• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 196 Views, 3 Comments

Shadow Mavis: Authority Figure - The Mysterious Lombax

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Chapter 1

One day near Ponyville, in a lair, there were two humans who were busy playing around in a bed. One was a boy with brown hair, wearing a red jacket, and a mole near his lip while the other human was a girl with beautiful brown hair along with tan skin. Their names are George Cunningham and Shadow Mavis.

"Oh, Georgie. I always love being with you." Shadow Mavis said.

"Same goes for you, babe. Nothing can separate us." George said.

Suddenly, the door was opened abruptly. The two humans stood up from the bed as they saw a pony guard. They found out it was one of Princess Luna's guards, a stallion, per se. Shadow Mavis and George sighed in annoyance since this was the 5th guard that broke into their lair this week.

"Do you mind?!? We are trying to have some quality time together!" Shadow Mavis complained.

"Yeah. So, if you're looking for some problems to deal with, go somewhere else!" George agreed.

"I am dealing with a problem here. You two! You two humans are the most wanted criminals in Equestria!" the guard replied, as he pulled out a Wanted poster of George and Shadow Mavis. "On behalf of Princess Luna, I am placing you two under arrest. Now hands up where I can see them!"

George rolled his eyes as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly, George's friends came out of their rooms, and they ambushed the guard. The guard screamed in pain as both George and Shadow Mavis laughed at the scene. Once they were done, the guard lost a few teeth, some of his hair was missing and he had a black eye.

"That was hilarious!" George said as he pulled out a button. "Shadow Mavis, if you would."

"Oh, certainly, Georgie." the bat-winged girl replied, as she pushed down the button. Suddenly, the guard was then dropped below a cannon, as the cannon started adjusting its aim. The cannon then fired, which the guard was screaming as he was flying.

"That was even funnier than I thought!" George chuckled.

"Yeah," replied Shadow Mavis. "Hey, Georgie?"

"Yes, my dear?"

"Have you ever thought about having some sort of security to our lair?" Shadow Mavis asked.

"You know, sweetie, come to think of it, I have not. I thought that since we have the biggest reputations in Equestria means that we are already feared throughout the land that no one would dare try to capture us." George answered.

"That may be true, but we have been captured a few times before." the girl replied.

"That is a good point. Looks like it can't hurt getting some tight security around here. My friends are good, but not good enough. We need something, like an army of authorities." George pondered. He then looked at his girlfriend. "A-ha!"

"What is it, Georgie?" Shadow Mavis asked.

"Oh, you'll see..."

Sometime later at Princess Luna's room...

Princess Luna was watching the sunset. It was her turn to control the night.

"Alright. Celestia has done her half of the bargain. Now, it's my turn!" Princess Luna said to herself.

However, as she was about to control the moon, she felt a disturbance.

"Huh?" Princess Luna said. "That's weird. George and his goons are doing some stuff. But what have they done?"

Her answer was shortly answered as the guard from earlier landed on the ground.

"Ugh..." the guard yelped in pain.

Luna rushed over to the guard.

"What happened, soldier?" Princess Luna asked.

"It was George. They ejected me out of a cannon. It seems impossible to have them in custody." the guard panted.

"You did your best, soldier. One day, we will bring justice to that evil boy." Luna replied as she looked at the moon. "We will find you one day, Cunningham. We will bring you to justice."

Later, back at George's lair...

"So let me get this straight, George. Since you have seen my skills when we first met, you think I'm the one who deserves to be the lead authority figure. Like a police officer?" Shadow Mavis asked while George's friends were measuring her height, as well as finding the right size of her clothes.

"Yes, that's what I have been saying. I have seen what you are capable of. The amount of combat that you can do, along with the way you are able to defend yourself shows that you are the woman for this job. I can feel it." George replied with a smile.

"If it will make you happy, Georgie, then I will go for it." Shadow Mavis answered by kissing his cheek.

George giggled as he ordered his goons to find the right clothes for his girlfriend. It took a few minutes until there was a perfect fit for Shadow Mavis. She is seen wearing a blue police uniform with a yellow police badge on the right-center of it, a black belt on her pants that came equipped with some handcuffs, a taser, and a baton, some latex black boots, and black latex gloves for her hands.

"How do I look, Georgie?" Shadow Mavis smiled.

George then stared at her for a bit, before fainting, and recovering.

"You are perfect!" George answered. "It's time for your training!" He then grabbed Shadow Mavis's hand and led her to another room.

"Wow? This fast? I just got on the uniform."

"We can worry about that later, sweetie. I got to show you what it takes to be a police officer!" George said, not wanting to delay his girlfriend's training.

Later, at another room..

Shadow Mavis is at the center of a room. Surrounding her are some dummies.

"Alright, babe. Here's step one of the first training. Let's say that there's a criminal you happen to see. What I want you to do is to sneak up on one of those dummies and knock them out as you would do with a real person." George said, standing on top of a pillar.

"Got it, honey."

(Shadow Mavis walked up by the dummy quietly, and then she proceeded to punch it. An alarm rang.)

"Good! Next step!" George rang. "Your target is in a moving position. It either has already seen you approach them or is moving, unknown you are nearby them. While on the chase, there might be some obstacles like a trash can that can get in your way. Go to the moving target."

Shadow Mavis then started going forward to the moving target. It made a noise like it noticed the girl moving towards her and started vibrating, indicating a person starting to move fast from Shadow Mavis. The girl then gave chase, while some obstacles popped up in front of her path. The girl then avoided some of the obstacles while grabbing a few of them and throwing them at the target, making it easier for her to capture the target. As Shadow Mavis jumped at the target, an alarm rang.

"Excellent! You're doing great!" George cheered.

Shadow Mavis blushed at his compliment.

"Next step!" George snapped his fingers. Suddenly, all of the dummies surrounded Shadow Mavis. She looked in shock.

"Now, let's say there's more than one guy you got cornered. There can be multiples of that person, like five, ten, or so on, so forth. What you need to do is to apply those fighting skills of yours to the test. Defend yourself from those thugs!" George announced.

"Got it, sweetheart!" Shadow Mavis replied as she got into a fighting stance. The dummies started getting closer to her, and Shadow Mavis kicked the dummies with one of her boots, in a circle. One dummy tried to sneak up behind her, but Shadow Mavis then flicked her hair, hurting the dummy. George then got off the pillar while clapping his hands.

"Bravo! Wonderful! Excellent! I knew you can do it!" George applauded.

"Thanks. It was worth it for you, Georgie." Shadow Mavis then bowed while holding her police cap.

"Oh, look at the time. It's time for your next training!" George then grabbed Shadow Mavis's hand and took her with him to another part of the lair.

"Anything for you, Georgie-poo!" Shadow Mavis blushed.

Author's Note:

This story is dedicated to my good friend, ShutterGuy. Check out his stuff by clicking the link to his profile on the main page of the story.