• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 196 Views, 3 Comments

Shadow Mavis: Authority Figure - The Mysterious Lombax

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Chapter 3

The next morning, Eden is sleeping in her cell.

Shadow Mavis arrived at her cell, then she started to hit the bars of her cell with her baton.

"Quiet down over there. I'm trying to sleep ya know!" Eden cried.

However, Shadow Mavis then kept hitting the bars of her cell, forcing her to wake up. "It's time for you to do prison work."

Eden throws the pillow at her "Fine. Don't expect me to lift heavy stuff or get dirty. Because I won't do that!"

Shadow Mavis then cuffed Eden and led her outside. "Oh, don't worry. It's not heavy stuff. It's something else!"

"Ugh, I am not excited. Whatever it is, I'll be sure to try not to die of boredom." Eden rolls her eyes and wiggles the cuffs on her legs and arms as she shuffles along the cellblock out the door. They were outside. Shadow Mavis then led Eden to an area filled with rocks. She then pointed at a pickaxe. "Your job is to destroy all these rocks with that pickaxe!"

"What?! That's gonna take all day. Just me by myself? Ugh. That is unfair!" Eden holds the pickaxe and struggles to lift it up. She manages to hold the pickaxe and starts destroying rocks with it. Shadow Mavis watches while wearing sunglasses. Eden pants and is very sweaty. She sits down and takes a break, grumbling in frustration. She grunts and squirms trying to run away "Hey. I'm not some slave. Stop this crap and just let me take a break!"

"You're working here till every rock is gone! And I don't care how hot it is here! Now get back to work!" Shadow Mavis replied as she kicked Eden.

"Ahhhh! You're going to pay for this. I will get my revenge!" she cries out and kept working. Shadow Mavis chuckled as she watched Eden destroy some rocks with her pickaxe.

Eden grunts and keeps working until then day turns to afternoon, she is hungry now and drops her axe, "Done. Now give me some food. Hurry up!"

Shadow Mavis then grabbed Eden's hand and made her walk with her to the prison cafeteria. "Let's go, jailbird."

"Finally. I am exhausted. Now take these cuffs off me!" Eden shuffles down the hallway while still sweating, and looks at the cafeteria.

Shadow Mavis then takes off her cuffs. They meet up with her boyfriend George, who is the cafeteria monitor. George spots them.

"How is my favorite police officer?" George kissed Shadow Mavis.

The cop girl replied "Doing great. I'm hauling this jailbird."

George says "So, this girl is our prisoner."

Eden just stares at them. George responded "I know the crime you did. Now you are serving time here in jail."

Eden responded "Yeah blah blah.. well, I still haven't gotten any sentence on that. So I'm getting out soon either by myself or with my lawyer. You guys can't keep me here forever. It's illegal!"

George simply gave her some prison food on her tray, which was oatmeal. Eden then went to a table, which Shadow Mavis sat next to her. Eden grumbled as she ate her food.

Shadow Mavis then says "You look cute in that prison jumpsuit."

"Orange is not my color. It's not a comfortable suit either.... but thanks. Maybe I'll get a bunch of visitors who like the way I look too." Eden says upset and chuckles nervously.

Shadow Mavis hits Eden with her baton as she finished eating.

"Ouch. What was that for?!" Eden threw a piece of food at her, which the bat-winged girl dodges just in time.

"It's time for you to head back to work." She barked. She then grabbed Eden's hand.

"C'mon. I've been working all day" Eden whined.

Shadow Mavis then led her inside a room where a big brick is. "You must bring this brick on the other side of this building. Pushing it should do the trick."

Eden then got started pushing the brick. "Stupid brick." She groans and pushes it. "My back hurts!" It was only a matter of time before she realized her leg was shackled to it. "I'm gonna just stay here now. I'm not going to break my back trying to pull this around" she kicks it and grunts.

"Get to work, slave. No slacking in the job!" the police girl hit Eden with her baton.

A few hours later, Eden reached her location. She falls to the ground and takes a nap.

Shadow Mavis then unlocks Eden's leg from her shackle and drags her to her jail cell. Eden grunted and says weakly "Why did you make me walk this far?"

Shadow Mavis beamed. "You just helped us prove how strong you are."

"I don't care about any of that. I'm a girl, so I should get an easier job." Eden barked.

"Trust me, girl. Male prisoners get way worse than what you have to do." Shadow Mavis said as she locked the cell door.
Shadow Mavis says "Don't be so lonely. You'll have company soon."

Eden then drifted off to sleep as Shadow Mavis went back to George.

"Love how you whipped her into shape, babe." George kissed his boyfriend.

"Just doing my best, Georgie." Shadow Mavis then returned George with a kiss. "So, when's our next evil plan to strike?"

"We will have a chance soon. Right now, we are gonna have a prison on our lair in case we take over Equestria." George then responded. "For now, keep an eye on our prisoner while I find more people to place in our jail."

"Got it, Georgie." Shadow Mavis then started patrolling around the cells, making sure Eden does not escape.

Author's Note:

Note to self: work on George's origin story this month.