• Published 31st Oct 2020
  • 281 Views, 2 Comments

Skrrriiitchhhh! - Mister E

Apple Bloom is so excited to finally be getting her own room. But then the noises began...

  • ...

Further Fears

It had taken longer than expected for Granny and ‘Zecora’ to finish packing up everything she though they might need, and return to the farm. Zecora had already reverted to her zebra form by the time they were clearing the edge of the forest, and had begun making their way back to the farmhouse.

There, on the porch, a furious looking Applejack sat waiting for them.

“Where in tarnation have you been Granny!” She exploded as the two traveler’s approached. “It doesn’t take half a day to pick a garland of flowers. We were getting worried sick. I was just about to send Big Mac in after you, and then I see you and Zecora trotting back, calm as you please. I also notice that you don’t even have any flowers with you. Ya got anything you want to tell me? Hmm?”

“Now don’t you take that tone of voice with ME missy!” Granny fires back. “I INVENTED that tone of voice! Why I was usin that on your granpappy back before they invented candles… Darn inconvenient too, always havin to carry torches around all the time. Why I remem-”

“What I believe your Granny is trying to say,” Zecora says, nudging the older mare in the ribs to interrupt her diatribe, “is that I’m the reason she was delayed.

“Wazzat now? Oh… right.” Granny says, coming back to the present. “Well, I hate to tell you this youngin, but I wasn’t bein exactly honest with you about why I went into the forest.”

“Oh really,” Applejack says, her voice dripping sarcasm.

“Yeah. Truth to tell, I wasn’t really goin after any flowers. I just needed ta talk to Zecora here bout what made that big ole hole.” Granny says, glancing around. “Does Apple Bloom know about that yet?” Granny asks.

“Naw, she ain’t been around that side of the house today. She could see it from her room for sure, but she ain’t been back in there yet either. So why exactly did ya need ta lie to us about going to see Zecora?” Applejack asks, bringing the subject back on track.

“Well, see I wasn’t for sure about what it was, but I had my suspicions. I wanted ta check with Zecora before I went an worried any of ya’ll about it in case I was wrong.” Granny said.

“So, and what did ya’ll figure out? We got us a big ole millerworm or what?” AJ asks impatiently.

Granny and Zecora share a glance before Zecora begins speaking.

“I’m afraid Granny’s worries have come true, tis not a worm that is plaguing you. From what your Granny has described to me, it’s a different creature from the Everfree.” Zecora says, going along with the story Granny had concocted.

“So, what exactly are we dealin with then?” Applejack asks.

“It’s a… scavenger that fills me with dread,” Zecora says after a moments thought, “that can change it’s shape to that which it has fed.”

“What? So there’s some kinda shapeshiftin critter that dug it’s way out of momma’s grave? And you mean ta say it could be running around lookin like her? We need to get after it!” Applejack says in alarm.

“No need to hunt the creature down, as long as ponies are here, it will stay around. For if what I believe is true, it wont be long before it comes after you.” Zecora says, pointing at Applejack.

“What Zecora is trying to say, “Granny interrupts, with a scathing glare toward Zecora, “is that thing has got a taste for ponies now, and it’ll probably stay around the farm hunting for more. Furthermore, she was telling me how this thing is really hard to kill. So she brought some special potions with her which will weaken it, and lock it into the last shape it took over.”

“It will?” Zecora says in surprise, “I mean of course it will, as Granny has said, and when it does we must kill it dead.”

“So you’re sayin that it’s gonna be looking like my mom, but then we have to kill it?” Applejack says, with growing unease. “This whole thing is a might hard to swallow.” She says scratching her head.

“Um, it seems pretty straightforward, at least to me, what with all I see in the Everfree,” Zecora says, trying to smooth things over.

“Well, I suppose.” Applejack says, still not sounding entirely convinced. “So what exactly are we supposed to do?

“Well, first I reckon we need to get the family together. And then explain to them what all is going on. The get them all armed with some of Zecora’s cu-… um, I mean potions. Once you dose the thing good, you need to kill it quickly. Those potions won’t last for very long. I know it’ll be hard, what with it probably lookin like your maw, but we just don’t have any other way to stop it. It’s too strong to trap, and you saw how it could dig, so a pit would be out of the question.”

“What about Twilight, and my friends? I’m sure they could probably help.” Applejack says hopefully.

“Um… well...” Granny begins.

“We don’t have time to go to town,” Zecora interjects, “with this beast so close around. Also you might lure it there, and it could escape to who knows where.”

“Yeah, what she said,” Granny chimes in. “We got enough ponies to take care of it here. No sense giving the critter a chance to escape.”

“Well, I guess that makes sense,” Applejack says slowly. “Alright, well we better get inside and tell the others then.” She says before getting up and walking inside.

“I hope you are proud, I lied for you,” Zecora whispers to Granny between clenched teeth. “what in Equestria, have you gotten me into?”

“Hush up now. We both agreed it’s for the best.” Granny whispers back. “If we stick to our story, we may actually be able to pull this off without them ever knowing.”

“That you would allow patricide makes me wonder, if in helping you I have not blundered.” Zecora whispers back in anger.

“I said hush,” Granny hisses. “You know we ain’t got no choice. It’s just like last time, only worse. The only good thing we have goin for us is that she doesn’t have any idea that we have a way to stop her.”

Further conversation was cut off as the pair entered the dining room where Big Mac and Apple Bloom were finding their chairs. Applejack had gotten a jug of cider, and was pouring everypony a mug before sitting down herself.

Granny and Zecora stood at the edge of the table, and began to spin their yarn. After a few minutes of questions, many of which Granny or Zecora made up answers to on the spot, the family was brought up to speed.

It was decided that the family would split up into teams. Applejack and Apple Bloom, would be together. Zecora and Granny would be paired up, and Big Mac would be a team all by himself. A prospect he didn’t mind at all. The three groups would scout around the farm, meeting back up at the front porch. If anypony saw anything they were to let out a holler and the others would come running. The idea was for none of them to try and take the critter on their own, but two ponies together should be able to hold it off until the rest arrived.

By the time they had laid their plans, the sun was already beginning to set. Mac made some torches out of old rags and kindling and passed them out to everyone. Mac began to make his way around the house, while Zecora and Granny headed over to check the barn. Applejack and Apple Bloom were to stay and guard the house in case the critter decided to try and break in.

After the others had left, Applejack went around securing the doors and windows, while Apple Bloom went upstairs to get the third member of their team, Cindy.

Twilight had already begun to cast it’s long shadows into the window of Apple Bloom’s new room by the time she slowly open the door. She peered cautiously inside, her nerves on edge. She had no reason to believe that the creature Granny and Zecora had described had somehow gotten into the house, but she was still filled with unresolved doubts over her room. Questions that had not been answered to her satisfaction.

She strained her ears before entering. But was rewarded with nothing but silence. Quietly, she tiphoofed over to her bed, and gingerly removed Cindy from her hooks. Once again she paused and cast her gaze around the room. Her eyes caught sight of her poster of Mustang Beiber in the fading light. Getting that poster seemed a lifetime ago now. He happiest memory tainted by the events that followed.

As she looked at the poster once more, she all but gasped aloud. That face! It had changed again. And this time there could be no doubt. It WAS different than before. Different than the last time she looked at it. And the change was definitely for the worse. The handsome face of Mustang, that before had been twisted into a leer, was now glaring at her with unmistakable hatred. It was a malevolent gaze, an evil hate filled gaze. The pony in that poster wasn’t her friend. The pony in that poster looked like he was just about to reach out and take her by the throat, squeezing until the very life left her body.

Apple Bloom gave a horrified shudder, and holding Cindy to her chest, she quickly made for the door. But she hadn’t gone two steps before she heard it…

Skrrriiiiiitch. Skrrrrraaaaaatch. SkrrrrraaaaAPPLEBLOOM!

Apple Bloom was frozen in her tracks. Her heart pounding in fear.

Skrrrrraaapplebloom... Sssssttttttaaaay aaaaaapplebloom... Ssssssooooo hungry... Sssssooooft aaaaaaapplebloom… ssssswwwweeeet aaaaapplebloom… taaaaaaassssty aaaaaapplebloom.

Apple Bloom could clearly hear a scribbling at the window. As if something were frantically trying to get in. Her throat was constricted with fear, she was unable to scream for help. The sound of breaking glass was what finally freed her from her paralysis. As her window was breaking she finally found her legs and bolted out the door and down the stairs as fast as she could go. She frantically wasted minutes searching the house for Applejack, before finally spotting her.

The front door was open, and Applejack stood on the porch, facing outside, her back to the inside of the house. She was motionless. Strangely so, as if whatever it was that she was looking at help her attention completely. Apple Bloom had stopped as well. For some reason the sight of her sister, her back to her, looking out at who knows what, filled Apple Bloom with dread. Suddenly she was deathly afraid of Applejack turning around. She was sure that if she did, there would be something horribly wrong with her face. Would it be eaten off? Horribly mutilated? Or would she just turn and stare at her, with that horrible face from the poster in her room.

Apple Bloom was transfixed between two terrors. The one behind her, upstairs, that for all she knew was coming after her, could be behind her even now if she dared to turn around. And the terror before her, from the strange unnaturally stillness of her sister, for what she dreaded to see in her sisters eyes.

She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know which way to turn. But after only a moment, the burden of choice was lifted from her, as her sister spoke.

“Apple Bloom,” her sister said, her voice somehow devoid of inflection.

“Y-yes?” Apple Bloom asked, her voice trembling to match her legs.

“Come here Apple Bloom,” her sister said again, still unmoving.

“I...I...” Apple Bloom said, inching forward as slowly as she could.

“Come here Apple Bloom,” her sister said once more.

Then, as Apple Bloom had moved closer to her sister, Applejack suddenly spun around, and grabbed her shoulder with a hoof, the other raised high, something tight in it’s grasp. Apple Bloom looked up terror stricken into her sister’s face, a face contorted into a manic grin…

“It’s about time! Hahahaaa. I have something for you Apple Bloom,” her sister said, all the while smiling that ghastly smile.

“AAAIIIEEE” Apple Bloom screamed. The echos of which were swallowed up by the encroaching darkness.