotionally exhausted Apple’s made their way back to the farm. They all had a wonderful time at dinner. Swapping stories, and laughing as they joked around. Mustang hadn’t had such an enjoyable trip in his life, and promised the next time they were near Ponyville, they would come to the farm for a visit. Applejack in turn offered to let them stay as her guests, and promised them the best home cooked meal they ever had.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were allowed to take a ton of pictures, with all of them getting to pose with Mustang which they both intended to take to school the next day. Applejack made sure to get her fair share as well, some of these turning out to look decidedly predatory, next to a slightly uncomfortable Mustang.

After they got home, and all the stories were told about their day, an exhausted Apple Bloom made her way upstairs, to pin up her brand new autographed poster, and to sleep in her new room for the first time.

“Today, was the greatest day of my life,” she said to the poster of Mustang, before she climbed into bed and pulled up the covers, preparing to fall into an exhausted sleep.

Little did she know, just how accurate that statement would prove to be…