• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 5,719 Views, 65 Comments

Flurry Heart's Story: Calming of the Storm - AleximusPrime

Flurry Heart meets Rainbow Dash’s son, Storm Streak, but his daring, mischievous ways end up getting him into trouble.

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3. The Escape

Flurry flew into the toy room to find Stormy. She expected to see him over by the toy box, playing with his action figures, but he was standing in front of one of the windows, staring outside.

“Stormy?” she asked.

“Flurry! There you are!” he said, turning around and running over to her.

“What were you looking at outside?”

“Canterlot! That’s where the Wonderbolts show is that Mommy went to!”

Stormy looked around and made sure that no one was in the doorway listening to them and began whispering to her.

“Flurry, you wanna go?”

“Uh…go where?”

“The Wonderbolts show of course! We might make it in time for the rest for the show before autographs!”

“Wait, you mean like sneaking off to go there?”

“Yeah, Scootaloo’s distracted right now and Spike’s asleep. Look!”

Stormy pointed over to the corner where Spike was lying down on his back. There was a comic book on his belly that he was in the process of reading before he dozed off.

“But Stormy, you know we can’t just go off to see the show, right?”

“Sure we can! You can do that cool teleporting thing! We could go there and then we can come right back here real quick!”

“Well, technically that wouldn’t work. I can’t teleport that far yet, and if I could, I can only appear in an area I’m familiar with and the only two places in Canterlot I know well enough are most of the rooms in Twilight’s palace and Donut Joe’s.”

“Aw. Well…well we can just fly up there then.”

“But Stormy, we’ll be in huge trouble if we do. That’s running away. Rainbow Dash has told you not to run away, right?”

“Well Mommy’s not here right now, and I just…I gotta get to that show! Come on Flurry, pleeeease?!”

Stormy hopped up and down on his hooves with a smile from ear to ear. Flurry looked scared. She wasn’t sure how to deal with this little colt. She didn’t want to make him angry, but she knew she had to do the right thing regardless. She took a deep breath and continued.

“No Stormy. I just can’t let that happen. I came here to befriend you today and a good friend wouldn’t lead another friend to trouble.”

Stormy stopped smiling and looked rather grumpy.

“It’s okay. We can always go another time. Tell you what: the next time there’s a Wonderbolts show, I’ll see if I can get my parents to send us some free tickets and we’ll all go together. We can even bring Pound and Pumpkin along.”

Stormy sighed and waited a few seconds till he finally seemed to understand.


“Awesome! Well hey, Scootaloo and Flashy are gonna start hoof-painting. Wanna join in?”

“I guess so.”

Stormy started smiling again and Flurry thought perhaps he had finally come around.

“Great! Hey Spike?” Flurry called to her dragon friend.

“Uh…um…oh! How long was I asleep?” he asked, getting up off of the ground.

“Not long. Me and Stormy are going to go do hoof-painting with Scootaloo and Flashy if you wanna join us.”

“Oh sure! You ready Stormy?” Spike said.

“I’m ready.” Stormy replied.

They all went into the kitchen where Flashy was sitting at the table and Scootaloo was looking around for some paint bottles. The table was covered in newspaper so Flashy would not make a mess and there was a bowl of water next to him. Scootaloo finally found the bottles and put them on the table.

“Alright Flashy, what do you wanna paint?” Scootaloo asked him.

“I’m gonna paint Flurry!” Flashy said, excitedly.

“Awesome! Show her what you’ve got!”

“Oh, well I probably won’t be that noticeable on white paper.” Flurry told Flashy. “Here, let me mix in a tiny bit of magenta with the white and I might stand out.”

Flurry used her magic to squirt out some paint from the bottles and mix them together. He immediately dabbed the tip of his hoof in it and started painting on the paper.

“I’m gonna paint your coat color first, Flurry.” he said as he continued to work.

“Flashy, draw me next to her when you’re done!” Stormy told his brother.

“Good idea, Stormy!” Scootaloo replied. “You’re doing great there, Flashy! Let me go see if we have any colors close to aqua in the cupboard back here.”

Scootaloo went back to look for more paint while everyone else watched Flashy. Stormy continued watching, but kept looking closely at Flurry and Spike. When he had the chance, he finally snuck off and started walking quietly up the stairs. Once he was at the top, he went to the window between his parents’ bedroom and the guest room and slowly opened it.

“If Flurry’s not gonna help me, then I’m gonna have to do it myself.” he said as he flew out.

He forgot to close the window behind him, but he made it through and took off to Canterlot. Back down in the kitchen, Scootaloo put more paint on the newspaper for Flashy and he started coloring Flurry’s hair on the picture.

“He’s pretty good!” Flurry said.

“Yup, a little future artist here, no doubt.” Scootaloo added.

“So we’ve got the future artist and the future Wonderbolt so far. Right Stormy?” Spike said as he turned his head, but could not see Stormy anywhere. “Stormy? Where’d ya go?”

Flurry suddenly had a worried look on her face and looked to the side to see Stormy was no longer next to her. She remembered what he was saying earlier about wanting to sneak out to see the Wonderbolts show, and a feeling of panic suddenly took her.

“Eh, he probably went to the bathroom or get his own paint or something.” Scootaloo told Spike.

“Uh, guys…actually…” Flurry said as she began to walk in towards the stairs.

She noticed a bit of a draft coming in to the house and felt it coming from upstairs.

“Flurry? What’s the problem?” Spike asked.

“I think…I think Stormy might have run off.” she said.

“Oh he’s fine. He likes to sneak off like that sometimes.” Scootaloo told them.

“No, Scootaloo, look!”

Flurry flew up the stairs with Spike and Scootaloo following behind. She pointed to the window. It was open all the way and the curtains were windswept.

“I’m sure he’s still around, he might’ve just left the window open to let some air in.” Spike said, trying to calm Flurry down.

“He asked me earlier if we could sneak off to the Wonderbolts show. I told him we can’t do it and I thought he listened, but I think he actually did it by himself!” Flurry cried.

“Alright everyone, let’s not panic. STORMY!? WHERE ARE YOU!?” Scootaloo said, calling Stormy while flying around the house to find him.

They all began to check each room in the house: the bedrooms, the living room, the toy room, even the cellar. Scootaloo knew Rainbow Dash’s house very well and eventually she started to see Flurry was right.

“STORMY?! STORMY!!!” Scootaloo said as she continued to zip all over the house, checking every single nook and cranny she could imagine.

“I haven’t found him either Scoot.” Spike said, meeting her in the living room.

“I tried using a low-level x-ray spell and I can’t find him anywhere either.” Flurry said, coming downstairs. “He’s not even in the attic!”

“Oh nononono! Dash is gonna kill me!” Scootaloo said, frantically.

“It’s the Wonderbolts show! He went there, I just know it!” Flurry told her.

“Then we’ve got to go there!”

Scootaloo flew around the house, locking doors from inside and turning off lights. She went into the kitchen and grabbed the keys to the front door and checked to make sure the oven was off.

“Did Stormy run off?” Flashy asked her.

“We think he went to the Wonderbolts show. Come on, Flashy. We’re gonna go find your brother.”

Flashy jumped down from his high-chair and followed Scootaloo, Flurry, and Spike out the front door. Scootaloo locked the door behind them. Since Flashy wasn’t able to fly very long just yet, Spike picked him up to carry him. Flurry took the bag that she had brought with her, which had the Journal of Friendship inside. She had a feeling this day would end with a friendship lesson that Stormy might need. Scootaloo hid the key underneath a nearby rock that Rainbow Dash showed her in case she would need to leave the house one day.

“Alright, guys, let’s find him. Stormy, you naughty little colt! You’d better be there!” Scootaloo said as they took off to Canterlot.

Just outside of the gates of Canterlot, Stormy flew onward. He eventually stopped and realized that he’d have to get in past the guards whether he chose to walk in through the gate or flew over it. Princess Twilight had guards keeping watch of the skies these days, especially since there were concerns about Queen Chrysalis returning. Either way, he would need a ticket to a special event or some other form of clearance to get past them, which meant he wouldn’t be able to get in at all. Stormy stopped flying and landed behind a bush to make sure they wouldn’t see him. He then realized there was a unicorn family arriving to the gates with a baby-stroller, but the mother was holding the baby with her magic while feeding her. He waited patiently till they walked by and then snuck into the stroller.

“Welcome to Canterlot. Can we see your clearance?” one of the guards asked.

The father unicorn flashed a small ticket to them and they were finally in past the gates. Stormy figured he could hide in this stroller so he wouldn’t be spotted, but the mother eventually had to put her baby back. He quickly zoomed out of the stroller and hid underneath a nearby vendor table. He lifted the cloth draped over the table to get a good look around. The streets were full of ponies on their way to various events taking place in the city, while others were just going about their business and buying things in the market. He noticed some ponies carrying Wonderbolt-themed goods, talking about how great the show was. This most likely meant the show was already done.

“Oh no, I’m too late! Oh wait, they’re still doing autographs. Good, I just gotta get to Spitfire. I’m gonna have to make sure nopony sees me. I can’t let Mommy know I’m here just yet.” he said to himself as he began to slink around underneath all the vendor tables ahead.

He saw someone with a large cart full of apples inside that was headed for the area the Wonderbolts did their show in. He quickly jumped inside the cart and hid himself underneath he apples, waiting till he was close enough to the racetrack. Meanwhile, Flurry, Spike, Flashy, and Scootaloo were all flying over to the gates to get inside.

“Welcome to Canterlot. May we see…oh, Flurry Heart, is that you?” the guard asked, instantly recognizing the princess of the Crystal Empire.

“We’ve got a bit of a situation, sirs.” Flurry said, bowing politely to the guards.

“Rainbow Dash’s son ran off and we think he went to the Wonderbolts show!” Scootaloo told the guards.

“The Wonderbolts show? That was done almost a half hour ago.” the other guard told her.

“Are the autographs still going?”

“Well they do autographs for about two hours until they close the whole place down. You might catch him waiting in line. We’ll let the other guards know he’s missing.”

“Thank you so much! Come on, guys, hurry!”

The guards lowered their spears and the four of them rushed in. The crowd of ponies in the streets would make it very difficult to find Stormy, but Scootaloo was certain he had already made his way to where the show was being held.

“We best head to the racetrack. If any of you guys see Rainbow Dash and her parents, let me know.” Scootaloo told them. “I hate to stress her out, but if anyone can find him, it’s her.”

“Stormy!! Where are you?” Flurry began to call for the mischievous little colt.

“STORM! HEY!” Spike joined in. “Don’t worry, Flashy. We’ll find your brother.”

“I hope he’s okay.” Flashy replied.

On Stormy’s end, he had gotten close enough to where the racetrack was. It was a one-sided stadium that was built some time after Twilight became leader. The bleachers were on the inside while there were concession stands located on the outer side for snacks and merchandise. The autograph lines were usually located somewhere out there. Stormy had been to this racetrack before with his mother and remembered where he could find the line for autographs. He quickly exited the apple cart and headed to the entrance. There were guards waiting there too, so he tagged along with a large group of kids since they didn’t notice him in the back. The chaperons gave the guards their tickets. Stormy was finally inside and left the group to search for the autograph line. He eventually saw Spitfire at a table a few yards away with the other Wonderbolts.

“There she is!” Stormy said, grimly.

Ignoring the rope barrier and long line in front of him, he zoomed forward to meet her, but was stopped by a tall security guard pony, wearing sunglasses, a blazer, and a hearing device wrapped around his ear.

“Whoa there, kid!” the officer said, putting his hoof in front of Stormy. “You gotta wait in line just like the rest of them.”

“What? But that line is too long! I need to see Captain Spitfire now!” he shouted at the guard.

“Sorry kid, but rules are rules. Where are your parents anyway? Is somepony with this kid?”

“Hold on, officer.” said Spitfire, walking forward. “That’s Rainbow Dash’s son. I’ll take it from here.”

“Oh. My apologies, Captain.”

Near the entrance, Scootaloo and the others had already made their way past the guards and she desperately began to ask some random ponies for help.

“Have you seen a little blue colt with blue, green, and purple hair? He’s got a cutie mark with three yellow lightning bolts!” she said to them.

“Scoot! Over there!” Spike said, pointing to the front of the autograph line where Spitfire began to talk to Stormy.

“So kid, what brought you out here? I thought Dash just came with her parents today.” Spitfire asked him.

“What brought me here? I’ll tell you what brought me here!” Stormy began to rant at her.

“STORMY!!!” Scootaloo, Spike, and Flurry all shouted, standing behind the rope.

Stormy looked to the side to see all of them. He was shocked they had already caught up and found him.

“Storm Streak, get over here this instant!” Scootaloo barked.

“No, Scootaloo!” he called back. “I need to tell her something!”

Stormy then turned back to an already confused Spitfire and began to hover in front of her to look more intimidating. Flurry put her hooves to her cheeks and Spike began to bite his claws rapidly. Scootaloo felt powerless to stop him and did not want to cause even more of a scene, so she was already too late to intervene. Stormy was already asserting himself too much for her to be able to stop him. He had been waiting for this moment for a while now to confront the captain of the Wonderbolts and he finally had his chance to call her out.


The others gasped loudly at he sound of Stormy’s words. Spitfire looked at him, with her mouth hanging open and her eyes widened. The security guards around him and a few of the other Wonderbolts looked very confused.

“Oh no…” Flurry said.