• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 5,717 Views, 65 Comments

Flurry Heart's Story: Calming of the Storm - AleximusPrime

Flurry Heart meets Rainbow Dash’s son, Storm Streak, but his daring, mischievous ways end up getting him into trouble.

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1. Rainbow Dash's Kids

“Knowing Dash, she probably woke the kids up a few hours ago.” Gallus told Flurry, as he and Spike flew with her to Rainbow Dash’s house just outside of Ponyville. “She used to sleep in a lot, but that all changed when she started having kids.”

“I feel bad I haven’t met her kids yet.” Flurry replied. “I remember meeting Thunderhead a few years ago when Twilight was having a Council of Friendship meeting.”

“Hehe, well her oldest is quite a handful.” Spike told her.

“Oh yeah. Storm Streak, I believe?”

“That’s him, and then there’s Lightning Flash and she just gave birth Misty Blitz earlier this year. She’ll be taking Misty with her when she goes to see her parents, but they’ll be back later this afternoon and Thunder usually gets home before supper.”

“Well I can’t wait to see them!”

“Alright, there’s her house.” Gallus said, pointing down.

“Oh, she lives on the ground now?” Flurry asked.

“Yup. It’s a lot cheaper than a cloudominium, but it’s a cozy little home.”

They all flew down to the ground and made their way to Rainbow Dash’s new house. It was a nice little home with some adornments that made it resemble houses in Cloudsdale, but was surrounded by hedges and a few trees. In the front lawn, Flurry could see a scooter and some toy trucks scattered about. They landed on the road and walked on the pathway to the front door.

“It’s past breakfast so Stormy’s probably in rare form right now.” Gallus jested as he stopped in front of the door and knocked.

A few moments later, the door opened. Flurry was expecting Rainbow Dash to open, but she looked down to see a young pegasus colt looking at her. He was blue with hair that consisted of the colors green, blue and purple. His cutie mark was three yellow lightning bolts, and he had Rainbow Dash’s eyes. This was undoubtedly Storm Streak.


“Stormy, how’s it goin’ bud?” Gallus said as he gave Stormy a fist-bump.

Stormy then opened his tiny yet powerful wings and began to fly around Flurry to inspect her. He was a lot faster than Flurry was expecting, though his cutie mark suggested he was just as talented as his mother.

“Wow! Your wings are HUUUUUGE!” he said, opening one of her wings up and measuring her feathers. “You must be able to fly really fast with these wings!”

“Hehe, well I’m not that bad at flying.” Flurry bashfully replied.

“She had her first flight the day she was born.” Spike told Stormy.

“Wow, really Spike?! That’s before when Pound Cake started flying! THAT’S SO AWESOME!!!” Stormy said, putting his hooves up against both his cheeks and squeezing them hard.

Rainbow Dash finally arrived at the door behind Stormy, as he continued to squeal in excitement. She had her six-toned rainbow hair cut shorter than it used to be back in her early days as a Wonderbolt and looking somewhat similar to her mother’s. With a smile, she patted her eager little son on the head to calm him down.

“Alright, kiddo, settle down.” she said as Stormy lowered himself to the ground.

“Mommy, look at the princess’s wings! Aren’t they cool?” He said, tapping his hooves on the ground.

“I see em, Storm, and remember: we call her Flurry Heart, ‘kay?” she politely reminded him.

“Oh, right, Flurry Heart. Can I call you Flurry for short?”

“Hehe. Everypony does.” Flurry replied. “It’s great seeing you again, Rainbow Dash!”

“Back at ya, Flurry!” Rainbow Dash said as she gave Flurry a hug. “Thanks for bringing them over, Gallus.

“No problem, Dash.” Gallus replied. “She had quite a time at the Cake’s the other day.”

“Oh, I know! I wish I could have been there, but Pinkie and Cheese stopped by last night to discuss me being one of the bridesmaids. First Stormy’s cutie mark and now Pinkie’s wedding! This is shaping up to be quite a year!”

“Not to mention Flurry figuring out who wields the Elements and beating Scutellum!” Spike added, petting Flurry on the head as she blushed.

“What was that battle like?!” Stormy said, zooming up right into Flurry’s face. “Did the changeling breathe fire like a dragon? Or shoot lasers from his eyes?! I heard they can turn into bigger animals! I saw Ocellus turn into a giant bug one time! It was so cool!”

“Shhhh, Storm, let’s go easy on Flurry.” Rainbow Dash said, pulling Stormy in next to her with her wing. “I’m sure she can tell you what the battle was like later, but for now, let’s invite them inside.”

“Well guys, take care!” Gallus said, waving and taking off.

“Thanks, Gallus!” Flurry called back to him.

They all walked inside and Rainbow Dash showed them in to her living room. There was a smaller pegasus colt sitting on the ground with some toy blocks. He had a coat that was a lighter shade of blue than his mother’s, hair with streaks of red, blue and yellow, and some blue eyes. He had no cutie mark yet. Across from him was a baby pegasus filly in a diaper, chewing on one of the blocks. She had a very bright blue coat, blue hair with yellow streaks in it and large yellow eyes.

“Flash, Misty, look! We have visitors!” Rainbow Dash said to her kids in a silly voice.

The colt looked over to Flurry and then stood up. Rainbow Dash went over and picked up the baby and set her next to him.

“That’s Lightning Flash, and this little one’s Misty Blitz. Say hi, guys! She’s a princess!”

“Hi.” Lightning Flash said, waving as his little sister just smiled and giggled.

“Hey there!” Flurry said, waving back.

Stormy came in and stood next to his siblings while Rainbow stretched her arms around them to line them up.

“This is the gang!” she said. “Stormy, Flashy, and Misty.”

“Are you really a princess?” Lightning Flash asked Flurry.

“Hehe. Yup. I don’t really like wearing crowns, but I’m a princess. You can call me Flurry though.” Flurry responded.

“Flurry and Spike are going to be staying with you guys while I’m out with Grammy and Grampy.” Rainbow Dash told her kids.

“Yaaaay! Uncle Spike’s here!” Lightning said, as he and Misty went over to play with Spike.

“Flashy, Misty, how you guys doin’?” Spike said, picking them both up in his arms.

“So how old are they again?” Flurry asked.

“Storm is seven, Flash is five, and Misty’s still a few months old. They’re growing up fast. Storm just got his cutie mark earlier this year after he broke a record for the mile-dash for his age group in flight camp. Everypony said it was the most amazing thing they ever saw. He left behind these awesome lightning bolt streaks as he did it. Got himself a trophy and all. So proud of this little guy!”

Stormy smiled big and cozied up next to his mother as she put her arm around him. Flurry felt so happy to see that Rainbow Dash started such a close-knit family and that her son was already following in her foot-steps.

“Stormy looks like he really takes after his mother.” Flurry said.

“You bet!” Stormy said. “Mommy reads me a chapter of Daring Do every night, and we watch the new Power Ponies cartoon every Saturday morning when a new episode comes out!”

“We’re both huge geeks and athletes.” Rainbow Dash added, snickering.

“I take full responsibility for getting him into Power Ponies!” Spike called to Flurry as he ran around the house, letting Flashy and Misty chase him with Stormy eventually joining in.

“So Scootaloo is coming over in a few minutes?” Flurry asked Rainbow.

“Yup. She’s my go-to mare for whenever I need a babysitter.” Rainbow told her. “She knows the house like the back of her hoof, and she can handle crazy little Stormy.”

Off to the side, there was a big thump as Stormy tackled Spike to the ground.

“DRAGON-PILE!” Stormy shouted as Flashy and Misty came over and began to bounce on his belly.

Flurry looked on and giggled at the sight. Rainbow Dash laughed and tried to calm her kids down.


“Alright, alright, you little squirts!” Rainbow said. “Uncle Spike’s not a trampoline you know. Come on, let’s go show Flurry the rest of the house while we wait for Scootaloo to come over.”

“Ooooh! Flurry, wanna see my Power Pony action figure collection?!” Stormy said, excitedly to Flurry.

“Sure, Stormy!” Flurry replied.

She filed in with the kids to their toy room with Rainbow Dash and Spike following close behind.